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Would you wear green

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 Don't posses anything green, Only green the daughters were allowed was in their kilts. Youngest one rebelled and sometimes has youngest grandson with something green on. Had to get him to change going to game.(he's been a season ticket holder since he was 2 ) and didn't understand but she should have known better. I think she does it just to wind me up. 

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1 minute ago, KeyserSoze said:

Some amount of poofery in here eh? 

"Lime green" "mint green" "olive green "



it's still fucking green, take it out your cupboard and burn the lot of it. 

There are 40 shades of green and 39 are all right or so they say. Well no not on my watch.

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I dont wear any green. I am just not fond of the colour, though no doubt the fact its cellic colours as well, also has something to do with it as in scotland if i see someone with a green top on i think "taig" - and definitely dont want that label.  As I am not Northern Irish, I dont see the issue.


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I have a Dick Johnson Racing jumper bought circa 1983 which is Green with a White band across the top of it (Oz V8 fans will know it) and one day I was at the football before going to the races and some cunt asked me where did I get my tarrier top from and I've never worn it since.

When I came to Oz in 1966 I was asked to sign for Green Gully Ajax who were the top team in Victoria at the time and I totally refused. Then in 1973 I was asked to sign for another top team who actually wore a replica of Bheast FC, so you can guess my reply to their manager and board (td) My wife was real pissed off at me because they were paying top money at the time, but there was no way I was wearing that colour and almost every bit of gear I've got is Blue.

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I would as I wouldn't give something up to them; they don't own the colour.  Fact is though I don't particular like green as a colour for clothes.  I wouldn't wear a green jumper, for example, but then again, I wouldn't wear red.

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Generally i don't wear it,hate the colour but not just cos the bheggars wear it.

I do however have a very dark green (forest) tshirt that my brother (the stupid wee prick) bought me and it fits good so wear it now and then.

I also have a khaki gym tshirt that was bought for me but never wear it.

Blue is a much better colour.

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Would obviously avoid green where it comes with white and hoops but if I see a top or a jacket I like then I won't even consider the fact it's green I will buy it. I too am a mature 37 year old (come May this year) but admit I do tend to avoid green in other forms for example I was was buying a toothbrush for my kid and raked the shelf to get a non green one. Had the exact same thought as the op when I done this and funnily enough thought about creating a thread on here. 

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yeah i wear green, big fucking deal. i think some people are just a wee bit immature when it comes to this. "am no wearing green cause it's the colour of their top". "a don't allow anything green in ma house!" grow up lol. 

now i wait for the inevitable hate filled comments making me out as not a true rangers supporter. fuck off :541:

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I have loads of green clothes. If I like the particular item of clothing and it happens to be green then so be it. So much more to worry about in life than trying not to wear green. Infact I would go as far to say that I actually quite like green clothing.

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When buying multi pack socks/pants that have green trim, I always wear the green ones to work as often as I can, so that they are the first ones to be binned, apart from that the only clothes I wear with green are a couple of NI away tops that I wear playing fives. Wouldn't walk about with a bright green jumper in town though, couldn't cope with all the smelly bastards looking at me and thinking I was one of their own.



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