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Another statement required

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Rangers should issue along the following lines

The day that other take the assaulting and the denigrating of our players and support is the day we will address some songs. Until then our fans will be able to sing whatever they want, at Ibrox, and to ensure no one is offended we will not be allowing away fans entry to our ground. We will also be refusing to handle away tickets, from other clubs, next season. In addition we are reviewing all avenues with regards to our media rights to ensure we start to get fair value for what we bring to the Scottish game.



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1 hour ago, loyalfollower said:

Another statement would just be a repeat of already said.  I read jacksons article on Twitter Monday morning and thought it was well balanced- a grumble about the forever offensive billy boys but he laid into hibs and then the Gers fans that went in the pitch. 

Im more shocked at the whataboutery from other fans when you read sky sports Facebook page everything is just about Manchester 2008.  As if that justifies players being intimidated and assaulted on the field of play,. Almost like we deserve it.

if It was bears who did that at Hampden then I'd be really embarrassed- but they're not and you know what? Why should they be when Rangers basically has to force the issue with hibs fc sfa and the Scottish govt.. They have a free pass agai st Rangers to do as they please just like Motherwell last year-another embarrassment brushed aside with no issue.


they often talk of playing behind closed doors if we sing the bully boys but nothing when assaults and intimidation occur- don't let off any smoke bombs or sing naughty songs lads.  Just go round cracking people in over excuberance- it's ok

aslong as its not Rangers fans

So Jackson is talking for us now then ??? .I see what you are saying about a lot of your post .

We can't rely on others though


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2 hours ago, Tom0411 said:

Actually Fenian is/was a bunch of political activists who were trying to remove we the British from Ireland.

The Oxford English Dictionary circa 1954

I'm sure the first inception of the term 'Fenian' comes from their own making in the creation of the Fenian Brotherhood that was much bigger in America(Boston to be precise) than it was in Ireland itself, but was certainly formed as an anti-British organ, tolerated more in America than here.

Anyway, I wouldn't go making statements just now. We've already been accused in the media as carping, so more just now would only give them more fuel against us. I say just wait until it's all sorted out then show what long memories we have and point out the inevitable injustices they come out with.

In short, give them enough rope whilst keeping our powder dry.

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22 minutes ago, Dutchy said:

I'm sure the first inception of the term 'Fenian' comes from their own making in the creation of the Fenian Brotherhood that was much bigger in America(Boston to be precise) than it was in Ireland itself, but was certainly formed as an anti-British organ, tolerated more in America than here.

Anyway, I wouldn't go making statements just now. We've already been accused in the media as carping, so more just now would only give them more fuel against us. I say just wait until it's all sorted out then show what long memories we have and point out the inevitable injustices they come out with.

In short, give them enough rope whilst keeping our powder dry.

You make your point well Dutchy but I do think ,this is what we have done for years .

We have to pro active  . The cunts will lie and make things up anyway in this Country .

Getting a  wider audience, gets the pressure on the cabal and keeps the "Riot " high profile

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i think we should say in the next one that we will withdrawn from the scottish cup and limit the amount of away fans we take at ibrox if nothing has been done to hibs before august 6th

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15 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

You make your point well Dutchy but I do think ,this is what we have done for years .

We have to pro active  . The cunts will lie and make things up anyway in this Country .

Getting a  wider audience, gets the pressure on the cabal and keeps the "Riot " high profile

I know what you mean as well as I share the same gut instinct to thrash this corruption from the game and Scottish society, especially political, overall. I'm just trying to box clever and hope the club are taking note of everything that's going on, or will take part in all these court cases and enquiry's.

We as a support can help by badgering our MSP's as well. I'll be emailing mine, as well as Sturgeon by asking her to clarify her acceptance statement that she will use her new found power to 'treat everyone the same', or shite to that affect.

I'm also thinking about chasing up the tories as they are the official opposition and it would be good to let them know how people think about what's going on.

Even though I'm not a tory.

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4 hours ago, CanadianBacon said:

BBC Scotland has already travelled down that route as in every discussion I've heard on their TV and Radio stations brings up the old chestnut of "sectarian singing"........The Billy Boys (which isn't actually sectarian in my eyes) started long after the spoonburners invaded the pitch and attacked our players and staff.

It's called LIES & DEFLECTION....plain and simple.

And of course, it's now the law that you are entitled to respond to any song your hear that you don't like in a disproportionate manner.

As long as you're not of the blue persuasion, that is....

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I think the strong statement issued by the Club indicates to those on the receiving end (Hibs, SFA, Police, media, politicians) that the Rangers radar is well and truly switched on and looking for responses that are full, complete and satisfactory in all respects to Rangers.   I don't see the points made by the Club as points which will be permitted to drift away into bland nothingness or swept aside by any anti-Rangers agendas held some of these organisations and the people working for them).    The Board will know full well that the players and staff will be concerned to see suitable justice etc.  They will know the Support also looks for this.   So I think King and the Board will have there sleeves rolled up to keep the pressure on.  I guess some of that may be behind the scenes and face to face with relevant reps from these organisations and some of it may be in the form of future statements.

Nothing can be done to undo Hibs utter lack of respect for Rangers and for Rangers' staff and players by failing to make any enquiry to Rangers about the welfare of those who were assaulted.   That disgraceful lack of respect and integrity cannot be undone.   Despite Rangers saying very early after the game that players and staff had been assaulted there was no enquiry from Hibs or from their players about the welfare of those affected.   Hibs appear to have wilfully disregarded that information and as a result lost any credible claim to have acted with integrity and respect.   That cannot be undone.  It is a clear reflection of their attitude towards Rangers.   The Board has rightly put Hibs in its place on this by calling out their failure to equire about the wellbeing of those attacked by Hibs fans.  

The SFA is to hold an independent investigation and report before the start of the season.  Rangers should be involved in the selection of the Chair person and of the members of the investigation team.  Not to have a meaningful say in those appointments - and maybe even a right of veto if the review team is not perceived by Rangers to be sufficiently independent and competent - should be unacceptable to the Board.  

The Board may wish to review their guidance for Supporters going to away games.   Assurances about security at away games will be important in the coming season.   

Many politicians and media reps are not much given to apologies.   As the Club statement indicates  or implies these folks hold fast to their own personal agendas or to the agendas of those who pull their strings and will look to deflect matters to suit themselves.    So there would presumably be an escalation by the Board to keep matters very visible and to continue to speak up robustly to defend Rangers' interests.

There is quite rightly a lot in play for the Board over he next few months and my guess is that further statements will relate to specific actions or outcomes as they unfold.     They've put out very firm messages and will need to make sure they are properly followed up and reported to the Support.     .  

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2 hours ago, Dutchy said:

I'm sure the first inception of the term 'Fenian' comes from their own making in the creation of the Fenian Brotherhood that was much bigger in America(Boston to be precise) than it was in Ireland itself, but was certainly formed as an anti-British organ, tolerated more in America than here.

Anyway, I wouldn't go making statements just now. We've already been accused in the media as carping, so more just now would only give them more fuel against us. I say just wait until it's all sorted out then show what long memories we have and point out the inevitable injustices they come out with.

In short, give them enough rope whilst keeping our powder dry.


They tried to destabilise, invade Canada in what became known as The Fenian Raids.  

Following the Civil War, the Fenian Brotherhood, largely composed of Irish-American veterans, sought to achieve Ireland’s independence from Britain by capturing Canada as a hostage. Between 1866 and 1871, they raided Canadian territory from New Brunswick to Manitoba. During the largest raid, in June 1866 along the Niagara frontier, the Fenians defeated a small Canadian force at Ridgeway. The Fenians returned to the United States before Canadian and British reinforcements arrived. Every other Fenian raid ended in failure, and the movement collapsed after 1871

Bastards then, Bastards now, Bastards Forever.  

Note the dates, just around the period when three Irish Catholic Clubs were being established in Scotland for the benefit of Irish Catholic immigrants.  Pity we ever let them in.

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The minimum Hivs should get for punishment is Banned from Europe next season, Banned from next seasons Scottish Cup, and a heavy fine, if this is not implemented from Governing Bodies I expect Rangers FC to go to town and ask why. Had it been us there would have been a National Outcry....Watch this space....

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1 hour ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

They tried to destabilise, invade Canada in what became known as The Fenian Raids.  

Following the Civil War, the Fenian Brotherhood, largely composed of Irish-American veterans, sought to achieve Ireland’s independence from Britain by capturing Canada as a hostage. Between 1866 and 1871, they raided Canadian territory from New Brunswick to Manitoba. During the largest raid, in June 1866 along the Niagara frontier, the Fenians defeated a small Canadian force at Ridgeway. The Fenians returned to the United States before Canadian and British reinforcements arrived. Every other Fenian raid ended in failure, and the movement collapsed after 1871

Bastards then, Bastards now, Bastards Forever.  

Note the dates, just around the period when three Irish Catholic Clubs were being established in Scotland for the benefit of Irish Catholic immigrants.  Pity we ever let them in.

Why do you think Wee Jimmy Krankie wants to let the Syrians in?

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1 hour ago, Reformation Bear said:

I think the strong statement issued by the Club indicates to those on the receiving end (Hibs, SFA, Police, media, politicians) that the Rangers radar is well and truly switched on and looking for responses that are full, complete and satisfactory in all respects to Rangers.   I don't see the points made by the Club as points which will be permitted to drift away into bland nothingness or swept aside by any anti-Rangers agendas held some of these organisations and the people working for them).    The Board will know full well that the players and staff will be concerned to see suitable justice etc.  They will know the Support also looks for this.   So I think King and the Board will have there sleeves rolled up to keep the pressure on.  I guess some of that may be behind the scenes and face to face with relevant reps from these organisations and some of it may be in the form of future statements.

Nothing can be done to undo Hibs utter lack of respect for Rangers and for Rangers' staff and players by failing to make any enquiry to Rangers about the welfare of those who were assaulted.   That disgraceful lack of respect and integrity cannot be undone.   Despite Rangers saying very early after the game that players and staff had been assaulted there was no enquiry from Hibs or from their players about the welfare of those affected.   Hibs appear to have wilfully disregarded that information and as a result lost any credible claim to have acted with integrity and respect.   That cannot be undone.  It is a clear reflection of their attitude towards Rangers.   The Board has rightly put Hibs in its place on this by calling out their failure to equire about the wellbeing of those attacked by Hibs fans.  

The SFA is to hold an independent investigation and report before the start of the season.  Rangers should be involved in the selection of the Chair person and of the members of the investigation team.  Not to have a meaningful say in those appointments - and maybe even a right of veto if the review team is not perceived by Rangers to be sufficiently independent and competent - should be unacceptable to the Board.  

The Board may wish to review their guidance for Supporters going to away games.   Assurances about security at away games will be important in the coming season.   

Many politicians and media reps are not much given to apologies.   As the Club statement indicates  or implies these folks hold fast to their own personal agendas or to the agendas of those who pull their strings and will look to deflect matters to suit themselves.    So there would presumably be an escalation by the Board to keep matters very visible and to continue to speak up robustly to defend Rangers' interests.

There is quite rightly a lot in play for the Board over he next few months and my guess is that further statements will relate to specific actions or outcomes as they unfold.     They've put out very firm messages and will need to make sure they are properly followed up and reported to the Support.     .  

How you haven't had a like for this post astonishes me .Superb post 

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I'd wait til Friday, late morning. An update of what has been done during the week, showing it to be completely insufficient. List the responses from specific groups such as hibs, bbc, give a few quotes from celtc minded types in the media. Include photographs of violence towards players (if the lawyers agree!).

Then throw in the stick of dynamite... something like no away fans at Ibrox for cup matches.

Then finish with the question as to whether we will need to employ security for players at non-Ibrox venues.

That might catch a headline or two before the SMSM close down the story.

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11 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

How you haven't had a like for this post astonishes me .Superb post 

The ADHD crowdn in here dont read his posts because they are longer than a paragraph.  Something shiny takes away their focus :P

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20 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

It's clear from where I'm sitting ,listening and reading all the diluted guff last few days .Rangers need to keep the pressure on here and apply more pressures.Not to do so ,just negates any good action that the last statement served 

Completely agree with you. If our club makes one statement and the authorities in this country still proceed at a glacial pace to basically nothing, then the club should continue to make statements and look at the possibility of taking legal action to get the authorities and mhedia to clean up their acts.

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16 minutes ago, big blue Fin said:

Completely agree with you. If our club makes one statement and the authorities in this country still proceed at a glacial pace to basically nothing, then the club should continue to make statements and look at the possibility of taking legal action to get the authorities and mhedia to clean up their acts.

(tu)Spot on mate 

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On 25 May 2016 at 6:38 PM, eejay the dj said:

So Jackson is talking for us now then ??? .I see what you are saying about a lot of your post .

We can't rely on others though


I never said Jackson was talking for us. His statement was balanced and that is all we can ask for.

we await the verdict from this independent panel and then react in the appropriate manner.

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The daily record must be banned and all advertising on match days cancelled.  


Disgraceful scenes which we all saw and it's time for Paul Murray etc to give their editor a call and give him the news.


We do not want the Daily Racird or any freelance reporter form them in our stadium, it's our stadium and they are not welcome 

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On 25/05/2016 at 4:19 PM, TEFTONG said:

Coming out with statement every other day would be too taig like imho..We keep the powder dry and let the Police and the sfa do their investigating and if and when it becomes clear that a cover up or another conclusion of "its all big bad Rangers fault" is attempted I am confident the Club will unleash another volley from THE TRUTH cannon... 

I agree, I'm hoping the club will be collecting all the printed media stories that are white washing the Hampden security breach and building a case against them to pursue damages. Taking it to the High Courts if necessary. 

I'm hoping the club will be consulting with the T.V deal people letting them know they don't want to break any contract deals but, if Rangers players safety is not put paramount by the SFA, then the club will insist to play the game in a cage to protect it's players.

I'm hoping the club will be consulting with our legal team to pursue damages from the SFA. Each and every player has a monetary value to the club We've already heard Stewart Robertson say the players were left traumatised. 

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On 27 May 2016 at 11:50 AM, Sweetheart said:

I agree, I'm hoping the club will be collecting all the printed media stories that are white washing the Hampden security breach and building a case against them to pursue damages. Taking it to the High Courts if necessary. 

I'm hoping the club will be consulting with the T.V deal people letting them know they don't want to break any contract deals but, if Rangers players safety is not put paramount by the SFA, then the club will insist to play the game in a cage to protect it's players.

I'm hoping the club will be consulting with our legal team to pursue damages from the SFA. Each and every player has a monetary value to the club We've already heard Stewart Robertson say the players were left traumatised. 

Sadly we haven't done it the last four year s and the papers have written some shocking stuff, the club doesn't have the money to fight every poorly written anti-rangers piece we would be bankrupt fighting them all, I've still got the ones with the RFC on coffins on Valentine's Day. But I think they need to keep going on this Scottish Cup fiasco, it was one of the most unpleasant events in Scottish football in decades, so why it is being sweeped so much to oblivion?

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1 hour ago, The_Blue_Flash said:

Sadly we haven't done it the last four year s and the papers have written some shocking stuff, the club doesn't have the money to fight every poorly written anti-rangers piece we would be bankrupt fighting them all, I've still got the ones with the RFC on coffins on Valentine's Day. But I think they need to keep going on this Scottish Cup fiasco, it was one of the most unpleasant events in Scottish football in decades, so why it is being sweeped so much to oblivion?

Sadly I think you maybe right, The club wouldn't have to pay if they sent a dossier to EUFA/FIFA for unfair punishments in football matters. I can't help but think a sting operation was done on our club over the years. From F.A.R.E's spying agents, Fines, demotions, 5 way agreements, Kangaroo courts and trying to strip titles. The media I think fan the flames of hate towards our club. I think there may be something political going on in the background.I read an article the other day about BBC's director general Tony Hall  being accountable to no-one

Link to story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-35544436

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