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more hated now than before demotion


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if games against motherwelland hibs these past 2 seasons are anything to go by these provincial clubs appear to hate us more now than ever. what I dont understand is that we were the club fucked over yet you would think we had done them over. any rational for this and can we expect more of the same next season at pittodrie etc?

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Think they actually hate us just as much as ever.Just think in the current political climate they think they can notch up their hatred to a more sinister level without recourse.

In the case of Motherwell it has been proved right and in Hivs case we wait and see but not with baited breath.

Really think depending on the message given out after these disgraceful acts then it will have a direct bearing on the atmosphere and reactions at various grounds next season.

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5 minutes ago, jintybear said:

They're just raging because we didn't die and now we are coming back stronger than ever. 

That's it exactly.

I've been saying for months now, there will be a fair few suicides when we lift 55.

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I would say the hatred is 100% grown . The fact that there are people like Lawwell , Petrie , Thompson( until recently) in high profile positions within our game doesn't help . And although politics shouldnt really have any place in football , I would say the SNP , referendum , Sturgeon shenanigans have played a part too

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Two reasons;

Firstly as others have said, most of these no mark teams simply cannot handle the fact that we still exist. Get used to it we are going nowhere. 

Secondly, the hatred has always been there but is now allowed to exist through a general climate that is increasingly aggressively Republican, anti-Union and hence anti-Rangers. The fact that our current Government harbours many people who hold those views allows it to filter into our public services and continue unchecked. 

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They've always hated us, just as we've always derided them. It would seem though that they are more outspoken with it now. I believe this is because they felt we were weakened and now was their chance to put the boot in. Happily, they were fucking wrong and we will be stronger than ever. Unfortunately having seen this for themselves they are acting in ever more desperate ways.

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Up till the 90s there was either just a simple dislike of us from other teams fans because they were envious of us, or hatred of us because they were catholic minded, there were even some fans who disliked both of the Old Firm equally. 

But back then many of the other teams fans would have a liking toward one half of the Old Firm (the majority favouring us I would suggest), similar to us favouring Hearts and Dundee.


However, since the 90s there has been an orchestrated campaign to demonise us by the media, football authorities, even politicians and political parties which focused on us and encouraged more hatred,  especially by the chairmen and fans of other teams (including Hearts and Dundee), which was then rapidly aided within the SFA. When we were demoted and villianised we there then an easy target for every Tom, Dick and Declan. the hatred grew rapidly. 

It has now become a badge of honour with  fans of teams like cellic, aberdeen, dundee united and hibsto hate us. In fact it now defines those club's existence in as much as they hate us more than they like themselves.


So yes I believe the campaign against us worked, we are now more hated than before demotion, more hated than at any other time in our history.


But we know who our haters are now, and we will keep vigilant, and we will fight back on the park, our fans will confront this hatred too, (and hopefully our board will continue to fight back off the park) and we will be stronger because of this.


And even if naebody likes us we don't need to care, we are still the most succesful and most supported team in Scotland, and most successful in the world. :21::21::21:


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Speaking with other Rangers men and we were talking about cutting out the debatably offensive lyrics/songs and how the authorities won't give a definitive list etc etc (few seasons back).

During this conversation my pals dad says "Doesn't matter what we change they'll still hate us!".

This is a statement I think we can all wholeheartedly agree with, the excuse used to be that we didn't sign Catholics, or that everything about us was a Masonic conspiracy or that we started the whole religious thing or that ourselves and the authorities were part of an 'establishment', when these things are removed/shown-to-be-delusional going forward the hatred remains or even intensifies.

Personally I think we all as adults should drop the "offensive" lyrics and words from use on matchday in the grounds at least, because ultimately it's the beyond-nationwide excuse to justify the hatred and targeting we receive. Remove the excuse and when they continue to hate and target us they are exposed for what they are, bigots playing the offended-card to score points or to see us punished, or, using it to justify their hatred/targeting of our club and it's fans.

I accept some of our fans do mean what they say in a bigoted hatred of other peoples/clubs etc BUT I've never heard of a club that doesn't have people like that within it's fans and in many instances those clubs wider fan-base is at best indifferent on their own.

We drop what's deemed to be by some as illegally-offensive/sectarian entirely and what will the excuse be? I'd like to hear it because I like everyone else knows their excuse will change but their hatred of us will not.

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