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Exactly why the tartan army can go and take two fucks to themselves


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17 hours ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Shower of chip on their shoulder wankers. The usual bunch that blame the English for all their problems and Rangers are a shower of bigots, while they call us all the names under the sun. But the irony is lost on them because they don't have 2 brain cells between the lot of them. 

The problem is they do have two brain cells

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54 minutes ago, ZZed said:

As a Scot living in England I found a lot of the Indy stuff cringe-worthy. The English were a mixture of confused why we hate them (I had to explain that we don't but the big mouths are just making the most noise) and why don't the Jocks just do one and fund themselves. Most English folk like Scots but are unsure about all the bile coming from north of the boarder. The English that have lived in Scotland or the ones who go up regular know the truth of is and see a bunch of bellends sounding off about the big chip on their shoulder.

Pretty much spot on. Only once in the time I lived in Scotland was my Englishness used as an apparent insult. I think it was along the lines of 'You English are all the same, you think you own the roads' (it was her that had cut me up)! I was tempted to mention Field Marshal Wade!:uk:

Apart from that I never felt that there was any issue being English living in Scotland, it may be that it would have been different had I ventured to the Brendanbeu. I did speak to a fellow Englishman who, foolishly, decided to venture there and he said that he felt extremely unwelcome and would never return.

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It does sadden me to see a politician using our governmental institution to defend a group of imbeciles thinking it would be a good idea to wave Palestinian flags when  warned against it by our own authorities and the football govern body, just to wind up a football team. It as a fucking embarrassment of the highest standard to see the abuse that football supporters from another country had to face when playing that bastardised football team.  The level of politicians in the Scottish parliament is fucking horrendous.

Also the media is infiltrated with scum bastards that are allowed to use their position to TRY to hurt the very institution we all follow. Whatever you think of King, he is not a shitebag which brings me to wander what the fuck is going on with the silence, even if you believe King is just in it for the prestige or money allowing these wankers free reign to type and broadcast there bile affects that. You don't take on a country as big as South Africa and generate the wealth by being a shitebag. All i can think of regarding King is that he wants to allow us to see the full level of hatred there is, before he kicks arse or boxing clever and waiting for the correct moment to strike, at least that's what I'm hoping. That BBC documentary is libellous. 

In saying all that, I'm still proud of being Scottish and always will be. I will not let some paddy, sheepshaging, junkie,non entity,take that from me. I honestly can see a situation in 50 years time kids will be doing history lessons on the current fucked up state of affairs and scratching their heads thinking its fucking fiction. 

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6 minutes ago, Big Al II said:


So the politics of the SNP have caused you to question your national identity?

I don't base my love for my country on a pie in the sky quest for independence by the looney party, or my own personal indifference to the fate of the Scottish team, or the bitterest fans of a long list of scumbag football clubs.

What about all the explorers, inventors and scientists that have shaped the world?

What about the stunning scenery, the landscape of the country?

Incidentally how proud do you think you're average English man is to be British? I'd argue a large number of them couldn't give a fuck about Scotland, in fact they would have voted yes if given half the chance because they resent subsidising our economy. They resent no tuition fees, they resent no prescription fees, they fucking hate the Barnet formula which means we get more spent per person in public funding than those living in England.

Being proud to be Scottish isn't about SNP or the tartan army, it's not about wearing kilts and pishing in fountains in shite holes like Malta. Neither does being proud to be Scottish mean I'm not proud to be British either, the monarchy, the servicemen and women who've fought, died and been injured so some of our scumbag 'compatriots' have the freedom to disrespect their memory each year.

Do some of my compatriots make me next embarrassed to be Scottish at times...fuck yes. But so do some of my fellow Brits as well.

It's the fact the SNP had turned Scotland into a nation of twisted, hypocritical, loon ball, leftist cesspit 

you underestimate the grip they've had on Scotland and how they've changed it 

your nation is only as good as the citizens of it and that's an SNP pit 

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4 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

It's the fact the SNP had turned Scotland into a nation of twisted, hypocritical, loon ball, leftist cesspit 

you underestimate the grip they've had on Scotland and how they've changed it 

your nation is only as good as the citizens of it and that's an SNP pit 

The rise of the SNP has co-incided with the rise of social media, giving fucking clowns a platform to spout their absolute drivel.

They somehow made it fashionable to be anti-British, anti-English and anti-monarchy.

If the shoe was on the other foot they would be accusing us of being bigots,knuckledraggers etc.

Hypocritical wankers.


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17 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

It's the fact the SNP had turned Scotland into a nation of twisted, hypocritical, loon ball, leftist cesspit 

you underestimate the grip they've had on Scotland and how they've changed it 

your nation is only as good as the citizens of it and that's an SNP pit 

I dont think I do. I think the rise of SNP has more to do with the failure of the labour party than anything else. At least the last election means they can no longer force idiotic draconian laws through parliament. I don't really see how our country is a cesspit either. Maybe it's just where I live but people seem to be doing well financially, my sons school is good, it's a relatively safe place to live. Those are the most important things to me.

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Just now, Big Al II said:

I dont think I do. I think the rise of SNP has more to do with the failure of the labour party than anything else. At least the last election means they can no longer force idiotic draconian laws through parliament. I don't really see how our country is a cesspit either. Maybe it's just where I live but people seem to be doing well financially, my sons school is good, it's a relatively safe place to live. Those are the most important things to me.

You don't see how our country is a cesspit? Seriously? 2012 and the independence referendum been wiped from your memory and that's not me mentioning police Scotland, the media, your average "neutral" and everything else? 

Fair enough if that doesn't cloud your judgement in any way but I base my entire judgement on all this 

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37 minutes ago, Big Al II said:


So the politics of the SNP have caused you to question your national identity?

I don't base my love for my country on a pie in the sky quest for independence by the looney party, or my own personal indifference to the fate of the Scottish team, or the bitterest fans of a long list of scumbag football clubs.

What about all the explorers, inventors and scientists that have shaped the world?

What about the stunning scenery, the landscape of the country?

Incidentally how proud do you think you're average English man is to be British? I'd argue a large number of them couldn't give a fuck about Scotland, in fact they would have voted yes if given half the chance because they resent subsidising our economy. They resent no tuition fees, they resent no prescription fees, they fucking hate the Barnet formula which means we get more spent per person in public funding than those living in England.

Being proud to be Scottish isn't about SNP or the tartan army, it's not about wearing kilts and pishing in fountains in shite holes like Malta. Neither does being proud to be Scottish mean I'm not proud to be British either, its the monarchy, its the servicemen and women who've fought, died and been injured so some of our scumbag 'compatriots' have the freedom to disrespect their memory each year.

Do some of my compatriots make me next embarrassed to be Scottish at times...fuck yes. But so do some of my fellow Brits as well.

Sorcery! This is neither black nor white! What colour is this?

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3 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

You don't see how our country is a cesspit? Seriously? 2012 and the independence referendum been wiped from your memory and that's not me mentioning police Scotland, the media, your average "neutral" and everything else? 

Fair enough if that doesn't cloud your judgement in any way but I base my entire judgement on all this 

That's fair enough, I don't have a problem with the referendum it's has been an emotive subject for hundreds of years obviously some people were going to go ott. The police are enforcing laws which because of SNPS majority they were allowed to force through parliament without proper consideration. 

Comparitively speaking i still don't think Scotland is a cesspit.

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Just now, Big Al II said:

That's fair enough, I don't have a problem with the referendum it's has been an emotive subject for hundreds of years obviously some people were going to go ott. The police are enforcing laws which because of SNPS majority they were allowed to force through parliament without proper consideration. 

Comparitively speaking i still don't think Scotland is a cesspit.

Fair enough mate each to their own we all have different feelings and contexts 

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The SNP will cosy up to anyone who is anti British. The absolute lowest of all was when a few MSPs  and Salmond himself were pictured in an irish  republican pub in Govan. A total lousy publicity stunt to get the fenian vote and of course the fenians are all on board. The SNP are a total twisted shower of bastards and have divided the country. Their economical policies have been shot to bits and only a fucking moron would support them however the problem is  Scotland is full of morons, speaking of morons cue the tartan army. If you are young and trying to make your way in life your future is in grave danger backing a party who put the madness of independence before jobs and financial security. The trouble is they seem to have the younger persons vote and it will be them that suffer when jobs are lost and taxes go through the roof. 

On the football side as a kid  i was  taken to the Home Internationals in the mid 70s , i went to Wembley in the 80s. The World cups of 74 and 82 were magical as were the qualifying campaigns, supporting Scotland always ended in disappointment but we were altogether and it was enjoyable.

The last 5 years or so in Scottish football and politics now has me as a fervent deep rooted hater of Scottish nationalists,the Scottish media , Scottish football and the national side.


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i used to be the most patriotic cunt going!, as much as during Euro 96 I got into a pretty tasty fight with an English cunt in the NAAFI whilst watching England v Scotland which resulted in me getting my head split open with a bottle(12 stitches). Fast forward 20 years and I honestly couldn't give a fuck how the "national" team gets on, the tartan trannies are a bunch off wankers!. Give me a UK team to support any day! 

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I used to go to all the Scotland games, including many away games but I only go to the odd game now if somebody gets me a ticket. Yes the anti-Rangers anti-British shite does make it uncomfortable going to games, particularly at home - a lot of these rent-a-mouths would never go to the effort to travel abroad for a football game.

But also international qualifiers are as boring as fuck these days. I mean Scotland can't really win tonight - beat Malta 2-0 with half a squad and nobody will care, and that is the best we could get realistically, but drop points and it's the end of the world. Playing shite like Slovenia, Andorra, Lithuania, I mean Kosovo ffs.. who wants to watch that? And I realise these other countries think the same about Scotland. It's just too boring.

Still, it doesn't make sense to hope Scotland get beat just because the tartan army are diddies or because 45% of the country voted in a way that you disagree with. In fact it's the same logic the tims were using when they turned up en masse with PLO flags just because they were playing an Israeli team. I hope to become more interested in the future if they start picking Rangers players again, but the fact is I haven't even heard of most of the Scotland squad these days. I feel more proud to be Scottish watching the rugby team or Andy Murray, but then again he was a yesser as well..

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I used to go to all the Scotland games, including many away games but I only go to the odd game now if somebody gets me a ticket. Yes the anti-Rangers anti-British shite does make it uncomfortable going to games, particularly at home - a lot of these rent-a-mouths would never go to the effort to travel abroad for a football game.

But also international qualifiers are as boring as fuck these days. I mean Scotland can't really win tonight - beat Malta 2-0 with half a squad and nobody will care, and that is the best we could get realistically, but drop points and it's the end of the world. Playing shite like Slovenia, Andorra, Lithuania, I mean Kosovo ffs.. who wants to watch that? And I realise these other countries think the same about Scotland. It's just too boring.

Still, it doesn't make sense to hope Scotland get beat just because the tartan army are diddies or because 45% of the country voted in a way that you disagree with. In fact it's the same logic the tims were using when they turned up en masse with PLO flags just because they were playing an Israeli team. I hope to become more interested in the future if they start picking Rangers players again, but the fact is I haven't even heard of most of the Scotland squad these days. I feel more proud to be Scottish watching the rugby team or Andy Murray, but then again he was a yesser as well..

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It would actually be amazing if we could all stomach buying a ticket for a scotland game..... all go with rangers tops on with banners galore saying were taking over our country again??? 

fkn these arseholes with there poxy banners wouldnt know what to do!


whos in

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3 hours ago, GOAT said:

:lol: absolute clowns of the highest order and they certainly aren't Rangers supporters.  Scotland could win the World Cup beating England with an injury time winner in the final and it still wouldn't even come close to Rangers pumping a Hamilton or Motherwell 5-0 never mind us winning the league at the home of our biggest rivals.  Absolute tossers. 

Unfortunately I've got mates who are bears who would probably put Scotland before the famous. ??

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Yeah lets support a team that is run by corrupt bastards who tried to kill our club and are completely biased towards the scum. whos fans hate the queen and everything British and despise Rangers. Actually seen a Scotland supporters bus singing songs about us,  Whos fans are trying to make a joke out of a Rangers player getting assaulted on the pitch by thugs, fans that boo any Rangers player tht gets selected, a manager who only picks Rangers players at last resort if some cunt else pulls out even though the Rangers player would walk into that team.

Id rather you than me anyway thats for sure.




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7 minutes ago, Dunny_01 said:

It would actually be amazing if we could all stomach buying a ticket for a scotland game..... all go with rangers tops on with banners galore saying were taking over our country again??? 

fkn these arseholes with there poxy banners wouldnt know what to do!


whos in

Ye asking RM'er's to get off their arses? Good luck.

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