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Police Scotland confirm received report into historic child abuse within football


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Just now, ex-guardsman said:

They will David Blaine it they are scum

They are scum I agree, can't see them escaping this though, that article states over 300 incidents in the 70s, passed to the police

I know what you're saying but I 100% think they are fucked

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7 minutes ago, A.T.G said:

They are scum I agree, can't see them escaping this though, that article states over 300 incidents in the 70s, passed to the police

I know what you're saying but I 100% think they are fucked

I hope you are correct but this country is a disgrace under snp.

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4 hours ago, eejay the dj said:


In Scotland ........... Silence ,whitewash and Cover up on a grand scale .

Snp and opus dei two cheeks of the same arse.   

Banner for 31st You Stripped Your Kids, You Couldn't Strip Our Titles

Sorry wee bit pished

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2 hours ago, the brown brogue said:

Any investigation will no doubt find that every club in Scotland except one have a case to answer to and will face punishment. And no prizes for guessing who that one club will be.

It's not as long shot as many of us would believe .

The Country stinks with corruption and nepotism ,

Never tire of saying it too . Rancid

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Former Hibs chairman ‘sacked coach at centre of sex abuse scandal but didn’t tell police’, source claims

Written by  Graham McKendry, 11/12/2016

A TALENT-spotter at the centre of the football sex abuse scandal was previously sacked for molesting children, The Sunday Post has been told.

Disgraced football coach Gordon Neely – this week accused of rape by one person and indecent behaviour by another – was dismissed by Hibs in 1986 for abusing two boys, a well-placed source has claimed.

But the Edinburgh club’s former chairman is said to have hushed up the claims and didn’t call in the police for fear of the damage it would do to Hibs’ reputation.

And that means that a vital chance 30 years ago to blow the whistle both on Neely’s alleged behaviour and the wider issue of sex abuse in football was missed.

As a consequence, Neely was free to move to Rangers with his reputation as a sought-after talent-spotter intact.

At Ibrox, he had four more years of involvement in football and access to vulnerable youngsters. His time at Rangers was halted, however, in 1990 when then-manager Graeme Souness sacked him after a youth team player complained to his father that Neely had abused him.

But Neely would never have got the job at Rangers had the Ibrox club been aware of the fact he had been axed by Hibs for molesting two boys on the club’s books.

Hibs said on Monday that the club had “no record” of any complaints against Neely while he was an employee.

But sports journalist Ray Hepburn has now revealed that former Hibs chairman Kenny Waugh told him he sacked Neely after complaints from two sets of parents that he had sexually abused their sons.

Worried at the negative impact a child abuse scandal would have on Hibs’ ability to recruit young talent, Waugh then decided not to involve the police.

The revelation comes in the week it emerged Neely is feared to have carried out a string of sexual assaults on young players while at Edinburgh youth side Hutchison Vale, before he started at Hibs.

Hepburn, a close friend of Waugh, revealed: “Kenny wanted it dealt with swiftly to re-affirm Easter Road was a safe place for youngsters. So Rangers were denied knowledge of Neely’s activities – and they would certainly never have employed him, had they known.

“Kenny told me the parents said their children had been molested. He was a decent man and was rightly appalled.

“But he was very worried that if anyone found out, Hibs would lose out on the talent the club needed to try and compete with Hearts and the Old Firm.

“He swore me to secrecy. I’m setting the record straight on Kenny dealing with it as sadly he passed away in 2015 and couldn’t do that himself. I’d be very happy to assist if the police want to speak to me about this information.”

Hepburn added: “Kenny told me in the spring of 1986 what happened over a drink in the Centre Court Bar in Colinton, Edinburgh.

“I remember it absolutely clearly. We were both football people – but we were friends as well and our families socialised together.

“Kenny and his wife Dorothy were guests at my home in Perthshire for family events like birthdays and anniversaries.

“It was a huge year for Edinburgh football after Hearts were pipped for the title on the last day of the season.

“Kenny was staggered when the Neely situation landed on Hibs and told me in the strictest confidence.”

He added: “Those were different times. That was the way these things were dealt with. I think we are going to hear a lot more of the same in the coming months.”

Neely began his coaching career with Edina Hibs and Hutchison Vale boys’ clubs in Edinburgh.

He helped to teach a number of talented youngsters who went on to enjoy successful football careers.

Neely worked for Dundee United to recruit promising players to the club before he joined Hibernian.

Hepburn added: “It was a different time. Waugh’s treatment of Neely was kept on a need-to-know basis.

“So it doesn’t surprise me that nothing was written down at the club or, if there was, that no record has survived of it.

“This was before you had big Human Resources departments and detailed written employment procedures.

“His approach was two-fold.

“Firstly, to get Neely out of Easter Road instantly – that was simple, his feet never touched the ground.

“Secondly, he had to make sure parents would be happy and secure sending their boys to Hibs, a club with an exemplary record of producing top young stars.

“Rangers, Celtic, Hearts and Aberdeen were hoovering up all the young talent in the central belt and Hibs, with their lesser budget, had to get their share.

“He spoke with the parents involved and the agreed response was not to involve the police. Back then, the chairman’s word would have been final – and if he wanted it kept quiet then that’s what would have happened.”

Neely was dismissed by Souness at a meeting attended by the then Ibrox manager and his assistant Walter Smith in 1990. The showdown happened after a youngster confided in his dad, a serving police officer, about an abuse incident involving Neely. His axing effectively ended his career in football.

On Tuesday, victim Colin Anderson, 49, told how Neely sexually assaulted him three times while he was a youth at Hutchison Vale, adding: “He’s the Jimmy Savile of Scottish football.”

Neely died of cancer two years ago, aged 62. Some reports in 1986 suggested Neely had been “poached” by Rangers but it’s believed that version of events may have been placed with journalists by Neely himself.

Last night, abuse campaigners said a golden opportunity to nail a prolific child abuser had potentially been missed.

Andy Lavery, founder of survivors’ group White Flowers Alba, said: “If this is true, it is an absolute disgrace. I’m beyond angry to hear this. The police should have been brought in. Neely went to Rangers with a clean bill of health.

“People have suffered across Britain because of the inability in the past of football clubs to deal with this.

“Every time they’ve not done something they have failed children.”

Open Secret is a community-based organisation which provides support for people affected by childhood abuse.

Its chief executive, Janine Rennie, said: “Sadly this is something we deal with time and time again when child abusers have not been brought to justice and have gone on to abuse other children.

“Often it’s more about reputation than protecting children. I’m very concerned about that but not surprised.”

A Hibs spokesman said last night: “We would encourage Mr Hepburn to go to the police with his information.”

For more information on abuse go to www.whiteflowersalba.org.uk. If you’re a victim of the scandal engulfing football, please contact The Sunday Post on 0141 567 2812.

NEARLY 100 football clubs are now involved in a nationwide probe into allegations of abuse.

The story ignited last month when former Crewe and Sheffield United player Andy Woodward, 43, claimed to have been abused by former coach Barry Bennell, 62, who has since been charged with historical child sexual abuse.

Last week the National Police Chiefs Council revealed there were 83 potential suspects and 98 clubs involved in Operation Hydrant. Scottish clubs embroiled include Motherwell, Celtic, Rangers, Hibs, Falkirk and Partick Thistle.

‘Speak up’

AN abuse survivor has encouraged other victims to be brave and come forward.

The 55-year-old, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was abused by paedophile youth coach Hugh Stevenson.

He spoke out after another victim of Stevenson’s, Peter Haynes, 50, broke a four-decade silence to reveal he was abused in the late ’70s and early ’80s.

Stevenson’s latest known victim urged others not to suffer in silence.

He told The Sunday Post: “I now believe there are probably many more of us out there who suffered at this man’s hands.”

The man was a teenager when he was abused.

“The abuse seemed to go on forever,” he said.

Youth coach Stevenson died in 2004.


No surprise that Hivs are cunts cunts like the bheasts from the east

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Scotland's deputy first minister has said the Scottish Football Association (SFA) should set up an independent inquiry into historical child abuse.
Police Scotland is among a number of UK forces investigating allegations.
John Swinney told BBC Scotland he would not extend the Scottish government's inquiry to include football clubs but said that the SFA should consider a review.
The SFA said it was "open minded" to an independent inquiry.
A spokesman for the governing body added that any review must have the "right scope and terms of reference".
The SFA is due to hold a meeting with Police Scotland on Monday to discuss the issue of sexual abuse in football.
■   Child sex abuse claims - story so far
■   Football abuse claims extend to 98 clubs
■   Abuse inquiry 'will not include football'
Speaking on the BBC's Sunday Politics Scotland programme, Mr Swinney ruled out extending the remit of the government's inquiry looking into the historical abuse of children in care in Scotland.
He said: "I won't do that. 
"Survivors group want that [the inquiry] to proceed. They don't want the timescale extended, which would be an inevitable consequence of extending into other sectors, whether that was football or any other sector."
But asked whether the SFA should look at establishing its own inquiry, Mr Swinney said he thought it should.
"I think first and foremost the police have got to be given the time and the space to address any complaints made by any individual who has had the whole experience of being affected by child abuse within football," he said.
Respected figure
"They must go to the police, there are helplines available to assist people to make that contact, and I encourage people to do that.
"I think the SFA should recognise the extent of the actions that various clubs have taken individually to examine previous conduct in handling these issues.
"But I think the existence of that information is now so widespread that I think the SFA has got to consider setting up an independent inquiry that will satisfy that these issues have been properly and fully addressed by everyone in football."
He said any inquiry set up by the SFA should be fully "independent".
He added: "It should be conducted by an authoritative, independent, respected figure who will be able to look at these issues without fear or favour and to examine all of the issues to the satisfaction of the wider debate within Scotland."
"I think that's a necessity of the current situation that football in Scotland finds itself in."
Youth coach
The English Football Association has commissioned an independent investigation into the way it dealt with abuse allegations.
Earlier this week, former SFA chief executive Gordon Smith called for an inquiry into historical sexual abuse.
He said it should look at how clubs and national bodies responded to allegations.
His comments came after Partick Thistle confirmed that physiotherapist John Hart, who died in 1995, was dismissed from Firhill in 1992 after allegations of abuse were made.
A BBC Scotland investigation has also revealed that former youth coach and referee Hugh Stevenson was allowed to carry on working in football for several years after being reported to police and the SFA over child sex offences.
You can watch John Swinney's full interview with the BBC's Sunday Politics Scotland programme on the BBC iPlayer.


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Crewe have now suspended Dario Gradi ,pending FA investigation (over claims he "smoothed things over" 


Crewe Alexandra director Dario Gradi has been suspended pending a Football Association investigation into claims he "smoothed over" a complaint of sexual assault against a Chelsea scout in the 1970s.

A former youth player at Chelsea - where Gradi was assistant manager - says he was assaulted by Eddie Heath, the club's chief scout, when he was 15.

Gradi, 75, denies any wrongdoing and says he will help the FA's review.

Heath, who has since died, has been accused by several people of abuse in the 1970s and 1980s.

The BBC understands that the FA, as part of its widened review into child sex abuse allegations, expects to question Gradi after the Independent reportedthat, in 1974, he went to see the parents of a youth player at Chelsea about a sexual assault.

The former youth player - who cannot be identified for legal reasons - told the newspaper: "He [Gradi] came to visit my parents and me to smooth it over.

"I remember him saying something like: '[With] Eddie, [football] is his life and he gets a bit close to the boys. I'm sorry if he's overstepped the mark in his fondness this time.'"


Chelsea are not known to have taken any action against Heath.

Gradi has made no specific comments on this claim or his links with Heath.

In a statement on Friday, he said: "Aside from denying any wrongdoing, it would be inappropriate and unfair on all parties to comment piecemeal through the media at this time in connection with historical allegations.

"Suffice to say, I will do everything within my power to assist all investigatory authorities into what is becoming a wide-ranging and important enquiry into historical sexual abuse."

League Two club Crewe Alexandra have not yet responded to a request for comment.

The FA has given no indication about who will be spoken to as part of its review.

Gradi has previously said he "knew nothing" about the alleged abuse of young footballers by anyone connected with Crewe until 1994 and that he then co-operated with the authorities.

Italy-born Gradi began an association with Crewe Alexandra in 1983 that now spans 33 years.

He was the club's manager from 1983 to 2007, leading them to the second tier of English football for the first time in 1997 and was awarded an MBE for services to football a year later.

The FA is supporting a hotline set up by the NSPCC. It is available 24 hours a day on 0800 0232642


Yet BJK has never been investigated 

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Swinneys comments have now been updated on the bbc web ,by labour and conservatives spokesmen 

(both wondering if the sfa is the best place for this ) couldn't agree more  


Responding to Mr Swinney's comments, a Scottish Conservative spokesman said: "Given the volume of allegations that have emerged over the past week, an independent inquiry is something that should now be considered.

"However, there will be questions as to whether the SFA is best placed to lead such an investigation.

"A government-instructed inquiry may be a better option to restore public confidence, and would avoid any conflict of interest concerns."

Scottish Labour education spokesman Iain Gray said: "Last week Kezia Dugdale called for the remit of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry to be extended, which is what survivors' groups want to see.

"It is difficult to see how an SFA-commissioned inquiry, effectively into itself, could hold public confidence. This is a matter the Scottish government should be leading on."

You can watch John Swinney's full interview with the BBC's Sunday Politics Scotland programme on the BBC iPlayer

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5 hours ago, SpidermansGaffer said:

Scotland's deputy first minister has said the Scottish Football Association (SFA) should set up an independent inquiry into historical child abuse.
Police Scotland is among a number of UK forces investigating allegations.
John Swinney told BBC Scotland he would not extend the Scottish government's inquiry to include football clubs but said that the SFA should consider a review.
The SFA said it was "open minded" to an independent inquiry.
A spokesman for the governing body added that any review must have the "right scope and terms of reference".
The SFA is due to hold a meeting with Police Scotland on Monday to discuss the issue of sexual abuse in football.
■   Child sex abuse claims - story so far
■   Football abuse claims extend to 98 clubs
■   Abuse inquiry 'will not include football'
Speaking on the BBC's Sunday Politics Scotland programme, Mr Swinney ruled out extending the remit of the government's inquiry looking into the historical abuse of children in care in Scotland.
He said: "I won't do that. 
"Survivors group want that [the inquiry] to proceed. They don't want the timescale extended, which would be an inevitable consequence of extending into other sectors, whether that was football or any other sector."
But asked whether the SFA should look at establishing its own inquiry, Mr Swinney said he thought it should.
"I think first and foremost the police have got to be given the time and the space to address any complaints made by any individual who has had the whole experience of being affected by child abuse within football," he said.
Respected figure
"They must go to the police, there are helplines available to assist people to make that contact, and I encourage people to do that.
"I think the SFA should recognise the extent of the actions that various clubs have taken individually to examine previous conduct in handling these issues.
"But I think the existence of that information is now so widespread that I think the SFA has got to consider setting up an independent inquiry that will satisfy that these issues have been properly and fully addressed by everyone in football."
He said any inquiry set up by the SFA should be fully "independent".
He added: "It should be conducted by an authoritative, independent, respected figure who will be able to look at these issues without fear or favour and to examine all of the issues to the satisfaction of the wider debate within Scotland."
"I think that's a necessity of the current situation that football in Scotland finds itself in."
Youth coach
The English Football Association has commissioned an independent investigation into the way it dealt with abuse allegations.
Earlier this week, former SFA chief executive Gordon Smith called for an inquiry into historical sexual abuse.
He said it should look at how clubs and national bodies responded to allegations.
His comments came after Partick Thistle confirmed that physiotherapist John Hart, who died in 1995, was dismissed from Firhill in 1992 after allegations of abuse were made.
A BBC Scotland investigation has also revealed that former youth coach and referee Hugh Stevenson was allowed to carry on working in football for several years after being reported to police and the SFA over child sex offences.
You can watch John Swinney's full interview with the BBC's Sunday Politics Scotland programme on the BBC iPlayer.


yep - but at the same time he washes the govts hands and lumps it all on the SFA in a disgusting game of "pass the peado"


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So for the 2nd day in a row we have an SNP MSP peaking out and saying the SFA should hold an independent enquiry, this one (Dorman MSP for Cathcart) claiming it is a FOOTBALL matter.....

Both he and Swinney have spoken to the BBC saying Govt should not be the ones who hold this. This country is bloody mental.

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Rangers fans have been calling for years for an investigation into the child abuse going ons at Celtic boys club, The media the SFA the lot of them have ignored us while they cringe every time we sing  big Jock knew. Funny how no one has tried to ever ban it as they are scared to approach the subject .

I hope the police look at Hugh Brits Statements again and they also question Billy McNeil as this man said it was an open secret. Then their is the fact the Kelly's stood by him right to the end and stood up for him in court, and why Jack McGinn was SFA president at the time as he and Kelly where directors in this pedophile company.

Also any club involved in this can't have employees on the SFA, Petrie and Liewell should both be made to resign as both there clubs have covered up child abuse.

Take the guy Neely? He should have been nowhere near Ibrox but Hibs like Celtic swept it under the carpet and he just moves from club to club until someone actually does the correct thing normal thing like Rangers did.

We must demand this is dealt with and no stone left unturned.

THIS IS SCOTLAND'S SHAME, and the way the media have looked the other way when even the dogs in the streets where barking big jock knew. 


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