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The Aberdeen Hatred - Are they worse that the Smhellies?


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17 minutes ago, 55Bear said:

This morning has been tremendous. Been fucking going to town and so far 3 of them have responded with something along the lines of "didn't watch the game, not even seen the highlights yet."

Did ye aye? :lol:

Hope you have an enjoyable day mate :lol:

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Has the OP read the "Broxi" thread? The photograph clearly shows their supporters having a laugh along with Broxi. Can you imagine the scum doing that? Yes they are bad but so are many others. They cannot, and never will, be as bad as our "friends" across the city.

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Aberdeen are an irrelevance.  They use songs about the Ibrox disaster and Ian Durrant to fabricate a rivalry because, ultimately, nobody gives a fuck about them.

I'd bet there are more Rangers fans in Aberdeen than Aberdeen fans.  A total non entity of a football team who owe their only successes to a Rangers supporter.

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2 hours ago, OhW said:

Obviously none of us like Aberdeen, but this is a shit rant. It reads like the kind of faux-offended, sanctimonious, tabloid-style crap that we can all do without. You come across all high and mighty by saying things like "as regards", "carte blanche" and referring to yourself as "one"; but you can't even spell "obsolete" or "persuasion" and you put an apostrophe in "wonders". 

It is no surprise to see you use the word "vile" twice. This is the favourite word of the online outraged. I am surprised that you didn't say anyone was "spewing their bile" or that Scotland is a "football backwater". 

Shit rant. Embarrasses all of us. 

Thanks for your input squire.  I will rest well this evening knowing you got butt hurt over my choice of having a rant. 

How is that for 'proper english' ? Or should i add in some university challenge insult since you love Aberdeen ??

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1 hour ago, Copland bear said:

The hatred goes back to Wullie Johnston stamping on the Aberdeen player at Ibrox, I think it was the league cup late 70's his second stint with us, He was on the pitch not even 5 min and that's being generous to him and all hell broke out.

As a wee guy sitting on the wall at the east enclosure I got the fright of my life when a few empty bottles went flying over my head.

I regard that as the start of the hatred as we hated them during the early 80's and when Souness came the jealously was ripping out  of Scottish football as we blew them all out the water with Fergie going to Man Utd along with Leighton but not before we were crowned champions in their dump of a ground. 

The Durrant tackle just made sure the hatred will never go away now 

I heard an Alex McLeish interview recently and he said that Aberdeen fans hated us, but weren't that fussed about the mhanks, when he joined them. I'm sure that's before Willie Johnston's second spell with us. He also said he had no idea why the hatred existed.

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6 minutes ago, OhW said:

So you just ignore that you were wrong about being dragged into this "again". I was replying to the OP. You don't decide when I stop replying to people. 

Ignoring you just like how you're ignoring the topic and continuing this off topic saga. 

You weren't replying to op you were critiquing the op. Big difference, you hardly contributed and any contribution pales in comparison to your little grammar nazi shtick. 

and yeah, I do actually :pipe: 

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2 minutes ago, OhW said:

I didn't reply to the OP, I critiqued him? They are not mutually exclusive

Did you reply to the subject matter in manner that promoted discussion? Yes or no? 

Did you go off topic and critique op in an unnecessary fashion? Yes or no? 

4 minutes ago, OhW said:

I tried to end our argument by saying "Your heart is in the right place"

And then you brought it back up and continued it after I was quite happy to leave it at that, good going mate. Very good going. 

5 minutes ago, OhW said:

The reason I didn't want to argue is because you are clearly an autistic virgin and I didn't want to be mean

Be as mean as you want, I already hated you before. 

5 minutes ago, OhW said:

You accuse me of being a smartass whilst you so clearly wish you were a smartass, but you are not. 

Because trying to correct someone's spelling and grammar on a internet forum for no reason isn't being a smartass :541: 

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6 minutes ago, OhW said:

Enough. My initial point wasn't solely based on spelling, but that seems to be your favoured stick to beat me with. You are now insanely claiming that I didn't "reply" to the OP, but that I critiqued him. It's both. It's the same as when you started posting pictures of guys in wrestling uniforms to prove your point. You go way off piste and argue about inconsequential nonsense. 

As I said before; your heart is in the right place, your head obviously isn't. 

10/10 on the question dodging 

Be ridding myself of you're autism now. You're too far up your own ass to listen to reason

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1 hour ago, OhW said:

I didn't want to argue is because you are clearly an autistic virgin


47 minutes ago, OhW said:

My initial point wasn't solely based on spelling

Really? I think you have ventured :005:

I only came in to say that I was standing in my local watching the last Rangers v bheasts match when I heard a "get into those fenian bastards" shout and asked the guy if he was a Bear, to which he replied, "naw I'm an an Aberdeen fan. 

One out of their support is an ok guy but I also dislike them and told him so.

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It's a different type of rivalry for sure. When i'm out on site, if i'm there long enough, the topic always turns to football and when they find out i'm from Glasgow it's the usual ''So which one do you support?'' It's nice when it's a fellow Bear but even when it's not, you have banter with them while securing the photographs of your children in your wallet. Only 2 times have i ever had any issues and that was when i was working through in Leith after the cup final. The place was full of HIV supporters and I wasn't up for much chat as you can imagine. They realised this and started asking if i was a H** etc. Really poor. Never had that, not even in a workplace full of tims! It was strange to me because it wasn't a teasing atmosphere, basking in the glory of winning the cup. They despised me the moment i said '' I'm no a H**, but i do support Rangers''. Same after the Aberdeen game ( I think my manager has it in for me actually) I was up there and haven never spoken to one, i wasn't sure what to expect. It was the day after and they were chatting about it. I waited and it came ''you don't support the H***, do you'?'' ''Naw, i support Rangers'' You could hear a pin drop. Coffee cups were immediately put down, jaws open wide like we were a rarity. 

I don't know if it's because they are smaller teams they think they have to act more outrageous for attention because their clubs have no significance but i think people will be surprised how much more bitter these clubs are towards Rangers than celtic fans are. 

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7 hours ago, OhW said:

Obviously none of us like Aberdeen, but this is a shit rant. It reads like the kind of faux-offended, sanctimonious, tabloid-style crap that we can all do without. You come across all high and mighty by saying things like "as regards", "carte blanche" and referring to yourself as "one"; but you can't even spell "obsolete" or "persuasion" and you put an apostrophe in "wonders". 

It is no surprise to see you use the word "vile" twice. This is the favourite word of the online outraged. I am surprised that you didn't say anyone was "spewing their bile" or that Scotland is a "football backwater". 

Shit rant. Embarrasses all of us. 

Obviously your grasp of The Queen's English is basic.

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Live in the northeast and the mutton molesters are by far the worst when out for a pint. Cannot have a conversation with one of them without them refering to us as H*** or your club died crap. Cant wait till friday for a pint in local to rip them new arseholes.

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Don't have any specific grudge's towards the sheep except on match-day, it always strikes me as a bit contrived and one way this hatred thing they claim to have, after all they only seem to come out of the woodwork to fill their stadium against us or the beasts, seem perpetually disinterested any other time. Probably stems from having no real local rivals of their own and delusions of competing with ourselves and the beasts.

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My hatred for Aberdeen and their scum fans etc is well documented - in fact it borders on my hatred of the bheasts.

To be honest, bheasts don't know any different, it's ingrained in their DNA from birth - they should be clubbed like seal pups.

A vast majority of Aberdeen 'fans' on the other hand go out of their way to be wankers...chips on the shoulders so big that I'm surprised that McCain has never been a sponsor.

A club whose history was more or less built and destroyed over the course of a decade, if that.

Fucking despise them with an unbridled passion.

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