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New allegations at Peado FC on BBC Scotland


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8 minutes ago, Bad Robot said:

Now is the time for Scottish football to unite against child abuse

APRIL 13, 2017

Just days after another BBC investigation into child abuse in Scottish football, a former chairman of the Celtic Boys Club has been arrested and charged for historic child abuse offences.

Gerry King, who was still part of the boys club’s executive committee up until his arrest, has been charged in connection with historical child abuse offences related to the boys club.

The 65 year old teacher at Glasgow’s St.Martha’s Primary School has been suspended by Glasgow City Council pending the outcome of the investigation and since the news broke, Celtic Boys Club have removed all traces of King’s name from their club’s committee.

BBC Investigation

A BBC investigation conducted by the stellar Mark Daly, has made fresh allegations of child abuse against the founder of Celtic Boys Club [Jim Torbett] and a former Rangers & Hibernian youth coach [Gordon Neely].

Torbett, was alleged to have abused a number of other boys during his two stints at Celtic Boys Club from the mid-60s to 1996. Torbett was found guilty of abusing three former boys club players – including former Scotland international Alan Brazil between 1967 to 1974 – and jailed for two years.

The latest allegations made by the BBC documentary claim that during his second tenure at the boys club, he continued to abuse boys when he coached until 1996 when more abuse allegations were made against him.

The investigation also uncovered more claims surrounding Gordon Neely, who died in 2014. Neely was sacked by Hibs after allegations of abuse were made known to the club’s hierarchy but the police were never informed. He subsequently joined Rangers where allegations of abuse were made there also, before the club sacked him over alleged abuse and reportedly informed the Police

Neely was sacked from Hibernian when allegations of abuse surfaced but the police were not informed.

He subsequently joined Rangers where it is claimed he continued abusing boys there before the club sacked him over allegations of abuse. The club told the BBC it informed the police, but according to Police Scotland [to BBC] they were unable to confirm whether such a complaint was made by Rangers – despite a number of Freedom of Information requests – and former club executives and football personnel at Rangers during the time were asked for details but the BBC received none.

The Crown Prosecution Service also failed to find details of a report being sent to the fiscal in relation to a complaint made about Neely in 1990. 

Scottish football must unite

No matter your club allegiances everyone can agree on the fact that child abuse is a sickening crime and those who perpetrate such crimes are vile filth. But we must remember that where there is a perpetrator, there are also victims and whether they make the crimes committed against them public or not – we must think about them and their welfare.

A number of Scottish clubs have now been implicated in the child abuse scandal that has rocked the youth game in Scotland – even the Scottish FA were alleged to have handled a child abuse allegation horrendously badly by one victim, who was given a guided tour of the body’s Park Circus offices for his troubles.

Police Scotland are already investigating a number of allegations and no one should be passing guilt on anyone until a court of law has decided on their guilt, for fear of prejudicing the case. 

That is not a cop out. In fact I hope that many more victims – and there will be sadly – come forward and take heart in those who have already done so and show the courage to report their abusers to the authorities also. No matter the club, no matter their allegiances. 

Point scoring doesn’t help the victims

Pitiful point scoring is not going to help anyone, let alone the victims and it certainly won’t help the Police in doing the unsavoury task of investigating such crimes. 

We all know, however, that there are people out there – who also happen to be fathers and mothers – who will take pleasure in this latest arrest simply because of who the person was employed by. Sadly, for some this is the measure of certain individuals in society today and it is sickening to even believe that anyone would take such pleasure in the news of such crimes being committed.

Does this help those abused to come forward? I certainly don’t think it helps at all. When you have some individuals online implying ‘our abuser isn’t as bad as your lot’ then you know some people need a reality check – and that is putting it politely.

I have said it time and again, Scottish football and its clubs should not investigate itself. It must be left to the Police to get down to the bottom of it all and weed out the abusers for the victims sake, as much as future generations of our children.

A grown man spouting hatred about a rival club and singing songs and chants about them being paedophiles in front of his children at games is not doing anyone any good is it? 

Time that these neanderthals grew up, realise that some things are best left off the terraces and let those whose job it is to catch these scum, do their job and allow the victims the courage to come forward – without having to see and hear comments the next day from faceless individuals online or in the stands gloating about ‘another’ child sex abuse crime taking place.

No matter who they are or were employed by, they must be weeded out and punished accordingly by our legal system to the full extent of the law. 

It is time that Scottish football and its fans grew up and unite behind a single banner to rid our game and society as a whole of child abusers and put them in jail where they belong.

They just don't get it, of course child abuse is horrendous and anyone involved should be punished but it's the fact that certain people knew it happened and did fuck all about it, they maybe kicked them out or sacked them but did they inform anyone ?...no

In that article he seems to make out that there is some doubt as to whether Rangers reported it to the police, it fails to say that the police cannot confirm or deny that a report was made and that's because of an on going investigation or they have no records of the report to confirm or deny, they can't say it didn't happen.

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11 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

They just don't get it, of course child abuse is horrendous and anyone involved should be punished but it's the fact that certain people knew it happened and did fuck all about it, they maybe kicked them out or sacked them but did they inform anyone ?...no

In that article he seems to make out that there is some doubt as to whether Rangers reported it to the police, it fails to say that the police cannot confirm or deny that a report was made and that's because of an on going investigation or they have no records of the report to confirm or deny, they can't say it didn't happen.

The boy's Father who reported the abuse was in the Police so there is no confusion just the BBC muddying the facts. How many times are Rangers named in that article typical BBC any chance to blacken our name,  Fenian wean touching pedo bastards.

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Neely was sacked from Hibernian when allegations of abuse surfaced but the police were not informed.

He subsequently joined Rangers where it is claimed he continued abusing boys there before the club sacked him over allegations of abuse. The club told the BBC it informed the police, but according to Police Scotland [to BBC] they were unable to confirm whether such a complaint was made by Rangers – despite a number of Freedom of Information requests – and former club executives and football personnel at Rangers during the time were asked for details but the BBC received none.

The Crown Prosecution Service also failed to find details of a report being sent to the fiscal in relation to a complaint made about Neely in 1990. 


So Hivs don't inform police, but just as importantly don't inform Rangers. Then Rangers sack him but the author continues to peddled the obfuscation that there is no evidence of police being informed despite their reply to the FOI request being out there for him to have read.  A glaring omission appears to have been made here is there not. Celtic didn't inform the police about Torbett so why no mention of that fact. They lied in their official publication about the reason for his departure, brought him back, gave him an award for services to the boys club, thereby facilitating his continued abusing. Torbett wasn't brought to justice at the instigation of Celtic, they never sought justice for his victims, on the contrary their regime sought to hinder the investigation and indeed directors were supportive of Torbett in court.

And now we have this arse having the gall to instruct us not to follow an agenda of point scoring.  Perhaps when he can give a full and frank description of events without transparent attempts at revisionism it will be a point worth listening to.  His diatribe is so obviously aimed at rewriting the narrative to being one of making points regarding Celtic's paedophiles being the bad thing you have to suspect if he's been directed from above. Reminds me of the campaign driven by the filth to have us punished 5 years ago, it's orchestration feels familiar. 

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7 minutes ago, reallyruff said:

Neely was sacked from Hibernian when allegations of abuse surfaced but the police were not informed.

He subsequently joined Rangers where it is claimed he continued abusing boys there before the club sacked him over allegations of abuse. The club told the BBC it informed the police, but according to Police Scotland [to BBC] they were unable to confirm whether such a complaint was made by Rangers – despite a number of Freedom of Information requests – and former club executives and football personnel at Rangers during the time were asked for details but the BBC received none.

The Crown Prosecution Service also failed to find details of a report being sent to the fiscal in relation to a complaint made about Neely in 1990. 


So Hivs don't inform police, but just as importantly don't inform Rangers. Then Rangers sack him but the author continues to peddled the obfuscation that there is no evidence of police being informed despite their reply to the FOI request being out there for him to have read.  A glaring omission appears to have been made here is there not. Celtic didn't inform the police about Torbett so why no mention of that fact. They lied in their official publication about the reason for his departure, brought him back, gave him an award for services to the boys club, thereby facilitating his continued abusing. Torbett wasn't brought to justice at the instigation of Celtic, they never sought justice for his victims, on the contrary their regime sought to hinder the investigation and indeed directors were supportive of Torbett in court.

And now we have this arse having the gall to instruct us not to follow an agenda of point scoring.  Perhaps when he can give a full and frank description of events without transparent attempts at revisionism it will be a point worth listening to.  His diatribe is so obviously aimed at rewriting the narrative to being one of making points regarding Celtic's paedophiles being the bad thing you have to suspect if he's been directed from above.

Hibs didn't sack him after all, they made out they did...


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1 minute ago, SpidermansGaffer said:



Read that from another poster the other day.  Infuriating. Did wonder whether Hivs allegation that there didn't appear to have been any contact with Rangers was preparation for the excuse of not informing us  of his deplorable behaviour.  However, if they'd told the police there wouldn't be a need for excuses. Of course once they apparently became aware of our interest surely the decent thing to do would be to have said something. Rather,they too lied about the reasons for his departure thereby protecting themselves and denying the victims justice. 

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5 hours ago, GWR1979 said:

The boy's Father who reported the abuse was in the Police so there is no confusion just the BBC muddying the facts. How many times are Rangers named in that article typical BBC any chance to blacken our name,  Fenian wean touching pedo bastards.

Well remembered mate. We did report Neely to the police, his father was a cop. Whether the club left it up to the lads father to report it officially, I don't know. The boy might've not wanted to go through the full legal process, he may have just wanted to forget about it, and carry on with his life.

Some victims of abuse don't want a big court case, because it sometimes feels, or looks like they are on trial rather than the abuser. The victim may have to give evidence, and the defence lawyer might call him a liar. These sexual abuse cases are never easy for the victim.

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That vile cunt was well regarded as a football coach, I'm sure he could of easily got a job at another professional club but something stopped that. 

If as some point scoring pricks want to make out that Rangers did take the same immoral approach as Scum,did they make a false official statement going along the lines of leaving for personal or business reasons.


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7 hours ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

They just don't get it, of course child abuse is horrendous and anyone involved should be punished but it's the fact that certain people knew it happened and did fuck all about it, they maybe kicked them out or sacked them but did they inform anyone ?...no

In that article he seems to make out that there is some doubt as to whether Rangers reported it to the police, it fails to say that the police cannot confirm or deny that a report was made and that's because of an on going investigation or they have no records of the report to confirm or deny, they can't say it didn't happen.

What gets me is he was reported to,the PF two months ago and this is us finding out now ?   Why so long?  I'm on to the SFA again today as what is it gonna take for Liewell and Petrie to get suspended from the SFA board? That's 5 between their clubs that we know off and they both covered  the said crimes up.. Let's be honest here as their is no mistake or confusion over what they were doing.

Celtic as a club are now sailing very close to losing their licence as I don't think any amount of fine is suitable for this crime, 4 pedophiles within their ranks and they knowly covered up for one.

What sort of punishment would be deemed enough?  And all this shite we are getting point scoring is just like the Rotherham child abuse scandle by the Muslims.  People have failed  within the SFA , and yet they say don't point score? Where is our club defending our fans for high lighting this to the police? 

Did no one ever ask what that song they are singing?The  BJK Song, because their is only one line and it is not hard to grasp yet these cunts ignored us and more kids were abused because of this. ( every victim will win a their case if they take Celtic to court as their is no doubt Torbett abused kids as he was convicted of said crimes but now the court and the world knows that gentleman Hugh Britt was telling the truth). Now their is a decent upstanding citizen who tried to do the right thing unlike other Celtic employees including the board.

This has got fuck all to do with getting one over on them as the SFA seem to think,   and any bear who uses this as a tool are as bad as the tarriers.

This is about cleansing our game of the filth that has infested it over the years, regardless of club..

If this was us then my books would not be getting renewed.  That is 4 now at Celtic park yes 4 and one already convicted, one let go in the 90's and now another 2 now.  

And to make matters worse, how much have they creamed from the tax payer the last few years ? As one  of their punishments to keep their licence they should have to pay every penny they got back as they did not disclose at the time of this thatbthey had broken the law by covering up abuse of children  

Penn state a college  got a $60 million fine about £45milion and they are not even a  professional  club, just a college   

So over to you Stewart Reagan and the SFA as I expect the intergrity of our game to be upheld or you Mr Regan need replaced also  

It's time we as a club demanded action was taking against Hibs for the cover up which allowed a pedo to join our group and the filth who will have their own football team inside if they find anymore pedos within their club  

But my main concern is this count was charged him  7 weeks ago yet nothing until yesterday.  Who tried to keep, this away from the public and why? As they also need dealt with as no more sweep sweep.  

Scottish football at this point disgusts me and this will drive good honest people away from our game.

Its time our club made a statement regarding this and certain clubs and demand that Petrie and Lawell are suspended until all said cases involved are over and the facts are before them and then take them to task.

We were made to beg for our licence , sign illegal agreements with the SFA the lot just to stay in the game and all because of one conman. 

What does covering up pedo's get you ?  With   4 pedos ( that we know of ) within your club then there are no excuses.  

Scotland's real shame and still they are trying to cover it up.  

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10 hours ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

They just don't get it, of course child abuse is horrendous and anyone involved should be punished but it's the fact that certain people knew it happened and did fuck all about it, they maybe kicked them out or sacked them but did they inform anyone ?...no

In that article he seems to make out that there is some doubt as to whether Rangers reported it to the police, it fails to say that the police cannot confirm or deny that a report was made and that's because of an on going investigation or they have no records of the report to confirm or deny, they can't say it didn't happen.

The mhedia are a disgrace and are part of the problem. Trying to throw doubt on us so the spotlight isn't shone on Celtic who are clearly up to their necks with so many known pedophilles yet who are the unknowns in that rancid club. It really is that simple and scandalous why these diversion tactics continue. I hope the union bears have one massive banner regarding this 

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8 hours ago, Copland bear said:

  That is 4 now at Celtic park yes 4 and one already convicted, one let go in the 90's and now another 2 now.  

Just for the sake of accuracy, I think that's now 5 linked to them. Torbett and Cullen convicted, Cairney let off, and McCafferty and King pending.

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3 minutes ago, reallyruff said:

Just for the sake of accuracy, I think that's now 5 linked to them. Torbett and Cullen convicted, Cairney let off, and McCafferty and King pending.

It's like a list of who's who.   This is not Celtic bashing this is demanding justice is seen to be done.  

We have only been shouting about it for nearly 20 years now. Yet as I said iit took the  English fa to do something before the SFA reacted.. again questions need to be asked why? 

Any decent human being would demand justice for the kids involved 

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I was thinking today that in light of the media attempting to drag our name into this, we should sing "We don't harbour child molesters" to the tune of "you're gonna get fuckin heads kicked in", in the next couple of games just to drive home the point about that mob.

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2 hours ago, Copland bear said:

It's like a list of who's who.   This is not Celtic bashing this is demanding justice is seen to be done.  

We have only been shouting about it for nearly 20 years now. Yet as I said iit took the  English fa to do something before the SFA reacted.. again questions need to be asked why? 

Any decent human being would demand justice for the kids involved 

A Who's Who for paedos, now there's a novel thought. Personally, branding on the forehead would be a preferred method of identification. Punishment would be a whole other matter of course.

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not sure but looks like child abuse survivors charity White flowers Alba have received threats.



Note well Torbett Cairney King McCafferty - those wee bhoys you harmed grew up - the threats don't work anymore & we stand with them always!

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Liam Brady and note how Cairney is removed by the Celtc FC board and not CBC, Despite Celtc FC denying CBC were affiliated to them.


'In 1991, the boys’ club had been to Kearney, New Jersey - an annual tour to the Irish part of the state with players staying at the homes of Catholic families - and one boy, no longer at Celtic but now a professional player in Scotland, had alleged to his hosts and to his own family that he had been assaulted by the team’s general manager, Frank Cairney. 

The boy’s father took him to Celtic Park to have it out with Liam Brady who was then only months in the job as team manager. The club’s chief scout John Kelman was also present.

It was Brady’s first serious and most affecting problem in a troubled time at Parkhead which did not last long. He listened to the boy, believed him, and insisted to the board that Cairney had to be removed, not only from the boys’ club but from any association with the main football club. So, overnight, the man who was used to having his run of the place and the ear of the management, was cast out.

It was agreed, by Brady, the boy and his parents and the then Celtic board, that the police would not be informed. The young player was assured that the alleged incident would have no effect on his future career at the club. However, signed statements were taken by Celtic’s lawyers from the four adults who had been on the New Jersey trip. 

Lou Macari from his book


Away from first-team and club matters, which were bad enough, another issue was beginning to raise its ugly head at the club. Within a month of my arrival one of the young players asked to see me in my office. 'Here we go,' I thought. 'That didn't take long. Here's a youngster in to complain about not being in the team. Straight away he's going to be into me to give him his chance.' He sat down and told me that he had had problems on a trip to North America with the youth team. One of the fellas in charge had made advances towards him.

As a manager you expect to have to sort out all sorts of problems. But this wasn't one I ever saw coming. I was staggered. To be frank, I didn't know how to respond for the best. Clearly the kid was distressed about what had happened, but I felt I couldn't just approach the accused and ask him to explain himself without proof. My hands were tied, in a way. I felt completely stuck and out of my depth. I spoke to my staff. They were shocked. My gut feeling was that the kid was speaking the truth, but there was no mechanism within the club or within my experience to deal with it. It was a police matter if anything. Any investigation had to start with them.
And that's exactly what happened.

A couple of years later it all came out. Celtic Boys' Club founder Jim Torbett was convicted of sexual abuse of three players, including Alan Brazil.

Frank Cairney, the manager of the Boys' Club, was charged but not convicted. It emerged that years earlier Jock Stein knew all about Torbett and kicked him out of the club. The wish to maintain the good name of Celtic, if that were ever a good enough reason, was the only thing that kept the issue from coming to light at that point. There was a string of allegations by young lads whose dreams of playing for Celtic were exploited, but it was the testimony of Alan Brazil, David Gordon and James McGrory that brought the matter to court, and Torbett to justice. [from Football, My Life. by LOU MACARI]

This other guy King who has been charged, He also worked with Torbett and Kelly at the trophy centre.

I'll repeat once again that given all the information available there was a pedophile ring operating between the 60's and 80's, Who knows how many others have been the victims of these scumbags and have been sitting for decades tortured by it.

Remember Celtc claimed CBC weren't anything to do with them, So why then were the parents and these children speaking to officials of Celtc FC in regards to child abuse and more to the point why were officials of Celtc FC the ones removing these people after claiming they had nothing to do with them.

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Some cunt will be getting thrown under a bus over this and I believe it will mirror our EBT situation.

No-one will want to go after a big English club but the British public will need to be fed their pound of flesh.

The horrors are fucked. Hope they've kept some of that money they've made.

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2 hours ago, Carsons Dog said:

Given the endemic institutional paedophillia at Bheast FC you really need to wonder about the motives of establishing the Thai Tims and how safe those innocent  kids are associated to that club.

I have always found that whole thai tims thing very weird

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On 14/04/2017 at 6:57 AM, Copland bear said:

What gets me is he was reported to,the PF two months ago and this is us finding out now ?   Why so long?  I'm on to the SFA again today as what is it gonna take for Liewell and Petrie to get suspended from the SFA board? That's 5 between their clubs that we know off and they both covered  the said crimes up.. Let's be honest here as their is no mistake or confusion over what they were doing.

Celtic as a club are now sailing very close to losing their licence as I don't think any amount of fine is suitable for this crime, 4 pedophiles within their ranks and they knowly covered up for one.

What sort of punishment would be deemed enough?  And all this shite we are getting point scoring is just like the Rotherham child abuse scandle by the Muslims.  People have failed  within the SFA , and yet they say don't point score? Where is our club defending our fans for high lighting this to the police? 

Did no one ever ask what that song they are singing?The  BJK Song, because their is only one line and it is not hard to grasp yet these cunts ignored us and more kids were abused because of this. ( every victim will win a their case if they take Celtic to court as their is no doubt Torbett abused kids as he was convicted of said crimes but now the court and the world knows that gentleman Hugh Britt was telling the truth). Now their is a decent upstanding citizen who tried to do the right thing unlike other Celtic employees including the board.

This has got fuck all to do with getting one over on them as the SFA seem to think,   and any bear who uses this as a tool are as bad as the tarriers.

This is about cleansing our game of the filth that has infested it over the years, regardless of club..

If this was us then my books would not be getting renewed.  That is 4 now at Celtic park yes 4 and one already convicted, one let go in the 90's and now another 2 now.  

And to make matters worse, how much have they creamed from the tax payer the last few years ? As one  of their punishments to keep their licence they should have to pay every penny they got back as they did not disclose at the time of this thatbthey had broken the law by covering up abuse of children  

Penn state a college  got a $60 million fine about £45milion and they are not even a  professional  club, just a college   

So over to you Stewart Reagan and the SFA as I expect the intergrity of our game to be upheld or you Mr Regan need replaced also  

It's time we as a club demanded action was taking against Hibs for the cover up which allowed a pedo to join our group and the filth who will have their own football team inside if they find anymore pedos within their club  

But my main concern is this count was charged him  7 weeks ago yet nothing until yesterday.  Who tried to keep, this away from the public and why? As they also need dealt with as no more sweep sweep.  

Scottish football at this point disgusts me and this will drive good honest people away from our game.

Its time our club made a statement regarding this and certain clubs and demand that Petrie and Lawell are suspended until all said cases involved are over and the facts are before them and then take them to task.

We were made to beg for our licence , sign illegal agreements with the SFA the lot just to stay in the game and all because of one conman. 

What does covering up pedo's get you ?  With   4 pedos ( that we know of ) within your club then there are no excuses.  

Scotland's real shame and still they are trying to cover it up.  

The Sfa in Scotland is Pedo fc mate .That is the problem and it's not going to change in our lifetimes .Especially with people running our club 

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