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1 hour ago, Blue Avenger said:

Can't say he was that positive, but I did see there was fairness in it.

It like no matter the manager they cant win. MW played the possession game. It worked for a while in the championship then it turned to shit. You can pass the ball all day in your own half as we did as team quite literlly stood back and laughed. They then took the ball off is one of our rare forays over the halfway line, high ball over our donkeys in central defence, bang a goal. Easiest day's pay for our opposition.

We get that bad at it, some of the shitiest teams in the top tier stuffed us. Then we're humped 5-1 by the scum and MW days are numbered.

Along comes the new man, more attack minded and actually gets the ball ver the halfway line which means we might have half a chance of scoring, but of course, Miller aside, we've got no fucking chance of that.

The guy's in the door two minutes and he's been judge as the anti christ after getting beat by the best team in the land by a country fucking mile, whilst we were only 33 points behind them. Yes it all makes complete sense, not.

Now as for the pressers, he's now getting mauled. Take aside the factor that English isn't his first language and new to this very shite Scottish game, have you ever watched the pressers of Jose? Absolute blithering incoherent pish he talks, but he is in fact a top manager.

What I don't get from this hanging party, is that he is only in the door two minutes, presiding over a Scottish game that is shite, inheriting players that are shite and without a spine between them, technically limited players who are used to a different management style and system, are well deservedly pumped by the best team in the land, in games that we could never be expected to win, unless you were deluded, or on crack. Now I just don't see the probable cause.

Now could someone on crack please confirm my hypothesis, in that he or anyone could have or should have besten scum fc in those two games where they were indeed up for it, just to humilate us us of course.

We know fuck all about him and he has a period od adjustment to go through and more than most because of his background, as do the players, in whom we all well know are not fit for purpose and never will be. The big difference between him and MW p, is that he doesn't wear a magic hat and thank fuck for that and how fucking wrong did we get that one. Only took us a year and this new guy is in the door two minutes and he's a wank? That says more about us than it does him.

He may turn out to be the man and he may not, but have a look in the mirror ffs! It's fucking getting embarassing.

I'm not defending him, as he will prove himself one way or another, but trying to give some sense of perspective and logic into the debate, as this is becoming farcical.

Have a look in the mirror yourself. We do know a lot about him. He finishes fifth in most leagues and wins Mickey Mouse ones by coming eighth. He talks catchy sounding nonsense but none of it has translated onto the pitch. That has nothing to do with being foreign and is more to do with being rubbish on the training pitch. Of course it's early doors but given how shite we have been is it so wrong to say I think the dude is going overboard describing the guy as a good capture? 

I haven't really judged him on the tarrier games. It's more on watching us struggle to contain the mighty Motherwell and Kilmarnock. You applaud him for making us more attacking whilst I see a team playing hoof-ball and unable to make four passes. I could make us more attacking by getting the keeper to lump the ball into the opponents box. Would you applaud that? What's the point in being more direct if it's kick-and-rush when good teams lap that shit up? It might work against the rest but we need to progress towards winning titles and so it will never be good enough for us. It's wasting time trying to achieve second whilst playing junk football? We have went backwards so fast it's unbelievable so I'm rightfully worried about this appointment.

I'll give him time but it doesn't mean I won't tell it like it is. What is it apart from the lump forwards that you have enjoyed so far about our play?

Jose has all sorts of trophies from real tournaments behind him. Can't actually believe you think he is comparable to Pedro in any way. It sounds like you who's on the crack :lol:

 I usually defend managers to the hilt but no one can say they have seen anything on the pitch that makes them believe in Pedro. It's blind faith.

I don't see the Scottish rags but I know they get our backs up when they criticise our own. That's not enough for me to make shit up though about Pedro sounding good or the team not being good enough to hold onto the ball against Kilmarnock.

We need to progress each season towards a title not second. What have you seen from us under Pedro or in his previous record that makes you believe we will have even a sniff of a chance of 55 under him. 

His record is concerning enough but look at his kick-and-rush tactics. We'll get beat by any decent side because they will lap that junk up. I'm dreading playing a decent European outfit or they fuckers again. It's been fucking embarrassing.

Hopefully Pedro proves me wrong but until we start playing football again I will be calling it what it is. We may nick goals and win enough games to convince some things are sweet but the type of football Pedro seems to like will win us nothing and see us being completely outclassed by good sides.

Everything about the guy has been rank. People say he needs time but his record when given time speaks volumes. Even the board said they gave him the job because he was good in the interview. Who does this with somebody who has a shit record. The whole thing stinks and it will be a miracle if this guy delivers.  

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No offence to the Dude,  I've agreed and disagreed with him plenty of times on here without falling out with him and I think he's a nice enough guy and a genuine bear

But I think anyone on here who admits to being a writer for mainstream media be it the daily record or the wall Street fucking journal should be immediately banned. 

Myself personally have had my social media accounts exposed by the media and my picture put I  the paper. Allowing mainstream media on here will ruin this forum and jeprodises every member on here

Get this shite to fuck. I like the dude but he should now be banned and his IP banned

Not trying to give It the big yin but good bears have been shafted off the media from this forum and I'm not posting again and likely deleting my account tomorrow if we're allowing admitted journos on here now

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Well this came left of centre:

1) Whilst I have not always agreed with Mr Dude- I have never doubted his integrity, and found his views/ perspectives of interest.

2) Like many others I am of the firm opinion that The Record is no friend of Rangers Football Club or its supporters. In fact iIMO it has a clear anti Rangers bent.

3) There is a line that is crossed when one moves into paid employment i.e. There does become a Conflict of Interest, as there is a clear vested interest (as the Dude with all honesty has stated "bills have to be paid"), and as such individuals who receive remuneration in relation to their association with Rangers Football Club- can no longer be viewed as unbiased supporters.

4) For all that I found the piece written by the Dude interesting- I don't agree with all of it, but it is an interesting perspective.

5) From what I have read in the papers, there are plenty of Football journalists (if not all) regularly trawling this site and others. That is not preventable- there always will be. At least the Dude has his head raised firmly above the parapet.

6) So good luck Dude- I hope you keep your integrity intact- many others have not.

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1 hour ago, Willis said:

No offence to the Dude,  I've agreed and disagreed with him plenty of times on here without falling out with him and I think he's a nice enough guy and a genuine bear

But I think anyone on here who admits to being a writer for mainstream media be it the daily record or the wall Street fucking journal should be immediately banned. 

Myself personally have had my social media accounts exposed by the media and my picture put I  the paper. Allowing mainstream media on here will ruin this forum and jeprodises every member on here

Get this shite to fuck. I like the dude but he should now be banned and his IP banned

Not trying to give It the big yin but good bears have been shafted off the media from this forum and I'm not posting again and likely deleting my account tomorrow if we're allowing admitted journos on here now

Good call mate! Never thought that way about it myself, but now that you bring it up I fully agree that nobody who writes for the media, should be permitted to be a member of RM. 

I have nothing against dude personally, he seems a genuine Bear, but he now takes money from the Record, and he should be given an honourable discharge. 

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7 hours ago, The Dude said:

Not involved but fans of. I was in Chicago recently and went to a MLS game where I spoke to a few Latino fans. Was wearing my Rangers top, one of them recognised the badge (I have him on twitter now)  and we spoke about Caixinha, amongst other things. In the few weeks I was there I spent a fair bit of time in pubs and when I'd explain to people why I was there (to see Chicago Fire who I've followed for a few years now) we got talking about football and if they said they watched Liga MX I would ask about Caixinha. 

Cheers that's really interesting I have my doubts about the whole appointment it feels strange. The new Heart and Hand podcast sums it up for me. Clearly I hope I am wrong.

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It's strange how many in here moan about media bias and then are highly critical when one of our own is actually writing for them, which kinda shows, err no bias. Mind you these are the same people who moan at any ex player who writes for main stream media and immediately they hate them and call their commitment to Rangers into doubt ( like Barry Frrguson). The usual daft stuff from those purporting to be fans but hating past ( and present ) players and management. Imagine wanting to ban @The Dude from here just when, at the very least, he can give voice to a fans view. Mind you @The Dude is a moderate and that's not easy on here. The wee clique on here who hate anything that does not correspond to their rabid view really don't speak for the majority of moderate fans - and no amount of high post count makes it so. 

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No-one is denying your tiresome posts about "needing to pay the bills". That becomes a safety net when you can't reply. 

The problem is yet another airy-fairy article, not debating or discussing the real problems in the MSM. You have a real platform to defend Rangers and if this article is anything to go by then it's just another in a long list of being subservient to their masters. 

I'm not condoning racist behaviour and never will but why not challenge the fact that over 5 days not one Scottish newspaper has mentioned the abuse Mark Walters got, or Diouf, or Alexander Tonev abusing Shay Logan, or the best one, racism being "a bit of banter" according to Leigh Griffiths. 

Why not take a step back and question why articles in the BBC never headline "celtic" in any bad light, instead Torbett is referred to as a ex-football coach. 

Why has it taken only 3 days to prosecute 3 Rangers fans, yet here we are years later still no closer to finding those who have bottled TWO young Rangers fans going to games. Surely this is down to police competence no? I'm pretty sure there was more than one guy "singing a sectarian lyric" yet one was picked out and made an example of. But don't let that distract from the singing of glorified killings by the IRA or abusing the very soldiers who gave those who sing about the IRA their freedom. 

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1 hour ago, Prso's headband said:

No-one is denying your tiresome posts about "needing to pay the bills". That becomes a safety net when you can't reply. 

The problem is yet another airy-fairy article, not debating or discussing the real problems in the MSM. You have a real platform to defend Rangers and if this article is anything to go by then it's just another in a long list of being subservient to their masters. 

I'm not condoning racist behaviour and never will but why not challenge the fact that over 5 days not one Scottish newspaper has mentioned the abuse Mark Walters got, or Diouf, or Alexander Tonev abusing Shay Logan, or the best one, racism being "a bit of banter" according to Leigh Griffiths. 

Why not take a step back and question why articles in the BBC never headline "celtic" in any bad light, instead Torbett is referred to as a ex-football coach. 

Why has it taken only 3 days to prosecute 3 Rangers fans, yet here we are years later still no closer to finding those who have bottled TWO young Rangers fans going to games. Surely this is down to police competence no? I'm pretty sure there was more than one guy "singing a sectarian lyric" yet one was picked out and made an example of. But don't let that distract from the singing of glorified killings by the IRA or abusing the very soldiers who gave those who sing about the IRA their freedom. 

I'd like to know the answer to this question also. Back in 2013 James Traynor said this



Rangers FC’s director of communications, James Traynor, has issued a warning to the mainstream media against ‘maligning the club at every opportunity.



It gave me the impression that there is a code of conduct within the mainstream media when reporting on Rangers. If so then this needs to be exposed. All that Rangers ask is for Parity from the MSM when reporting about Rangers. I wish TheDude luck in his new job, he'll need it as his carreer path has taken him into the maligning lions den. I hope he stays true to the club and can help in the battle for Parity.

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11 minutes ago, Sweetheart said:

I'd like to know the answer to this question also. Back in 2013 James Traynor said this

It gave me the impression that there is a code of conduct within the mainstream media when reporting on Rangers. If so then this needs to be exposed. All that Rangers ask is for Parity from the MSM when reporting about Rangers. I wish TheDude luck in his new job, he'll need it as his carreer path his taken him into the maligning lions den. I hope he stays true to the club and can help in the battle for Parity.

I'd love to know what trainor actually does.

The simple fact is Celtic has the money to spend on Lawyers to prevent them being shown in a bad light. The press know that we doing have the money to persu them in the same way so they can print what they like

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Please, please, please use this to print what Rangers fans think and not the boiled shite the Record usually spouts. If you see that septic view tit, tell him we see the Record as a version of the septic view, biased and bigoted.

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The more People giving a balanced view of Rangers in the media the better as far as I am concerned. Good luck for the Dude. Just look at BBC sports site at the moment - No mention of who Torbitt worked for or connections   unbelievable 

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59 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

It's strange how many in here moan about media bias and then are highly critical when one of our own is actually writing for them, which kinda shows, err no bias. Mind you these are the same people who moan at any ex player who writes for main stream media and immediately they hate them and call their commitment to Rangers into doubt ( like Barry Frrguson). The usual daft stuff from those purporting to be fans but hating past ( and present ) players and management. Imagine wanting to ban @The Dude from here just when, at the very least, he can give voice to a fans view. Mind you @The Dude is a moderate and that's not easy on here. The wee clique on here who hate anything that does not correspond to their rabid view really don't speak for the majority of moderate fans - and no amount of high post count makes it so. 

Did you read his piece? I think things would be different if it was a neutral piece that at least had an element of balance to it. 

Sadly it was a bit snidey with reference to "imposters" and the hairstyle of one of our directors. Something that the paper has done over time 

I wish the Dude all the best and hope his pieces are just what you suggest but it's not a good start 

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9 hours ago, Inigo said:

Yup. The tims have been smart and organised about it all. I keep saying it, but if you want influence, make it happen. Encourage your kindreds into the industries where they can do that. After all, that's what they did, and it worked.

We can boycott, but the filthy rags will still publish all of their one-sided pish, and that kind of propaganda is effective. Long term, we need to make ourselves better heard than we are now.

But they had their terrorist religion to anchor them together, we, rightly,lack that cohesion. 

Organised religion and dogma underpins most evils in this world, which is ironic as most claim to be all about peace. 

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5 hours ago, Willis said:

No offence to the Dude,  I've agreed and disagreed with him plenty of times on here without falling out with him and I think he's a nice enough guy and a genuine bear

But I think anyone on here who admits to being a writer for mainstream media be it the daily record or the wall Street fucking journal should be immediately banned. 

Myself personally have had my social media accounts exposed by the media and my picture put I  the paper. Allowing mainstream media on here will ruin this forum and jeprodises every member on here

Get this shite to fuck. I like the dude but he should now be banned and his IP banned

Not trying to give It the big yin but good bears have been shafted off the media from this forum and I'm not posting again and likely deleting my account tomorrow if we're allowing admitted journos on here now

This forum is open to all.

Literally anyone in the world can come on and look. There is probably hundreds of journos who look in here on a daily basis. 

So banning him would be absolutely pointless.

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45 minutes ago, Perth_Campsie_Ger said:

I'd love to know what trainor actually does.

The simple fact is Celtic has the money to spend on Lawyers to prevent them being shown in a bad light. The press know that we doing have the money to persu them in the same way so they can print what they like

I do believe CFC have used gagging orders on the MSM but it needs to be exposed. I remember reading an article entitled 

An NUJ Members' rough guide to covering the BNP


Back in 2011 we had FARE ruling.  We then found out that  Mr Powars was married to a BBC Journalist, who linked Rangers to 'BNP, bigots and fascism' through her comments about Rangers fans. What I'd like to know is did those comments brand Rangers/fans into a BNP category and therefore the club was reported on under the rules of this Code Of Conduct?. The NUJ have since changed the Code Of Conduct has it was pointed out to them that it was illegal. 

Which then leads back to James Traynors warning to the MSM about maligning the club.

"Rangers new PR boss Jim Traynor warns media against 'maligning' club in their reporting"


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6 hours ago, Willis said:

No offence to the Dude,  I've agreed and disagreed with him plenty of times on here without falling out with him and I think he's a nice enough guy and a genuine bear

But I think anyone on here who admits to being a writer for mainstream media be it the daily record or the wall Street fucking journal should be immediately banned. 

Myself personally have had my social media accounts exposed by the media and my picture put I  the paper. Allowing mainstream media on here will ruin this forum and jeprodises every member on here

Get this shite to fuck. I like the dude but he should now be banned and his IP banned

Not trying to give It the big yin but good bears have been shafted off the media from this forum and I'm not posting again and likely deleting my account tomorrow if we're allowing admitted journos on here now

Have to agree with this tbh.

We've been stung too many times recently by grassing turncoat bastards who are supposed to be our own.

This is supposed to be an open forum where bears can speak their mind properly.  Having journos spying on us doesn't sit right with me.

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14 minutes ago, OhW said:

It would be a symbolic gesture, like banning a journalist from Ibrox. Doesn't achieve much other than sending a message.

He shouldn't be banned but it's a new low for RM that a poster can actively promote an article, and seek hits for it which is to his personal benefit, on arguably the worst Rangers hating rag in the country.


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1 hour ago, Bluepeter9 said:

It's strange how many in here moan about media bias and then are highly critical when one of our own is actually writing for them, which kinda shows, err no bias. Mind you these are the same people who moan at any ex player who writes for main stream media and immediately they hate them and call their commitment to Rangers into doubt ( like Barry Frrguson). The usual daft stuff from those purporting to be fans but hating past ( and present ) players and management. Imagine wanting to ban @The Dude from here just when, at the very least, he can give voice to a fans view. Mind you @The Dude is a moderate and that's not easy on here. The wee clique on here who hate anything that does not correspond to their rabid view really don't speak for the majority of moderate fans - and no amount of high post count makes it so. 


What are you talking about? Seems to me you revell in your "online rep" as some sort of evangelical liberal. 

It's all a bit embarrassing.


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