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25 minutes ago, The Dude said:

Celtic fan in writing about Rangers shocker!! Remind me, how did that Resolution 12 nonsense go? Should I just write paranoid conspiracy theories since its what the Celtic blogger does?

No but you could compare in numerous ways how we are treated by authorities and press, unjustly, compared to others.

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1 minute ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

No but you could compare in numerous ways how we are treated by authorities and press, unjustly, compared to others.

So make the same arguments the Celtic blogger does but swap Celtic for Rangers? I've already said, repeatedly, that once stuff like the Tax tribunal is complete I'll look at everything that came as a result of it, Whyte's trial too. I'd far rather wait for all the facts to be available and be in a position to write about it accurately than jump in feet first now when all the facts aren't available and end up with egg on my face. 

In my first one I've already mentioned the attacks on Caixinha and the suggestions he's a flop after 8 weeks when in the same timescale the great Brendan Rodgers managed to lose a CL qualifier to a pub in Gibraltar. 

In my second one, which I'm waiting to go up, I've written about the overreaction from some in the media to celebrations from a team, and fan base, that have been to the bottom of the leagues and back and secured their return to Europe for the first time since 2011/12 and their attempts at demonising football fans, some of whom will be the same guys that went to Elgin, East Fife and Arbroath, for celebrating a win. 

In the future, should we end up winning the tax tribunal, the Scottish FA, clubs, SP(F)L and plenty others will be targeted for the way they, along with Chuckles Green, fucked us over. 

If Whyte is found guilty of fraud that'll be another one that, again alongside the SFA, that'll be covered. 

This is nothing I haven't said throughout the thread yet for some reason it's continually ignored. To date I have written ONE blog for the Record that's went up. One. That's it. If I was to go through everything people want me to go through in one blog it would be very light on detail given I have a word count to stick to so would lack any real point other than coming across as a rambling pile of pish. 

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7 minutes ago, The Dude said:

But you want me to air all your grievances  in it. 

Want you to do what I reckon most bears would...... for you to stand up for club and fanbase. Is that unrealistic expectation?

Yes you've posted one blog but you've also laid out your strategy. Which is imo introverted when many of the attacks on us come externally.

Said my piece for now.

Will await your approaching sinister goings on with interest.


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6 minutes ago, LaudrupsPatrickBoots said:

Make the change though. Go in and take on everyone the way you want the Dude to do it.

Or are you content to just moan about them on here?

What and change profession? You do know Dude now does this for a living. Extreme.

Yes I moan, on a forum. Are you new to the Internet?

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Just now, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

Want you to do what I reckon most bears would...... for you to stand up for club and fanbase. Is that unrealistic expectation?

Yes you've posted one blog but you've also laid out your strategy. Which is imo introverted when many of the attacks on us come externally.

Said my piece for now.

Will await your approaching sinister goings on with interest.



What are you doing to stand up for the club and fanbase other than bitching and moaning on here?

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2 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

What and change profession? You do know Dude now does this for a living. Extreme.

Yes I moan, on a forum. Are you new to the Internet?


I changed profession to do this for a living and spent a few years doing it alongside a full-time job. What makes me any different to anyone else?

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42 minutes ago, The Dude said:

That's what you want though. Someone wringing there hands at everything Celtic does. 

Dude next article you write, tell them all this 10 in a row is crap, as some of their titles are tainted, as Rangers were not in the top league.

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16 minutes ago, The Dude said:

I changed profession to do this for a living and spent a few years doing it alongside a full-time job. What makes me any different to anyone else?

It's your chosen profession ffs. You left retail to take up a passion, I'm not criticising.

But folk saying go and do it yourself then are mental.

I criticise refs, maybe I should become one and show them how it's done.

Same with some musicians and actors. Yeah I'll do that too. Politicians - don't get me started.

You're happy enough doing what you want. I'm happy enough on my career to not be getting forced out the door, progressing well, and not working for a Rangers hating rag ?

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2 hours ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

The Dude writes on several other platforms, ie Shoot and ĢTBFO. If you can show my resentment towards him doing so on those, which he has also posted on here, I'll hold my hand up to it being personal....... I'll await your reply to this point specifically ?


He is no longer writing for Shoot mate ...... he has said in this thread that he had an editorial disagreement that caused him to stop working for them.

What the disagreement was he never elaborated on ..... but if he left an outright Rangers promoting magazine because of editorial problems ..... it raises the question .... just how can

you have problems with your editor if all you are doing is writing positive copy ..... I smell shite ..... but if he was being restricted from giving his opinion on something that he felt we

should know about ... and would benefit from knowing .... then like you I would cut him some slack .... but only the Dude can answer that one to clear up the confusing messages he

sends out ..... along with the many reasons he conveniently wheels out to justify taking this gig. 


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2 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

It's your chosen profession ffs. You left retail to take up a passion, I'm not criticising.

But folk saying go and do it yourself then are mental.

I criticise refs, maybe I should become one and show them how it's done.

Same with some musicians and actors. Yeah I'll do that too. Politicians - don't get me started.

You're happy enough doing what you want. I'm happy enough on my career to not be getting forced out the door, progressing well, and not working for a Rangers hating rag ?


What's mental about it? It's the very reason I started writing about football in the first place. I was sick of reading shite like Spiers etc and felt I could do it better. So I did.


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19 minutes ago, CoplandStandBear said:

So people complain about the Record not giving our side of the story and their reporters have an agenda against us and when someone does give a fans perspective they complain the fan is a handwringer?  How can you defeat that sort of logic?  

What is our side of the story re the race onslaught that was in the papers for 7 days?

Our how pitch invasions at Motherwell and Hampden had most arrests apparentlyattributed to Rangers supporters? 

Or the naming of ex Rangers coaches as just that when it comes to paedophilia stuff but the bheasts as just ex football coaches.

Which other club is dehumanised the way we are? Conversely, which get away with brushing all sins under a carpet?

What was your take on Garners booking, Hallidays for a fist pump compared to others which resulted in a bear on a park (technical differences I mean).

Are our opinions on this aired? Do you want them to be? Should we just go with the flow and talk about footballing matters only?

I personally didn't use that phrase, but time will tell if it's accurate or whether there is a defence of club and support along with purely footballing matters.

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2 minutes ago, Bobby Hume said:

He is no longer writing for Shoot mate ...... he has said in this thread that he had an editorial disagreement that caused him to stop working for them.

What the disagreement was he never elaborated on ..... but if he left an outright Rangers promoting magazine because of editorial problems ..... it raises the question .... just how can

you have problems with your editor if all you are doing is writing positive copy ..... I smell shite ..... but if he was being restricted from giving his opinion on something that he felt we

should know about ... and would benefit from knowing .... then like you I would cut him some slack .... but only the Dude can answer that one to clear up the confusing messages he

sends out ..... along with the many reasons he conveniently wheels out to justify taking this gig. 



I left Shoot because they wanted all our content to be listicles. (5 players Rangers might sign this summer. 3 ex-Rangers who could return. 37 players who never had a fair crack of it at Rangers). They no longer wanted longer, opinion driven stuff despite it bringing them tens of thousands of regular new readers from my stuff alone. Prior to me writing for Shoot they hadn't had ANY substantial Rangers content in years. It's lazy clickbait stuff and, other than the odd one now and then, it's not something I intend to ever do as a regular thing. Even the list-based stuff we've done on GTBFO has been more discussion based with me and my colleague going through, for example, a handful of potential targets and discussing the pros and cons of each.

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9 minutes ago, The Dude said:

What's mental about it? It's the very reason I started writing about football in the first place. I was sick of reading shite like Spiers etc and felt I could do it better. So I did.


And not once have I criticised that decision, quite the opposite, it's commendable.

Until you align yourself with that specific rag which there's no excuse for as you're likely hoping it thrives whilst im hoping it dies.

But given you have taken the opportunity offered, yes I hope to see a defence of club and fans, and if that needs to be by attack on others then I hope you will.

But I doubt that's you're intention which again I can't agree with.

Much the same way I hate seeing our ex players jumping on the bheast bandwagon or puting the boot into us when there's a defence that could be made.


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