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The SFA 'at this time' quote

Bad Robot

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24 minutes ago, reallyruff said:

For shits and giggles I listened to BBC sportsound last night, just to wallow in the pain. English, Gordon and Gollum all appeared, to me, to be pushing the narrative that yesterday's announcement was a declaration from the SPFL to the SFA that " we can't do anything more but you can" in the hope of a disrepute charge being levelled. Any thoughts?

That's what I'm getting from the current events that it's being left opened on purpose thet the ball has now been passed to the SFA albeit any actions are limited.

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2 hours ago, Bad Robot said:

While most of us are happy that the spfl have put this to bed, we also need the SFA to do the same and get them also to release a final statement.

The club need to exert pressure on them as do as fans as the words 'at this time' leaves this open which gives them an angle to come back at us at anytime in the future.

The leader of the pedos has manoeuvred himself across and I don't trust him one bit and we need to ensure we don't get blindsided.


Totally agreed. The board of the SFA could change. Doncaster and Regan are being targeting by those leading this title stripping campaign. If Lawwell gets one of their positions, he imho would pursue this further. A line needs drawing underneath it now.

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24 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

its in the last paragraph of the statement

 the Board has determined that no further disciplinary action should be taken by the Scottish FA .....people are focussing on the "at this time" bit - but they have made it clear in the statement that they cant do ANYTHING at ANYTIME.

Is it possible that "at this time" could mean until the SPFL have announced their findings?

I would tend to agree with the position that the statement has an air of finality about it, but,it is certainly open to interpretation and may allow the moon-howlers something to hang their jacket upon in their next push to get the authorities to reach a conclusion satisfactory to them.

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3 minutes ago, reallyruff said:

Is it possible that "at this time" could mean until the SPFL have announced their findings?

I would tend to agree with the position that the statement has an air of finality about it, but,it is certainly open to interpretation and may allow the moon-howlers something to hang their jacket upon in their next push to get the authorities to reach a conclusion satisfactory to them.

I get what you are saying - but i think it leaves it open to appease the moon howlers rather than a dig at us. for the very simple reason that both the SFA and the SPFL have now made it perfectly clear there is no legal mechanism for them to do anything. That is as final as it gets. But also,  I just dont believe there is an appetite to do anything.

let's rewind a bit to the finding of Jerry the QC. It was not up to this review to suggest any sanctions - merely that 1. we had done something against the rules and that 2. they had something in the rule books that lays out proposed sanctions that they could or could not apply. But lets imagine for a moment that the report had suggested that sanctions should be imposed and there was a means that the SPFL was able to do it. Now, the decision would then rest with the SPFL as to what sanctions to impose - and if title stripping was one of those sanctions. If so - and they had applied it can you imagine the reaction?

Scottish football would immediately descend into anarchy. We as a support - backed by the club I would hope - would simply not accept it. Boycotts, demonstrations, further litigation, potentially moving out of Scotland,  even violence etc etc - everything would go round the merry go round again - and as far as I can see the only winners in all this preposterous title stripping nonsense are the lawyers.

If I was in charge at either the SPFL or the SFA, I would be delighted at the findings of this QC and the content of his review. The alternative just opens a massive can of worms for the entirety of scottish football. Even if you had no particular regard for Rangers, would you want all this trouble at your doorstop ? or would you rather move on?


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2 hours ago, jintybear said:

I actually believe that if sky wanted us down south we would go. Let's face it sky holds the monetary power. Unfortunately they would not want Rangers without celtic and vice versa and I think even lawwell would know that.

100% . We would never get right into the PL either...  probably Div 1 (Third tier).  And it would be us and those fucking rancid scumbags.

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56 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

I get what you are saying - but i think it leaves it open to appease the moon howlers rather than a dig at us. for the very simple reason that both the SFA and the SPFL have now made it perfectly clear there is no legal mechanism for them to do anything. That is as final as it gets. But also,  I just dont believe there is an appetite to do anything.

let's rewind a bit to the finding of Jerry the QC. It was not up to this review to suggest any sanctions - merely that 1. we had done something against the rules and that 2. they had something in the rule books that lays out proposed sanctions that they could or could not apply. But lets imagine for a moment that the report had suggested that sanctions should be imposed and there was a means that the SPFL was able to do it. Now, the decision would then rest with the SPFL as to what sanctions to impose - and if title stripping was one of those sanctions. If so - and they had applied it can you imagine the reaction?

Scottish football would immediately descend into anarchy. We as a support - backed by the club I would hope - would simply not accept it. Boycotts, demonstrations, further litigation, potentially moving out of Scotland,  even violence etc etc - everything would go round the merry go round again - and as far as I can see the only winners in all this preposterous title stripping nonsense are the lawyers.

If I was in charge at either the SPFL or the SFA, I would be delighted at the findings of this QC and the content of his review. The alternative just opens a massive can of worms for the entirety of scottish football. Even if you had no particular regard for Rangers, would you want all this trouble at your doorstop ? or would you rather move on?


Concur completely with your analysis of their announcements, however, setting aside the title stripping shit (for which there is no basis in fact of law) should we be concerned about a disrepute charge to appease the lower caste of supporters? Agree that there doesn't appear to be an appetite amongst the clubs for this situation to continue however there is a significant amount of agitation amongst certain supports (encouraged no doubt by statements emanating from a particular club) for something to be done. Is a disrepute charge a way of discharging this emnity whilst punishing us further and sidestepping the titles issue?

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14 minutes ago, reallyruff said:

Concur completely with your analysis of their announcements, however, setting aside the title stripping shit (for which there is no basis in fact of law) should we be concerned about a disrepute charge to appease the lower caste of supporters? Agree that there doesn't appear to be an appetite amongst the clubs for this situation to continue however there is a significant amount of agitation amongst certain supports (encouraged no doubt by statements emanating from a particular club) for something to be done. Is a disrepute charge a way of discharging this emnity whilst punishing us further and sidestepping the titles issue?

We already got punished for brining the game into disrepute for having the audacity to go into administration- that illegal transfer embargo 

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9 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

We already got punished for brining the game into disrepute for having the audacity to go into administration- that illegal transfer embargo 

Moonhowlers have no conception of us having been punished so will that prevent them seeking further (?) punishment? Or the authorities from continuing to ad lib in their dealings with us?

They've pretty much rewritten the book and made it up as we go along already.

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7 hours ago, coopsleftboot said:

What if Rangers weren't around?

I don't think they would be interested tbh. Unfortunately nobody is interested in either of us on their own. You just have to look at the Watford comments from last night to see how much we're not rated by the rest of British football. Obviously this is only my opinion!

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9 hours ago, coopsleftboot said:

There's a reason Liewell moved from one Organisation to the other.  Knowing the SPFL had nowhere to go on this, the SFA are the vehicle that could still do damage...so that's where he needs to be.   Make no mistake, his life's work is to get celtic into England, and the best way of doing that is either killing Rangers off or making us, at best, so uncompetitive that it kills the game in this country and they engineer they're move.  Never forget his words, "we'll nail they're feet to the floor".  


The taigs will be nowhere near England. I'd love them to play Millwall at the den though, I think that would be fucking hilarious

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10 hours ago, coopsleftboot said:

There's a reason Liewell moved from one Organisation to the other.  Knowing the SPFL had nowhere to go on this, the SFA are the vehicle that could still do damage...so that's where he needs to be.   Make no mistake, his life's work is to get celtic into England, and the best way of doing that is either killing Rangers off or making us, at best, so uncompetitive that it kills the game in this country and they engineer they're move.  Never forget his words, "we'll nail they're feet to the floor".  

I made the exact same point last night, let's not forget his classic "we don't need Rangers ". It is all about a machevialen construction to plead their case to the English FA about having no competition. I'm sure the English are going to love the groin brigade rolling up in Manchester with their cultural banners.

I also made the point about Gordon Smith being hounded out, and legal action against the SFA, leading to the referees strike. All orchestrated by the celtic board, management and fans.

This has been in the making for a decade, well before 14/2/12 although he knew that was coming from John Reid.

If the SFA redact on this and do decide to title strip, then Glasgow is going to one scary place to live as there will be a lot of protests and trouble coming. Myself personally, IF it ever happened, I would demand that we withdraw from the Scottish setup. 

We should chance it pleading our own case to the English FA/UEFA and accept a start up down the lower reaches of the English set up. As there would be no doubt that quasi political interference has been present throughout this whole case.

I don't think it will happen, the SFA seem to want to put this whole thing to bed now. Apart from the rabid politicised twitterati, I doubt any real football fan has any appetite for a decision that will inevitably lead to the self combustion of the Scottish game.

The most likely outcome of all of this will be a review into the SPL/SFA handling of the whole affair, with some procedural changes as the result of any independent enquiry.

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7 hours ago, reallyruff said:

Moonhowlers have no conception of us having been punished so will that prevent them seeking further (?) punishment? Or the authorities from continuing to ad lib in their dealings with us?

They've pretty much rewritten the book and made it up as we go along already.

And meanwhile .Our club has nothing to say on that

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Reading discussion on here and posts .

I honestly think the media imbalance is having an effect on our support .

I see so many bears punishing themselves using lines, that only the beggars would use .It has many using terms that only the scum would use or the biased Glasgow media .Unwittingly more than anything . Probably because they hear the same lines trotted out every day in our media .

This uncertainty is doing our club a lot of damage . Our enemies know this .

They may not be able to take our titles but they are still ramping up calls for this and that

It's the same ones as well . All with a connection to the scum . Topping , Mckenzie . All so clearly unbiased eh .

I still think Our club and the people that run us, are doing our great support , our heritage and our history a great disservice by going into the bunkers over this .

In short . They are a disgrace . I despise them .



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On 7/27/2017 at 9:41 AM, Deanzmeanzheinz said:

No one's going to England 


On 7/27/2017 at 9:49 AM, AlCapone said:

no ones going to England

Do you honestly think any of the English leagues would open their doors and welcome in this bunch of terrorist loving, kiddy fiddling filth?

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On 7/27/2017 at 0:56 PM, Sparkle said:

Re 'appeasement '

This latest Doncaster statement about meeting with fans groups to hear their complaints - are we included in this invitation?

Don't be silly, they don't want to hear from us just the deluded cunts.

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43 minutes ago, big blue Fin said:


Do you honestly think any of the English leagues would open their doors and welcome in this bunch of terrorist loving, kiddy fiddling filth?

no, that's why I said no ones moving to England.....thought I was quite clear

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the sfa granted us a license each year to play ,knowing of ebt,knowing who benefited and how much the club paid into the scheme each year 

they are hardly going to be able to do anything now, 

however the pressure will build from the moon howlers 

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