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The F's and the H's

Ted E Bayer

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23 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:


Im afraid they are comparable. We might not like that they are comparable, but they are.

I also think there is no difference between someone being called an 'orange/H** bastard' or a 'fenian bastard'. Both are as bad as the other.

In terms of the sectarian angle. I would say that there is a hint of sectarianism to it. How can you rely on the excuse that 'fenian' purely indicates their ideas on the militant push for a united Ireland, rather than their religion, when you throw it at people without having a single clue about their opinion on a united Ireland?

The fenian tag was thrown at Clark because of his background, not his views, which takes away any defense of it not being sectarian.

Both sets of fans are as bad as each other, both sets of fans have been sectarian in the last week.

So if fenian is a religious term as you're putting it, why were there Protestants in the Fenian Brotherhood? 

Also, see your part about both sets of fans being as bad as each other, away and fuck. 

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I’ve never understood why folk get their nickers in a twist about these things. I couldn’t give a fuck what anyone shouts at me at a football match. But if your going to be offended at least be consistent. I never heard a word from Steve Clark at the weekend after celtic fans sang about a sad orange bastard, however, it was a different story last night when he was allegedly a sad Fenian bastard. So if people are going to greet about name calling, at least be fucking even handed about it. 

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3 minutes ago, j1mgg said:

In your case, then the Tim's should be getting dragged up as well, for both the use of the word Fenian, and calling bord an orange bastard, they ain't.

Have we been called up by the SFA with a case to answer?

I have only seen Clarke complaining.

Boyd complained the other day.

Not sure where the difference is. Clarke made it a bigger story by making a bigger issue out of it.

If we had been cited and they had not then you would have a point. Until this happens, you dont.

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54 minutes ago, ianferguson said:

Bottom line is that Religion is either dead or dying in Scotland and nobody gives a fuck about it, we use sectarianism to abuse each other but in reality we both live our lives free of religion while more churches become community centres and nurseries  every day. 

It's music to their ears, this increase in nurseries... 

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6 minutes ago, BridgeIsBlue said:

So if fenian is a religious term as you're putting it, why were there Protestants in the Fenian Brotherhood? 

Also, see your part about both sets of fans being as bad as each other, away and fuck. 

Shouting at a black person to fuck off and eat some fried chicken and watermelon cant really be excused by saying "lots of folk like fried chicken and watermelon'.

The meaning of the term has changed, like it or not.

I just dont buy into the idea that you are trying to sell that when someone shouts at a football manager in the west coast of scotland that they are a 'fenian', that you genuinely expect us to believe it is intended literally. It is intended that we are to believe that in his spare time, Steve Clark takes up arms and fights for the cause of Irish Nationalism, possibly with the use of a time machine.

When people are shouting calling folk 'fenians' it is due to their backgrounds.

Just like when folk shout at us calling us 'H***' or 'orange bastards'.

Both sets of fans are as bad as each other. Unfortunately, I suspect that they might actually be able to curtail their problem better than we will.

Idiots on our side will give all the ammunition that they need to lose us this battle. 


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40 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:


Im afraid they are comparable. We might not like that they are comparable, but they are.

I also think there is no difference between someone being called an 'orange/H** bastard' or a 'fenian bastard'. Both are as bad as the other.

In terms of the sectarian angle. I would say that there is a hint of sectarianism to it. How can you rely on the excuse that 'fenian' purely indicates their ideas on the militant push for a united Ireland, rather than their religion, when you throw it at people without having a single clue about their opinion on a united Ireland?

The fenian tag was thrown at Clark because of his background, not his views, which takes away any defense of it not being sectarian.

Both sets of fans are as bad as each other, both sets of fans have been sectarian in the last week.

Don't come on here talking sense. Who do you think you are?

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4 minutes ago, Smile said:

I always worry about posters who jump on the Fenian bandwagon were they as vocal on the Kris Boyd situation.

See this is what's happened in liewwell's run Scottish football it's all one way, you stand up for yourself and you are labelled West of Scotland bigot by the bigots that brought hate to the West Of Scotland. They brought it here.

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11 minutes ago, Smile said:

Its football lets sanitize and kill it off altogether as if the Scottish game football wasn't bad enough, I always worry about posters who jump on the Fenian bandwagon were they as vocal on the Kris Boyd situation.


3 minutes ago, BLUEDIGNITY said:

See this is what's happened in liewwell's run Scottish football it's all one way, you stand up for yourself and you are labelled West of Scotland bigot by the bigots that brought hate to the West Of Scotland. They brought it here.

I agree on the sanitization point.

Lets face it, I really doubt anyone is massively offended by being called a 'fenian this' or an 'orange that' at a football match from another fan at a different section.

This is purely a contest on who can show the most mock offence. Clark is using it as an excuse to take away from the mauling his side got.

What I cannot stand from our side is those who are hypocrites. They get all upset about being called this or that, but then try to justify why they can call them 'fenians' etc. Cant have it both ways.

Either try to push the media to recognise that this whole sectarian thing is a red herring, which is the actual truth. Its about football, not about religion. Understand that this is 99.99999% certain to fail in todays 'offence culture'.

Or, play the fucking game. Stop calling them fenians and squeal like fuck any time we are called anything vaguely offensive. It is utterly pathetic, but the way that this shitfest of a society functions these day.

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7 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:


I agree on the sanitization point.

Lets face it, I really doubt anyone is massively offended by being called a 'fenian this' or an 'orange that' at a football match from another fan at a different section.

This is purely a contest on who can show the most mock offence. Clark is using it as an excuse to take away from the mauling his side got.

What I cannot stand from our side is those who are hypocrites. They get all upset about being called this or that, but then try to justify why they can call them 'fenians' etc. Cant have it both ways.

Either try to push the media to recognise that this whole sectarian thing is a red herring, which is the actual truth. Its about football, not about religion. Understand that this is 99.99999% certain to fail in todays 'offence culture'.

Or, play the fucking game. Stop calling them fenians and squeal like fuck any time we are called anything vaguely offensive. It is utterly pathetic, but the way that this shitfest of a society functions these day.

Couldnt give two fucks about the name calling , its football in this country and it will never change.

Its the fuckin hypocrisy of Clarke and the Kilmarnock board who now all decide this is sectarianism after completely dismissing everything that happened against the scum.........

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11 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:


I agree on the sanitization point.

Lets face it, I really doubt anyone is massively offended by being called a 'fenian this' or an 'orange that' at a football match from another fan at a different section.

This is purely a contest on who can show the most mock offence. Clark is using it as an excuse to take away from the mauling his side got.

What I cannot stand from our side is those who are hypocrites. They get all upset about being called this or that, but then try to justify why they can call them 'fenians' etc. Cant have it both ways.

Either try to push the media to recognise that this whole sectarian thing is a red herring, which is the actual truth. Its about football, not about religion. Understand that this is 99.99999% certain to fail in todays 'offence culture'.

Or, play the fucking game. Stop calling them fenians and squeal like fuck any time we are called anything vaguely offensive. It is utterly pathetic, but the way that this shitfest of a society functions these day.

The mheejah love it, keeps them employed and the mhanks amongst them love using it,  the offended train here will roll for another hundred years !

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52 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Shouting at a black person to fuck off and eat some fried chicken and watermelon cant really be excused by saying "lots of folk like fried chicken and watermelon'.

The meaning of the term has changed, like it or not.

I just dont buy into the idea that you are trying to sell that when someone shouts at a football manager in the west coast of scotland that they are a 'fenian', that you genuinely expect us to believe it is intended literally. It is intended that we are to believe that in his spare time, Steve Clark takes up arms and fights for the cause of Irish Nationalism, possibly with the use of a time machine.

When people are shouting calling folk 'fenians' it is due to their backgrounds.

Just like when folk shout at us calling us 'H***' or 'orange bastards'.

Both sets of fans are as bad as each other. Unfortunately, I suspect that they might actually be able to curtail their problem better than we will.

Idiots on our side will give all the ammunition that they need to lose us this battle. 

Agree with you except for this part; they had mannequins hanging from nooses wearing a sash and banners calling us H** scum. I can't see us doing something that low, or being allowed to by the Club, which they obviously were.

One thing they will be better at curtailing is negative media coverage. 

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2 minutes ago, OhW said:

Agree with you except for this part; they had mannequins hanging from nooses wearing a sash and banners calling us H** scum. I can't see us doing something that low, or being allowed to by the Club, which they obviously were.

One thing they will be better at curtailing is negative media coverage. 

Aye but we're just as bad, we didn't hang effigies of the Pope from the club deck or continually assault weans at derby games. 

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2 hours ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Look at rap music with the use of 'n***er'.

It is completely inappropriate for a white person to refer to a black person as this. Some claim that by reclaiming the term themselves it gives them back power. Others who I agree with, state it is still insulting to use.

Just because a group use an offensive term to define themselves does not mean that it should be used outside of the group to define them.

Personally, I don't find it difficult not to use the word 'fenian'. The use of the word just causes our club problems. Just box clever and refer to them as terrorist sympathisers or child molestors.

Every time one of our support shouts the word 'fenian' from the stands, they risk damaging the club. It should stop.

Your comparing the word Fenian with n***er. 😂

For the love of god the snow is falling. 

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3 hours ago, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

I don't know any protestant or Rangers supporter that calls themselves a H**.

Many scum take pride in calling themselves Fenians, they were Paddy McCourts Fenian Army not too long ago. There is no doubt they enjoy the label themselves when believing themselves to be republican terrorists, but when called exactly that they default to victimhood of Roman Catholic sectarian abuse.

One term is entirely offensive, the other is dependent on who says it and whether the scum choose to be offended by it.

Only the latter generates significant interest and condemnation in this shit hole of ours due to the influence of Fenian (republican terrorist) lovers in the SNP.

Top form lately 👌

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14 minutes ago, sassaaaa said:

Couldnt give two fucks about the name calling , its football in this country and it will never change.

Its the fuckin hypocrisy of Clarke and the Kilmarnock board who now all decide this is sectarianism after completely dismissing everything that happened against the scum.........

This is the point a fair few seem to be missing. 

Sectarian chanting at Protestant, nothing to see here the Orange Bastard deserves it. 

Sectarian chanting at Catholic, moral outrage of the highest order and the country goes into meltdown. 

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3 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

This is the point a fair few seem to be missing. 

Sectarian chanting at Protestant, nothing to see here the Orange Bastard deserves it. 

Sectarian chanting at Catholic, moral outrage of the highest order and the country goes into meltdown. 

The meltdown has been caused by the platform the issue has been given.

Clark has made a bigger deal about it than anyone else. I cant help but feel he is doing this to pave his path to the celtic job. Utterly pathetic if this is the case.

If a manager came out and said the same things about being called an 'Orange bastard', it would also be a big story.

The issue is that we dont play the game, we dont make a big deal out of the sectarian abuse we get.

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19 minutes ago, OhW said:

Agree with you except for this part; they had mannequins hanging from nooses wearing a sash and banners calling us H** scum. I can't see us doing something that low, or being allowed to by the Club, which they obviously were.

One thing they will be better at curtailing is negative media coverage. 

I’d absolutely love it if we had thr mannequins of them no gonny lie, and if you greet about H** scum you need a pair of balls.

13 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

This is the point a fair few seem to be missing. 

Sectarian chanting at Protestant, nothing to see here the Orange Bastard deserves it. 

Sectarian chanting at Catholic, moral outrage of the highest order and the country goes into meltdown. 

Genuine question, is Kris Boyd a Protestant?

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