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CD7 Closed

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8 hours ago, JCDBigBear said:

So what part of the ground would you close?

How about we kick up fuxk as it's a disgrace.   Why has celtic park not being closed as how many times have they being fined.  

As for FARE?   Rangers should call the cunts that run it out for what they are, the cunt that was in charge I am sure his wife was a tarrier also,  so when will they call celtic out as they get fined every fucking year and i am sure they have used the word fenian which can also be a Protestant and is not anti catholic  again another made up fact by our haters  

I keep hearing this word secterian singing in all the papers , But what secterian singing ? TBB is deemed offensive and that's not secterian another fact the club should correct our Pedo loving haters in the media on.  .

We are bending over and that cunt onthe BBC Micheal Stewart is now saying we should not wear an orange strip?  So is this clown now saying any team can have an orange strip except Rangers ?   The cunt needs sacked from the BBC for his  attack  on the orange strip as it's called freedom of fucking choice and again any old excuse to attack our great club which that cunt has never put a penny too   

Like that walloper has ever paid £65 for a football top and yet he can tell us what fucking colour we can and cannot wear.

Bring out another orange one next season Rangers and fuck them 


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2 minutes ago, Copland bear said:

How about we kick up duck as it's a disgrace.   Why has celtic park not being closed as how many times have they being fined.  

As for FARE?   Rangers should call the cunts that run itout fir what they are, the cunt that was in charge I am sure his wife was a tarrier also,  so when will they cal, celtic out as they get fined every fucking year and i a, sure they have used the word fenian which can also be a Protestant and is not anti catholic  again another made up fact by our haters  

I keep hearing this word secterian singing in all the papers , But what secterian singing ? TBB is deemed offensive and that's not secterian another fact the club should correct our Pedro loving haters in the media on.  .

We are banding over and that cunt onthe BBC Micheal Stewart is now saying we should not wear an orange top. 

So is this clown now saying any team can have an orange strip except Rangers ?   The count needs sacked from the BBC for his agpgtack on the orange strip as it's called freedom of fucking choice.   

Like that walloped has ever paid £65 for a football top and yet he can tell us what the fuck we should spend our money in...


The bricks in our stadium are rather a bit orange, so obviously sectarian and needs taken down. Oh wait a minute!

That cunt Stewart  is ploughing many furrows in his quest against us. Isn't he looking for a political career with SNPira? A fucking great match.

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9 hours ago, Blue Nosed Babe said:

Regarding the UVF, Rangers fans do NOT sing about the proscribed organisation but the brave men of WWI.

I understand that but it’s what is percieved.  It not football related and the club would not defend it.  It is why the club will not give us a list.  

Its not about what I feel personally but how UEFA interpret meaning.  

My view is not to give them the opportunity.  

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15 minutes ago, Sweettartangirl said:

Dear me. I remember the days Gogzy. You make me sad these days:( 

He may well be putting words in ears, however if he spoke to the wrong jobsworth guy, he could end up in trouble a he is the guy in charge of our main rivals.   Very risky for him to be trying that, especialy since his only remit in the job is to help try and change the format of the tournament.

I don't think Liewell has anywhere near the clout he has here, over in UEFA.  I do believe he plays a massive part in the shit that befalls us domestically.

 I think the bigger "coincidence" is this o'hagen guy,  been at the tarriers, hibs, and killie so obviously hates us, and is in a position to actually get us punished.

None of it really matters, we have put ourselves in this position, given them the ammo to use against us and in their eyes, clearly broke the rules.  The fact that the uefa delegate ( that is what ohagen is right?) seems to have a massive conflict of interest probably wont matter to UEFA either.   It might well be something to use in our defence later, if we do end up having to take this to the courts.

It's a fucked situation,  biased bastards have reported us for breaking the rules.  If we hadn't broken the rules though, there would be nothing for UEFA to punish.

No amount of debate on the subject really matters right now tbh,although it has been interesting the past few days :lol:


The only thing that matters in the short term is we stop singing stuff that breaks the rules. ( no fenian bastards, no up to our knees....., nothing that can be seen to discriminate against their shithole of a religion.)   The rest can be sorted out later, although I feel we may be pissing into the wind trying to argue against UEFA on this.

We should start playing the tarrier bastards at their own game too,  watch their games, take notes of their vile chants, type up emails and send them to FARE, Nil By Mouth , UEFA, etc.    It's the only way to combat them, as we can't win by fighting the system.



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2 minutes ago, gogzy said:

He may well be putting words in ears, however if he spoke to the wrong jobsworth guy, he could end up in trouble a he is the guy in charge of our main rivals.   Very risky for him to be trying that, especialy since his only remit in the job is to help try and change the format of the tournament.

I don't think Liewell has anywhere near the clout he has here, over in UEFA.  I do believe he plays a massive part in the shit that befalls us domestically.

 I think the bigger "coincidence" is this o'hagen guy,  been at the tarriers, hibs, and killie so obviously hates us, and is in a position to actually get us punished.

None of it really matters, we have put ourselves in this position, given them the ammo to use against us and in their eyes, clearly broke the rules.  The fact that the uefa delegate ( that is what ohagen is right?) seems to have a massive conflict of interest probably wont matter to UEFA either.   It might well be something to use in our defence later, if we do end up having to take this to the courts.

It's a fucked situation,  biased bastards have reported us for breaking the rules.  If we hadn't broken the rules though, there would be nothing for UEFA to punish.

No amount of debate on the subject really matters right now tbh,although it has been interesting the past few days :lol:


The only thing that matters in the short term is we stop singing stuff that breaks the rules. ( no fenian bastards, no up to our knees....., nothing that can be seen to discriminate against their shithole of a religion.)   The rest can be sorted out later, although I feel we may be pissing into the wind trying to argue against UEFA on this.

We should start playing the tarrier bastards at their own game too,  watch their games, take notes of their vile chants, type up emails and send them to FARE, Nil By Mouth , UEFA, etc.    It's the only way to combat them, as we can't win by fighting the system.



Love you still....forever and always you crabbit terrifying kitchen dweller xxx


So drunk tonight. Daughters 21st....eff it all  :lol:

I will fight them all to the pits of hell. Despise them with complete passion and always will. Scum bags xx

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7 minutes ago, Sweettartangirl said:

Love you still....forever and always you crabbit terrifying kitchen dweller xxx


So drunk tonight. Daughters 21st....eff it all  :lol:

I will fight them all to the pits of hell. Despise them with complete passion and always will. Scum bags xx


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14 hours ago, Copland bear said:

How about we kick up fuxk as it's a disgrace.   Why has celtic park not being closed as how many times have they being fined.  

As for FARE?   Rangers should call the cunts that run it out for what they are, the cunt that was in charge I am sure his wife was a tarrier also,  so when will they call celtic out as they get fined every fucking year and i am sure they have used the word fenian which can also be a Protestant and is not anti catholic  again another made up fact by our haters  

I keep hearing this word secterian singing in all the papers , But what secterian singing ? TBB is deemed offensive and that's not secterian another fact the club should correct our Pedo loving haters in the media on.  .

We are bending over and that cunt onthe BBC Micheal Stewart is now saying we should not wear an orange strip?  So is this clown now saying any team can have an orange strip except Rangers ?   The cunt needs sacked from the BBC for his  attack  on the orange strip as it's called freedom of fucking choice and again any old excuse to attack our great club which that cunt has never put a penny too   

Like that walloper has ever paid £65 for a football top and yet he can tell us what fucking colour we can and cannot wear.

Bring out another orange one next season Rangers and fuck them 


So what part of the ground would you close?

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What I find crazy is their is a large section of our support on various social media platforms who are going to defiantly sing the songs and don't care if the club is eventually expelled from the euro competitions. Go against them or try and reason and your classed as nothing more than a tarrier apologist

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30 minutes ago, rabc10000 said:

What I find crazy is their is a large section of our support on various social media platforms who are going to defiantly sing the songs and don't care if the club is eventually expelled from the euro competitions. Go against them or try and reason and your classed as nothing more than a tarrier apologist

They’re full of shite mate,  Billy boys and Super Rangers won’t be chanted on Thursday.


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20 hours ago, Tiger Shaw said:

They’re full of shite mate,  Billy boys and Super Rangers won’t be chanted on Thursday.


I agree they won't be sung but Rangers need to tackle this head in after the game and ask why they are banned . The y are not anti and religion and they are not racist, A Protestant as well as a catholic can be a fenian.  

Thismis banned because our haters got it banned through their contacts at FARE and for years they have been anti Rangers and clearly had a agenda against us.  

No one wants to see the stadium closed , or a stand shut but at what point do we draw a line in the sand and say no more from the board down?   Michael Stewart now thinks he can have a right go at us over an orange strip?   How many other clubs with an orange top  has he complained about?   Why just Rangers?    Is there some law preventing us from having an orange top?

There was no secterian singing at the St Joseph's game lets make that point clear as TBB is not secterian it's offensive by law yet the media print time and again otherwise.  

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13 minutes ago, Copland bear said:


There was no secterian singing at the St Joseph's game lets make that point clear as TBB is not secterian it's offensive by law yet the media print time and again otherwise.  

TBB is a sectarian song. Nobody can say otherwise.   It’s sectarian, you know it, I know it, every cunt knows it. 

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27 minutes ago, KeyserSoze said:

TBB is a sectarian song. Nobody can say otherwise.   It’s sectarian, you know it, I know it, every cunt knows it. 

Of course it is and I don't know why many try and say otherwise, same way as the word Fenian in this day and age is used almost exclusively as an insult. Really didn't get the page upon page of people going in about the original meaning of the word as though uefa were going to back track on the punishment

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7 minutes ago, rabc10000 said:

Of course it is and I don't know why many try and say otherwise, same way as the word Fenian in this day and age is used almost exclusively as an insult. Really didn't get the page upon page of people going in about the original meaning of the word as though uefa were going to back track on the punishment

I put it down to people not really understanding what they are actually singing about. Billy Fullerton hated catholic’s in all their denominations whether fenian or not. It’s well documented in books and such  

when people sing the Billy Boys they are celebrating the work of a guy who hated catholic’s  and split Glasgow in two because of the sectarian nature of his violence 

it’s not really anymore than that  

Folk should read more imo 


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8 minutes ago, rabc10000 said:

Of course it is and I don't know why many try and say otherwise, same way as the word Fenian in this day and age is used almost exclusively as an insult. Really didn't get the page upon page of people going in about the original meaning of the word as though uefa were going to back track on the punishment

It’s just not such a simple issue. If it was then It would be easy. 

We are currently presented with a simple choice. Ditch the songs or get fined. It’s that easy and we should all rally round and ditch the songs. Thats the end of that simplified issue. 

Next level of the issue is whether we can retain the tunes but change the words to purely football related words because they are great anthems. It seems, bizarrely, that this is not to be entertained. For me this raises questions about the motive for the action in the first place?

But then there is the next level of the issue. Parity. We should not be singled out in this treatment. Others should be sanctioned for the same things. Otherwise it’s victimisation.   

Next level is the fact that this is a societal issue. When is that going to be tackled instead of targeting football fans for the issues in society. But that is for the politics forum

On a whole Other level then is the sectarianism and whether it is freedom of speech or not to denounce fenianism, Catholicism or Protestantism or even Islamists.  But that is for the debate forum

If you are going to just argue on a forum about the first level of the issue then it’s no wonder everyone appear polarised. 

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1 minute ago, KeyserSoze said:

I put it down to people not really understanding what they are actually singing about. Billy Fullerton hated catholic’s in all their denominations whether fenian or not. It’s well documented in books and such  

when people sing the Billy Boys they are celebrating the work of a guy who hated catholic’s  and split Glasgow in two because of the sectarian nature of his violence 

it’s not really anymore than that  

Folk should read more imo 


I agree, the part I highlighted I've seen people claim that it's about king Billy and the battle of the boyne that's how little some of our fan base know 

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2 minutes ago, Bakbear said:

It’s just not such a simple issue. If it was then It would be easy. 

We are currently presented with a simple choice. Ditch the songs or get fined. It’s that easy and we should all rally round and ditch the songs. Thats the end of that simplified issue. 

Next level of the issue is whether we can retain the tunes but change the words to purely football related words because they are great anthems. It seems, bizarrely, that this is not to be entertained. For me this raises questions about the motive for the action in the first place?

But then there is the next level of the issue. Parity. We should not be singled out in this treatment. Others should be sanctioned for the same things. Otherwise it’s victimisation.   

Next level is the fact that this is a societal issue. When is that going to be tackled instead of targeting football fans for the issues in society. But that is for the politics forum

On a whole Other level then is the sectarianism and whether it is freedom of speech or not to denounce fenianism, Catholicism or Protestantism or even Islamists.  But that is for the debate forum

If you are going to just argue on a forum about the first level of the issue then it’s no wonder everyone appear polarised. 

Out of that realistically the first part I believe is the only part the fans can actually ahave a say in or influence directly in ditching the songs. I believe everything else will need some form of backing and voice from the club direct??? 

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6 minutes ago, KeyserSoze said:

I put it down to people not really understanding what they are actually singing about. Billy Fullerton hated catholic’s in all their denominations whether fenian or not. It’s well documented in books and such  

when people sing the Billy Boys they are celebrating the work of a guy who hated catholic’s  and split Glasgow in two because of the sectarian nature of his violence 

it’s not really anymore than that  

Folk should read more imo 

You say that like it's a bad thing...

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4 minutes ago, rabc10000 said:

Out of that realistically the first part I believe is the only part the fans can actually ahave a say in or influence directly in ditching the songs. I believe everything else will need some form of backing and voice from the club direct??? 

Possibly. And probably why you see so many fans venting frustration that the club aren’t doing that. 

But i am not sure the club should or could. 

Gogzy is right, if we can be arsed as a support, we need to play them at their own game and report other clubs fans for their indiscretions. Realistically our fans are mostly employed and aren’t obsessed enough to do so  

however there is thena big long discussion about apathy and representation of the majority in positions of power ......blah blah blah


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On 25 August 2019 at 03:49, gogzy said:

He may well be putting words in ears, however if he spoke to the wrong jobsworth guy, he could end up in trouble a he is the guy in charge of our main rivals.   Very risky for him to be trying that, especialy since his only remit in the job is to help try and change the format of the tournament.

I don't think Liewell has anywhere near the clout he has here, over in UEFA.  I do believe he plays a massive part in the shit that befalls us domestically.

 I think the bigger "coincidence" is this o'hagen guy,  been at the tarriers, hibs, and killie so obviously hates us, and is in a position to actually get us punished.

None of it really matters, we have put ourselves in this position, given them the ammo to use against us and in their eyes, clearly broke the rules.  The fact that the uefa delegate ( that is what ohagen is right?) seems to have a massive conflict of interest probably wont matter to UEFA either.   It might well be something to use in our defence later, if we do end up having to take this to the courts.

It's a fucked situation,  biased bastards have reported us for breaking the rules.  If we hadn't broken the rules though, there would be nothing for UEFA to punish.

No amount of debate on the subject really matters right now tbh,although it has been interesting the past few days :lol:


The only thing that matters in the short term is we stop singing stuff that breaks the rules. ( no fenian bastards, no up to our knees....., nothing that can be seen to discriminate against their shithole of a religion.)   The rest can be sorted out later, although I feel we may be pissing into the wind trying to argue against UEFA on this.

We should start playing the tarrier bastards at their own game too,  watch their games, take notes of their vile chants, type up emails and send them to FARE, Nil By Mouth , UEFA, etc.    It's the only way to combat them, as we can't win by fighting the system.



We have put ourselves in this position through lack of leadership and governance by a delinquent board.

Where is our PR strategy for protecting and enhancing the brand? Where is the defence of our club? Where is our strategy for the very clear double standards at work? Where is the engagement strategy with the fans?

Leadership comes from the board. Standards are set by the board. Governanace is enacted by the board. 

We have none of it. The reality is we get pilloried day on day by our haters without reply. We persist in litigation with SDI that costs us a fortune and reputational damage. We roll over to take it up the arse on the double standards that prevail in this backwater.

We have silence, or half ass reactive statements better written by five year olds, when the coffers are directly at risk or it affects them personally.

Leadership and standards by this board are NOT the example to be setting, so we end up deeper in the shit.

Our board are delinquent as far as leadership and governance goes and quite simply a fucking embarassment. If they didn't have the good will and gravy train of the support, they would all be on the fucking dole. Time they showed some fucking respect and doing their fucking job would be a good start.



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41 minutes ago, KeyserSoze said:

I put it down to people not really understanding what they are actually singing about. Billy Fullerton hated catholic’s in all their denominations whether fenian or not. It’s well documented in books and such  

when people sing the Billy Boys they are celebrating the work of a guy who hated catholic’s  and split Glasgow in two because of the sectarian nature of his violence 

it’s not really anymore than that  

Folk should read more imo 


He was a wrong 'un, pure and simple. 

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