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DR gunning for Heart and Hand


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1 hour ago, SkylineBlue said:

Now this meme is more appropriate. It's pretty much an incel meme, but a broken clock n all that.


Change that to a wee Leprechaun character with Anti Irish Racism as the final bubble and it is spot on as regards the last few years. 

Change Opinions to Hate/Sectarianism also. 

If only I could draw. 

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11 hours ago, KeyserSoze said:

sectarianism has always been anti (something)

if you are anti-catholic it’s sectarian 

anti - Jewish, sectarian 

Anti - Huguenot, sectarian 


sectarianism is the umbrella term 

anti, is the definition of who is the sub section referred to 

Naw KS, that's the global interpretation your thinking of as used the world over but it's really a lazy "catch all" 

Luckily enough in Scotland some independent, non-biased groups done some deeper evaluations and confirmed that only catholics are affected by this. It was previously thought that Jews, Protestants, Seikhs, Muslims etc were affected but it looks like everyone was wrong.

On a positive note Scotland's sectarianism problem (which used to be quite significant) has almost been eradicated overnight and all energies and resources can now by concentrated on solving the one remaining problem which is anti-catholic sectarianism


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2 hours ago, esquire8 said:

The most that will happen is DR disciplining or firing a few of the main offenders and serve as a warning shot to any other journos who want to have a go at our support. 

The warning shot is the main point though. 

Don't know what more can be achieved imo.

You think it'll go that far ? 

I reckon they'll be quietly reinstated once its died down again . And then their knives will be out again.  

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