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i always get bullied :(

Bullying is wrong....

Are you being serious?

Is this what we have to lower ourselves to on here?

Accepting idiotic shite from the likes of the*ish because twats like him don't respond well to intellectual discussion or argument?

All we have left is name-calling or abuse.

It's the only thing the likes of him understands.

It's why he is one of the few voices on here advocating that we continue to sing FTP and TBB despite the fact that it will financially cripple our club (irreseoective of who is right or wrong) and be the ruin of us. Or has that MASSIVE point escaped you.

If you are being serious then you are missing the point by one large margin.

If you are serious about encouraging intelligent debate on here then you should stop pandering to the likes of this fucking idiot.

So many people on here question why you tolerate this fool yet still you protect him....

I have little time for liberals at the best of time but even the liberals I know wouldnt suffer the likes of this idiot. Why this board does makes me wonder why I and many others on here would wish to be seen on here.

Absolute nonsense Ricardo

Reading through the rest of your posts on this thread are you honestly telling me that with all that intellect you cannot express yourself other than to resort to name calling or abuse ?

Give us strength doh

Furthermore that tongue of yours is getting ahead of itself...while I have little sympathy for the Fish's views about certain songs and expressions...and have been happy to challenge him on them from time to time...the following claims you have made are false...

It's why he is one of the few voices on here advocating that we continue to sing FTP and TBB despite the fact that it will financially cripple our club

He reluctantly accepted such songs will not be sung at Ibrox - but suggested they would probably continue on supporters buses and within certain establishments offering "light refreshments" - not the solution I would advocate - but thats a world away from what you are suggesting.

So rather than "bricking it" the moderators are acting on posts which are posted (not what you think was written) and also are accepting they cannot "police" individuals beliefs or opinions.

Coop has initiated this thread due to complaints to forum managers about name calling and abuse - it may come as something of a surprise to you Ricardo - but some posters find your conduct on the boards as offensive as you seem to find old Fish's - and therefore to repeat Coop's warning... name calling and abuse will not be tolerated.

I hope that is clear enough for you and every other poster - if not please get back to me and I will seek to explain it in terms which satisfies that....... intellectual equilibrium.

well said D'art, thats what I meant here.

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names like bin pish, timposter etc are NOT acceptable on the board. So pay heed. Name calling is regarded as a personal attack, which will not be tolerated on RM. Simple.

This lame over censorship and officious moderation by some admin is the one thing that spoils this forum. I can fully understand that you don't want things to deteriorate into a slanging match, but regarding these mild insults as personal attacks is ridiculous. It is apparently OK for a poster to post blatant bigotry, racism and xenophobic drivel but even the mildest rebuke will bring the forum gestapo down upon you? Pretty sad IMO.

What is lame about asking persons to refrain from continued name calling and personal abuse ?

Its all fine being critical Briton - its a whole lot harder to achieve a balance of lighthearted banter and personal abuse - and rarely a day goes by when moderators are not receiving complaints about posts where one poster has said something they felt was light hearted banter whilst another has taken offence to it.

It would also help if you didnt polarise the debate - its not okay or acceptable for anyone to post racist/xenophobic or bigoted - but its not possible for moderators to control thoughts or beliefs - that would take us into the realm of gestapo like tactics you refer to.

I've seen moderators come into threads on several occasions where there was absolutely no need. To me that is lame. If people are complaining to moderators over 'insults' of the kind mentioned, (and I'd love to see an example of the kind of thing you are talking about), then that is even more lame.

As for the bigotry and racism. It is apparently OK as bigoted and racist comments have been made and nothing is made of it as far as I can see. One perp even seems to be admired by the same admin who admonishes others for relatively mild 'insults'.

What has controlling thoughts got to do with it? We are talking about what people write...not what they think.

the moderators have a hard job and i think are very fair, but if you dish it out be prepared to take it back, and dont go running to the mods, you can call me anything you like i it does not bother me, but dont go running to the mods if you get it back again, also wher have the bigoted and racist comments been made as i have not seen any on this board,as it would not be tolerated, and for people to have a go at coops in this thread is out of order. coops is one of the fairest guys i have ever come across and puts in lots of work for rangers media, and try to calm things down when the arguments are starting to get out of hand, and as him having favourites is rubbish as he treats everybody the same if you step out of line he will soon tell you, as he loves rangers media that much and will not see it harmed, also the rest of the mods do a great job and are nice people, and they dont jump in and warn people unless they overstep the mark, and to be honest they do a fantastic job.

:kiss1: The £20 is on its way minstral ;)

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names like bin pish, timposter etc are NOT acceptable on the board. So pay heed. Name calling is regarded as a personal attack, which will not be tolerated on RM. Simple.

we are becoming very polite here now you should see the language used about us on Celtic boards it would make your ears curl but then we dont want to go to their level

I know that bearette, that is why we are Rangers fans and above that sort of stuff (tu)

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Yes im younger than yourselves, i grew up in Greenock i have been stabbed bla bla....

.Point is with the FISH ricardo has a point hes a waste of time and a joke to the bargain .

No disrepesct to your stories of younger days its just i dont want the point of some individuals and behaviour to be side tracked., i like others dont rise to certain peoples comments but it tarnishes the community we have here.

Opinions are opinions, being an upstart is a different matter.

I do not care the outcome of any such events but i thought i would shed some light on it.

all i will say is forums are for all different opinions, we might not all agree but it would be a boring place if there were no argument as for the fish he is a rangers man through and through and is allowed his opinions, and im sorry if my stories of the old days have bored you and its just a shame you missed out on the best days in rangers history.

Sorry but if he is a Rangers man then I'm the Easter bunny

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He will take everybody oan that yin eh :lol:

I'll no be backing down from the likes of you, that's for sure! :bum1:

You two are like a couple of wee wanes!!

FFS Grow up and treat each other civily and debate your points of view in simple english and we then can all see exactly where you stand.

As far as I can see THEFISH wants to sing away all the old add -ons but admits only in private with his like minded friends and NOT at Ibrox.

Ricardo still thinks that is unacceptable and that THEFISH is just sectarian.

That's my take on it. I could be wrong, but I will let you two gentlemen take it from there but please try and debate it without too much rancour!

The rest of us INCL THE MODS await the furtherance of this mini debate with interest and awe!!


I can simplify it for you even further...

He's a plamf and I am a moral crusader!


I have to admit that I cease reading any posting as soon as the fish and ricardo both enter the postings. The reason being is that it simply degenerates into a mass of posturing and name calling...afraid im with nva on this one....definitely a pair o wanes. In most cases a lot of it escalates due to the reaction a certain poster receives from another, and frankly I simply dont have time to even be bothered reading it. If fish wasnt getting a reaction I doubt he would have much to say, whether he truly believes that the add ons to those songs are appropriate or not I have no idea, nor do I personally care. I personally find that incredibly sad but if he is doing it only in private thats his problem. Ricardo I do not need a moral saviour/crusader thanks, very kind of you to be looking out for all of us though.

To all of you that look after this forum I want to say WELL DONE, is definitely one of the better forums/groups I've seen and for the most part is a very well balanced group of people. I enjoy coming home from work and looking to see whats happened in the world of Rangers and the folk on this forum. What I enjoy is how much of a family it seems to be. Its wonderful to see the support and encouragement that is given to so many on here. Love the banter...of the good natured variety!

Anywho, rant over, keep up the great work Coop and others, I look forward to it continuing for a long time.

Great post - THANKS!!

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I have to admit that I cease reading any posting as soon as the fish and ricardo both enter the postings. The reason being is that it simply degenerates into a mass of posturing and name calling...afraid im with nva on this one....definitely a pair o wanes. In most cases a lot of it escalates due to the reaction a certain poster receives from another, and frankly I simply dont have time to even be bothered reading it. If fish wasnt getting a reaction I doubt he would have much to say, whether he truly believes that the add ons to those songs are appropriate or not I have no idea, nor do I personally care. I personally find that incredibly sad but if he is doing it only in private thats his problem. Ricardo I do not need a moral saviour/crusader thanks, very kind of you to be looking out for all of us though.

To all of you that look after this forum I want to say WELL DONE, is definitely one of the better forums/groups I've seen and for the most part is a very well balanced group of people. I enjoy coming home from work and looking to see whats happened in the world of Rangers and the folk on this forum. What I enjoy is how much of a family it seems to be. Its wonderful to see the support and encouragement that is given to so many on here. Love the banter...of the good natured variety!

Anywho, rant over, keep up the great work Coop and others, I look forward to it continuing for a long time.

Fantastic post. Sums up a lot of my views.

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I have to admit that I cease reading any posting as soon as the fish and ricardo both enter the postings. The reason being is that it simply degenerates into a mass of posturing and name calling...afraid im with nva on this one....definitely a pair o wanes. In most cases a lot of it escalates due to the reaction a certain poster receives from another, and frankly I simply dont have time to even be bothered reading it. If fish wasnt getting a reaction I doubt he would have much to say, whether he truly believes that the add ons to those songs are appropriate or not I have no idea, nor do I personally care. I personally find that incredibly sad but if he is doing it only in private thats his problem. Ricardo I do not need a moral saviour/crusader thanks, very kind of you to be looking out for all of us though.

To all of you that look after this forum I want to say WELL DONE, is definitely one of the better forums/groups I've seen and for the most part is a very well balanced group of people. I enjoy coming home from work and looking to see whats happened in the world of Rangers and the folk on this forum. What I enjoy is how much of a family it seems to be. Its wonderful to see the support and encouragement that is given to so many on here. Love the banter...of the good natured variety!

Anywho, rant over, keep up the great work Coop and others, I look forward to it continuing for a long time.

And yet sadly this is exactly the kind of attitude which means that guys like me stick our heads above the parapet to get shot at.

Whether it's people spittin on subways, chucking litter out of car windows, singing fu*k the pope or whatever. some people claim they find it boring yet I think there are far too many cowards in society today. too many people getting away with behaving like wee shits. yet when guys like me come on forums and rage against this kind of behaviour, we're derided for being either boring or spoilsports or whatever takes your fancy.

Put it this way, there are enough people in society now turning a blind eye and look where that's getting us.

Do the words hell and hand cart mean anything?

I certainly wouldnt feel proud of ignoring what's going on when something clearly needs to be said. You say you don't need a moral crusader. I think that's exactly what you need. (all joking aside :rolleyes: )

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everyone has opinions ricardo, thats the way of the world. I cant change anyones opinion, no more than you can.

So we have to try and get on with each other the best we can. Freedom of speech is fine. As long as it doesnt hurt RM.

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I have to admit that I cease reading any posting as soon as the fish and ricardo both enter the postings. The reason being is that it simply degenerates into a mass of posturing and name calling...afraid im with nva on this one....definitely a pair o wanes. In most cases a lot of it escalates due to the reaction a certain poster receives from another, and frankly I simply dont have time to even be bothered reading it. If fish wasnt getting a reaction I doubt he would have much to say, whether he truly believes that the add ons to those songs are appropriate or not I have no idea, nor do I personally care. I personally find that incredibly sad but if he is doing it only in private thats his problem. Ricardo I do not need a moral saviour/crusader thanks, very kind of you to be looking out for all of us though.

To all of you that look after this forum I want to say WELL DONE, is definitely one of the better forums/groups I've seen and for the most part is a very well balanced group of people. I enjoy coming home from work and looking to see whats happened in the world of Rangers and the folk on this forum. What I enjoy is how much of a family it seems to be. Its wonderful to see the support and encouragement that is given to so many on here. Love the banter...of the good natured variety!

Anywho, rant over, keep up the great work Coop and others, I look forward to it continuing for a long time.

And yet sadly this is exactly the kind of attitude which means that guys like me stick our heads above the parapet to get shot at.

Whether it's people spittin on subways, chucking litter out of car windows, singing fu*k the pope or whatever. some people claim they find it boring yet I think there are far too many cowards in society today. too many people getting away with behaving like wee shits. yet when guys like me come on forums and rage against this kind of behaviour, we're derided for being either boring or spoilsports or whatever takes your fancy.

Put it this way, there are enough people in society now turning a blind eye and look where that's getting us.

Do the words hell and hand cart mean anything?

I certainly wouldnt feel proud of ignoring what's going on when something clearly needs to be said. You say you don't need a moral crusader. I think that's exactly what you need. (all joking aside :rolleyes: )


I think it strange that someone who can't be bothered reading the posts has bothered to comment on your posts Ricardo. As for your personal crusade, can I be your PR guy? :lol:

If you cut out some of your swearing the Mods will stay off your back and the sad guys who are easily offended might actually read your entire posts instead of ranting at your use of language rather than your content.

Keep up the good work

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I have to admit that I cease reading any posting as soon as the fish and ricardo both enter the postings. The reason being is that it simply degenerates into a mass of posturing and name calling...afraid im with nva on this one....definitely a pair o wanes. In most cases a lot of it escalates due to the reaction a certain poster receives from another, and frankly I simply dont have time to even be bothered reading it. If fish wasnt getting a reaction I doubt he would have much to say, whether he truly believes that the add ons to those songs are appropriate or not I have no idea, nor do I personally care. I personally find that incredibly sad but if he is doing it only in private thats his problem. Ricardo I do not need a moral saviour/crusader thanks, very kind of you to be looking out for all of us though.

To all of you that look after this forum I want to say WELL DONE, is definitely one of the better forums/groups I've seen and for the most part is a very well balanced group of people. I enjoy coming home from work and looking to see whats happened in the world of Rangers and the folk on this forum. What I enjoy is how much of a family it seems to be. Its wonderful to see the support and encouragement that is given to so many on here. Love the banter...of the good natured variety!

Anywho, rant over, keep up the great work Coop and others, I look forward to it continuing for a long time.

And yet sadly this is exactly the kind of attitude which means that guys like me stick our heads above the parapet to get shot at.

Whether it's people spittin on subways, chucking litter out of car windows, singing fu*k the pope or whatever. some people claim they find it boring yet I think there are far too many cowards in society today. too many people getting away with behaving like wee shits. yet when guys like me come on forums and rage against this kind of behaviour, we're derided for being either boring or spoilsports or whatever takes your fancy.

Put it this way, there are enough people in society now turning a blind eye and look where that's getting us.

Do the words hell and hand cart mean anything?

I certainly wouldnt feel proud of ignoring what's going on when something clearly needs to be said. You say you don't need a moral crusader. I think that's exactly what you need. (all joking aside :rolleyes: )


I think it strange that someone who can't be bothered reading the posts has bothered to comment on your posts Ricardo. As for your personal crusade, can I be your PR guy? :lol:

If you cut out some of your swearing the Mods will stay off your back and the sad guys who are easily offended might actually read your entire posts instead of ranting at your use of language rather than your content.

Keep up the good work

hey gowser its guys like d artangnan and manticore who post great articles and you should read some of their posts try reading the forgotten ones by d artangnan what a fantastic article and you will be educated.

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I have to admit that I cease reading any posting as soon as the fish and ricardo both enter the postings. The reason being is that it simply degenerates into a mass of posturing and name calling...afraid im with nva on this one....definitely a pair o wanes. In most cases a lot of it escalates due to the reaction a certain poster receives from another, and frankly I simply dont have time to even be bothered reading it. If fish wasnt getting a reaction I doubt he would have much to say, whether he truly believes that the add ons to those songs are appropriate or not I have no idea, nor do I personally care. I personally find that incredibly sad but if he is doing it only in private thats his problem. Ricardo I do not need a moral saviour/crusader thanks, very kind of you to be looking out for all of us though.

To all of you that look after this forum I want to say WELL DONE, is definitely one of the better forums/groups I've seen and for the most part is a very well balanced group of people. I enjoy coming home from work and looking to see whats happened in the world of Rangers and the folk on this forum. What I enjoy is how much of a family it seems to be. Its wonderful to see the support and encouragement that is given to so many on here. Love the banter...of the good natured variety!

Anywho, rant over, keep up the great work Coop and others, I look forward to it continuing for a long time.

And yet sadly this is exactly the kind of attitude which means that guys like me stick our heads above the parapet to get shot at.

Whether it's people spittin on subways, chucking litter out of car windows, singing fu*k the pope or whatever. some people claim they find it boring yet I think there are far too many cowards in society today. too many people getting away with behaving like wee shits. yet when guys like me come on forums and rage against this kind of behaviour, we're derided for being either boring or spoilsports or whatever takes your fancy.

Put it this way, there are enough people in society now turning a blind eye and look where that's getting us.

Do the words hell and hand cart mean anything?

I certainly wouldnt feel proud of ignoring what's going on when something clearly needs to be said. You say you don't need a moral crusader. I think that's exactly what you need. (all joking aside :rolleyes: )


I think it strange that someone who can't be bothered reading the posts has bothered to comment on your posts Ricardo. As for your personal crusade, can I be your PR guy? :lol:

If you cut out some of your swearing the Mods will stay off your back and the sad guys who are easily offended might actually read your entire posts instead of ranting at your use of language rather than your content.

Keep up the good work

hey gowser its guys like d artangnan and manticore who post great articles and you should read some of their posts try reading the forgotten ones by d artangnan what a fantastic article and you will be educated.

I've read many posts from both, thought some of it was great and some of it I didn't agree with. I find that Ricrado comes up with a lot of stuff that I agree with, although not always, but anyway, each to their own.

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I have to admit that I cease reading any posting as soon as the fish and ricardo both enter the postings. The reason being is that it simply degenerates into a mass of posturing and name calling...afraid im with nva on this one....definitely a pair o wanes. In most cases a lot of it escalates due to the reaction a certain poster receives from another, and frankly I simply dont have time to even be bothered reading it. If fish wasnt getting a reaction I doubt he would have much to say, whether he truly believes that the add ons to those songs are appropriate or not I have no idea, nor do I personally care. I personally find that incredibly sad but if he is doing it only in private thats his problem. Ricardo I do not need a moral saviour/crusader thanks, very kind of you to be looking out for all of us though.

To all of you that look after this forum I want to say WELL DONE, is definitely one of the better forums/groups I've seen and for the most part is a very well balanced group of people. I enjoy coming home from work and looking to see whats happened in the world of Rangers and the folk on this forum. What I enjoy is how much of a family it seems to be. Its wonderful to see the support and encouragement that is given to so many on here. Love the banter...of the good natured variety!

Anywho, rant over, keep up the great work Coop and others, I look forward to it continuing for a long time.

And yet sadly this is exactly the kind of attitude which means that guys like me stick our heads above the parapet to get shot at.

Whether it's people spittin on subways, chucking litter out of car windows, singing fu*k the pope or whatever. some people claim they find it boring yet I think there are far too many cowards in society today. too many people getting away with behaving like wee shits. yet when guys like me come on forums and rage against this kind of behaviour, we're derided for being either boring or spoilsports or whatever takes your fancy.

Put it this way, there are enough people in society now turning a blind eye and look where that's getting us.

Do the words hell and hand cart mean anything?

I certainly wouldnt feel proud of ignoring what's going on when something clearly needs to be said. You say you don't need a moral crusader. I think that's exactly what you need. (all joking aside :rolleyes: )


I think it strange that someone who can't be bothered reading the posts has bothered to comment on your posts Ricardo. As for your personal crusade, can I be your PR guy? :lol:

If you cut out some of your swearing the Mods will stay off your back and the sad guys who are easily offended might actually read your entire posts instead of ranting at your use of language rather than your content.

Keep up the good work

hey gowser its guys like d artangnan and manticore who post great articles and you should read some of their posts try reading the forgotten ones by d artangnan what a fantastic article and you will be educated.

I've read many posts from both, thought some of it was great and some of it I didn't agree with. I find that Ricrado comes up with a lot of stuff that I agree with, although not always, but anyway, each to their own.

well me and ricardo dont agree and we are never done arguing, to me d artangnan and manticore are what rangers fans are all about the stick up for the club and fans, and both great guys who know all the facts you need to know about our club two brainy guys not like me i just try to remember things from all the years i have followed the club, but d artangnan writes the best article i have ever read on any forums and his talents are wasted.

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I have to admit that I cease reading any posting as soon as the fish and ricardo both enter the postings. The reason being is that it simply degenerates into a mass of posturing and name calling...afraid im with nva on this one....definitely a pair o wanes. In most cases a lot of it escalates due to the reaction a certain poster receives from another, and frankly I simply dont have time to even be bothered reading it. If fish wasnt getting a reaction I doubt he would have much to say, whether he truly believes that the add ons to those songs are appropriate or not I have no idea, nor do I personally care. I personally find that incredibly sad but if he is doing it only in private thats his problem. Ricardo I do not need a moral saviour/crusader thanks, very kind of you to be looking out for all of us though.

To all of you that look after this forum I want to say WELL DONE, is definitely one of the better forums/groups I've seen and for the most part is a very well balanced group of people. I enjoy coming home from work and looking to see whats happened in the world of Rangers and the folk on this forum. What I enjoy is how much of a family it seems to be. Its wonderful to see the support and encouragement that is given to so many on here. Love the banter...of the good natured variety!

Anywho, rant over, keep up the great work Coop and others, I look forward to it continuing for a long time.

And yet sadly this is exactly the kind of attitude which means that guys like me stick our heads above the parapet to get shot at.

Whether it's people spittin on subways, chucking litter out of car windows, singing fu*k the pope or whatever. some people claim they find it boring yet I think there are far too many cowards in society today. too many people getting away with behaving like wee shits. yet when guys like me come on forums and rage against this kind of behaviour, we're derided for being either boring or spoilsports or whatever takes your fancy.

Put it this way, there are enough people in society now turning a blind eye and look where that's getting us.

Do the words hell and hand cart mean anything?

I certainly wouldnt feel proud of ignoring what's going on when something clearly needs to be said. You say you don't need a moral crusader. I think that's exactly what you need. (all joking aside :rolleyes: )


I think it strange that someone who can't be bothered reading the posts has bothered to comment on your posts Ricardo. As for your personal crusade, can I be your PR guy? :lol:

If you cut out some of your swearing the Mods will stay off your back and the sad guys who are easily offended might actually read your entire posts instead of ranting at your use of language rather than your content.

Keep up the good work

hey gowser its guys like d artangnan and manticore who post great articles and you should read some of their posts try reading the forgotten ones by d artangnan what a fantastic article and you will be educated.

I've read many posts from both, thought some of it was great and some of it I didn't agree with. I find that Ricrado comes up with a lot of stuff that I agree with, although not always, but anyway, each to their own.

well me and ricardo dont agree and we are never done arguing, to me d artangnan and manticore are what rangers fans are all about the stick up for the club and fans, and both great guys who know all the facts you need to know about our club two brainy guys not like me i just try to remember things from all the years i have followed the club, but d artangnan writes the best article i have ever read on any forums and his talents are wasted.

You can't deny Ricardo has the Clubs best interests at heart, like every decent Gers fan. I think that everyone has differing views at the moment though, in light of the rules on the songs / chants etc. The media have obtained their goal by exaggerating this so much that fans are now fighting amongst themselves.

1 -0 Mhedia

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"The media have obtained their goal by exaggerating this so much that fans are now fighting amongst themselves."

or in RM's case,a chosen few get away with anything they want but the rest have posts deleted,ammended or are just abused by these same members(who arent mods or admin)who think they own the place,im sure if anyone is in my zone of thinking they will know the names without them being mentioned.

i asked earlier about how many times has the fish been complained about,it got deleted,why? because its that many and we would be outraged that none of you have done anything about his abuse and disregard for fellow fans opinions?

you state in this thread that everyone is entitled to their opinions ? well if thats the case then people should be afforded the courtesy to state their opinions without having to be abused by the fish or others just because they dont agree,weve all seem the levels of abuse the fish gives out and has done since RM doors opened.

rant over sorry :(

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"The media have obtained their goal by exaggerating this so much that fans are now fighting amongst themselves."

or in RM's case,a chosen few get away with anything they want but the rest have posts deleted,ammended or are just abused by these same members(who arent mods or admin)who think they own the place,im sure if anyone is in my zone of thinking they will know the names without them being mentioned.

i asked earlier about how many times has the fish been complained about,it got deleted,why? because its that many and we would be outraged that none of you have done anything about his abuse and disregard for fellow fans opinions?

you state in this thread that everyone is entitled to their opinions ? well if thats the case then people should be afforded the courtesy to state their opinions without having to be abused by the fish or others just because they dont agree,weve all seem the levels of abuse the fish gives out and has done since RM doors opened.

rant over sorry :(

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and occasionally users, myself included, will perhaps take the argument a bit far. No one shoudl be abused, but sometmies you do get a bit heated about a topic you feel strongly about and you can get into personal insults. In most instances, I imagine, the users will afterwards realise they have gone too far. I have apologised myself for such instances. I agree though that the *ish seems to get away with murder, as well as a few other posters. For example, I was dug up last night for swearing (I used the word fucken) but I have seen much worse from other users and they are congratulated on their posts.

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WE mods have a difficult job as this is a forum and discussion is encouraged. We simply ask that the arguments and debates are conducted in a reasonably civil manner and that people remember we are all RFC fans here. We strongly discourage foul language. The F word is not appropriate or necessary but still gets used when people have strong feelings. Please do not use it. Some members are female and or young and swearing is not appropriate.

Some members may appear to either hold more influence or get away with more than others but be assured that a lot of work by mods goes on in the background with warnings, PMs, premod etc.

We try and foster a relatively happy site with good free ranging discussion on many subjects without letting the level of discourse fall too low. This is not always easy so bear with us. It's not unknown for mods to have disagreements too, but that is kept behind closed doors.

Simply put we try our best but we can make errors of judgement to.

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Ricardo, please do NOT put words into my mouth and do NOT twist what I have said into something to suit your own arguments.

I have NOT in any posting stated that I turn a blind eye to anything, nor have i stated that i find anything boring and yet you would like to imply that those would be my reasons for my previous posting. I would prefer,seeing as you do not know me, that you please refrain from passing judgement on myself and my actions. You ever seen a redhead yet that turns a blind eye or sits quietly while something happens?

I do NOT need you as a moral crusader as I am more than able to look after my own morals thank you very much. I actually resent the implications you are making here. I am very proud of the person I have have become and am still becoming.

I am every bit as much a Rangers supporter as you are and I would probably do serious damage to anyone I found harming our name or image anywhere. Please do not refer to me as a coward as you have no idea.

I apologize to everyone for continuing on about this...but the redhead in me just came out...sorry, I wont be commenting any further on this post.

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He will take everybody oan that yin eh :lol:

I'll no be backing down from the likes of you, that's for sure! :bum1:

We never expect you kind to back down...its been like that since I started supporting Rangers, youz are part of the rivalry.


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Sometimes it makes me wonder just how people really feel about Rangers if they can't just talk to each other in a sophisticated and mature manner. Really sickens me half the time. Then we wonder why our species is having problems...people on the same side treat each other like crap all the time. Bravo.

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Sometimes it makes me wonder just how people really feel about Rangers if they can't just talk to each other in a sophisticated and mature manner. Really sickens me half the time. Then we wonder why our species is having problems...people on the same side treat each other like crap all the time. Bravo.

Yeah but the 64.000$ question is....Are we on the same side ??????????

Youz can make your own mind up mine was made up ages ago

My fellow Billy Boy and Rangers fans will know exactly what Im talking about :classier_than_pipeguy: :rangers:

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