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* The Generic Laugh at celtc Thread *


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5 hours ago, Jimbeamjunior said:

am i fuck reading 4 pages of cunts defending the wee baldy cunt, all ill ask is what makes him so different from a normal kid and the abuse they get, we sit here and regularly bring up big jock knew, paedo cunts etc etc, child abuse is shocking wether they are disabled or not, some people need to stop picking and choosing whats offensive and what isnt, you either stay clean at the side or come play in the mud and get dirty, cant have it both ways


"You either stay clean at the side or come play in the mud" ….....


Wow man, that's deep.

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3 hours ago, William McBeath said:

They are a load of propaganda merchants with their Irish Theme Club persecuted by the Big Bad Rangers story they are trying to sell to people. 

Rangers need to be more proactive in promoting our own clubs history to counter the bollocks they spin. Nearly everything that club promotes about themselves is false.

They were and still are the religious club with the feeder schools. They also try to label themselves as a left wing club to act as the under dog good guys but it's a lot of shite. Left wing people don't like organisations that blow up ordinary citizens sitting in cafés.

They are an embarrassment right enough but you can see they are setting us up to play the evil part in their story which is bad enough right now never mind if we were to find ourselves in a hype profile media league.

Their support have also changed into a cringey bunch of bastards in the stands with the phone lights and daft chereographed songs. Like an extremely large boy band. Ambulance chasers doesn't quite do this lot justice when it comes to their eagerness to signal their virtue to anyone daft enough to listen.

It must be driven from above because what support cares about being seen as a right nice bunch as this lot. It seems they are obsessed about being perceived as a good club with great values and supporters.

Thankfully the tits can't help letting their mask slip with their IRA nonsense and disrespectful ways.

Your right though, that is one self obsessed creepy cunt of a football club. If it was a person you'd be suspicious of the constant good guy antics. Must be the guilty conscience. 

As always mate you're posts are spot on brother 

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15 minutes ago, A.T.G said:

As always mate you're posts are spot on brother 

We should have a sticky thread mate were we deconstruct their myths for new bears because there is a lot out there who don't know the truth because we don't brainwash ours in the same way. Its why you end-up with ones called handwringers on here because they end-up swallowing a lot of the guff about the OO or Ulster Scots and presumably even Rangers.

All the smearing these cunts do to us and the Club must give some people outwith Scotland a poor impression of us and maybe helps them hook the neutrals closer to home. We need to spread the good news.

But a myth busting thread as a sticky would be a good start. Might see about it in future as the last few years of using the internet for football news has been an education on that muck. Its mostly only us older bears who have this lot sussed. It wasn't until I was older that I realised the amount of lies and spin that pours forth from that place.   

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9 minutes ago, SuperPapac05 said:

Fucking hell, Celtic is being DEFENDED!!! Get a grip people!!! 

Well if you attack them for something that is not wrong then it gives them the ability to discredit what you say when you attack them for stuff that is genuinely abhorrent.

So you bring up the child abuse scandal, they go "pfft, according to you so and so being club ambassador is child abuse". A neutral who doesn't have a clue but sees the conversation might think you're talking shite.

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1 hour ago, William McBeath said:

We should have a sticky thread mate were we deconstruct their myths for new bears because there is a lot out there who don't know the truth because we don't brainwash ours in the same way. Its why you end-up with ones called handwringers on here because they end-up swallowing a lot of the guff about the OO or Ulster Scots and presumably even Rangers.

All the smearing these cunts do to us and the Club must give some people outwith Scotland a poor impression of us and maybe helps them hook the neutrals closer to home. We need to spread the good news.

But a myth busting thread as a sticky would be a good start. Might see about it in future as the last few years of using the internet for football news has been an education on that muck. Its mostly only us older bears who have this lot sussed. It wasn't until I was older that I realised the amount of lies and spin that pours forth from that place.   

Mate, their undoing will be when we win the league and believe me it is coming, won't be this year, might not be next or the year after, but it will come

And their self destruction will be beautiful, more beautiful than my Mrs bent over picking up strawberries with her arsehole

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Nice to see Tony Watt doing well. This is what the Charlton manager had to say about him:

Tony Watt is to return to Charlton Athletic, with his loan spell at Hearts cut short and Addicks manager Karl Robinson demanding an apology.

"Tony has to come back an apologise for certain things and then endear himself to the fans and to me and to the club," he told Charlton's website.

"What is going to happen with Tony Watt is that he is going to come in and I'm going to run the legs off of him.

"I'm going to make him sweat, make him cry and I want to see whether he has got the desire to play for me and this club.

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20 hours ago, William McBeath said:

They are a load of propaganda merchants with their Irish Theme Club persecuted by the Big Bad Rangers story they are trying to sell to people. 

Rangers need to be more proactive in promoting our own clubs history to counter the bollocks they spin. Nearly everything that club promotes about themselves is false.

They were and still are the religious club with the feeder schools. They also try to label themselves as a left wing club to act as the under dog good guys but it's a lot of shite. Left wing people don't like organisations that blow up ordinary citizens sitting in cafés.

They are an embarrassment right enough but you can see they are setting us up to play the evil part in their story which is bad enough right now never mind if we were to find ourselves in a hype profile media league.

Their support have also changed into a cringey bunch of bastards in the stands with the phone lights and daft chereographed songs. Like an extremely large boy band. Ambulance chasers doesn't quite do this lot justice when it comes to their eagerness to signal their virtue to anyone daft enough to listen.

It must be driven from above because what support cares about being seen as a right nice bunch as this lot. It seems they are obsessed about being perceived as a good club with great values and supporters.

Thankfully the tits can't help letting their mask slip with their IRA nonsense and disrespectful ways.

Your right though, that is one self obsessed creepy cunt of a football club. If it was a person you'd be suspicious of the constant good guy antics. Must be the guilty conscience. 

Very doubtful.

As someone who grew up in Northern Ireland during the worst of the Troubles, I lost count of the various left-wing organizations and people who would spout ignorant support for the IRA. Just look at what has been elected leader of the Labour party. And he isn't a one off.

And didn't Stalin kill more people than Hitler?

I'm amazed that 'left-wing' is seen as some kind of synonym for 'good'.

From what I can see it's very much a synonym for evil.

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2 hours ago, Gandalf the Blue said:

Nice to see Tony Watt doing well. This is what the Charlton manager had to say about him:

Tony Watt is to return to Charlton Athletic, with his loan spell at Hearts cut short and Addicks manager Karl Robinson demanding an apology.

"Tony has to come back an apologise for certain things and then endear himself to the fans and to me and to the club," he told Charlton's website.

"What is going to happen with Tony Watt is that he is going to come in and I'm going to run the legs off of him.

"I'm going to make him sweat, make him cry and I want to see whether he has got the desire to play for me and this club.

He won't be taking big Magennis' spot anyway. Big man got a hat trick yesterday 

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1 hour ago, Danny Morrison said:

Very doubtful.

As someone who grew up in Northern Ireland during the worst of the Troubles, I lost count of the various left-wing organizations and people who would spout ignorant support for the IRA. Just look at what has been elected leader of the Labour party. And he isn't a one off.

And didn't Stalin kill more people than Hitler?

I'm amazed that 'left-wing' is seen as some kind of synonym for 'good'.

From what I can see it's very much a synonym for evil.

That's left wingers who are displaying ignorance like you say. They have a habit of just looking to see which side has the most power or is capitalist. Lots of these naive types often just think Britain will be to blame such is their familiarity with just blaming capitalism. This is normally daft young students or hard left wingers. It can be a mixture of both like Corbyn who are more driven by ideals at times than reality like when he was younger and still today in many ways.

Only nutters would want a dictator like Stalin. Same with Hitler, no one with any sense would vote for them if they knew what they were about or represented beforehand. These are crazy examples out of the millions of left and right wingers out there.

I think there is a lot of propaganda around the Irish which finds it's way into the media and movie industry that helps to cloud ordinary people's views towards the issue of Northern Ireland.

It's easy to portray Britain as bad for going across or using partition but it's the sort of simplistic take on things that takes no account of historical contexts and the reality of politics centuries ago. It's easy to play the blame game and that's what the left are more prone to doing because of bias or because they have been lazy.

The truth is that bombing people in one of the worlds greatest democracies should never be seen as left wing. Your average working-class Ulster-Scot has no more power over events than the Irish Nationalist. The 30 years of killing where unnecessary in a period when just about every group were getting equal rights.

Of course, Republicans will argue it was necessary but I don't think turning a campaign for civil rights into civil war is acceptable. Their claims that it was like South Africa or Palestine are laughable. Even Black Americans have and still do have a more difficult time than Irish Nationalists but were civilised enough not to revert to organised murder.

At this point most Republicans will revert to the old but 'we were here first line' which is basically the point were the whole thing becomes ridicoulous unless you want to throw out 600 years of people being born and bred over there that became unionists. It's a bitter folly that line of argument that reverts back to 'Brits Out' because it's no less than American Indians telling the Yankees to pack their bags.

I'd argue that Stalin wasn't a socialist and that left wingers who support the IRA don't really know their politics or those subjects and have just grasped at what looks an easy position to take. They have not challenged their own ideas yet otherwise they'd have noticed all the poor powerless working class unionists who had no say in any of this and just want to live their lives without fear let alone oppress anyone. They actually have more to fear and feel insecure about for the future.

This left-winger sees the power of media, politicians, historical juncture, academia, and even the movie industry coming together to deny ordinary unionists there own similar narrative and thinks most of the real important power lies with the other side. The unionists and Ulster Scots are now a people fighting for cultural survival against a world that doesn't care enough about them to listen. If it keeps up this way then they and their traditions will become repressed in future. Some would argue it's already happening. 

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1 hour ago, Danny Morrison said:

Very doubtful.

As someone who grew up in Northern Ireland during the worst of the Troubles, I lost count of the various left-wing organizations and people who would spout ignorant support for the IRA. Just look at what has been elected leader of the Labour party. And he isn't a one off.

And didn't Stalin kill more people than Hitler?

I'm amazed that 'left-wing' is seen as some kind of synonym for 'good'.

From what I can see it's very much a synonym for evil.

Here's a good example of what I'm talking about mate. Even a former Tory cabinet minister is displaying an ignorance about NI that is scarcely believable given her former position in British politics.

Even an idiot should be able to understand why the Union flag is more important in the context of NI. I still find this interview difficult to believe.


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On Monday, January 02, 2017 at 1:15 PM, THE_MIGHTY_BEARS said:

Apparently a Rangers fan met 'wee Jay' after the Old Firm game and they swapped scarves.


nah call me what you want but fuck that, swapping scarfs? 


no harm to the wee guy at all but fuck fucking that!

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21 minutes ago, NixonRFC said:

nah call me what you want but fuck that, swapping scarfs? 


no harm to the wee guy at all but fuck fucking that!

I mean what the fuck is either party getting out of it?

I wouldn't swap my scarf with him because 

1. I don't want the taigs rhag of a scarf

2. Why would he want it anyway if he's a filth follower?

Both scarfs are likely just gonna get fucked out in the bin

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1 hour ago, ForeverAndEver said:

This was literally right in front of @Rfc52 & I.

Absolute retard of the highest order and to think he was the captain of Scotland for so long :belm:

No wonder we're so disillusioned with the national team with fuckpigs like him in there.

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4 hours ago, William McBeath said:

Here's a good example of what I'm talking about mate. Even a former Tory cabinet minister is displaying an ignorance about NI that is scarcely believable given her former position in British politics.

Even an idiot should be able to understand why the Union flag is more important in the context of NI. I still find this interview difficult to believe.


Lol. If you could give some nasty, slimy wee concoction made up of stupidity, arrogance, ignorance and stubbornness a name it would be David Banks.

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