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Trouble within our support?


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I have to say here that I think some of the barbs being thrown are a bit out of line. I don't think bauba is any sort of "Fenian in Blue", and he shouldn't be pilloried simply because he may hold different opinions from many of us. He supports Rangers, even if you happen to disagree with him, and is entitled to his voice.

Bauba is only here for a wind up as per fucking usual.

Anything to pass your day eh Bauba?

Why not try supporting some of the fans who are your fellow bears for a change?

Come on Dado - youre better than that

For what it is worth, this is no wind up I truly do think that what Rangers did benefits the club and was a smart piece pf thinking - by all means disagree with me but show me a little respect please?

No im sorry - You have admitted before you do things only for a wind up and to pass your afternoon.

I hope this is one of them because I dont know any Rangers fan who would argue this point to the same degree you have.

I agree with Manticores post earlier, I think anyone supporting the taking down of the banner should be ashamed of themselves.

Dado - ffs - I did that one time and at the time even gave you prior warning I was going to do that

Any fool can see I am consitent with my views on the irish question and its links to Rangers past, present and future - if you choose to ignore that then that is your problem mate


You do it all the time, true you only gave me prior warning once but im not daft, you love playing devils advocate.

What the hell is "the Irish question?"

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You do it all the time, true you only gave me prior warning once but im not daft, you love playing devils advocate.

What the hell is "the Irish question?"

Ill answer you when you start talking sense and stop your accusatory tone

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Not arguing your point - all I said was that I understood why the club took the action it did

No, firstly you 'applauded the club' which suggests you back their judgement. You then went on to suggest the DLRSC shouldn't make an issue of it - just enjoy the football. Finally, you suggested if people were unhappy with the club's judgement they should follow another club.

Given you now won't argue my various points against your comments and the club's judgement, you seemed confused about what you really think about the issue.

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Not arguing your point - all I said was that I understood why the club took the action it did

No, firstly you 'applauded the club' which suggests you back their judgement. You then went on to suggest the DLRSC shouldn't make an issue of it - just enjoy the football. Finally, you suggested if people were unhappy with the club's judgement they should follow another club.

Given you now won't argue my various points against your comments and the club's judgement, you seemed confused about what you really think about the issue.

Actually the point about them enjoying the football was tongue in cheek, more than a hint of sarcasm with that - sorry you missed that

You are right, I did applaud the club for their actions - because it shows they are looking out for us, simple as - again, and ive been consistent with this, I think everyone can win out of this if it is handled correctly. its not difficult to understand.

I really dont think this is a black and white issue here

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If you would just ignore RM's own version of Grahame Spiers he'd go away I'm sure.

That's quite low too.

Certainly not to the standard of the ironically named BLUEDIGNITY, of course.

But certainly to the standard i would expect from one or two regular posters

Thats why I normally just ignore their childish comments

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If you would just ignore RM's own version of Grahame Spiers he'd go away I'm sure.

That's quite low too.

Certainly not to the standard of the ironically named BLUEDIGNITY, of course.

But certainly to the standard i would expect from one or two regular posters

Thats why I normally just ignore their childish comments

You're right there, mate. (tu)

There's various levels of "wind up", but some are beyond the pale and really make you wonder.

On the thread topic, however, I'm glad to see there's a meeting arranged to address the issue. As I said earlier, it's important that the Club is on the ball, even if you think the decision in question is wrong. It's a banner which could be misinterpreted and caution is the better part of valour.

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Ill answer you when you start talking sense and stop your accusatory tone

I couldn't care less whether you answer or not Bauba thats up to you, although deflecting away from the question does nothing for your argument.

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If you would just ignore RM's own version of Grahame Spiers he'd go away I'm sure.

That's quite low too.

Certainly not to the standard of the ironically named BLUEDIGNITY, of course.

But certainly to the standard i would expect from one or two regular posters

Thats why I normally just ignore their childish comments

no bauba i hope i am in the 1 or 2 posters but you forget generation of fans supported this club and helped put it where we are today and would fight for our club and support, and would not have accepted this crap about banners and there would have been mass demos until we won the fight. you are allowed any culture unless its protestant, and the earls like nothing better than having power to tell us what we cant do, from uefa, the police glasgow council, the media all full of earls who would love our club to be crushed into dust.

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If you would just ignore RM's own version of Grahame Spiers he'd go away I'm sure.

That's quite low too.

Certainly not to the standard of the ironically named BLUEDIGNITY, of course.

But certainly to the standard i would expect from one or two regular posters

Thats why I normally just ignore their childish comments

no bauba i hope i am in the 1 or 2 posters but you forget generation of fans supported this club and helped put it where we are today and would fight for our club and support, and would not have accepted this crap about banners and there would have been mass demos until we won the fight. you are allowed any culture unless its protestant, and the earls like nothing better than having power to tell us what we cant do, from uefa, the police glasgow council, the media all full of earls who would love our club to be crushed into dust.

But it's alright mate because we have David Murray at the helm and he will fight tooth and nail to make sure we retain our cultural identity and heritage.

No Surrender? Looks like our unofficial club motto is well and truly down the swanny. :angry2:

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A lot of posters draw attention the the slogan on the banner. How could anyone be offended by a slogan taken from a Dublin newspaper? I would imagine the same people who would be offended by the term "fenian". Especially since that is the name they gave themselves. We have all seen photos of Celtic banners containing the word. Why, after 100yrs,. do they find it offensive?

A lot off posters complain about Rangers association with loyalism/protestantism etc,. We are a football club they say. Quite right,we are a football club,so why then do Spiers,McNee,Keevins etc,. continue to prowl the airwaves,media etc,. looking for things to hammer us with? Why are we not judged (like other clubs) as a football club?Why are our songs offensive but other clubs songs,banners flags etc,. are ignored? Why,when we do something good, do they invent crises?

It is not paranoia,we ARE being treated differently. We have our historical faults,many of them,but we have made excellent progress towards eliminating them. We have received praise from UEFA for our efforts. Has it stopped the witchunt?Has the other side of the city solved their problem?

Like hell, they have. They won,t even admit to having a problem.

The length of time and the continual change in the point of attack of this campaign,PROVES that it is orchestrated. It is not a storm in a teacup,it is deliberate.

We (or rather Murray) have tried the dignified silence tactic. Has it worked? Have Spiers,McNee etc,.

seen the error of their ways and decided to treat us by the same standards as others?Have the attacks on our club/support ceased? I posted a topic a few months ago called "the deafening silence".

For those who did not see it,it lists a series of incidents over the years and how Rangers conducted themselves,and how Celtic responded. Any one who thinks that keeping quite and denying our roots will sooth the Celtic beast,is going to learn the hard way.

WE are Rangers - Super Rangers, No one likes us, we dont care ..... except you do care, but your 'caring' is (IMHO) coming across as pretty close to paranoia - "Witch hunts"; "orchestrated campaigns"; "we ARE being treated differently"; "Why are we not judged like others".... I am sorry but I disagree with your view point (Now Winston Churchilll did have a great turn of phrase that says 'Just because I am paranoid does not mean the bastards are NOT out to get me) but the best way of attacking any bias, real or imaginary is from a position of strength and to be in a position of strength we have to have no (or extremely few) faults of our own. We are NOT yet in that position and sometimes (which I also find hard to do) dignified silence is the best way forward. Rangers keeping quiet is NOT an unreasnoble tactic, it may be one some posters disagree with but I for one think we need to get our own house in order because when accused saying "They do it" will NOT act as a defense.

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If you would just ignore RM's own version of Grahame Spiers he'd go away I'm sure.

That's quite low too.

Certainly not to the standard of the ironically named BLUEDIGNITY, of course.

But certainly to the standard i would expect from one or two regular posters

Thats why I normally just ignore their childish comments

no bauba i hope i am in the 1 or 2 posters but you forget generation of fans supported this club and helped put it where we are today and would fight for our club and support, and would not have accepted this crap about banners and there would have been mass demos until we won the fight. you are allowed any culture unless its protestant, and the earls like nothing better than having power to tell us what we cant do, from uefa, the police glasgow council, the media all full of earls who would love our club to be crushed into dust.

Minstral - your comments are never childish

I respect your love for the club - we disagree on a lot, but you never resort to personal stuff and I respect that at least

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A lot of posters draw attention the the slogan on the banner. How could anyone be offended by a slogan taken from a Dublin newspaper? I would imagine the same people who would be offended by the term "fenian". Especially since that is the name they gave themselves. We have all seen photos of Celtic banners containing the word. Why, after 100yrs,. do they find it offensive?

A lot off posters complain about Rangers association with loyalism/protestantism etc,. We are a football club they say. Quite right,we are a football club,so why then do Spiers,McNee,Keevins etc,. continue to prowl the airwaves,media etc,. looking for things to hammer us with? Why are we not judged (like other clubs) as a football club?Why are our songs offensive but other clubs songs,banners flags etc,. are ignored? Why,when we do something good, do they invent crises?

It is not paranoia,we ARE being treated differently. We have our historical faults,many of them,but we have made excellent progress towards eliminating them. We have received praise from UEFA for our efforts. Has it stopped the witchunt?Has the other side of the city solved their problem?

Like hell, they have. They won,t even admit to having a problem.

The length of time and the continual change in the point of attack of this campaign,PROVES that it is orchestrated. It is not a storm in a teacup,it is deliberate.

We (or rather Murray) have tried the dignified silence tactic. Has it worked? Have Spiers,McNee etc,.

seen the error of their ways and decided to treat us by the same standards as others?Have the attacks on our club/support ceased? I posted a topic a few months ago called "the deafening silence".

For those who did not see it,it lists a series of incidents over the years and how Rangers conducted themselves,and how Celtic responded. Any one who thinks that keeping quite and denying our roots will sooth the Celtic beast,is going to learn the hard way.

WE are Rangers - Super Rangers, No one likes us, we dont care ..... except you do care, but your 'caring' is (IMHO) coming across as pretty close to paranoia - "Witch hunts"; "orchestrated campaigns"; "we ARE being treated differently"; "Why are we not judged like others".... I am sorry but I disagree with your view point (Now Winston Churchilll did have a great turn of phrase that says 'Just because I am paranoid does not mean the bastards are NOT out to get me) but the best way of attacking any bias, real or imaginary is from a position of strength and to be in a position of strength we have to have no (or extremely few) faults of our own. We are NOT yet in that position and sometimes (which I also find hard to do) dignified silence is the best way forward. Rangers keeping quiet is NOT an unreasnoble tactic, it may be one some posters disagree with but I for one think we need to get our own house in order because when accused saying "They do it" will NOT act as a defense.

Yes, i would agree with that to some degree - I think there will always be exception where we need to make a stand, but in general - I agree with your point

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A lot of posters draw attention the the slogan on the banner. How could anyone be offended by a slogan taken from a Dublin newspaper? I would imagine the same people who would be offended by the term "fenian". Especially since that is the name they gave themselves. We have all seen photos of Celtic banners containing the word. Why, after 100yrs,. do they find it offensive?

A lot off posters complain about Rangers association with loyalism/protestantism etc,. We are a football club they say. Quite right,we are a football club,so why then do Spiers,McNee,Keevins etc,. continue to prowl the airwaves,media etc,. looking for things to hammer us with? Why are we not judged (like other clubs) as a football club?Why are our songs offensive but other clubs songs,banners flags etc,. are ignored? Why,when we do something good, do they invent crises?

It is not paranoia,we ARE being treated differently. We have our historical faults,many of them,but we have made excellent progress towards eliminating them. We have received praise from UEFA for our efforts. Has it stopped the witchunt?Has the other side of the city solved their problem?

Like hell, they have. They won,t even admit to having a problem.

The length of time and the continual change in the point of attack of this campaign,PROVES that it is orchestrated. It is not a storm in a teacup,it is deliberate.

We (or rather Murray) have tried the dignified silence tactic. Has it worked? Have Spiers,McNee etc,.

seen the error of their ways and decided to treat us by the same standards as others?Have the attacks on our club/support ceased? I posted a topic a few months ago called "the deafening silence".

For those who did not see it,it lists a series of incidents over the years and how Rangers conducted themselves,and how Celtic responded. Any one who thinks that keeping quite and denying our roots will sooth the Celtic beast,is going to learn the hard way.

WE are Rangers - Super Rangers, No one likes us, we dont care ..... except you do care, but your 'caring' is (IMHO) coming across as pretty close to paranoia - "Witch hunts"; "orchestrated campaigns"; "we ARE being treated differently"; "Why are we not judged like others".... I am sorry but I disagree with your view point (Now Winston Churchilll did have a great turn of phrase that says 'Just because I am paranoid does not mean the bastards are NOT out to get me) but the best way of attacking any bias, real or imaginary is from a position of strength and to be in a position of strength we have to have no (or extremely few) faults of our own. We are NOT yet in that position and sometimes (which I also find hard to do) dignified silence is the best way forward. Rangers keeping quiet is NOT an unreasnoble tactic, it may be one some posters disagree with but I for one think we need to get our own house in order because when accused saying "They do it" will NOT act as a defense.

It's been said so many times now...We give them an inch, they ask for a mile.

Keep pretending to yourself that we still need to get our own house in order.

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A lot of posters draw attention the the slogan on the banner. How could anyone be offended by a slogan taken from a Dublin newspaper? I would imagine the same people who would be offended by the term "fenian". Especially since that is the name they gave themselves. We have all seen photos of Celtic banners containing the word. Why, after 100yrs,. do they find it offensive?

A lot off posters complain about Rangers association with loyalism/protestantism etc,. We are a football club they say. Quite right,we are a football club,so why then do Spiers,McNee,Keevins etc,. continue to prowl the airwaves,media etc,. looking for things to hammer us with? Why are we not judged (like other clubs) as a football club?Why are our songs offensive but other clubs songs,banners flags etc,. are ignored? Why,when we do something good, do they invent crises?

It is not paranoia,we ARE being treated differently. We have our historical faults,many of them,but we have made excellent progress towards eliminating them. We have received praise from UEFA for our efforts. Has it stopped the witchunt?Has the other side of the city solved their problem?

Like hell, they have. They won,t even admit to having a problem.

The length of time and the continual change in the point of attack of this campaign,PROVES that it is orchestrated. It is not a storm in a teacup,it is deliberate.

We (or rather Murray) have tried the dignified silence tactic. Has it worked? Have Spiers,McNee etc,.

seen the error of their ways and decided to treat us by the same standards as others?Have the attacks on our club/support ceased? I posted a topic a few months ago called "the deafening silence".

For those who did not see it,it lists a series of incidents over the years and how Rangers conducted themselves,and how Celtic responded. Any one who thinks that keeping quite and denying our roots will sooth the Celtic beast,is going to learn the hard way.

WE are Rangers - Super Rangers, No one likes us, we dont care ..... except you do care, but your 'caring' is (IMHO) coming across as pretty close to paranoia - "Witch hunts"; "orchestrated campaigns"; "we ARE being treated differently"; "Why are we not judged like others".... I am sorry but I disagree with your view point (Now Winston Churchilll did have a great turn of phrase that says 'Just because I am paranoid does not mean the bastards are NOT out to get me) but the best way of attacking any bias, real or imaginary is from a position of strength and to be in a position of strength we have to have no (or extremely few) faults of our own. We are NOT yet in that position and sometimes (which I also find hard to do) dignified silence is the best way forward. Rangers keeping quiet is NOT an unreasnoble tactic, it may be one some posters disagree with but I for one think we need to get our own house in order because when accused saying "They do it" will NOT act as a defense.

It's been said so many times now...We give them an inch, they ask for a mile.

Keep pretending to yourself that we still need to get our own house in order.

Who exactly are "they"

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A lot of posters draw attention the the slogan on the banner. How could anyone be offended by a slogan taken from a Dublin newspaper? I would imagine the same people who would be offended by the term "fenian". Especially since that is the name they gave themselves. We have all seen photos of Celtic banners containing the word. Why, after 100yrs,. do they find it offensive?

A lot off posters complain about Rangers association with loyalism/protestantism etc,. We are a football club they say. Quite right,we are a football club,so why then do Spiers,McNee,Keevins etc,. continue to prowl the airwaves,media etc,. looking for things to hammer us with? Why are we not judged (like other clubs) as a football club?Why are our songs offensive but other clubs songs,banners flags etc,. are ignored? Why,when we do something good, do they invent crises?

It is not paranoia,we ARE being treated differently. We have our historical faults,many of them,but we have made excellent progress towards eliminating them. We have received praise from UEFA for our efforts. Has it stopped the witchunt?Has the other side of the city solved their problem?

Like hell, they have. They won,t even admit to having a problem.

The length of time and the continual change in the point of attack of this campaign,PROVES that it is orchestrated. It is not a storm in a teacup,it is deliberate.

We (or rather Murray) have tried the dignified silence tactic. Has it worked? Have Spiers,McNee etc,.

seen the error of their ways and decided to treat us by the same standards as others?Have the attacks on our club/support ceased? I posted a topic a few months ago called "the deafening silence".

For those who did not see it,it lists a series of incidents over the years and how Rangers conducted themselves,and how Celtic responded. Any one who thinks that keeping quite and denying our roots will sooth the Celtic beast,is going to learn the hard way.

WE are Rangers - Super Rangers, No one likes us, we dont care ..... except you do care, but your 'caring' is (IMHO) coming across as pretty close to paranoia - "Witch hunts"; "orchestrated campaigns"; "we ARE being treated differently"; "Why are we not judged like others".... I am sorry but I disagree with your view point (Now Winston Churchilll did have a great turn of phrase that says 'Just because I am paranoid does not mean the bastards are NOT out to get me) but the best way of attacking any bias, real or imaginary is from a position of strength and to be in a position of strength we have to have no (or extremely few) faults of our own. We are NOT yet in that position and sometimes (which I also find hard to do) dignified silence is the best way forward. Rangers keeping quiet is NOT an unreasnoble tactic, it may be one some posters disagree with but I for one think we need to get our own house in order because when accused saying "They do it" will NOT act as a defense.

It's been said so many times now...We give them an inch, they ask for a mile.

Keep pretending to yourself that we still need to get our own house in order.

Who exactly are "they"

If you don't know then may i suggest you take your head from the sand and look around the newspapers, television and other media outlets on a daily basis to find the answer?

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A lot of posters draw attention the the slogan on the banner. How could anyone be offended by a slogan taken from a Dublin newspaper? I would imagine the same people who would be offended by the term "fenian". Especially since that is the name they gave themselves. We have all seen photos of Celtic banners containing the word. Why, after 100yrs,. do they find it offensive?

A lot off posters complain about Rangers association with loyalism/protestantism etc,. We are a football club they say. Quite right,we are a football club,so why then do Spiers,McNee,Keevins etc,. continue to prowl the airwaves,media etc,. looking for things to hammer us with? Why are we not judged (like other clubs) as a football club?Why are our songs offensive but other clubs songs,banners flags etc,. are ignored? Why,when we do something good, do they invent crises?

It is not paranoia,we ARE being treated differently. We have our historical faults,many of them,but we have made excellent progress towards eliminating them. We have received praise from UEFA for our efforts. Has it stopped the witchunt?Has the other side of the city solved their problem?

Like hell, they have. They won,t even admit to having a problem.

The length of time and the continual change in the point of attack of this campaign,PROVES that it is orchestrated. It is not a storm in a teacup,it is deliberate.

We (or rather Murray) have tried the dignified silence tactic. Has it worked? Have Spiers,McNee etc,.

seen the error of their ways and decided to treat us by the same standards as others?Have the attacks on our club/support ceased? I posted a topic a few months ago called "the deafening silence".

For those who did not see it,it lists a series of incidents over the years and how Rangers conducted themselves,and how Celtic responded. Any one who thinks that keeping quite and denying our roots will sooth the Celtic beast,is going to learn the hard way.

WE are Rangers - Super Rangers, No one likes us, we dont care ..... except you do care, but your 'caring' is (IMHO) coming across as pretty close to paranoia - "Witch hunts"; "orchestrated campaigns"; "we ARE being treated differently"; "Why are we not judged like others".... I am sorry but I disagree with your view point (Now Winston Churchilll did have a great turn of phrase that says 'Just because I am paranoid does not mean the bastards are NOT out to get me) but the best way of attacking any bias, real or imaginary is from a position of strength and to be in a position of strength we have to have no (or extremely few) faults of our own. We are NOT yet in that position and sometimes (which I also find hard to do) dignified silence is the best way forward. Rangers keeping quiet is NOT an unreasnoble tactic, it may be one some posters disagree with but I for one think we need to get our own house in order because when accused saying "They do it" will NOT act as a defense.

It's been said so many times now...We give them an inch, they ask for a mile.

Keep pretending to yourself that we still need to get our own house in order.

Who exactly are "they"

If you don't know then may i suggest you take your head from the sand and look around the newspapers, television and other media outlets on a daily basis to find the answer?

What I mean is it the whole world, catholics, celtic supporters, women, Tesco employees, Catholics or who exactly?

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