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Do you know these people - Record says these were riot ringleaders

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The part of this thread worth taking notice of is that we all need to try and alert the authorities to the identity of any of these people if they are known to us.

The fact that guy is standing there calming videotaping stuff suggests this was planned and organised. Trouble is when you get a big mob of people together and enough of them get wasted, it doesn't take much to kick off trouble if a few rabble rousers insert themselves.

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The part of this thread worth taking notice of is that we all need to try and alert the authorities to the identity of any of these people if they are known to us.

The fact that guy is standing there calming videotaping stuff suggests this was planned and organised. Trouble is when you get a big mob of people together and enough of them get wasted, it doesn't take much to kick off trouble if a few rabble rousers insert themselves.

Looks organized to me. Crowd of headcases making trouble for others.

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see you old pirate your nothing but a fucking fanny. How fucking dare you make bears with english accents feel threatened about going to Ibrox. My old man is in the army and because of my upbringing I never lived in my hometown Airdrie, I was either in Ulster or germany or Cyprus but I was born in Bellshill and my blood runs blue. Not only that my Dad and I have been season ticket holders at Ibrox the whole 21 years of my life, so in no way does my english accent retract for my love of our fine club. So you can keep your naive views to yourself you cunt.

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Feckin English scumbags if I ever hear an English accent at at a Rangers game the barsteward is getting it :angry2:

Thats one of the worst fishing trips I have ever seen on here, hahaha!!! :lol:

You should learn from Manticore, he's good at fishing.

P.S. I dont what you mean by "getting it", because in one sense its very :gay1:


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Sorry i was wrong to brand all english fans with the same brush.

I'm english and its awful the cunts down here are tarring me with the "violent thug" image just because I'm a Rangers fan, its awful mate, thank fuck you live in Scotland.

A few of my so called mates are Man Utd fans, and have since made facebook groups/ websites dedicated to getting Rangers banned from Europe (futile Yeh) with totally obscene language that you'd only expect from a jungle jim.

You realise who are the small minded fucks when you see this sort of thing happening and yeh a lot of English football fans are possibly the most small minded of any on the planet.

Glad you realise your mistake, as a lot down here have tarred almost every Gers with the same brush, and you wouldn't want to be like them now would you? :rolleyes:

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I'm shocked with some of the anti english comments on here. I'm an english lad with family roots in Ulster, I was there on Wednesday night in my Rangers shirt supporting the Gers like everyone else. When I was on the train station, being from the north west I was able to help out some Bears with directions ect. To come on here and read some of the utter shite about english accents ect just pisses me off.

WATP :unionflag:

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I'm shocked with some of the anti english comments on here. I'm an english lad with family roots in Ulster, I was there on Wednesday night in my Rangers shirt supporting the Gers like everyone else. When I was on the train station, being from the north west I was able to help out some Bears with directions ect. To come on here and read some of the utter shite about english accents ect just pisses me off.

WATP :unionflag:

think hes realized his mistake, hes apologized, lets leave this dead and buried :rangers: :unionflag:

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Feckin English scumbags if I ever hear an English accent at at a Rangers game the barsteward is getting it :angry2:

I hope he kicks fuck out of you

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I'm shocked with some of the anti english comments on here. I'm an english lad with family roots in Ulster, I was there on Wednesday night in my Rangers shirt supporting the Gers like everyone else. When I was on the train station, being from the north west I was able to help out some Bears with directions ect. To come on here and read some of the utter shite about english accents ect just pisses me off.

WATP :unionflag:

think hes realized his mistake, hes apologized, lets leave this dead and buried :rangers: :unionflag:

fair do's :unionflag: :craphead::rangers:

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Feckin English scumbags if I ever hear an English accent at at a Rangers game the barsteward is getting it :angry2:

fuck off.

so its ok for you to tar the english with the same brush, but not ok for them to do it to you?

English football fans the cancer of football

Hang them by the balls nothing but vermin

your a fucking bawbag that should stay away from ibrox

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He's apologised guys and as far as i can gather he's been forgiven, let's leave it at that eh?

I'm f*cking fuming myself (not at his comments, i couldn't give a f*ck), those w*nkstains in the pics are definitely full blown hooligans, probably banned from their hometown clubs sine die. I really hope the media go nationally with the pictures when they are produced, loads of this lot will be English firms and might get away with it if the pictures aren't published in the whole of the UK. Look at the pics yourself, then check your own pics, check clothing and cross match what you can, we must have millions of images between us, we'll find the scum on our own.

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Feckin English scumbags if I ever hear an English accent at at a Rangers game the barsteward is getting it :angry2:

in a way i am kinda worried incase some other fans think the same ok i know he didnt really meen it but wat about otehrs the real idiots :( i have an english accent and i now fear of being setabout

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Feckin English scumbags if I ever hear an English accent at at a Rangers game the barsteward is getting it :angry2:

fuck off.

so its ok for you to tar the english with the same brush, but not ok for them to do it to you?

English football fans the cancer of football

Hang them by the balls nothing but vermin

Go fuck yourself

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Surely some of these casuals must be Rangers ICF or something similar?

I would have thought so, but don't forget a genuine hooligan has no real allegiances, they will fight with their own if they can't find anyone to fight with.

What makes me p*ss is the 'holier than thou' attitude of the so called neutrals. I watched Bolton in Madrid earlier this year and there was a big hoo-ha when the Spanish police waded into them at the game, which was totally out of order.

What wasn't reported is that Bolton have a massive problem with young lads - 18-25 mostly - who are well into this kind of organised violence, and the day before the Atletico Madrid game, two groups from different areas of Bolton had been knocking f*ck out of each other on the streets of Madrid.

I genuinely believe the problem is worse in England than in Scotland and from what i'm seeing where i live, it's going to get much worse.

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see you old pirate your nothing but a fucking fanny. How fucking dare you make bears with english accents feel threatened about going to Ibrox. My old man is in the army and because of my upbringing I never lived in my hometown Airdrie, I was either in Ulster or germany or Cyprus but I was born in Bellshill and my blood runs blue. Not only that my Dad and I have been season ticket holders at Ibrox the whole 21 years of my life, so in no way does my english accent retract for my love of our fine club. So you can keep your naive views to yourself you cunt.

Well said 86, I am an Airdie man myself :beer2:

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We can't keep blaming it on hooligans , I was there during the riots and yes the ringleaders weren't dressed in gers tops , but look further back into the mob attacking the police andthere are loads of our fans amongst them it's clear that there are idiots who have joined in after seeing this.

I noticed a lot of people joining in after either being hit for no reason themself by the police, or after seeing one of their mates on the receiving end.

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I was at the game only found out all of this when I was back with my families house who live near Manchester. I know if anyone knew who these thugs are, they know to drop a line to the police. I cant believe how these scum have tarnished my beloved club.

I am so pissed, especially when I was there singing my heart out in the game. And then besides seeing us throwing away a very good chance, these idiots are going mental.


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