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Reply for D,Artagnan

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And you can say what you like Davy - but the way you replied shows a lack of respect for others, everything about its tone, views whether their right or wrong.

And I'd put my last tenner on that D'a wouldn't have replied that way either.

Boab, Davy isn't D'Art so that's a pretty strange reply.

You have kept shtum when those of us who try and defend our right to celebrate our past have been branded 'bigots'

Where's the transparency in that?

There are people on these boards who try and deny us our right to support our club in the fashion we please. They can support Rangers however they want by all means, but they have no right whatsoever telling us how we should go about our business

Not you personally but I think you know what I mean.

Davy is right, they are intolerant fascists.

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And you can say what you like Davy - but the way you replied shows a lack of respect for others, everything about its tone, views whether their right or wrong.

And I'd put my last tenner on that D'a wouldn't have replied that way either.

Boab, Davy isn't D'Art so that's a pretty strange reply.

You have kept shtum when those of us who try and defend our right to celebrate our past have been branded 'bigots'

Where's the transparency in that?

There are people on these boards who try and deny us our right to support our club in the fashion we please. They can support Rangers however they want by all means, but they have no right whatsoever telling us how we should go about our business

Not you personally but I think you know what I mean.

Davy is right, they are intolerant fascists.

What I meant is if D'Art is who such people look to then I wondered why his respectful tone isn't kept also along with his message.

I've kept quiet? I wasn't when I first joined, you can ask manticore or D'a for that matter!

I just don't want to cause arguments anymore, when it would be easy to. I'd prefer to be known for my views on the football and aiding the forum than controversy but its not very easy as I'm easily opinionated and outspoken as it is.

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And you can say what you like Davy - but the way you replied shows a lack of respect for others, everything about its tone, views whether their right or wrong.

And I'd put my last tenner on that D'a wouldn't have replied that way either.

Boab, Davy isn't D'Art so that's a pretty strange reply.

You have kept shtum when those of us who try and defend our right to celebrate our past have been branded 'bigots'

Where's the transparency in that?

There are people on these boards who try and deny us our right to support our club in the fashion we please. They can support Rangers however they want by all means, but they have no right whatsoever telling us how we should go about our business

Not you personally but I think you know what I mean.

Davy is right, they are intolerant fascists.

What I meant is if D'Art is who such people look to then I wondered why his respectful tone isn't kept also along with his message.

I've kept quiet? I wasn't when I first joined, you can ask manticore or D'a for that matter!

I just don't want to cause arguments anymore, when it would be easy to. I'd prefer to be known for my views on the football and aiding the forum than controversy but its not very easy as I'm easily opinionated and outspoken as it is.

Fair enough Boab. But Davy didn't show a lack of respect for anyone IMO.

He like myself is simply frustrated at the continuous accusations of sectarianism directed our way for having the audacity to celebrate our culture.

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Guest Andypendek
Ah, the infamous 'moving into the 21st Century'.

I can't help but think that people who use that phrase actually mean 'Throw away traditions and become just another plastic club with silent fans'.

British and Loyalist is what Rangers were, are and will always be. And that's not something to be ashamed of.

From Dickens' Chinese Notes:

As it was in the past, so it is in the present, and it shall be in the future, saith the Emperor. And all the Mandarins prostrate themselves.

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No offence pal but that was awful. It's like one of those poems you would write in primary school - when you couldn't think of words that rhyme you just threw something in that sounded kind of similar. I know this arguement is mentioned all the time here but it's just horrible to have Glasgow Rangers Football Club and bloody battles from the past mentioned in the same breath IMO.


"Like a poem from primary school"------ I,m a pensioner son, it,s a long time since I have been mistaken for someone from primary school but thanks anyway!

As regards the "quality of the poetry"-- if your a poetry critic what are you doing on a football forum? I doubt that the Poet Laureate is a bluenose.

"bloody battles from the past"-------- Jock Wallace fought in the Korean war. What age are you? 14?

Willie Thornton was awarded the Military Medal in the 2nd. WW.

I did not make ONE reference to "our traditions". I merely pointed out the hypocricy of the Celtic fans in continually being obsessed with them.

If you are so concerned about people "living in the past" then ask your self why certain people are so intent on harping on about our traditions.

I lived overseas m8 for many years and lost the hatred that still exists in this country. During that time I permitted my son aged 4 to attend Catholic chapel with his little friend. Hardly the actions of a bigot obsessed with our traditions, some of which I find embarrassing. But, in case you hadn,t noticed, there is a media campaign against this club and it appears that SDM (and your) response has no effect in stopping it.

Finally, to finish off, I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL POET (surprise,surprise) but I wrote mt little ditty in

2.1/2 hrs. why don,t you write a masterpiece and show me where I am going wrong.

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Ah, the infamous 'moving into the 21st Century'.

I can't help but think that people who use that phrase actually mean 'Throw away traditions and become just another plastic club with silent fans'.

British and Loyalist is what Rangers were, are and will always be. And that's not something to be ashamed of.

Thats up to opinion, my heart certainly doesn't beat faster for god save the queen or many things british.

Boab, thats not the point!

The part you highlighted says "nothing to be ashamed of", which, its not!!

You said that was up to opinion, yet your reply was about your heart not beating faster about British things, surely those are too seperate issues.

The inference there is, you are saying people should be ashamed if they feel that way, whereas people who dont shouldnt feel ashamed? Just because it isnt something you believe in, or buy into, doesnt mean that those who do should feel ashamed.

You mentioned afterwords about a lack of respect, well, in all honesty mate, thats exactly what you did there (albeit in a far friendly manner than some have done), but, this is a perfect example of what causes massive arguments on here, and needs to stop. You (and others) may not be pro-British, loyalist, Unionist etc, and, thats fine, you have every right to feel and believe as you choose, however, those who are should not be "ashamed" of it (lol I know they wont be), and have every right to feel that way, there are many people all over the world with the same beliefs, not just Bears.

Not singling you out here mate, its just, you managed to put it in a way that is not the normal slagging match so should be clear to understand for others. :)

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No offence pal but that was awful. It's like one of those poems you would write in primary school - when you couldn't think of words that rhyme you just threw something in that sounded kind of similar. I know this arguement is mentioned all the time here but it's just horrible to have Glasgow Rangers Football Club and bloody battles from the past mentioned in the same breath IMO.

Well don't fucking read it then. You know what the thread is about, if you don't like it don't enter it. If you don't like the songs, don't sing them. If you don't like the flag, don't fly it.

But leave us alone to do as we please.

Wrong side of the bed today? :lol:

Just pissed off with the bigots on this board constantly pissing and moaning about the background of the club. Makes me sick.


And you can say what you like Davy - but the way you replied shows a lack of respect for others, everything about its tone, views whether their right or wrong.

And I'd put my last tenner on that D'a wouldn't have replied that way either.

Yes, bigots.

A lack of respect? What about the lack of respect shown from the usual mob regarding the traditions and history of our club? They come on here constantly slagging it off, calling it things like 'embarrassing' and slating the fans who are keen to support our background. If they have no respect for me, then I have none whatsoever for them. I make no apologies for that.

Mon now Davy, dont you know, only the unionist/loyalist/protestants can be bigots :harhar:

And, I would have to add, am pretty sure D'a WOULD have replied that way, however, just in a far more eloquent manner, however, the meaning would have been the same ;)

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You mentioned afterwords about a lack of respect, well, in all honesty mate, thats exactly what you did there (albeit in a far friendly manner than some have done), but, this is a perfect example of what causes massive arguments on here, and needs to stop. You (and others) may not be pro-British, loyalist, Unionist etc, and, thats fine, you have every right to feel and believe as you choose, however, those who are should not be "ashamed" of it (lol I know they wont be), and have every right to feel that way, there are many people all over the world with the same beliefs, not just Bears.

Not singling you out here mate, its just, you managed to put it in a way that is not the normal slagging match so should be clear to understand for others. :)

(tu) Thats fine and as I said, albeit I don't think I was respectful but I was more irked with Davy's tone and perhaps surprised too by Davy I dare say, I'm not gonnae really shove anything down anybody's throat these days.

On 'ashamed' maybe I should have phrased it better and spoke of others not having the same pride (tu)

Apprecaite the 1 or 2 back-handed compliments though :blush:

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You mentioned afterwords about a lack of respect, well, in all honesty mate, thats exactly what you did there (albeit in a far friendly manner than some have done), but, this is a perfect example of what causes massive arguments on here, and needs to stop. You (and others) may not be pro-British, loyalist, Unionist etc, and, thats fine, you have every right to feel and believe as you choose, however, those who are should not be "ashamed" of it (lol I know they wont be), and have every right to feel that way, there are many people all over the world with the same beliefs, not just Bears.

Not singling you out here mate, its just, you managed to put it in a way that is not the normal slagging match so should be clear to understand for others. :)

(tu) Thats fine and as I said, albeit I don't think I was respectful but I was more irked with Davy's tone and perhaps surprised too by Davy I dare say, I'm not gonnae really shove anything down anybody's throat these days.

On 'ashamed' maybe I should have phrased it better and spoke of others not having the same pride (tu)

Apprecaite the 1 or 2 back-handed compliments though :blush:

(tu) Indeed, better phrasing perhaps

You would know if I backhanded you young fella :harhar:

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I was more irked with Davy's tone and perhaps surprised too by Davy

Well, Boab... I like a good debate as much as the next man. But there is only so much you can take when every thread like this is hijacked by the usual suspects and their hatred of Protestantism/Unionism.

D'Art may not have replied in the manner I did, but maybe he is a lot more patient and tolerant with some posters who continue to have a pop at every opportunity.

But just for the record, I don't think I was particularly disrespectful.

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I was more irked with Davy's tone and perhaps surprised too by Davy

Well, Boab... I like a good debate as much as the next man. But there is only so much you can take when every thread like this is hijacked by the usual suspects and their hatred of Protestantism/Unionism.

D'Art may not have replied in the manner I did, but maybe he is a lot more patient and tolerant with some posters who continue to have a pop at every opportunity.

But just for the record, I don't think I was particularly disrespectful.

you tell them davy. (tu)

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Maybe it is time to split up the Bears Den into 2 segments - traditions and football - then all that want to do their thing and celebrate thepast can do so and those who come here for football can do so

I dont know

Right now, it is getting to the point where nobody is allowed an opinion - every thread is on here is either a transfer thread or a slanging match

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Maybe it is time to split up the Bears Den into 2 segments - traditions and football - then all that want to do their thing and celebrate thepast can do so and those who come here for football can do so

I dont know

Right now, it is getting to the point where nobody is allowed an opinion - every thread is on here is either a transfer thread or a slanging match

What a good post, I LOVE a good bit of irony!


you could, maybe, move the traditions thing right out of the bears den?? Maybe a sub section of off topic? Since, according to some, it has no place anywhere near Rangers

We could even go as far as to have a password to get into the bears den, and, only let those with no interest in the history of the club into it?

You know, I completely disagree with you on most things, but, generally you actually argue your point ok, but, this was a daft one!

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Maybe it is time to split up the Bears Den into 2 segments - traditions and football - then all that want to do their thing and celebrate thepast can do so and those who come here for football can do so

I dont know

Right now, it is getting to the point where nobody is allowed an opinion - every thread is on here is either a transfer thread or a slanging match

Jog on.....

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