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Dear [insert group here]... Grow Up!


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Today is one of those days that I just sit here in amazement. Growing up in Canada, I have largely been a spectator to some of the most mind-numbing pieces of news the world has to offer. Unfortunetly, the Scottish Government, Scottish Media, and Celtic Supporters decided to carry on the tradiation by this time bringing the complaint of one disgruntled misfit to national prominence.

To be blunt, none of the three above mentioned factions have any idea what to be upset about. Sit one of them down and they will probably just ramble on about the deep rooted evil and bigotry held inside all Rangers supporters who in turn deserve to be marginalized. When are adults in my homeland going to grow up and realize that the ship has sailed in Scotland?

It hurts me to say it but stories like this make me happy my family decided to hit the road and give me a chance to grow up in a nation that isn't filled with paranoia and a recurring need to make itself feel important by imploding on those who happen to wear a blue top on Saturdays.

I see a nation that is filled with remarkable achievements and people who helped build the modern world, yet, why does it now look as though a certain aspect of those 'left behind' feel the need to turn on the others?

Those that turn the easiest are the one's that should know better. The elected officials sitting on a cushion of taxpayer wealth need to look up the meaning of something intellectually before choosing a side. Maybe we should send some of them to a school of learning where they can read up on Plato or Socrates to make their election by neds meaningful.

Or what about the Scottish Media? They somewhat have an excuse in the fact that they are nothing more than a whipping boy for the international corporations that wish to squeeze every once of energy from their employees and every penny out of the reading public. A story that harshly lashes out at hard working class individuals seems to do the trick.

Now, I have to admit that the chanting by Rangers fans about an event that ended 161 years ago may not be in good taste, but it is anything but sectarian. Should they not be allowed free speech on anything less than 200 years old possibly? Is it really that offensive or is this just a concocted attempt to smite some rivals? How about the Government, the media and the supporters of the 'hoops' grow up and shed some light on a real story.

Take a look at Youtube for this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18iPMbfl6-0

Give a long listen to that video as it may not be online for long now that it is out in mass public circulation.

Surely if Rangers' supporters are targeted by those in charge of legislative and public access versions of fairness for comments about a famine being over, and self defined Irishmen making their way home, there has to be a new measuring stick in place. Is that not a far cry less offensive then the chanting by Celtic fans in support of the Irish Republican Army that killed those sworn to protect Scotland and other nations from harm? It would surprise me if those in government and the media never whisper a breath about that which is a shame.

Scotland has made stamping out bigotry a focus but the longer the shambles that is this debate go on full of bias and inaction the more hopeless it all gets. Healing starts when those responsible at this present time evaluate themselves before others. Let's see it happen.

Scottish Government - Grow up and act as the intellectual and fair body you are meant to be.

Scottish Media - Grow up and take notice of how your money making stories cause harm to innocent people.

Celtic supporters - Grow up and get yourselves in order before targetting others.

That is all.

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I'm sorry to say it CR, but unless there is change in the ideals at the top, I fear Scotland will always have problems.

God knows, we don't need them.

For a nation that has a decent education system, well used to anyway, I just see things crumbling.

I wish I knew the answer, but I don't I'm sorry to say.

Sorry to be so negative all.

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Guest Andypendek

Unless something happened overnight that I have as yet to read, the Scottish govt. has quite sensibly reacted with a 'not touching this with a bargepole' attitude so far. No doubt they will be forced, eventually, into some comment but hopefully it will be of the platitudinous, empty rhetoric type.

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Unless something happened overnight that I have as yet to read, the Scottish govt. has quite sensibly reacted with a 'not touching this with a bargepole' attitude so far. No doubt they will be forced, eventually, into some comment but hopefully it will be of the platitudinous, empty rhetoric type.


RANGERS SUPPORTERS have attracted scrutiny from the Scottish government, after complaints about chanting at last month's Old Firm derby were made by the Irish Consul General...

The government has released a statement: "The Scottish government is totally committed to combating sectarianism and bigotry, which is why we have expanded on the work of the previous administration and are doing more.

"We are working with the clubs themselves, as they are part of the solution to the problem."


I don't think that there is a need to imply that there is a problem here is there?

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Guest Andypendek

Seems bland enough to me?

No doubting there is a sectarianism problem here, and that the OF have to be considered a part of the solution to it. I'm quite sanguine about that comment.

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Seems bland enough to me?

No doubting there is a sectarianism problem here, and that the OF have to be considered a part of the solution to it. I'm quite sanguine about that comment.

Just to give quote like that about this particular situation implies that the issue is sectarian in nature?

Surely the better and respectable thing to do would have been to give no comment at all?

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It is sorrowful!

People have similar disagreements in diferent countries which have old history.

A similar problem is and in Ukranie. East of Ukraine talks about the West of Ukraine: "Lazy and dull nationalists, fascists and sales...". The west of Ukraine talks about the East of Ukraine: " Dull and uneducated assemblage of gangsters, without cultural herd which doesn't have own opinion."

There is a lot of people invocatory to kill one other, but I hope people suffice wises. Talking is possible much but here to be friend or friendly.

I hope and believe in it.

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Guest Andypendek

Unfortunately not an option for them...best option imo would have been 'piss off! we're trying to run a country here, away and play with your legos!!'

The first sentence clearly sets the context, which is the overall drive to eradicate sectarianism and bigotry rather than some whiney old prick crying about songs on the telly.

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Unfortunately not an option for them...best option imo would have been 'piss off! we're trying to run a country here, away and play with your legos!!'

The first sentence clearly sets the context, which is the overall drive to eradicate sectarianism and bigotry rather than some whiney old prick crying about songs on the telly.

Maybe I am still smarting from the earlier comments that were made around the time of the Lennon situation.

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Guest Andypendek

Jim, I'm fucking stunned....I assure you, half 5 in the morning is not my normal hour for rising (well, it is, but not for getting out of bed as well) so you can see this is not something I'm taking lightly.

When this came up in the opening titles of the news (complete with subtitles, so you could understand better....d'uh!) I flung on my waterproofs and ventured out into the pouring rain, just to get away from it. I had the radio on for about 5 seconds and sure enough, it was a tim droning on as usual about the same old rubbish...the club makes no defence....the only straw I am clinging to at present is that the Scottish govt. has not, so far, jumped on the bandwagon. Maybe they will? I desperately hope not, for if they do where do we go? Do I, a Scottish nationalist, find myself reporting the 'Remember Bannockburn' flags we take to Hampden, as it is offensive to the English who died that day? Do I have to spend my time listening out for Aberdeen fans mocking the Ibrox disaster, or tims using sectarian language? What a way to live!

I'm thoroughly depressed.

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Jim, I'm fucking stunned....I assure you, half 5 in the morning is not my normal hour for rising (well, it is, but not for getting out of bed as well) so you can see this is not something I'm taking lightly.

When this came up in the opening titles of the news (complete with subtitles, so you could understand better....d'uh!) I flung on my waterproofs and ventured out into the pouring rain, just to get away from it. I had the radio on for about 5 seconds and sure enough, it was a tim droning on as usual about the same old rubbish...the club makes no defence....the only straw I am clinging to at present is that the Scottish govt. has not, so far, jumped on the bandwagon. Maybe they will? I desperately hope not, for if they do where do we go? Do I, a Scottish nationalist, find myself reporting the 'Remember Bannockburn' flags we take to Hampden, as it is offensive to the English who died that day? Do I have to spend my time listening out for Aberdeen fans mocking the Ibrox disaster, or tims using sectarian language? What a way to live!

I'm thoroughly depressed.

One can hope that they don't jump in fully but the fact that the comment was associated with their battle against sectarianism and this case worries the hell out of me :(

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Guest Andypendek
we are not making fun of the people that suffered in the famine. We are telling the Celtic fans that if they love Ireland so much then they should return home. We don't want to listen to their songs about the IRA.

Cracking and concise summary. That would do for a press release.

It is sorrowful!

People have similar disagreements in diferent countries which have old history.

A similar problem is and in Ukranie. East of Ukraine talks about the West of Ukraine: "Lazy and dull nationalists, fascists and sales...". The west of Ukraine talks about the East of Ukraine: " Dull and uneducated assemblage of gangsters, without cultural herd which doesn't have own opinion."

There is a lot of people invocatory to kill one other, but I hope people suffice wises. Talking is possible much but here to be friend or friendly.

I hope and believe in it.

I do also, Ukranian!!

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What is sectarianism anyway?

Wikipedia says:

Sectarianism is bigotry, discrimination, prejudice or hatred arising from attaching importance to perceived differences between subdivisions within a group, such as between different denominations of a religion or the factions of a political movement.

Schooling segregation based on religion at age 4 is an ideal created by the Irish Catholic church, is it not? They have only themselves to blame.

Eradication of sectarianism is firmly in the hands of the people who complain about it most. Ironic isn't it.


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Unless something happened overnight that I have as yet to read, the Scottish govt. has quite sensibly reacted with a 'not touching this with a bargepole' attitude so far. No doubt they will be forced, eventually, into some comment but hopefully it will be of the platitudinous, empty rhetoric type.

The SNP government don't want to touch it. Jack McConnell, ex labour first minister made some reaction to it saing they are not doing enough, then SNP said the one scotland campaign has came in since getting into power. Politicians are trying to get away from it.

I work with a celtic season ticket holder and he made no mention of it when he was at the old firm derby.

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I'm thoroughly depressed.

[Puts arm round Andys shoulders]

Chin up FFS, look at the league table, remember the last OF result and you'll see where their pain really stems from.

This is all just a side issue, one of several which have been cast up since we pissed on their bonfire at the piggery. The world & his dog knows that ra sellik are bad bad losers (despite years of practice), and us giving credence to any of their ridiculous whinging is just grist to their mill.

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Today is one of those days that I just sit here in amazement. Growing up in Canada, I have largely been a spectator to some of the most mind-numbing pieces of news the world has to offer. Unfortunetly, the Scottish Government, Scottish Media, and Celtic Supporters decided to carry on the tradiation by this time bringing the complaint of one disgruntled misfit to national prominence.

To be blunt, none of the three above mentioned factions have any idea what to be upset about. Sit one of them down and they will probably just ramble on about the deep rooted evil and bigotry held inside all Rangers supporters who in turn deserve to be marginalized. When are adults in my homeland going to grow up and realize that the ship has sailed in Scotland?

It hurts me to say it but stories like this make me happy my family decided to hit the road and give me a chance to grow up in a nation that isn't filled with paranoia and a recurring need to make itself feel important by imploding on those who happen to wear a blue top on Saturdays.

I see a nation that is filled with remarkable achievements and people who helped build the modern world, yet, why does it now look as though a certain aspect of those 'left behind' feel the need to turn on the others?

Those that turn the easiest are the one's that should know better. The elected officials sitting on a cushion of taxpayer wealth need to look up the meaning of something intellectually before choosing a side. Maybe we should send some of them to a school of learning where they can read up on Plato or Socrates to make their election by neds meaningful.

Or what about the Scottish Media? They somewhat have an excuse in the fact that they are nothing more than a whipping boy for the international corporations that wish to squeeze every once of energy from their employees and every penny out of the reading public. A story that harshly lashes out at hard working class individuals seems to do the trick.

Now, I have to admit that the chanting by Rangers fans about an event that ended 161 years ago may not be in good taste, but it is anything but sectarian. Should they not be allowed free speech on anything less than 200 years old possibly? Is it really that offensive or is this just a concocted attempt to smite some rivals? How about the Government, the media and the supporters of the 'hoops' grow up and shed some light on a real story.

Take a look at Youtube for this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18iPMbfl6-0

Give a long listen to that video as it may not be online for long now that it is out in mass public circulation.

Surely if Rangers' supporters are targeted by those in charge of legislative and public access versions of fairness for comments about a famine being over, and self defined Irishmen making their way home, there has to be a new measuring stick in place. Is that not a far cry less offensive then the chanting by Celtic fans in support of the Irish Republican Army that killed those sworn to protect Scotland and other nations from harm? It would surprise me if those in government and the media never whisper a breath about that which is a shame.

Scotland has made stamping out bigotry a focus but the longer the shambles that is this debate go on full of bias and inaction the more hopeless it all gets. Healing starts when those responsible at this present time evaluate themselves before others. Let's see it happen.

Scottish Government - Grow up and act as the intellectual and fair body you are meant to be.

Scottish Media - Grow up and take notice of how your money making stories cause harm to innocent people.

Celtic supporters - Grow up and get yourselves in order before targetting others.

That is all.

Excellent stuff CR! Get that published and emailed to various sources.

Good man!

We have to fight these b******ds!

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I'm thoroughly depressed.

[Puts arm round Andys shoulders]

Chin up FFS, look at the league table, remember the last OF result and you'll see where their pain really stems from.

This is all just a side issue, one of several which have been cast up since we pissed on their bonfire at the piggery. The world & his dog knows that ra sellik are bad bad losers (despite years of practice), and us giving credence to any of their ridiculous whinging is just grist to their mill.

Spot on!

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Today is one of those days that I just sit here in amazement. Growing up in Canada, I have largely been a spectator to some of the most mind-numbing pieces of news the world has to offer. Unfortunetly, the Scottish Government, Scottish Media, and Celtic Supporters decided to carry on the tradiation by this time bringing the complaint of one disgruntled misfit to national prominence.

To be blunt, none of the three above mentioned factions have any idea what to be upset about. Sit one of them down and they will probably just ramble on about the deep rooted evil and bigotry held inside all Rangers supporters who in turn deserve to be marginalized. When are adults in my homeland going to grow up and realize that the ship has sailed in Scotland?

It hurts me to say it but stories like this make me happy my family decided to hit the road and give me a chance to grow up in a nation that isn't filled with paranoia and a recurring need to make itself feel important by imploding on those who happen to wear a blue top on Saturdays.

I see a nation that is filled with remarkable achievements and people who helped build the modern world, yet, why does it now look as though a certain aspect of those 'left behind' feel the need to turn on the others?

Those that turn the easiest are the one's that should know better. The elected officials sitting on a cushion of taxpayer wealth need to look up the meaning of something intellectually before choosing a side. Maybe we should send some of them to a school of learning where they can read up on Plato or Socrates to make their election by neds meaningful.

Or what about the Scottish Media? They somewhat have an excuse in the fact that they are nothing more than a whipping boy for the international corporations that wish to squeeze every once of energy from their employees and every penny out of the reading public. A story that harshly lashes out at hard working class individuals seems to do the trick.

Now, I have to admit that the chanting by Rangers fans about an event that ended 161 years ago may not be in good taste, but it is anything but sectarian. Should they not be allowed free speech on anything less than 200 years old possibly? Is it really that offensive or is this just a concocted attempt to smite some rivals? How about the Government, the media and the supporters of the 'hoops' grow up and shed some light on a real story.

Take a look at Youtube for this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18iPMbfl6-0

Give a long listen to that video as it may not be online for long now that it is out in mass public circulation.

Surely if Rangers' supporters are targeted by those in charge of legislative and public access versions of fairness for comments about a famine being over, and self defined Irishmen making their way home, there has to be a new measuring stick in place. Is that not a far cry less offensive then the chanting by Celtic fans in support of the Irish Republican Army that killed those sworn to protect Scotland and other nations from harm? It would surprise me if those in government and the media never whisper a breath about that which is a shame.

Scotland has made stamping out bigotry a focus but the longer the shambles that is this debate go on full of bias and inaction the more hopeless it all gets. Healing starts when those responsible at this present time evaluate themselves before others. Let's see it happen.

Scottish Government - Grow up and act as the intellectual and fair body you are meant to be.

Scottish Media - Grow up and take notice of how your money making stories cause harm to innocent people.

Celtic supporters - Grow up and get yourselves in order before targetting others.

That is all.

excellent writing mate

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Thanks for the support folks. I can see where I may have been a little harsh with the government but it seemed to me that in the articles I read this morning they were unwilling to just be a bystander as they mentioned their stance against bigotry when this chant was brought up by the press.

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Guest Andypendek
I'm thoroughly depressed.

[Puts arm round Andys shoulders]

Chin up FFS, look at the league table, remember the last OF result and you'll see where their pain really stems from.

This is all just a side issue, one of several which have been cast up since we pissed on their bonfire at the piggery. The world & his dog knows that ra sellik are bad bad losers (despite years of practice), and us giving credence to any of their ridiculous whinging is just grist to their mill.

(sniffs) Thanks, mate!

I agree with you about where the motivation comes from. It's more the thought that we really WERE getting away from this sort of rubbish, we were stepping toward what we might call a mature society, and thanks to our idiot media, pandering to the most dense (on both sides imo) we slide back 10 years in a month. Does my head in!!!!

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