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Posts posted by billyc79

  1. Well done dunny on being positive mate.

    Was always slightly positive myself and was certainly never going to throw in the towel regarding anything what they mhutants come out with.

    If you did take there comments seriously you would of took a flying heeder aff the erskine bridge by now lol

    Ive always fancied us to come out of this and that 49m bill is as high as could be which is probably very unlikely but its been enough to keep timmy and all the other tools cummin in there pants for ages now.

    Im convinced we will a result here and we will get whacked with something but nothing the rangers cant manage.

    HMRC are wanks and i know each case if different but they always hit you with a potential bill and its up to you to sort it.

    I got hit with a 5k bill, got my accountant to sort it, 2k rebate for me.

    And i know my wee bill is totally different but come on tae fuck does everycunt just pay these without fighting , no chance.

    We are rangers and if we get knocked down we will get fuckin back up again. harder.

  2. Cracking old games was swos. Emylyn hughes as well many a league set up with the boys, I also used to play one for the spectrum called footballer of the year that was class too.

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