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Posts posted by bluestilo

  1. Absolutely no way should it be Bougherra and Wilson on Tuesday. Why risk a brand new partnership who have never played together? This game is far too big to experiment.

    Fair point but Weir is droppin that deep these days we invite teams on top of us, with the other two we have pace to spare

  2. Just wondering....should it be Bougherra & Wilson at CB on Tuesday?? Give Weir a rest?

    Just what i was thinkin, no matter what Bougherra has been doin recently, we should still play our strongest defence and in my opinion Wilson and Bbougherra are our best 2 center backs

  3. I wonder how many "Protestants" actually know what their religion is all about. Most just see it as another opposite to Catholic Celtic fans.

    very true

    takes nothing away from the true protestants though :clap:

    Of course. I don't think I've ever met one though.

    You've never met a church goer? <cr>

    I've never met an actual Protestant Rangers fan.

    Then you should meet me then or others like me, i am and always have been a Rangers fan. I am also an elder in the Church of Scotland, and i for one, at

    times take offence to certain fellow Rangers fans who use "our" religion to beat the so called kafflics over the head with, they then freak out when they find

    that the religion they "love" and would "die" to defend includes such kafflick practices as communion. If you do not go to church, want to understand

    your own religion, or even believe in God, then please do not pretend to be a Protestant as you know this may upset a member of the Roman Catholic faith.

    We are Christians as are Catholics, if you want to scream abuse at someone because he or she is a celtic fan, then be my guest. But the use of my Church

    must stop, if the celtic fans want to do it, let them. We are above that, and them, and always will be.

    you talk some pish

    you claim to be a church elder and if you are why would you believe we are above them

    does your god not teach you that we are all the same no man is better than another

    If you had read it right you would have ment above them as Rangers fans above celtic fans like i said keep the religion out

    but how can someone who is an elder in church and believes in the same god as celtic fans think hes better than them

    im allowed to think this because i believe in the religion of glasgow rangers

    So because i believe in God and he says all men are equal, then im not allowed to have a favourate team, or a favourate set of fans, now whos talking pish

    at least youve admitted to talking pish at the start thats me done my job for the night billy graham

    Glad to see you revert to the usual name calling when someone can answer the crap you spout, thanks for not dissapointing me (tu)

    if you think thats name calling wait till the ultras get a hold of you

    you will need to get a thicker skin

    oh and welcome to the board hope your stays a long one

    lol cheers i think (tu)

  4. You can not be a protestant until you have been baptised into the Presbyterian church. If you are not baptised then you do not belong to any specific religeous group. This is a fact. You also cant be if you dont believe in god. The protestantism is a way of worship. It is a religeon. It is not a limb that you grow. It is not being a loyalist, a unionist or a Ger.

    If your born into a protestant family it just means that your mum and dad are protestant.

    How can you claim that it is "a fact" that "You can not be a protestant until you have been baptised into the Presbyterian church" when your previous post says that

    If these fans want to be taken seriously as Protestants then they should be at church or else they are just taking the name of the Church of Scotland purely to lambast the other side.

    The Church of Scotland and the Presbyterian Church are two entirely different bodies. If you don't know what you're talking about, saying that it is "a fact" doesn't make you any more right. In fact, it generally weakens any point you might have had in the first place (tu)

    Not really sorry if you are Church of Scotland then you are a Presbyterian, Presbyterianism is the religion, Church of Scotland is the title we give our church

    The seperate one is the Free Presbyterian church

    I'll bow to your greater knowledge on that subject. In fact, a quick check reveals your right! Pity I didn't think about it checking before posting, eh? However, not every Protestant Church is a Presbyterian Church, so to say that "You can not be a protestant until you have been baptised into the Presbyterian church" is still incorrect. I'd also like to know who gives grahamteuchter (or anyone else for that matter) the right to define what you must do to become a Protestant.

    Your totally right i dont want to tell anyone how to live their lives, just to be as honest as possible about things that are really important to others

  5. You can not be a protestant until you have been baptised into the Presbyterian church. If you are not baptised then you do not belong to any specific religeous group. This is a fact. You also cant be if you dont believe in god. The protestantism is a way of worship. It is a religeon. It is not a limb that you grow. It is not being a loyalist, a unionist or a Ger.

    If your born into a protestant family it just means that your mum and dad are protestant.

    How can you claim that it is "a fact" that "You can not be a protestant until you have been baptised into the Presbyterian church" when your previous post says that

    If these fans want to be taken seriously as Protestants then they should be at church or else they are just taking the name of the Church of Scotland purely to lambast the other side.

    The Church of Scotland and the Presbyterian Church are two entirely different bodies. If you don't know what you're talking about, saying that it is "a fact" doesn't make you any more right. In fact, it generally weakens any point you might have had in the first place (tu)

    Not really sorry if you are Church of Scotland then you are a Presbyterian, Presbyterianism is the religion, Church of Scotland is the title we give our church

    The seperate one is the Free Presbyterian church

  6. I wonder how many "Protestants" actually know what their religion is all about. Most just see it as another opposite to Catholic Celtic fans.

    very true

    takes nothing away from the true protestants though :clap:

    Of course. I don't think I've ever met one though.

    You've never met a church goer? <cr>

    I've never met an actual Protestant Rangers fan.

    Then you should meet me then or others like me, i am and always have been a Rangers fan. I am also an elder in the Church of Scotland, and i for one, at

    times take offence to certain fellow Rangers fans who use "our" religion to beat the so called kafflics over the head with, they then freak out when they find

    that the religion they "love" and would "die" to defend includes such kafflick practices as communion. If you do not go to church, want to understand

    your own religion, or even believe in God, then please do not pretend to be a Protestant as you know this may upset a member of the Roman Catholic faith.

    We are Christians as are Catholics, if you want to scream abuse at someone because he or she is a celtic fan, then be my guest. But the use of my Church

    must stop, if the celtic fans want to do it, let them. We are above that, and them, and always will be.

    you talk some pish

    you claim to be a church elder and if you are why would you believe we are above them

    does your god not teach you that we are all the same no man is better than another

    If you had read it right you would have ment above them as Rangers fans above celtic fans like i said keep the religion out

    but how can someone who is an elder in church and believes in the same god as celtic fans think hes better than them

    im allowed to think this because i believe in the religion of glasgow rangers

    So because i believe in God and he says all men are equal, then im not allowed to have a favourate team, or a favourate set of fans, now whos talking pish

    at least youve admitted to talking pish at the start thats me done my job for the night billy graham

    Glad to see you revert to the usual name calling when someone can answer the crap you spout, thanks for not dissapointing me (tu)

  7. I wonder how many "Protestants" actually know what their religion is all about. Most just see it as another opposite to Catholic Celtic fans.

    very true

    takes nothing away from the true protestants though :clap:

    Of course. I don't think I've ever met one though.

    You've never met a church goer? <cr>

    I've never met an actual Protestant Rangers fan.

    Then you should meet me then or others like me, i am and always have been a Rangers fan. I am also an elder in the Church of Scotland, and i for one, at

    times take offence to certain fellow Rangers fans who use "our" religion to beat the so called kafflics over the head with, they then freak out when they find

    that the religion they "love" and would "die" to defend includes such kafflick practices as communion. If you do not go to church, want to understand

    your own religion, or even believe in God, then please do not pretend to be a Protestant as you know this may upset a member of the Roman Catholic faith.

    We are Christians as are Catholics, if you want to scream abuse at someone because he or she is a celtic fan, then be my guest. But the use of my Church

    must stop, if the celtic fans want to do it, let them. We are above that, and them, and always will be.

    you talk some pish

    you claim to be a church elder and if you are why would you believe we are above them

    does your god not teach you that we are all the same no man is better than another

    If you had read it right you would have ment above them as Rangers fans above celtic fans like i said keep the religion out

    but how can someone who is an elder in church and believes in the same god as celtic fans think hes better than them

    im allowed to think this because i believe in the religion of glasgow rangers

    So because i believe in God and he says all men are equal, then im not allowed to have a favourate team, or a favourate set of fans, now whos talking pish

  8. I wonder how many "Protestants" actually know what their religion is all about. Most just see it as another opposite to Catholic Celtic fans.

    very true

    takes nothing away from the true protestants though :clap:

    Of course. I don't think I've ever met one though.

    You've never met a church goer? <cr>

    I've never met an actual Protestant Rangers fan.

    Then you should meet me then or others like me, i am and always have been a Rangers fan. I am also an elder in the Church of Scotland, and i for one, at

    times take offence to certain fellow Rangers fans who use "our" religion to beat the so called kafflics over the head with, they then freak out when they find

    that the religion they "love" and would "die" to defend includes such kafflick practices as communion. If you do not go to church, want to understand

    your own religion, or even believe in God, then please do not pretend to be a Protestant as you know this may upset a member of the Roman Catholic faith.

    We are Christians as are Catholics, if you want to scream abuse at someone because he or she is a celtic fan, then be my guest. But the use of my Church

    must stop, if the celtic fans want to do it, let them. We are above that, and them, and always will be.

    you talk some pish

    you claim to be a church elder and if you are why would you believe we are above them

    does your god not teach you that we are all the same no man is better than another

    If you had read it right you would have seen i ment above them as Rangers fans above celtic fans ,like i said keep the religion out

  9. I wonder how many "Protestants" actually know what their religion is all about. Most just see it as another opposite to Catholic Celtic fans.

    very true

    takes nothing away from the true protestants though :clap:

    Of course. I don't think I've ever met one though.

    You've never met a church goer? <cr>

    I've never met an actual Protestant Rangers fan.

    Then you should meet me then or others like me, i am and always have been a Rangers fan. I am also an elder in the Church of Scotland, and i for one, at

    times take offence to certain fellow Rangers fans who use "our" religion to beat the so called kafflics over the head with, they then freak out when they find

    that the religion they "love" and would "die" to defend includes such kafflick practices as communion. If you do not go to church, want to understand

    your own religion, or even believe in God, then please do not pretend to be a Protestant as you know this may upset a member of the Roman Catholic faith.

    We are Christians as are Catholics, if you want to scream abuse at someone because he or she is a celtic fan, then be my guest. But the use of my Church

    must stop, if the celtic fans want to do it, let them. We are above that, and them, and always will be.

  10. He got Leicester relegated at the start of his managerial carreer, thats why most don't want Ally to take over yet, too soon. Since then he has done well

    with limited funds. And with a transfer budgit at Ibrox, i'm sure he could put a team on the park that could compete with everyone else in the SPL

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