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Posts posted by Ultra

  1. You're officially an atheist.

    Well... Don't I have to go through some sort of "Burning of the unholy testament" to cleanse me of my Catholicism and become an atheist? :lol:

    I say officially because I've had my conformation, communion, confession etc etc all in catholic churchs.

    Is it really that easy to not be a catholic anymore?

    "Hmmm I don't actually think there's a god" BANG! Atheist! (tu)

  2. Support who ever the fuck you want just as long as your not a turncoat and change teams every other season.

    People give me stick since I'm officially a catholic (I don't believe in god though, I think religion is for dumb fuckers or people who need to believe in such things) but imo that's got fuck all to do with football and yes I know about 95% of posters here would burn me at the stakes for saying such things but it's just the way I and a lot of people I know feel. The history is fine but in this day and age it has a whole of a lot less to do with religion than it used too.

    Flame on!

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