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Posts posted by Spacecowboy

  1. had sticky fingers in the dressing room due to an outrageous gambling habit, stealing from players and the like. once he was found out he barely got mention at Ibrox again. The Gaffer made sure he didn't kick another ball for rangers when he tried to deny the help the club where offering.

  2. i'm getting sick of this "I so offended" nature that is creeping into our support, its pathetic.

    OP if it bothered you that much, did you take it up with your line manager? or did you wait till you came home to post how "offended you where" and "if it was them it would be different" on RM?

    we have a no football tops in work and I own the place, and this rule applies even when we are fund raising, why would your bank bend this rule for this one day? I highly doubt this even happened now, 15 kiddy snatchers came up with the same idea? and as said if they all bought new tops (or even if 1 bought a new one (1we wouldnt normally have sold) Win Win) then fuck it....

  3. Just flicked this on the interweb when i came in to see the pen go in.....

    and then realized what a backwards fucking commentator we have.

    "he was all ready well on the move when the ball was first hit, but we wont say to much about that"

    why mention it then?? what team are you supporting?? i'm all for impartial commentating, but FFS.

    Runt on a cunt he is!!

    well done scotland, a few more results like that and we might have fucking made the play offs at least!!

    Good to see the Boo's go out for the yella fella, but was that tic fans or angry rangers fans, did Naismith / MacGregor etc gets the same?? should have!

  4. If we played Dunfermline at Ibrox and got beat with a team like Kev posted then the manager would get fucking slaughtered and rightly so

    A defeat wouldn't be down to Wallace and McLeod

    At the risk of repeating something that has been said several times already


    Foster McCulloch Moshni Smith


    McKay Law Templeton

    Daly Clark

    Why don't you explain why you think a bankrupt team full of kids can turn over that Rangers side at Ibrox.

    Nine of those players were signed by McCoist so he can hardly say he doesn't think they can play.

    i dont think McCoist is saying that these players cant play, I'm sure he's using the rule that is there for a reason, to enable him to choose from his FULL squad and not be limited by international call ups, even if it is only 4 possible players missing.

    On another note i didnt say Dunf would win, i said IF they won, which unfortunate to say is coming my friend, we wont go the whole season unbeaten (although i do have a £5 on we do, but i seriously doubt it, and so does my bookie hence the large odds)

    A night like tonight (weather) and a performance like forfar and all bets are off IMO, whos to say it cant happen, smaller teams have had bigger results at ibrox in the not so distant past.

    I'm in no way saying that I'll go to this game expecting to loose, i fully expect us to win like i do at the start of every other game, but its naive to think its a fore gone conclusion before a ball is kicked.

  5. can anyone be your proxy or does it have to be someone attending ie another shareholder?

    and what to guarantee they will vote the way you tell them?

    just wondering, I am going but my mate isnt, can I be his proxy (we are of the same opinion anyway, on most things) or can a non shareholder go in his place?

  6. My brother in law (a spurs fan from Bristol) had watched a few games on TV with me when i'm down there and caught the odd old firm game over time.

    But the first time I took him to Ibrox his first words when he seen the main stand from inside was "Wholly Fuck!! they dont show that on the TV!!"

    He had no idea the main stand was so big and had 3 levels, said it was the most impressive stand he's seen when full.

    Next game he asked if we could go sit in the CD, he loved every minute of being up there

  7. aye but I'm a sort of revel in their misfortunes type of guy

    wouldn't it be wonderful if they were 3...0 up and Shakhtar got a really soft, highly disputed penalty in the last minute.....

    my dream scenario (as long as the cunts scored mind you !)

    LOL would be good!!

    popcorn gnashers would burst like the balloon he is!! abso great stuff.

    had tims that work for me saying "they're not even a European country" or some shit like that, the excuse generator has been flicked to the tim setting and is working overtime already.

    dont know why i employ these fuckers in the first place!! the 2 that work for me are good engineers, but anytime they phone in sick, or call to tell me they need more time on a job I cant believe them because of all the shit excuses they pap me with about their shit football team and Fenian fan base. Hard work TBH, would rather employ a good honest prod any day, but i think i'd be in a tribunal for the reason i'd want to give for giving them the bullet.

    reminds me of a joke: Pat and Mick got jobs as circumcisers, Pat slipped and got the sack and Mick got fired for keeping the tips.

  8. well it's the usual routine.......you watch them hoping they get gubbed. They score early doors you switch off, but if they're going down you savour every minute

    Not convinced with that theory, what if they score 2 in the last minute of the game? you've just watched 90mins of a game they won.

    and bt reports I've had (mainly from tims all the same) this game was mostly celtic apart from the 2 goals.

    i'd rather get the highlights if its extra good / funny. I dont need to see it to revel in them getting beat, knowing is enough for me.

  9. :pics:

    I cant!! one or both of them are on here and i've probably said to much already....2 best looking girls in the govan stand anyway (thatll throw them off the scent, its actualyy the EE next to the tunnel!! ha i'm not daft, i'll never get caught!! god if they knew my name was simon they would really know who it was!! thank god they dont!!)

  10. people being astounded that investment is being spent is astounding in the first place.

    we cant keep the money in the bank when we have debts / bills to pay.

    Once the accounts are filed then and only then can the questions of where the money went and why.

    We cant expect our board to detail week in week out where the money is going and how much we have in the bank.

    If the money is going to the right places for the right reasons, we as shareholders can ask the questions and make the changes required

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