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Posts posted by momosupermo

  1. When everyone's calmed down and being rational we can't blame the manager . He's clearly no money to spend and can afford free transfers and big wages because of the gates ,tv etc this year . Kings no investing anything . If we want to blame anyone it's him . I'll take 2nd this year ,I would have at the start of the season . Real challenge next year is realistic 

  2. His behaviour in the last couple of months has tarnished his reputation. Being a really really really shite manager is one thing, but shafting the club for money while we teeter on the brink of financial collapse is unforgivable.

    why shouldn't he take the money ? would you refuse your notice period if you left your work , im sure you wouldn't . the real stupidity was giving him a salary like that in the first place.

  3. just want to clarify here what mattered more ?

    having spoken to a few other there seems to be a acceptance of defeat and more a achievement singing ?

    it not the rangers i grew up with ?

    Im thinking at this point you are young or a taig just saying

    2nd prize goe to you ya prixk , I probably was supporting rangers when I was pumoing ur maw .

  4. I don't know what the average age is on here but in my day the only thing that matters is on the park , u don't get into Europe singing ?

    all this bullshit about singing is a side issue , lets be real here . do you think for one second any celtic fan is giving a fuck about who sang what .

    get a fucking grip

  5. Honest?

    We were never going to win the match. The objective was to remind the cnuts we are coming and we certainly did that.

    not in my fucking book . when was this club a singing contest ? and did we reminf then ? did we fuck . if we get up they will take maximum points off us

  6. lets be honest they owned us on the park . our team is a disgrace . winning in the stands mean nothing to me ....... im only interested on the park . first half was a disgrace and the 2nd half they took the foot off the gas. reality check for the honest supporter

  7. As the topic says. Ally has gave this club his everything , he worked for nothing during the real hard times . Kennys just the same . These guys are fans just like us , trying their best . The real issue is why we didn't build from the youth etc in div 3 . We didn't need to sign big wage spl journeymen , we would have cantered that league with the u19s. Now were in dire straites, the old firm game I'm not looking forward to . Will we see out the season without some serious backing . Who's gonna back us ? And in the short term who's gonna take this job on? Would you ? I was talking to Derek mcciness two weeks ago and mentioned the rangers . He said " I don't know how ally can work under these circumstances , I spoke to him two days ago " asked if he fancied it he said " it would take a brave or stupid man to take that on just now ............but u only turn rangers down once " ................maybe there is hope

  8. Ally has only done what every other manager in the country does ( excluding wenger). Hes been given a budget by the money men and hes spent it , theyve given him the budget so we all buy shares and to fool us into thinking we could compete in the cups .Now judging Mccoists managerial skills is a different subject with the resource he has been given . Richard Gough's column in the sun today is spot on in my opinion

  9. Signing players we couldn't afford didn't cause our problems for fuck sake. How many more times does this need going over? Craig Whyte bought the club fraudulently then proceeded to steal money which should have went to HMRC. It's that simple. Its not about what you or anyone else believes happened, its what did happen.

    So the over inflated wages arent causing a problem ? so were paying players £1000s per week and other teams are paying £100s PART TIME. So why are we needing to cut the wage bill ? Quite simply living way beyond our means again

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