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Posts posted by allanh91

  1. Some people wont be happy with the inclusion of Barry Ferguson :lol:

    Fergie has many critics, but for me, he was a captain who led our club with style. Came through the youth system and made his place in a multi-million pound, multinational squad, had a fantastic 5 years between 98 and 2003, and came back to do a solid job after. Was never as good as he was in the first spell, but still a rightful starting player every week.

    Wore the jersey with pride and wore his heart on his sleeve.

  2. Seems pretty harmless stuff to me. You get far more bile in newspapers like The Scotsman . And thats the journalists. The comment sections are worse.

    It is harmless Gmac. I should really have made it aware before hand that I can never post anything about Rangers without some bheast having a say.

    Probably silly posting this to be honest, as it seems to be that I'm coming away with egg on my face, spur of the moment annoyance and bewilderment. Admin delete if you want ;)

  3. Irony overload!

    I can see why you're saying it's ironic, I just get that fed up sometimes, I wouldn't exactly call my behaviour excessive, tend not to bother with the bastards at all, more like the force theirselves on you.

    @Godfather, believe me, that's far from being a first time occurrence with those two in particular, but usually it's during some kind of debate. I just posted a wee message and they get fired right in, it's just strange.

  4. Excellent article.

    DU are a horrible club who reek of hypocrisy, bitterness, and hatred towards anything Rangers.

    Just had a glance at one of their fans forums there and of the first 20 or so threads, 15 were either about Charles Green or Rangers.

    One poster actually said the following "we should unite against [Rangers] and get other Scottish football fans to buy tickets".

    They are the pits. Simple as that.

  5. I started a thread earlier, stating that people were prepared to stand on a picket line, with the obvious consequences, to enforce a boycott if necessary. Whether this was right or wrong is no longer the point, but some folk do like a bit of drama, and to act like the liberal thought police. It provoked some heated discussion, and served its purpose. At no point did I "happily" advocate fighting with each other, I just said it was a shame that it had to come to this, but needs must.

    The comment about shooting people was obviously 100% serious, seeing as its a fucking public forum :rolleyes::2gunsfiring_v1:

    Fortunately, Charles Green made the decision he did, so we wont have to worry about it.

    You really are a fucking prick, aren't you?

    Not content with putting words in my mouth, you then try & take obvious sarcasm out of context. Smug arsehole.

    Never put words in your mouth. You said if it came to blows so be it, I honoured the fact I couldn't remember what you said exactly later on, but it had something to do with shooting, sarcastic or not that's just fucked up behaviour.

    I'm very sorry mate, but if being a prick means being against suggesting that violence between bears, then maybe I'm happy being a prick. And I think you should be banned. I don't do backtracking.

    That is also a grossly falsified summary of what you said. Your language was threatening throughout the thread, and it was obviously on your mind, otherwise you'd just have suggested a picket.

    Why didn't you just say "let's have a picket", like Gogzy ended up doing.

  6. I must have missed a thread. Why is everyone mentioning WVB?

    He delightfully suggested that he would happily start fighting with any Rangers fan attempting to enter Tannadice, before the news of ticket allocation rejection broke.

    Before hilariously trying to dig his way out by giving a half arsed apology, he proceeded to call any fan considering going a traitor, and mentioned something about shooting them.

    Seems like a great guy, doesn't he?

  7. Thanks for keeping the locked thread out of this one.

    assholes. :P

    Sorry mate, I've said to admin they can delete my post if they choose to.

    The other thread locked and I couldn't stand by and say nothing when this odious arsehole was spouting the shite he was.

    Again, apologies.

  8. I regret nothing.

    Too fucking nice, as usual, thats my problem.

    Next time I wont water down my opinions so much.


    Going from inciting violence, to pathetically backtracking, to saying you would "shoot" Rangers fans?

    GTF. You're an absolute disgrace and have no right to tell other Gers fans what they should be doing, nor incite violence against them for having freedom of choice.

    Traitors is a subjective word. Perhaps some may say YOU'RE the traitor, and that supporting Rangers should come before hating another club.

    Again, I'm not going to tell you what to think, this is a very divided issue and I wouldn't attack someone for choosing to boycott OR choosing to attend. But I will step in and say you're out of order when you're employing/inciting violence to scare people into not supporting their club the way they see fit.

  9. WVB should be banned from this forum. Just read his thread there. Inciting violence towards our own fans is an absolutely HEINOUS suggestion.

    People will make their own minds up at the end of the day. Some people will follow the club anywhere, regardless of external factors, purely because the football means that much to them.

    Others will abstain, which is again an understandable choice. They feel that these clubs tried to put the boot in too far and want to cut them off as they did to us.

    Both sets of opinions ARE valid.

    I never thought I'd see the day where violence was threatened against our own supporters. Shame on you WVB and shame on anyone who agrees with him. We're in this together, always have been, always will be.

    Admin, delete this post if you feel it's threatening, it was never my intention but some may see it that way, I'm just genuinely abhorred by that suggestion.

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