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Posts posted by eastlothianbear

  1. The manky bastard probably isn't even embarassed to make such a ridiculous accusation, asking for an Edu top in a sellick shop is racism?

    If the cunt had any sense of humour he should have got a sellick strip out and offered to print Edu on it....


    Reminded me of my youth, when I asked my local sports shop for Robbie fowler and number 23 on a liverpool strip. I got Robbie Fouler number 9 printed on Arsenal strip.

  2. eastlothianbear:

    You are suggesting that someone who has been placed on the sex offenders register should be allowed near children and/or vulnerable people. NO.

    It does not matter whether you would have preferred him to be locked up, the point is, he isn't. And you are saying he should be in the company of children. Irrespective of how many people are about, that is a dangerous situation. Thankfully I'm not.

    I'm bothered about the safety of children, most folk are bothered about point scoring.

    I will be pleased if he is allowed to continue his football in Scotland. Why? Because the chances of him reoffending is far higher in Lithuania IMO. Better looking women/girls(scots lassies are pig ugly), he's a lesser know commodity, there is far greater levels of Sex trafficing, and his money will stretch much further. Kanus was dirt cheap last time I visited. For all these reasons, plus he will get a harder time off supporters in Scotland, I would like him to return.

    Why is should be playing football/other than hanging about the streets, is that he's far less likely to reoffend. Training every day, and matches at the weekend. I'm sorry but the argument that he might hit on a ballgirl infront of 15,000 fans is simply false. If he's at home trawling the net or getting a job outside football he will be watched far less, and more likely to reoffend.

  3. I don't need to google "jail". I'm well aware of what it is. You suggest he should be in jail, but since he's not, we may as well let him loose on youngsters? NO my view is the polar opposite of this

    How do you work that one out?I didn't you just made it up!

    As for fools? You seem to be the only person on here advocating that he should be allowed near children whilst still on the sex offenders register. No I'm suggesting he should be kept away from harming children, again the opposite of what you typed.

    That tells me, and everyone else, who the fool is. Indeed!

  4. Hibs really show what's wrong with Scottish football I mean they had a one goal start at home tonight and still ended up getting thumped doh

    I thought Hibs showed enough to suggest IF they get the Centre backs sorted they could climb the table.

    Very impressed by the tall black midfielder, think he's called osbourne.

    Celtic were shite, Keyal and Ki don't want to be there, hoopers lost his form and the defence is wonderfully entertaining.

    Gloss over the win lennon. More holes in the celtic defence than in a colander.

  5. :lol: aye blame Alex Salmond for laws created by Labourites and Conservatives which were deemed sufficient before, but apparently not now. Don't make me laugh.

    eastlothianbear, I think your views are far too liberal. The man has committed wrong, he was convicted and placed on the sex offenders list. Yes, he should be allowed to rebuild his life - that's the whole point of rehabilitation in our judicial system, but not in an environment where many children are present. He has to prove himself capable of not committing these disgusting crimes again before he can be allowed to publicly engage so closely with children IMO. Thus, as long as he is on the Sex Offender's list, he should not be allowed to play in such an arena. Whereas in 5 years, he should be allowed to. Simples.

    Good response thanks.

    In theory I agree with you, in just don't think its a simple as you state.

    You are in favour of him being allowed to rebuild his life, but he shouldn't be allowed to go anywhere where children might be. I'm sure you understand that he wouldn't be allowed to leave the house, or answer the door/phone if this was the case?

    What he should never(imo) be allowed is one to one contact with a minor. Imagine the shame if during a live game Craig Thomson was sent onto the pitch 5 mins early because the players were holding hands with child mascotts when entering the pitch. Give him this type of refection and platform to rebuild his life rather than locking him indoors masterbating to Cbeebies.

    As for folk determined to keep him in lithuania if anyone has been the vilnus/kanus, they would realise it's not a place to sent a convicted sex beast.

  6. Watched the game last night, pedro got injured after 70 mins and was stretchered off. I think he's a quite brilliant player, touch, turns, runs, and finishing are top top drawer. Perhaps he doesn't have super pace or a box of tricks, personally I think having a good footballing brain is more important.

  7. (tu) Or one of his type.

    Why would anyone defend a scumbag like that?

    Lowest of the low. :BELM:


    I've made my position very clear. I think he should have had the jail and been locked up for a long period of time, how you can interpret this as defending him is anyones guess.

  8. He should be told that any use of webcams or anything of the sort will be in violation of his place on the register and he will promptly be locked up.

    Yes but this will be part of his conditions as placed on the Sex offenders register.

    You talk of him not being allowed to use the internet and not being allowed to talk to teenagers/young girls, but you are not able to provide a sensible solution to the problem.

    Personally I would let him continue to play football but let hearts introduce a special agreement contract that states he will for-go the use of a mobile telephone during his job and that he will report to the club 7 days a week.

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