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Posts posted by TShirtJohn

  1. I've not ordered yet......... i'll wait cos it will be in the shops by the end of the week again

    also want to see what the xbox live content is like first before i bother with it cos I like to talk to the people i kill online :D

  2. But then, he went over to me and started going up and down from couching to prone so it looked like he was pumping me! Added insult to injury, but i almost fell off my chair when he ran over to the bomb and 3 seconds later it blew up in his face!!!

    Lesson Learned: Don't be too cocky in S&D

    Teabaged!!!!!!!!! :D

  3. The night that JCD signed for Rangers I was in the Milton hotel for a wedding and bumped into JCD as he was staying there and I don't think he was too pleased at signing but gave him a little chat about the mighty gers........... anyway when I saw him today I asked him if I was right and I got the biggest smile I've ever seen in my life :D

  4. Yeah the new maps are amazing...... I went prestige at the same time of getting the new maps so I got butt fucked the first time in creek but owned the next one even with a basic m16........ it's back to red tiger for now but i'm sure by next week it will be back to basic when i go prestige again :)

  5. God I dare to think of the amount of fonts that I have......... somewhere in the 20,000 area i think

    Most are crap but installed over the years as clients have needed artwork copied :(

  6. Do we want slogans, or fancy designs? :unsure:

    I know this is in D&G, so probably designs... :lol: What are you looking for, roughly?

    TBH Anything is good at the moment, gives us a clear indication of what you are all wanting

  7. I hope that celtic go through so that Liverpool can pump them, I hate going to watch the team I love knowing that I'm watching it with 90% kind on celtic fans.

    Them getting pumped by the mighty Reds might just stop the timmy love effect with Liverpool :)

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