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Incisive Pass

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Posts posted by Incisive Pass

  1. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/mccoist-named-as-victim-of-black-market-in-illegal-information.17056549?

    ... more fucking evidence exposing the fenian blitzkrieg of corruption whose sole purpose is the liquidation of our club.

    it should be noted, however, that if we do go down - we are not alone.

    the fenian chaples of Eerie in the 1970's dublin had over 90% attendance whereas today that figure is less than 2%, and not one priest will be ordained in Dublin this year.

    and why has this come to pass? yup, priesthood paedophelia.

    and unfortunately, for the kafflic church there is not a division three in Eerie to avoid the inevitablity oblivion.

    It's shit and all that, but how do you get your conclusion about them being behind this?

  2. What a sad and pathetic bunch we have become .slagging anyone's wife sums up the quality of the brain cells .total low life in my opinion Andy walker is one of them but he never tries to hurt us He's fucking honest but not hateful and his wife Karen is as nice a person as you could meet. Was at the game yesterday in Main stand with my boy and had to explain why you never sing these sad songs and the singing was indeed cringeworthy . Retards get a life

    Watched it with the bears in Mes Amis, Wan Chai, Hong Kong and had to explain to English and other scots what was being sung. They looked at me like I was a turd. Probably because I look like one. Anyway, as far as I can remember, all football fans have sung songs exactly like this about opposition wifes, sisters and mothers, neighbours etc. Seems to go with the territory and I don't reckon Andy will have lost too much sleep last night. Especially after his wife got back from her shift and sorted him out!

  3. Another thread on the same topic, could you not have got your point across in the other thread against ally!

    Do us all a favour and fuck off!

    Get behind the team win lose or draw!

    It's been one of the worst season in our history off the park and people like you are not what we need!

    On the park's not been too clever either. Our form was on the downslope before admin, not it's in freefall.

  4. 5 Live should ensure this is a reasonable debate. There will of course be those with a timothy agenda but hopefully we have some big hitters who get important points across.

    My view is we acknowledge we are suffering, like the majority of clubs, from overspending but in recent years there have been attempts to get this under control. The previous owner, the SFA, SPL and financial institutions were duped by Whyte and this has resulted in a clusterfuck of a situation.

    We are where we are but our situation has been made a thousand times worse by the vindictiveness of other SPL teams (not all), by the incompetent but vitriolic Scottish media and some politicians. The hatred displayed has shocked the Rangers family, even those who have been telling us for years that the anti-Rangers lobby is a putris puss filled scab of jealousy.

    Many Rangers fans would happily see us leave the SPL and would continue to follow us in SFL Div 3. Others want us in England. The message for other SPL clubs should be of great concern to them: we have had enough and frankly don't care if the SPL dies.

    We acknowledge celtc* will be be the team with the most points in the SPL this year and therefore crowned Champions. We express dismay the way celtc* have behaved but are not surprised. We acknowledge that we may take many years to get back to a situation of sustaining a challenge for the title but one thing that is as certain as night following day is: there will always be The Rangers. :clap:

    Enjoy it GrangemouthRSC :uk:

    If we want to sound at all balanced and pragmatic as well as passionate about our club we need to say more;

    Overspending? - and not paying our taxes ( did we break the law?).Who ahould suffer for that?

    Other clubs? - who has been vindictive? Who just wants what they are owed? Remember they are skint as well.

    Duped? - We allowed that to happen as soon as SDM arrived. We enjoyed the good times as any football fan would, but we were already in the dark about the scam he was running back then. He rolled it twice while chairman and handed it over to Whyte to do likewise. Those two men have stripped us of our commercial strength and financial assets - oprobrium for them, they have also placed our history at risk ( whyte has actually sold some of it).

    SFA/ SPL - I think it hurts us more just now to attack them. They are a shambles, always have been. All clubs can cite examples of wrong doing by them. Celtic more than most and probably the same as us - like it or not guys. And recently the boundaries between us and the SFA have been muddied by Ogilvie and Walter, think about it before we attack the SFA too hard is all I'm saying.

    The BBC et al? - they just tell the news with the spin of the day, usually anti Rangers at the moment, but Hearts and Vlad get it heavy too. We're the big guys and the big story, Murray and Whyte are the wrongdoers.

    League status and country? - We are Rangers, a Scottish club. We belong in Scotland, if no-one likes that, we don't care. I'd hope most guys say we're going nowhere after admin, but from strength to strength.

    Celtic? - Why bother. I don't think they've done too bad in public about us. What would we have expected Liewell to have said? Did SDM cry for them when they almost disappeared - no, he went out and bought someone.

    Always be a Rangers? - If no-one believes anything else, agrees or disagrees with the two view points - Belgradebear and my own, then I am sure that the one message that won't get confused is exactly as Belgradebear say it will be. :clap:

    This is a good chance to show ourselves as passionate football fans, dedicated to our club, sorely wronged but still with clear minds on the way forward.

  5. I bet Ticketus would go in with any bidder to stay close to their original £20M. It's a good effort under the circumstances but is Murray really bringing something new and clean to the situation? Sounds a bit half baked with more debt at the end of the day. Just how it reads to me.

  6. So whats the score ffs? To my knowledge Whyte ownership is invalid because of Tiketus lending the money for season tickets which he didn't have prier to the agreement. So what im saying is Shyte didn't have any legal documents or so that confirmed he was the owner of Rangers when he was given the money in the first place.... Yet Ticketus give him the money? This is all a load of nonsense and im getting sick off it... What i can't get my head around is Ticketus giving bawjaws Whyte the money in the first place to bid foe the club... And about P Murray.... He maybe was part of the old board but he's come forward trying to get a group together and if he's our only option than i say we should take it..... But im confident come this Friday there will be more interested parties coming out from the shadows.

    Whyte bought us for one penny from SDM - he bought all of SDM's shares to become the owner of the club. A condition of this sale was that he pay off Lloyds. Black and white (sorry).

    Whyte then uses Ticketus' money to pay off Lloyds. The timing of getting his hands on their cash maybe an issue for them, but as far as they are concerned, they have bought season tickets from the owner of the club.

    Like you, I am confused. Getting more so each day since the end of last week. One thing I'm reasonably sure of is that we aren't hearing it straight from any of the key players at the moment.

  7. You are the only cunt complaining.

    You bigot.

    Sorry, not me. I've lived all over the planet, I love people, I love fans of other teams in the world. I don't wish to hear them gagged or hurt, we all have a team. If you don't find the idea of murder disgusting, carry on. It's nothing to do with me or my team.

    I know I am not a bigot. I am a Rangers supporter.


  8. I didn't CALL you a TAIG, although that's NOT to say that YOU'RE not one.

    I didn't say you did halfwit.

    But now you are suggesting I am? Why. Do you really see the high-ground in behaving like a murderer? Only one group of people I know do that - and you know what they are called. You arsehole. Keep this nonsense for your no-class mates. Hungerford FFS! Rangers - join the dots again, tool.

  9. The internet is not for you. Shut the fuck up.

    Obviously not. Times like this I think '...no-one likes us, we don't care..'. If that's where supporting a football team gets you then you should get help, ANIMAL right enough. DISGRACE. Everyone else happy with this outrage of a comment? DISGRACE. And we slag them???

    I didn't see this in us until recently, we are so fcking bitter. I can't stomach being called a taig for trying to apply some intelligence to the discussion and I will absolutely not tolerate anyone venerating a child murderer for the sake of a football team.

  10. I'm going to end up doing a hungerford style massacre at the piggery if these stories get anymore depressing.



    This is not about celtic - shame for sure, this is us, we have done this. Why the actions of a complete lunatic using guns to take the lives of innocents are even mentioned in our vicinity is beyond anything we have seen before. I am ashamed. Get real. Prick, don't dirty my club.

  11. Best just to listen to what the administrators are saying as they are the only people that are calling the shots just now.

    You could read the record or the sun and believe what they say, but it will either be made up, second hand info or fed by someone with an agenda.

    You are probably right. I just hate us being part of this circus.

  12. I am so confused by the last few days. If it was possible to keep a strong team on the park with no job losses, great. But people I speak to said in the first week that 7-8 players would go. Then it stalled, and the papers started with 10-11 players would go over and above pay-cuts plus redundancies in the back-room. Now, it's just a players pay-cut an no job losses.

    What is going on? How hard must this be for everyone involved? I would rather that the team ran-out, jerseys on and clear on what they were doing. Not putting the jersey on not knowing if it's their last time. Clear the decks as the money men say it has to be, then get the team together and pushing as hard as we can to get the best outcome from this nightmare.

    As it is we are starting to look a bit chaotic, un-like ourselves, everyone will be getting tucked into us shortly. Guys like King and Murray are not helping right now.

  13. I refuse to believe that's the case just yet.

    If we lose the tax case then I would be inclined to agree

    The tax case will not be decided before we come out of this period of administration - it will put us straight back into administration though, and then who knows.

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