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Blue For You

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Posts posted by Blue For You

  1. First post... I Can't believe this is a thread on here. First of all, we've never cheated our way to a title(s).

    SDM may have been guilty of chasing a dream and we're reaping the rewards now, however, we didn't cheat!

    We are not the only club to use EBT's, Surely the guilt lie's with those that advised SDM and Who ever else that we should use them.

    You can't take titles away from this club, because we didn't cheat. We're not the only club guilty of chasing the dream and spending over budget.... Leeds, Blackburn, even Real Madrid, bailed out by their own government paying a crazy amount for their training faculties!

    We WON the last three titles with no money, what does that say! Don't listen to the the shit stirring scum, our titles are going on where!

    54 and counting (61 if you count the war years). G

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