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Posts posted by RangersForMe3

  1. Ah right. So stick an idea on a website that copies one already out there, then when questioned, take a moral high-ground that your better than others just because they arent running a similar campaign elsewhere.

    If you dont want criticism, then best to can your delusions of grandeur. (tu)

    This will be my final message to you.

    The RST are looking for fan representation on the board and that is what saverangers is for, to position themselves to get Dingwall on the board, of you cannot see that, then it is another reason why i am wasting my time talking to you, you wont ever stop, just keeping going on and on and on until i stop.

    I have never said i dont want criticism, far from it, without critcism it cannot grow.

    What i dont want and feel you are doing is just being overly negative and wasting lots of time commenting on something you have no interest in, again i say the same as i did last night.

    It is fine if you dont like the idea, i can cope, ive been in sales all my adult life, this is nothing compared to some of that.

    There is no real point commenting on something you have no interest in, all you are trying to do is make is so people stop using the thread, which is fine.

    I do however wish you all the best and continued success

    Your delusions of gradeur statement just sum you up for me and i will will end the conversation now on the following

    You are a very strange kind of Rangers fan.

  2. Not in the slightest, with constructive criticism it cannot improve, it needs plenty of ideas, for the bester of it.

    You made yourself out to be admin, or certainly didnt make it clear you were not an admin answering a direct question about the admin, and the post (which has now been deleted) was done in a way because to be honest i was shocked that an admin would introduce and speak to a poster that way.

    Now that i know you are not admin i ahve deleted it, because you are quite right to have your own opinion and if you dont like the idea that is fine, it wont affect it in the long run because it wont work anyway, as you have pointed out, and for it to work it needs supportive people, like the ones who have been offering to help.

    We may not have any chance in hell of working it but it at least makes us feel better in the present situation that we are trying

    Also i have no idea who are tarriers who are not on here, it goes both ways, which is why i sometimes take it to heart, because even if a bear posted the worst plan in the world i would commend him for at least having the guts to do something.

  3. I think everyone has been civil.

    People questioning your idea or playing Devils Advocate on the subject doesnt mean they are not civil.

    If im being honest, it is yourself that has been less than civil with others when responding to any critique of your idea. (tu)

    Not in the slightest, with constructive criticism it cannot improve, it needs plenty of ideas, for the bester of it.

    You made yourself out to be admin, or certainly didnt make it clear you were not an admin answering a direct question about the admin, and the post (which has now been deleted) was done in a way because to be honest i was shocked that an admin would introduce and speak to a poster that way.

    Now that i know you are not admin i ahve deleted it, because you are quite right to have your own opinion and if you dont like the idea that is fine, it wont affect it in the long run because it wont work anyway, as you have pointed out, and for it to work it needs supportive people, like the ones who have been offering to help.

    We may not have any chance in hell of working it but it at least makes us feel better in the present situation that we are trying

  4. To be clear, I'm not an admin on this board but nobody knows who you are. You could be a tarrier for all we know and you expect people to put money in (I'm not suggesting you are a tarrier but nobody knows you).

    Thats because i was asked on twitter to put my idea on this board, i have been using FF for donkeys years and have about 12,000 posts there, have done articles and helped out many a bear through the site.

    Plenty of people know me on FF from the games at Ibrox, away and the european games,the only thing i dont do is go to any FF events. take 2 minutes out of your life to go look at my Facebook page and you will quickly see exactly what team i support as passionately as anyone.

  5. PS - Not that i would donate a penny to this cause(due to RST involvement) but you should research this in order to understand your "competition"


    I know all about the RST plan, i am a long standing member of FF, an ex member years ago of the RST, have had the misfortune of being in MD's company many moons ago, i am following them on twitter.

    So i understand them all to well, thanks again for your much appreciated input.

    you why dont you bless us all with your rescue ideas and what your are doing pro actively instead of knocking what i am doing, its not like i am getting any benefit i am doing it for the fact my club needs its fan doing things.

    Not sitting bout online acting like mr know it all.

    Can you point me to the threads/websites/blogs where your ideas have been put out there to be shot down by posters much like yourself?

  6. I take it from this response, you have failed to do the simplest of research on whats already out there then. :disappointment:

    The Blue Knights campaign has been available on all media forms including forums, internet, tv and written press yet you a) Werent aware they were getting "pledges" and b) are ignorant to the fact they are talking about fan ownership.

    Yet somehow, you think people, who are clearly in a more advanced stage of pledging or knowledge on this subject will jump away from an already established group with their own website, advanced marketing and a rumoured £7m of pledged commitment to your own start-up?

    As i said from the outset, i admire your tenacity, but your figures are out by 5000% and you havent got a hope in hells chance of tapping into the existing pledges out there, unless you get a figurehead, with access to huge capital, who will take up the 49% share. (tu)

    Well i haven't been looking at Paul Murray and his pledges because i have been rahter busy and what PM does he will do whether i "scour" the net looking at what he is doing.

    If he manages to pull off his "blue Knights" deal then i am safe in the knowledge the club is in good hands and dont need to be worried about my club going into oblivion and sitting blindly by and not doing anything.

    All you really keep doing is reposting the same stuff you keep posting, you seem to enjoy putting down ideas and not trying to show us what you are doing pro actively.

    WE KNOW WE NEED A BACKER/PATRON/FIGUREHEAD we have said all along, you keep re mentioining it like its something nobody but you has considered.

    As for the last bit, that is just your opinion, if you can show me evidence as to where it is definately going to be 5000% out and some evidence that can back up your opinion as being any better than anyone else there is no real point us continuing to debate the same points day after day.

    It doesnt do any of us any good or solve anything, you have made your feelings quite clear, why you feel the need to come back every time and give the same ones again is anyones business.

    As for the PM/BK it has been mentioned everytime i have heard it that he is talking to other wealthy investors about a possible takeover, which he was doing last year, and i also know he has been talking to the RST as well.

    I'm not ignorant to the fact i just dont need to spend countless hours looking at PM when it wont change what he does when i can atleast be trying to do something.

  7. Okay, I'll bite. You join this forum and have only posted in one topic, You come out with a scheme looking to sell 500,000 memberships and you want to be treated seriously. I think you are being naive at best. There may be a reason why people 'aren't getting back to you'. I'm sure you have the best interests of the club at heart but will you have a serious proposal that the administrators will look at by 16th March?

    changed for edit.

  8. So how are you going to combat the fact that a few thousand or so have already pledged to join the Blue Knights group with Paul Murray and the 3 supporters association ?

    Why choose yours and not theirs ?

    I wans't aware Paul Murray and the "Blue knights" were taking pledges, thanks for the info.

    We are talking about fan ownership, they are not.

    We are looking at differen options and different agendas.

  9. We haven't made any cuts rememberm well apart from GS/AR

    The media have been slavvering for the daily cull they have predicted and every day they push it back to the next day.

    All last week we had the cull is today and it wasn't so until the players have been released try not to panic on them all being booted out.

    Nothing is over until it is over.

  10. I am delighted to announce that a websie has been successfully purchased and we will aim to get that website fully up and running ASAP.

    It will give it a great focal point to show people too.

    There will be lots of info as often as possible including regular updates.

    Anyone who donates/join will have their name and action registered.

    Anyone who contributes in anyway will also be highlighted on the site.

    We will be working on a printable template of the base model so you people can print it off for friends and family who do not have internet access.

    The site will aim to be as transparent as possible to all members and encourage other bears to join us

    Very exciting stuff :21:(tu)

    Shameless bump for the last page.

  11. Alex, as you know I'm well up for this and good on you for not only your plan but your responses to fellow posters. Can you update us with any progress made so far in terms of obtaining a high profile figure to front this campaign?

    I'm sure you are aware we dont want to be name dropping etc but the following has been done.

    I personally spoke to a well known rangers fan who has links with people in the EPL and a media profile, we spoke briefly online, he has the link, he confirmed the email was there and will get back to me as he was at the game today.

    Someone was hoping to speak to a wealthy fan today with a good profile but he never managed it, we are hoping very soon he will get a chance to speak with him, the same for another wealthy fan.

    I have alsp spoken to a couple who are extremely well connected to not only Rangers but also in the game itself without being pros themselves, they have the link and will get back to me soon.

    I have emailed the administrators with a general idea of what we are trying to do and asked if we could be put in contact with Paul Murray and Ally McCoist and that will lead to Walter too.

    I have emailed Talksports Andy Gray a few days ago through their site but as yet have had no reply

    I have tweeted Gordon Ramsay but no reply

    I have someone trying to get intouch with some media contacts they may be able to get too which would then give us a door to who we want.

    I am awaiting the number of a legal professional who is also a big Rangers man

    I have tried relentlessly to get hold of contact for Gordon Smith, Walter Smith, Graeme Souness and other people of profile but i cannot find any way to get near anyone who knows these people so far, but i wont stop looking for contacts in.

    I have today emailed the Union Bears and The Blue Order asking for feedback and support from them

    I have had no contact from admin whatsoever on this board regarding this issue(that i know of)

    I will be doing the same for Narsa and the Oz equivalent

    I am sure there is more, been a hectic day

  12. to be honest with you mate mentioned to a few on our bus today,and 90% of them did not have a clue what i was talking about,including my best mate,believe it or not most of the 'older' supporters are not interested in the internet,i for one as you know is all for this but in what other avenue can we get these old style supporters interested ???

    Firstly for those not on tinternet we will have a printable version of the idea so that folk like yourself can download it and print it off for them.

    It may well be a condensed version with the main bullet points.

    We will do all we can for each and every opportunity to get the most members joining.

    Also another hope is to do regular regional meetings, so we can split up the amount of people who want things answered.

    There will be an option for contacting us through the website to get anything answered

  13. Disrespectful AND ignorant would have been more accurate. You say you're not being disrespectful then go on to say his first point "is quite frankly just rubbish". Maybe you've been drinking, that might explain it.

    To the OP........excellent work so far, if there's money needed I'd much rather stick a grand your way than 50p towards the fat t-shirt salesmans ego trip.

    Not to mention "nonsense" couple of "ridiculous" and "laughable" IIRC.

    That would be a fantastic amount and one that would be a huge help, i am sure there are thousands of bears with that kind of money for the club.

    Brilliant mate

  14. Cheers, think that would be great if say our team needs drastic improvement we have the power to finance a change to the problem.

    We all want to see the team compete in the CL and have that standard of team, the great thing about being fan driven is that we want the best, if things are taking a wrong turn and it isnt being turned around, the fans then have the say in things rather than 1 owner or indeed a mega egomaniac.

    I truly believe with a fan owned club and good financial resources we could attract very good people in key areas.

  15. I am delighted to announce that a websie has been successfully purchased and we will aim to get that website fully up and running ASAP.

    It will give it a great focal point to show people too.

    There will be lots of info as often as possible including regular updates.

    Anyone who donates/join will have their name and action registered.

    Anyone who contributes in anyway will also be highlighted on the site.

    We will be working on a printable template of the base model so you people can print it off for friends and family who do not have internet access.

    The site will aim to be as transparent as possible to all members and encourage other bears to join us

    Very exciting stuff :21:(tu)

  16. what about aproaching the guy from sale sharks that is interested?? he could be the figure head within it!! he said when he buys rangers he just wants success and to break even!! i also know he said that he wanted to do it alone outwith the blue knights but this could be something that would interest him

    Yes we will consider doing this with a view to building the members fund to a certain limit and then him handing over ownership to the fans for a set price reasonable to both parties.

    great idea mate thank you

  17. I'm in. Remember we don't need 200000 members to take this forward. We have a lot of working class bears who would pay the £100 and £10 per month myself included, we also have some very rich fans who might want to buy 10 of these packages in return for ten votes etc.

    Yes i expect hardly anybody to purchase just 1 most will do 2 or 3 at least.

    We will also be looking at doing regional fund raisers too.

    we may look at doing block votes for purchases over £1000, these are ideas we will discuss.

    If ideas are deemed improvements by the majority we will happily consider anything.

  18. I'm not being disrespectful at all.

    If you can't take the critisim from someone on a message board, how are you even going to be able to take the idea forward. Don't take it personally.

    You'd get the arse ripped out of you if you put that proposal forward to a businessman as your first point about 500,000 members is quite frankly just rubbish. So the rest of what you say just won't add up, no matter how much you want it to.

    Like I said, I do agree with you that a fan membership model for the club is the way forward.

    I haven't taken anything to heart, your wording suggest resentment.

    But again i will repeat the figures are just that a set of numbers THEY ARE NOT SET IN STONE.

    you have one opinion and it is different to mine and a lot of others, luckiky we dont need you to move forward.

    And you are right you are just a person on a message, so it makes no difference what you think.

    That that fellow fans are actively trying to atleast do something and you cant even be civil, if you dont like it thats fine not everyone will, thats your choice.

    It not behaviour i woukd expect from a fellow bear.

    Luckily all the peoplemessaging offering support help and ideas are at least giving it a go and we can say well it didnt work but by f*ck we gave it our best shot.

    Like i said i await your solution ideas and we can then pick apart your idea.

    I will keep a look out for what you are doing to help.

    Thanks for your feedback, always appreciated

  19. With Fan ownership, I know this is one of the least of our worries. But do we decide potential transfer budgets by the money we put in and vote on topics such as who to sign, who deserves a new contract, how much the new contract should be etc. Or will this be down to any major investor who controls the 51% or so stake.

    It would be our belief that the members that are putting their money in should decide the set transfer budget for spending on players, but the rest of how it is spent should be down to the manager and Chief Executive.

    The manager should have full control of signing targets, its the Chief Executives job to get the deals done.

    It should be down to the manager who deserves a contract and the worth, the Chief Executive is there to liaise with the manager on the value of the players.

    Bearing in mind ultimately they will need to do whats right or they will not be voted for again and new Chief Exec could mean new manager.

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