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Posts posted by WesMac

  1. I was embroiled in a debate on the HMFC Kickback forum regarding whether or not we are the same club (and history) as pre-liquidation. Needless to say not one Hearts fan thinks we are and they made their feelings about Rangers and her fans clear. After I raised the issue to one of their mods about being repeatedly referred to as a 'h**', a blatant example of sectarian abuse that was deemed acceptable on their forum, I have subsequently been banned from the site!

    Is there anyone in the SFA I can report this to? It seems utterly unacceptable, especially given the moral high-ground these fans like to take on the sectarian issue surrounding the old firm.

    On a side issue, it's obvious they are still not happy and never will be until Rangers are gone forever.

  2. No Champions league on the same night.. No other live football can be shown it won't even be on radio. As that manky mob are playing.

    Maybe someone can correct me, but on 27th March 2012 wasn't Sunderland v Everton FA Cup tie shown on Sky when Benfica v Chelsea was on as well? I've had a wee dig and looks like it was. I think it's maybe frowned upon by UEFA but not necessarily disallowed. Surely they can't dictate what games a TV company broadcasts? That would be classed as censoring the media?

  3. Unsurprisingly, my OP has been with some resistance - including accusations of being an infiltrator supporting another club, which is plain nonsense. We need to start asking these questions. The 'he's a business man and knows what he's doing' mantra didn't exactly pan out well in the past did it? I 100% support CG and if we can sustain it I'm delighted to have a playing squad that will overwhelm SFL2 and 3. I just think we need to take more of an active role in ensuring our club is being run properly. We already paid a heavy price for not challenging these things in the past.

  4. I've been in two minds about the boycotting idea from the start.

    I think we should stay away from that route and here's why: The thing that I've found most distasteful since this whole situation started has been the fact fans of most of the smaller clubs are more concerned about hurting us than supporting their own club. We can use this an opportunity to show that we won't stoop to that level and that no matter how much we've been damaged by other clubs, supporting Rangers is more important than getting any sort of revenge. Time to stand up and show what we're about, and show why we became one of the two biggest clubs in this country. Not because a conspiracy by the 'establishment' to engineer our success, but because we have the biggest and most dedicated support - the same reason why they can't kill us :21:

  5. If rumours regarding he salaries being paid to the likes of Ian Black are to be believed, is no-one else concerned that we can't sustain these outgoings while in SFL3 - and the greatly diminished income levels that come with that? In a purely business sense, we could buy in players of half the quality (and expense) and still gain promotion - so the same outcome at a fraction of the cost. Admittedly it would inhibit our chances in the scottish and league cups.

    Sorry to be negative, but like all Rangers fans the last thing I want to see is more financial difficulties further down the line. I suppose the yearly accounts will tell but I feel someone needs to raise the issue with CG to ensure there is a sustainable model to cover these costs.

  6. Is no-one else a wee bit concerned about spending money on SPL calibre players for the 3rd division? I know they're free agents but if rumours are to be believed we're still paying high salaries which I don't see how we can support playing in the lower leagues.

    Or is it possible there's a view to a restructure next summer which, given our only chance to prepare for that is now, is why Ally's putting together an SPL quality squad?

    Not to be negative or that, just don't want to see the same mistakes being repeated....

  7. I don't even think it's the authorities per se. It's the fans of other clubs (have you ever had a look at, for example, HMFC kickback - they want us dead, no bones about it). The SPL have tried to engineer this to suit themselves and appease their fans. They're now resorting to what is essentially blackmail.

    I can't wait until they come crashing down and I can climb on the high-horse they've just fallen off. Sporting integrity? They've made a mockery of the expression and have employed it as a justification for some of the worst and most spiteful actions against a club in scottish football history. Even if we come through this and in 3 years are back in the SPL, a divide has been driven straight through the heart of scottish football that will never be repaired.

  8. As far as I'm aware, the SFA can impose the same sanctions and demands because the SFA mambership will be transferred from the Oldco to the Newco along with the conditions the Oldco will have had. Unless this transfer is made, Newco cannot be gramted membership as 4 years of audited accounts don't exist.

    I do hope they lift the transfer embargo though as it will be a killer blow to any attempt at rebuilding. We need to strike while the iron's hot - not lingering for a year in Div 3 so that public interest, attendances, tv revenue etc drop off.

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