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Oh Barry Barry

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Posts posted by Oh Barry Barry

  1. One final point before I leave you all in peace.

    I posted this on Follow Follow last night and it's now on it's 8th page with almost 9000 views.

    Bears there are looking to post this on places like Facebook and twitter because it's the first time any former player or manager has confirmed what we always believed, that Jock Stein knew.

    It completely shatters their defence that Stein never knew - and it comes from one of their very own.

    Other bears are looking to take it a stage further by seeking legal advice in the hope that Celtic be brought to book for the biggest scandal in British sporting history.

    Let's put their titles and trophies under threat and see how they deal with that.

    But over here the first replies were along the lines of " Get this to fuck out the bears den ".......Yeah, like that's really important.. :lol:

    There's the difference.

    Toodle pip.

  2. Lot of great guys on this forum but unfortunately there are also a major amount of retards.

    Follow Follow laugh at RM and despite my best efforts to defend it I can see where they're coming from at times.

    The backing for Whyte on here when just about everyone else could see right through him being the perfect example.

    We even had BOSS banning people that said anything against him.

    Anyway, I've had my say.

    Hopefully Celtic can finally be brought to book for the biggest scandal in British sporting history.


  3. Bears den all the way or for a few days till we all pass on this info.

    Get copy and pasting.

    Send it to the police that are going after all the show biz people.

    If that Frank guy is still alive get his name passed on.

    Fuck them and everything the vile club stands for.

    Absolutely spot on !

    The lurkers would have been shitting themselves.

    But the wee lassies on here start screaming and wetting their panties because it was posted in the Bears Den.


  4. From his book ' Football, My Life '

    Away from first-team and club matters, which were bad enough, another issue was beginning to raise its ugly head at the club. Within a month of my arrival one of the young players asked to see me in my office. 'Here we go,' I thought. 'That didn't take long. Here's a youngster in to complain about not being in the team. Straight away he's going to be into me to give him his chance.' He sat down and told me that he had had problems on a trip to North America with the youth team. One of the fellas in charge had made advances towards him.

    As a manager you expect to have to sort out all sorts of problems. But this wasn't one I ever saw coming. I was staggered. To be frank, I didn't know how to respond for the best. Clearly the kid was distressed about what had happened, but I felt I couldn't just approach the accused and ask him to explain himself without proof. My hands were tied, in a way. I felt completely stuck and out of my depth. I spoke to my staff. They were shocked. My gut feeling was that the kid was speaking the truth, but there was no mechanism within the club or within my experience to deal with it. It was a police matter if anything. Any investigation had to start with them.

    And that's exactly what happened.

    A couple of years later it all came out. Celtic Boys' Club founder Jim Torbett was convicted of sexual abuse of three players, including Alan Brazil.

    Frank Cairney, the manager of the Boys' Club, was charged but not convicted. It emerged that years earlier Jock Stein knew all about Torbett and kicked him out of the club. The wish to maintain the good name of Celtic, if that were ever a good enough reason, was the only thing that kept the issue from coming to light at that point. There was a string of allegations by young lads whose dreams of playing for Celtic were exploited, but it was the testimony of Alan Brazil, David Gordon and James McGrory that brought the matter to court, and Torbett to justice.


    McBungle allegedly claimed it was an ' open secret ' but we've never been able to confirm this.

    BUT this is the first time I've ever read a former Celtic player confirming what most of us have always believed: " Big Jock Knew "

    Why Celtic FC have never faced criminal charges over this remains a mystery to this day.

    Wee Lou Knew.

  5. they are no longer our rivals,or even in the same league as us,why would any rangers fan want to discuss them?

    this is a rangers forum,not a scottish football forum,not an SPL forum and certainly not a c***ic forum.

    so take your pish somewhere else.

    They will always be our main rivals no matter what.

    Lesson over.

  6. That is a very accurate and well worded assessment OP.

    Ok so perhaps it wasn't entirely appropriate for 'Bears Den', but big deal. It annoys me more that certain so called fellow fans choose to use such an aggressive and abusive tone in their responses.

    There has always been a bit of a clique mentality on here and as soon as I read the first reply I fully expected others to fall into line - they didn't disappoint.

  7. When they lost in both cups last season, failing to win the easiest treble they would ever get in the process, it was the ref's fault in the CIS Cup Final and it was the ref's fault in the Scottish Cup Semi Final vs Hearts.

    Hearts - Neil Lennon has suggested that decisions he believes went against his Celtic side in their Scottish Cup semi-final were "personal". http://www.bbc.co.uk...otball/17721320

    Killie - Celtic manager Neil Lennon has criticised referee Willie Collum over a controversial penalty call during his side’s 1-0 league Cup final defeat to Kilmarnock. http://sport.stv.tv/....alty-decision/

    NEIL LENNON slammed referee Willie Collum and insisted: YOU cost us the Treble.


    When they lost the league in 2011 it was other teams' fault for raising their game against celtc and not against Rangers. And as we all know the 2 previous years were because the referees cheated them (just ask the Thai Tims).

    When this is happens in Scotland it is now just accepted as normal. It now happens in Europe at every turn as well.

    A disgrace: The referee robbed Celtic of victory against Udinese, Lennon fumes


    Celtic's Neil Lennon rues early kick-off against Atlético Madrid


    It now happens every time defeat in any competition occurs.

    And today we have Lennon claiming the laws of the game should be changed to award penalties when the ball is out of play for a defender having his hand on an opposition player as they wait for a corner. We have Lennon telling us that celtc players 'warned the referee'. Another change to the rules it seems where celtc now dictate to officials.

    Spoiled bastards indulged by an eager and agreeing Scottish media.

  8. What is it that afflicts this club?

    Why is a Celtic defeat frequently greeted with grievance and a sense of injustice? Why is Celtic almost unique in habitually pointing the finger away from itself and in the faces of others for its own inadequacies and shortcomings?

    Why is there always a suggestion that this club has been cheated?

    If Celtic was a person, it would be a world-renowned case study, but it's a club, a support and in the eyes of some, a cause.

    Justice, apparently, is only in evidence at Celtic games when the team wins. When it loses, justice does a runner and Celtic's victimisation mindset comes to the fore and the implicit suggestion never varies: Celtic has been cheated, always cheated - never defeated.

    Celtic has become European football's problem child. It lacks grace in defeat and wouldn't recognise sportsmanship if it fell over it(while claiming a penalty). It has no qualms about undermining the professional reputations of match officials in its haste to divert attention from its own failings.

    For generations in Scotland, this has been the fixed mindset of the Celtic-minded: that it is an establishment plot to keep the club down, but this same attitude has travelled into Europe and challenged the integrity of the sport.

    Scotland has to tolerate this club - but UEFA does not.

    The European body should recognise that it has a rogue element in its midst, and deal with it appropriately.

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