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Ralph Brand

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Posts posted by Ralph Brand

  1. We were promised 30 million by end July. All we have as far as I know is 1 million. Players have been signed without any fees invloved. There is a constant plea for sales of season tickets. A share issue could be launched for supporters to buy shares. Where will the share money go? maybe to repay the cost of buying the club??

    Rangers need a large investment to survive and we do not as yet have anything near enough.

    We have a long winter ahead and no new players until 2014.

    My view is we need that promised 30 million now to ensure a large squad for the next two seasons and be able to pay them.

    There has been talk of some staff being made redundant if we dont buy season tickets. That is a disgrace when investment was promised.

    Having spent a lifetime in the financial world I am more than aware of those who talk a good game (Whyte for a start) but have nothing behind them but other peoples cash.

    I am delighted that the club is playing and with a reasonable team and the team and manager will always have my full support but I need more than words from owners.

    Mr Green may have stood up to the SPL but gave in in the end which I can understand why as we need to play but he needs to keep his side of the financial bargain.

    I hope that when he gets his cash back he spent buying the club he does not leave us again with nothing.

    Rangers are a great club with the best support in the world and buy shares if the cash goes to the team but do not consder the purchase as an investment.

    My post really is just to take care with those who talk a good game but dont back it up with promised cash.

  2. Because of the small grounds enough suppoters will turn up to give them cash.

    After all the talk (and its just talk) about doing something to show we have some fight why not pick one ground CLYDE and boycott the away game.

    If the away section was empty that would have all the others shaking with fear that it might happen to them and would also show that our support is not all talk but can do something to show that we rea;lly are the people.

  3. I have Sky sports via Virgin media and I will keep it as I also enjoy watching cricket (I know 'what is cricket') I was surprised to see however there would only be 5 games on TV but today in the Express some guy say there is 15 games involving Rangers.

    I can only wait to see what exactly will be shown by Sky and ESPN.

    I also like Chelsea abd they are on Sky on a regular basis.

    Regarding the cost of Sky Sports I do believe it is too high with too much going to the English league.

  4. People already talking on twitter about going.

    So much for the boycott.

    Disgrace if you ask me.

    Never will be any boycott. The usual folk will always go and the other clubs know this so can get away with anything. Too many weak supporters who just go to shout abuse.

    THe power we have is considerable but it will not be used which is a shame. One empty ground would show them we have guts.

    However lets hope we win because if we dont they will laugh at us even more.

    Stick it to them and drub them 5 -0 cant stand any of them and they wont get my cash. Hope they go bust.

  5. So you would also discourage fans going to Ibrox to see the same teams? as they would make even more money out of that!

    If no, then what a silly view point.

    Go to Ibrox and fill the ground but leave their ground empty. If we did that to one team the rest would realise we have the power and not the mickeymouse Raith Rovers of this world who nobody in the whole world would miss if the disappeared. Football at present is about your money and they want it .. keep it for Rangers.

  6. And the less that go, the less they get.

    When will we ever learn that the one thing we have over every other club in the country is a huge and loyal support? FFS Use it.

    There's no point coming on here greetin aboot he said this and she said that if ye don't have the baws tae do something aboot it.

    Well said. We have too many nutters who cant see what the Rangers support can do if they stick together.

  7. before anyone starts i fully expect to get pelters for this and im not trying to be negative but we could see ( or i could anyway ) that before the whole mess we got into that last season ally wasnt doing great as manager , it was his first season and fair enough he needed time to learn and be his own man but then we got into the whole mess and this was forgotten about and rightly so

    but from then to todays game nothing seems to have changed .

    we started off whith a certain style of play and throughout the 90 minutes it hasnt worked yet there has been no change

    we dont have many options on the bench but we do have a couple and some of the players were getting knackered around 70 minutes and no subs were made

    and there has been no real urgency at all

    whether its the first game or not this hasnt been good enough

    i love ally for what he has done for us and fully expect himto guide us back to the SPL but he really needs to improve in quite a few areas IMO

    Agree. He is a great guy and we need him but we also need an assistant maybe from Holland or Spain who can help us improve the basic skills. Humping a ball upfield in the hope somebody scores is no good and the midfield need to pass much more quickly to players running into space.

  8. I think Ally will be disappointed by the effort of Goin and some poor passing. Our Manager has a hard job and will support his players as any good manger should but he should have a word with some of them about finding another club and then signing some real Rangers men who will play for the jersey and the fans.

    As an extra thought why do we have idiots abusing Brechin players on the touchline. These guys were OK and we need some friends in the game not more that hate us.

    Ian Black and a couple of youngsters were a real plus for me.

  9. Let's have fucking Raith Rovers

    No true Rangers supporter should go to an away game with Raith Rovers and give them our cash. Ibrox is fine.

    I know what will happen though the nutters will go to the game and Raith will be delighted that Rangers kept them going for several months.

    Why for once cant we stand up and show we have the power over these people.

    Get then at Ibrox and fill the ground ... charge double or maximum for their lot.

  10. Broadfoot was looking for another club but nobody would match or get near his current wages. Not had a right back since Alan Hutton. If todays performance is what we have it will be a bad season. All I can say is we won eventually.

    Things I am sure will get better.

  11. This is the type of footballer who is only interested in money. If he breaks a leg he will still be paid.

    There are players out there who are decent guys despite being overpaid eg Big Lee is one who earns respect.

    Others are of low intelligence and think only of themselves. I leave you to decide about Davies.

  12. If it was definately Clyde who voted not to let us play football, then I agree with a boycott of their ground. I also agree with a boycott of ALL SPL grounds until 1 or 2 clubs go out of business. This needs to happen next season (we'll be back in top league next season) and it needs to be supported by every Rangers fan.

    Well said. If only I could get more to agree then Clyde will be the first to see we mean business. Next on the list should be Raith Rovers and Stranraer.

    Never visit their grounds if you are a true Ranger and let them know what you think if they turn up a Ibrox.

    Dont tell them we dont like them SHOW THEM with action and lets spend our cash at Ibrox.

  13. Should be remembered that Mr Green is a skilled business man and he is telling you what you want to hear. He made it clear he bought Rangers to make a profit when the club is sold in a few years.

    From what I see he has accepted all the sanctions imposed on us but waited until the last moment before doing so. We will be hit in the futre by more fines and I expect loss of titles will again be raised.

    Ally is fantastic and for a non business man has grown conderably over the past year and gives the club confidence for the future.

    I feel it is a pity that Rangers supporters did not do much to make their feelings known to the SPL and the others (SFL just wants your cash and TV deals they dont like us either) This foruum shows passion but is is just words and read only by those already convereted.

    If the cry is no surrender then what have we just done ?

    However hopefully we can move forward (survive the coming further sanctions)and show the country that Rangers is top football team interested only in the game but with the ability to show the SPL that supporters will not appear at their grounds to give them cash. Sadly it wont happen uinless a new type of supporter appears. We need people who like Rangers for their football and not just to get pissed and shout abuse at everybody.

    The SFL are now waitng for us to rush to buy their tickets and get our TV money (along with the SPL) as I have said before why not show Clyde that we are people who can show we have the power.

    No matter who owns the Club it is The Rangers support who hold the power.

  14. Good news we have the licence. Unfortunately, they'll still be planning to hammer us for the EBT's (if found guilty of anything) and the SPL clubs will now secure the Sky contract which will see them through this season. The leagues will be re-structured in time for next season, and we'll be back in the top league.

    And ye know the worst thing of all? Loads of Rangers fans will go back tae lining these clubs' pockets by filling their stadiums.

    I sincerely hope the thrashing we've had to endure from these cunts over the past few months isn't easily forgotten, and they are made to pay for their "sporting integrity" and double standards.

    Fully agree. To many supporters are weak and will not stand up for the club. SPL clubs will get their grounds full again when we get back just so they can get pissed and shout abuse at everybody.

    We need to make a point and make it now !!! No support at the Clyde game. Not one true blue should give them a penny. The the others will realise we mean business.

    Looking at the statement Mr Green has had to give in but difficult to blame him as he has just bought the club and not playing would cost him dear.

    Stand up guys and lets show them we can act together and cause them financial hardship as they have done to us. Peaceful protests outside a game and no suport in the away ground. No more talk give us action .. NOW

  15. Good to see the first of the SPL teams kicked out of Europe. Their manager thought they could have won the game ... just shows the lack of intelligence and football knowledge these dopes have.

    No real Rangers fan should go near an away game against any SPL club and that includes cup games and celtic. Start by not going to any away game against Clyde to show we do have some power (if we get a license)

    We need to be seen to actually do something.

  16. Nobody runs over Rangers. I dont care if we have to miss out this year we will find another league for the following year. We are suffering because of some support that spend more time abusing the fans of other teams than supporting our team on the park.

    I dont like Celtic and dont care who beats them but when great players of both our sides pass on I am proud to see the scarves of both teams tied together in respect of football.

    If Celtic had any sense they would ensure we were still in the SPL or come out of the leaguie themselves and join us. The old firm need to play each other and despite what some may think together they would conntrol the game. Celtic will win the league this year and it means nothing as they have no competition.

    Do not give in to the SPL but I suppose Green will as he is here to make money.

  17. The Real Old Firm

    Rangers vs Queens Park

    Many moons ago saw us play Queens Park. QP were leading 4 -1 at half time and we came out second half and won 6 - 4. Those were the days when all our players played for the badge .. they would not have walked away.

  18. Why not just go and support our team. However to make a point I suggest that nobody goes to the Clyde game.

    It would be the one effort by the Rangers support that would really mean something and show we have some clout.

  19. Good thread if looked at from a sensible viewpoint. As a Ranger do you want to lie down and be walked over by anybody but still play or do you stand up say what you will accept and stand by that.

    I dont want to be laughed at as we have no media rights and a lot less trophies and we play in a mickey mouse league and will do for at least three years.

    Difficult to decide but for Mr Green it is easy. He made it clear he bought the club to come out in a few years with a profit so at the end of the day he is only interested in his cash. I dont like it but can you blame him.

    Not that long ago we played in a European final and now we are off to Brechin. JUst how low do you want to go.

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