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Colin mcadams hair

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Posts posted by Colin mcadams hair

  1. come clean, then. Having written like this, it wouldn’t do to then skive off without relaying my own football background. For the purposes of a book about Rangers which came out three years ago, I had to sit down and work out how many times I visited Ibrox as a boy between 1969 and 1982, and realised it totalled more than 200.

    Graham speirs - glasgow herald feb 2010

  2. Its not kissing arse that makes u a taig its shaggin it.

    Now fuck off. Preferable back on a boat heading west (tu)


    Who the fuck are you to judge me you clown - I've been supporting rangers for 35 years - I'm guessing before you were born

    Wasting my time

  3. Green knows nothing about bigotry or sectarianism

    He is purely appealing to the knuckle draggers and rabble rousers to gain support for himself as some kind of hero whilst winding up the rest of Scottish football

    The guy is a chancer who will sell to the highest bidder as soon as he can

    I'll be be at ibrox long after he has gone

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