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Posts posted by Gersgal06

  1. This is where the glory hunters hunters should stand up and GTF.

    I too share the dissapointment in losing the league but if truth be told i was more gutted on Saturday when we drew with Motherwell.

    I have now had 5 days to digest that we lost the league.

    we played in the Uefa cup Final

    we won the League cup

    we are runners up in the SPL and are in the Scottish cup final.

    This has been one of the best seasons i have witness in my 26 years as a Gers supporter.

    Walters Tactics at times have been poor but these same tactics got us the the Uefa Final.

    we attacked tonight and got beat, again because of the fixture pile up our team were only good for 60 mins.

    some people on here are clearly only in it for the winning if you cannot support us through thick and thin bad or good then you are not welcome.

    I understand that emotions are running high at the moment but some of the posts on here tonight are absolutely shocking.

    if you are a true supporter then you will dust yourself down and get ready for the Cup Final give the boys the support they need.


    OK Uber fan!!! We can't be disappointed unless we are glory hunters? GTF. I will continue to support the team 150% as I always have, but i will also air my grievances and disappointment as and when I need/feel it!! This is a rangers forum afterall, for rangers fans to air opinions, not just your opinions. It's like FF on here FFS.

    Wrong thread.



    How?? And what is with the obsessions with the :lol: smiley? FFS.

  2. This is where the glory hunters hunters should stand up and GTF.

    I too share the dissapointment in losing the league but if truth be told i was more gutted on Saturday when we drew with Motherwell.

    I have now had 5 days to digest that we lost the league.

    we played in the Uefa cup Final

    we won the League cup

    we are runners up in the SPL and are in the Scottish cup final.

    This has been one of the best seasons i have witness in my 26 years as a Gers supporter.

    Walters Tactics at times have been poor but these same tactics got us the the Uefa Final.

    we attacked tonight and got beat, again because of the fixture pile up our team were only good for 60 mins.

    some people on here are clearly only in it for the winning if you cannot support us through thick and thin bad or good then you are not welcome.

    I understand that emotions are running high at the moment but some of the posts on here tonight are absolutely shocking.

    if you are a true supporter then you will dust yourself down and get ready for the Cup Final give the boys the support they need.


    OK Uber fan!!! We can't be disappointed unless we are glory hunters? GTF. I will continue to support the team 150% as I always have, but i will also air my grievances and disappointment as and when I need/feel it!! This is a rangers forum afterall, for rangers fans to air opinions, not just your opinions. It's like FF on here FFS.

  3. To do better than PLG wasn't going to be rocket science was it! It doesn't make this season a celebration IMO.

    I take it you are happy that we threw away a lead of ten points because we were fourth under PLG? :rolleyes:


    Here we go again, look, stick your arguing yeh?

    I am not happy that we threw away the league.


    GOT IT?

    How many times.

    I am happy we have become a better team than we were a year and a bit ago.

    People were screaming out for a better team and we have that, the basis of that at least. Its been one season and the end to PLG's shite one. You can't expect miracles in that one season.

    If you can't read the top of the thread thats your problem.


    Aye OK!! We have a team that will need revamped next season. You celebrate - I'll find the negative thread.

  4. , they did what they could,

    are you kidding me? we put in poor performances, our away record was abissmal, we threw away the league and they did what they could?

    So in your eyes we haven't done anything remotely worth celebrating this season??

    I believe my words were 'i'm not celebratin throwing away the league' and i questioned the comment that the team did what they could. We have reached the uefa cup final and that is worth celebrating! The team however did not do what they could IMO. They scraped the CIS cup, they threw away the league and we now have a scottish cup final against Queen of The South to look forward to to make our season a success?!? I don't care about this 'we've came far since PLG', simply put we threw away the league, we were ten points in front for god's sake!

  5. Celebrate Finishing 2nd in the league and losing the UEFA CUP?!

    You are taking the Piss

    Look mate im fucking pissed off as it is, don't start with that ok?

    Like i said above this thread is to celebrate how far we have come since the Le Guen days and what has been great this season.

    If your going to keep posting negative shit get out of this thread.

    So people don't agree with your 'optimism' so they've to GTF?!? I personally won't be celebrating that we threw away the league with piss poor performances and a lack of fight!


    I said at the top of this thread, its a thread for CELEBRATING WHAT HAS BEEN GOOD THIS SEASON..

    There are ton of fucking negative threads, if he wants to post negativity then go there and do it.

    And great for you, because im not celebrating that we through away the league either.

    Im celebrating the good parts of this season and how our team has come far since PLG.


    Ok Boss!!!

  6. Celebrate Finishing 2nd in the league and losing the UEFA CUP?!

    You are taking the Piss

    Look mate im fucking pissed off as it is, don't start with that ok?

    Like i said above this thread is to celebrate how far we have come since the Le Guen days and what has been great this season.

    If your going to keep posting negative shit get out of this thread.

    So people don't agree with your 'optimism' so they've to GTF?!? I personally won't be celebrating that we threw away the league with piss poor performances and a lack of fight!

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