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Posts posted by AngelDelight

  1. but i am afraid our club will always be known as a protestant club

    To you yes, but to others no. At games at Ibrox 'follow follow' is always the loudest. I don't go to away games as my dad says there are too many anti Catholic morons at away games and it's not the sort of environment that a young fan should be brought up in. I'm sure the away support is the most fanatical, but they are still a minority compared to the hundreds of thousands of Rangers fans who don't go to away games.

    Anyway, what's the problem?.....nobody is saying the old religious fans shouldn't go to games, i'm just saying that each year they seem to be less and less important. Certainly at Ibrox this is the case as I know a few Catholic Rangers fans and their fathers state they would never have let their sons go to Ibrox 20 years ago but now that Rangers have cleaned up Ibrox their fathers are happy for them to support Rangers at Ibrox.

    Got to go now, I have Pro Evo tournament to attend!

  2. do you know much about our history and i am not being cheeky.

    I know a lot about our footballing history (1972 etc) as I only care about football to be honest. I can't stand religion and religious fanatics so I have no interest in Rangers religious history as these days it's no longer relevant to modern day football seeing as Rangers are a multi faith club where Protestants/Catholics/Muslims/Jews are all treated equally by the club. I'm just very happy that the club these days is not a Protestant club and is now a multi faith footballing club where all religions/skin colours are welcome.

    There is no point in droning on to me about Rangers Protestant/Unionist past etc....I simply don't care and neither do my mates at school as all that stuff is in the past and we only care about the football. We are all big Rangers fans and we are only interested in football and winning trophies etc. None of my pals care about Orange Walks etc....we only care about getting players like Lee McCulloch replaced!

    I'm not saying the religious types should be banned or anything, I just feel that they are becoming less and less important as nobody I know from my school has any interest in Rangers Protestant/Unionist history and they only care about going to Ibrox with their dads to watch the football and hopefully get 3 points on the card.

  3. One thing I have never understood - we seem to have a huge amount of political/historical songs relating to religion/history in Ulster/Ireland yet the vast majority of our support is from Scotland - so shouldn't the vast majority of our songs be about religion/history in Scotland?

    Is it just that the fans that come over from Ulster tend to be a lot noiser and so give the impression that our support is obsessed with religion/Ireland wheras in reality the vast majority don't give a shit about that stuff? At my school, there are tons of Rangers fans and nobody cares about all this Protestant/Catholic stuff, yet if a neutral read a Rangers forum they would get the impression that our support mainly consists if Irish/Catholic hating extreme religious Protestant fanatics whos lives revolve around relgion and Ireland/Ulster.

    I must admit having a fondness for a few other clubs, and when you check their forums you never see any of this religious obsession that some of our fans have, yet these clubs still have huge passionate supports. The level of religious obsession from some our fans borders on the levels you see from Islamic religious fanatics (not the actuall terrorists, just the ones who are obsessed with Islam). I have only been on this forum a week and not a day has gone by without Catholics/Protestants/Orange Walks/Priests/Ireland/Ulster/IRA/UVF etc being constantly mentioned in threads! Do these fans actually really care mainly about football or is their main aim to use Rangers as a vehicle to display their political beliefs and their religious obsessions? Wouldn't a church or a political party be a better vehicle for these beliefs as using a football club for these beliefs will get them nowhere other than being banned from Ibrox, wheras a political party or church may actually help their cause!

  4. I already have about 3 times, but I will try again - they are not Irish because 95% of them were born, raised and educated in Scotland and don't have Irish passports but instead have British passports. They think they are Irish...but they are not. They are simply confused people.

    Are they ?

    So second and third generation Scots for instance for instance in Canada have no right to declare or express their Scottishness ...despite where they were born ?

    I doubt any second and third generation Scots in Canada will class themselves as anything but Canadian. They may celebrate their Scottish past but at the same time they will 100% class themselves as Canadians.

    But truth be told....you dont really know.

    Its why we have societies...where such exiles can express their Scottishness or other nationalities as the case may be.

    I do know seeing as I lived in Scarborough, Toronto for 6 months and then London for 6 months (London in Canada) with my parents. No second and third generation Scots in Canada class themselves as Scotsmen. They class themselves as Canadians with a Scottish background.

    Sorry but I dont think you have the authority nor right to suggest that your subjective experience should apply to everyone who is an exile.

    Let's ask the second and third generation Scots in Canada who post on the board then! The proof is in the pudding. Having spent a year in Canada, I can tell you I did not meet one Canadian (with Scottish/English Parents/Grandparents) who was born in Canada and classed himself/herself as anything other than Canadian. Many acknowledged thier family roots (many didn't care), but all classed themselves as Canadians. I'm just telling you my experience...no need to get upset about it!

  5. if we dont make group stages of champions league walter ally and miller will come under increased pressure from the supporters which ultimatley will manifest itself on miller

    30,000 singing that they dont want him during a cup final says a lot do you want all of us to gtf as you put it

    The day Walter signs players based on what some supporters think is the day he should retire as a manager

    its not some its a majority and if a manager looks at that surely he must have doubts as to the reaction of the majority of our fans if things go wrong for the player as well as himself

    I would hope that the reaction of the fans has no bearing on Walters decisions - fans dont pick teams and fans dont get the sack if it goes wrong

    Thank god managers never let fans influence their signings...we would be in real trouble if that was the case. I back Walter 100%...he had an amazing first season back and so I have no reason to doubt him.

  6. Are they ?

    So second and third generation Scots for instance for instance in Canada have no right to declare or express their Scottishness ...despite where they were born ?

    I'm sure there's enough on here to put us right on that one.

    Great point, if there are any Canadians on the site then what's you opinions on the subject...thanks.

  7. an you are part swedish and irish who happened to be born in Scotland.....you see how I turned it there?

    nope, as I know very little of Swedish or Irish culture...I ahve never even visited Sweden and have only been to Ireland twice. I am 100% Scottish...trust me on this one!

  8. I already have about 3 times, but I will try again - they are not Irish because 95% of them were born, raised and educated in Scotland and don't have Irish passports but instead have British passports. They think they are Irish...but they are not. They are simply confused people.

    Are they ?

    So second and third generation Scots for instance for instance in Canada have no right to declare or express their Scottishness ...despite where they were born ?

    I doubt any second and third generation Scots in Canada will class themselves as anything but Canadian. They may celebrate their Scottish past but at the same time they will 100% class themselves as Canadians.

    But truth be told....you dont really know.

    Its why we have societies...where such exiles can express their Scottishness or other nationalities as the case may be.

    I do know seeing as I lived in Scarborough, Toronto for 6 months and then London for 6 months (London in Canada) with my parents. No second and third generation Scots in Canada class themselves as Scotsmen. They class themselves as Canadians with a Scottish background.

  9. Who are you to tell people how to celebrate/class them selves.

    Is taking pride in your history/past not something to celebrate?

    I have Irish links, born in England, but because the majority of my family are Scottish - I should class myself as that, and be fucked if I care about my ties with England and Ulster?

    And this is exactly what you are saying....

    Oops, sorry for having an opinion! You can class yourself as whatever you want, doesn't mean I have to agree with it! All depands on your past history in terms of what you class yourself as.........but Aiden McGeady is no Irishman...he is a Scot with an Irish graany.

  10. so is aiden mcgeady british passport but hes irish according to skysports when internationals are on

    We all know he's not really Irish...he is only Irish in the football sense...christ, every Irishman will tell you Aiden McGeady is not a real Irishman, he only got into the Irish team due too the fact his granny or something was Irish. In real terms, he is British.

    Many Irish footballers over the years have not been proper Irishmen and most Irish football fans will openly admit this. Many Irish international footballers over the years had never even visited Ireland in their lives. So many non Irishman have played for Ireland due to the mass emmigration form Irelnad over the last 200 years and as a result played for IReland due to one of their grandparents being Irish.

    One of my Grandparents is Swedish...doesn't make me Swedish though does it? I could play for Sweden under FIFSA riules...but we all know i'm Scottish and not Sweidsh!

    i thought you were irish the way you keep goin on about them and know so much about there history

    I do have an Irish grandparent as well as a Swedish one from the other side of my family...is that a problem?

    Even if I was 100% IRish....would that be a problem too?

    According to some peoples logic on this thread, i'm Scottish, Swedish and Irish?????? Nope, i'm 100% Scottish ans that where I was born, raised, educated and my passport is British. I am not in the slightest Irish or Swedish!

  11. I already have about 3 times, but I will try again - they are not Irish because 95% of them were born, raised and educated in Scotland and don't have Irish passports but instead have British passports. They think they are Irish...but they are not. They are simply confused people.

    Are they ?

    So second and third generation Scots for instance for instance in Canada have no right to declare or express their Scottishness ...despite where they were born ?

    I doubt any second and third generation Scots in Canada will class themselves as anything but Canadian. They may celebrate their Scottish past but at the same time they will 100% class themselves as Canadians.

  12. so is aiden mcgeady british passport but hes irish according to skysports when internationals are on

    We all know he's not really Irish...he is only Irish in the football sense...christ, every Irishman will tell you Aiden McGeady is not a real Irishman, he only got into the Irish team due too the fact his granny or something was Irish. In real terms, he is British.

    Many Irish footballers over the years have not been proper Irishmen and most Irish football fans will openly admit this. Many Irish international footballers over the years had never even visited Ireland in their lives. So many non Irishman have played for Ireland due to the mass emmigration form Irelnad over the last 200 years and as a result played for Ireland due to one of their grandparents being Irish.

    One of my Grandparents is Swedish...doesn't make me Swedish though does it? I could play for Sweden under FIFA riules...but we all know i'm Scottish and not Sweidsh!

  13. I mkean look at this video from Croke Park - God Save The Queen was completely respected by the Irish support and even applaued. Can you imagine what would happen if the Irish national anthem was played at Ibrox!

    Oh dear struggling somewhat angel are we not ?

    The you tube video you refer to pertains to a rugby match.....Im quite certain when the irish anthem is played at Murrayfield it is generally respected.

    Is it not only a few years ago we did not play the national anthem but asked the tims to respect a minute silence following the death of The Queen Mother....remind me how long did that minutes silence last ?

    erm...who mentioned celtic? Celtic fans are not Irish. They think they are, but every Irishman I have met classes them as not Irish but strange people with no idea who they are. Are you denying some of our support hates all things Irish? Not a day goes by on most Rangers forums without someone having a go at Ireland.

    I would refer to you to Joseph Bradley's dissertation which suggests that Celtic are in fact the primary focus for Irishness in Scotland.

    Backed up by Billy Mcneils comments that Celtic are an "Irish club playing in Scotland"

    But to hell with the facts.....when did you last see a Saltire flying at Parkhead. Why were thy almost almost banned (until Rangers intervention) from the Scottish league in the 50's ?

    Which flags are most prominent at Parkhead and what is the origin of the songs palyed oevr the offical tannoy prior to games ?

    The floor is yours angel....

    Did you not read my post? I agreed that many celtic fans and part of their club think they are Irish...but travel to Ireland and most people will tell you they are not Irish. Of course they are not Irish....they are confused plastic paddies...most of them have British passports so how can they be Irish??? They think they are Irish but they are not. If I claimed I was Spanish and flew 40 Spanish flags on the roof of my house....would that make me Spanish....of course not! You should go to Ireland where you will see Man United and Liverpool are far more relevant to your average Irishman than celtic!

    Tell me why they are not Irish ?

    I already have about 3 times, but I will try again - they are not Irish because 95% of them were born, raised and educated in Scotland and don't have Irish passports but instead have British passports. They think they are Irish...but they are not. They are simply confused people.

    as I said, I was born, raised, educated in Scotland and have a British passport....but if I then one day stated I was Spanish and flew 40 Spanish flags from my house....would that suddenly make me Spanish....nope, it would not, I would simply be a confused Scotsman.

  14. I mkean look at this video from Croke Park - God Save The Queen was completely respected by the Irish support and even applaued. Can you imagine what would happen if the Irish national anthem was played at Ibrox!

    Oh dear struggling somewhat angel are we not ?

    The you tube video you refer to pertains to a rugby match.....Im quite certain when the irish anthem is played at Murrayfield it is generally respected.

    Is it not only a few years ago we did not play the national anthem but asked the tims to respect a minute silence following the death of The Queen Mother....remind me how long did that minutes silence last ?

    erm...who mentioned celtic? Celtic fans are not Irish. They think they are, but every Irishman I have met classes them as not Irish but strange people with no idea who they are. Are you denying some of our support hates all things Irish? Not a day goes by on most Rangers forums without someone having a go at Ireland.

    I would refer to you to Joseph Bradley's dissertation which suggests that Celtic are in fact the primary focus for Irishness in Scotland.

    Backed up by Billy Mcneils comments that Celtic are an "Irish club playing in Scotland"

    But to hell with the facts.....when did you last see a Saltire flying at Parkhead. Why were thy almost almost banned (until Rangers intervention) from the Scottish league in the 50's ?

    Which flags are most prominent at Parkhead and what is the origin of the songs palyed oevr the offical tannoy prior to games ?

    The floor is yours angel....

    Did you not read my post? I agreed that many celtic fans and part of their club think they are Irish...but travel to Ireland and most people will tell you they are not Irish. Of course they are not Irish....they are confused plastic paddies...most of them have British passports so how can they be Irish??? They think they are Irish but they are not. If I claimed I was Spanish and flew 40 Spanish flags on the roof of my house....would that make me Spanish....of course not! You should go to Ireland where you will see Man United and Liverpool are far more relevant to your average Irishman than celtic!

  15. Regarding the meat of the point - I haven't heard enyone suggesting Ulster bears should be barred, or even discouraged, from coming to Ibrox. Indeed, the Irish market is a good one for the club to exploit, others do it also, Liverpool and in particular Manchester United are closely associated with having huge Irish following. And for those who wish to celebrate their Protestant links with local fans, they will find a number of places where they can do so. What is new, and what will not change regardless of fan opinion, is that when the supporter enters Ibrox he has to check his baggage at the door.

    I've seen plenty tricolours and Ulster flags at Old Trafford. They are quite happy for flags of the world to be displayed. Should, eg, some Serbian ManU fans come out with something which is considered objectionable, however, they would be ejected and not be welcomed back. Now, you say, how can celebrating a culture be held to be objectionable? It all depends on ho you do it. Were you to celebrate it by singing The Sash, or Derry's Walls, nothing would happen other than some bleating from people who can safely be ignored. Were you to celebrate it by denigrating another religion, well, that's not allowed anymore.

    It doesn't matter how annoyed you get by these different times. It doesn't matter if you think it unfair, or biased, or a sneaky campaign by our enemies. The times have changed, and if you don't change at least a bit, you won't find the welcome mat at Ibrox.

    I would hope, in the end, that 99.9% of Ulster bears will find that their love for Rangers overcomes any annoyance at the club not being a vehicle for Protestantism anymore. I wonder if all of them feel strongly about it anyway? There must be some for whom all this is history already. The club has lost traditional ties to many other areas also, the BB, the Orange Lodge, the Conservative Party (or what's left of it). If you can't accept that the officials at the club have a new outlook on these things (for the worst of reasons - money) you will be left behind. We the fans can't change anything in he club, Miller signing has shown that. Why fight when you can't win? Far easier to celebrate your culture outside the ground, with like minded friends. You win, the club wins, and Timothy is reminded of his place in things.

    edit: my word, that was a good post from Angel Delight.

    :clap: :clap: :clap:

  16. I mkean look at this video from Croke Park - God Save The Queen was completely respected by the Irish support and even applaued. Can you imagine what would happen if the Irish national anthem was played at Ibrox!

    Oh dear struggling somewhat angel are we not ?

    The you tube video you refer to pertains to a rugby match.....Im quite certain when the irish anthem is played at Murrayfield it is generally respected.

    Is it not only a few years ago we did not play the national anthem but asked the tims to respect a minute silence following the death of The Queen Mother....remind me how long did that minutes silence last ?

    erm...who mentioned celtic? Celtic fans are not Irish. They think they are, but every Irishman I have met classes them as not Irish but strange people with no idea who they are. Are you denying some of our support hates all things Irish? Not a day goes by on most Rangers forums without someone having a go at Ireland. I'm not going through every thread as I can't be bothered, but many some of our support clearly hate all things Irish and this is clearly racist...it's no different to me hating all things Pakistani.

    Some Irishmen (maybe 5-10000) travel over for celtic games...but these types will be the Irish underclass I was talking about. Only an idiot would judge a country of 4.5 million based on the actions of 5-10000 celtic fans from Ireland.

    By all means be proud of being Protestant...but not at the expense of hating all things Catholic/Irish!

  17. but the problem is the fact that some of our fans are pro Protestant but at the same anti Ctholic and anti Irish.

    During the Eire vs Denmark match a couple of years ago....the fans who thought the Danish winger was Lovenkrands and persistently booed him.....what were they expressing ?

    The exact same problem that some of our fans have. Ireland too has its bigots as I stated in my first post. One of the reasons Rangers are disliked in Ireland is because so many of our fans hate everything Irish, just like some underclass Irishmen hate all things British. Just because some Irishmen act like twats doesn't mean you have to as well! 2 wrongs don't make a right!

    However, most Irishmen are now more concerned about money and their careers to care about events 80 years ago. In Ireland, it tends to be the underclass/scumbag element that live in crumbling estates who hate all things British just like in Scotland it tends to be the underclass who hate all things Irish.

    If you check the rugby video (Rugby does attract a better class of fan) then you will see 2 nations respecting each others anthems.

  18. A great majority of our support comes from Northern Ireland

    Absolute nonsense. The majority of our support does not come from N.Ireland. The majority of our support comes from the West of Scotland...namely Glasgow.

    I don't think many fans have asked that Derys Walls be banned, I think the problem is the add ons in certain songs and the anti Catholic/anti Ireland bigotry from some of our support. We do clearly still have bigots amongst our support and racists who hate all things Irish....but the club is making great strides in dealing with these people. I have looked at some threads and the amount of anti Irishness is unbelievable. I honestly don't get it...most modern Irishmen have dropped all the anti British stuff and actually support British football clubs. Now that Ireland is a very rich successful country, most Irishmen are more concerned about where to go on holiday or what car to buy rather than thinking about events 80 years ago. Only the Irish scum/underclass still remain anti British....and in Scotland we have plenty of scum/underclass too!

    I am more than happy for some of our fans, including Ulster fans, to be proud of being Protestant (even though most didn't actually choose their religion but instead were products of their parents religion, as in the case of all religions) but the problem is the fact that some of our fans are pro Protestant but at the same anti Catholic and anti Irish. If they were just pro Protestant then that would be much better and then they would not get nearly as much stick.

    The amounts of posts on this forum that are constantly having a go at Ireland/Priests/the Pope etc shows some of our fans clearly are still obsessed with hating all things Catholic/Irish. No other football forum I have ever been on has mentioned these things on a scale even close to Rangers forums (follow follow is even worse) and most clubs football forums don't mention these things at all yet still have plenty of fans who attend churches etc within their supports.

    I mean look at this video from Croke Park - God Save The Queen was completely respected by the Irish support and even applaued. Can you imagine what would happen if the Irish national anthem was played at Ibrox??

  19. What annoys me most is the pathetic reaction it has received from fans of this club.

    That any help?

    I will 2nd that, miles ott imo.

    He would not have been my first choice, but if him and Boyd can get cracking along thats great news for both club and country, one thing to admire about him is his bottle, he has plenty of that, he will know he is not the most popular player and will have to play out his skin to win the fans over, which is another plus point.

    Welcome to Ibrox Kenny Miller.

    Aye welcome, maybe we can get Neil Lennon in the background staff too, perhaps a tommy burns memorial beside Davie Cooper. Fuck it, lets hope Murray sells the club to Jerry Adams and we can all start waving tri colours.......

    I thought i made a fair point, you my man are talking shite, which reinforces the pathetic reaction as mentioned by Bluepeter.

    I'm using extreme examples to emphasize just how much this signing erodes the values and history of our club. 'Pathetic' is a word branded around which does little to actually explain the situation or reaction.

    Celtic are our greatest rivals, if that rivalry meant anything then we shouldnt be signing their players. Can you imagine Galatasary accepting a Fenerbache player?

    We signed Miller from Derby, not celtic...and to be honest, when Larsson was at his peak for celtic I would have been absolutely delighted if we had signed him as we would get a great player and celtic fans would be ragin. Who cares who a player has played for? All I care is whether the player is good enough.

  20. i reckon we should have a quiz before letting new people join. the tims would be stumped at the "whats your nationality" section

    I reckon a good question would be "name a celebrity that you would look like if that celebrity put on weight and also became uglier?".


    I reckon a good question would be, NAME YOUR COUNTRIES FLAG.



    I know you that funny

  21. i reckon we should have a quiz before letting new people join. the tims would be stumped at the "whats your nationality" section

    I reckon a good question would be "name a celebrity that you would look like if that celebrity put on weight and also became uglier?".

  22. Me and my brother only really know the words to Follow Follow when we go to Ibrox. Anybody got any good websites where we can learn the lyrics to other Rangers football songs. I don't mean any of the daft religious stuff or Irish stuff as we don't bother with all that...just good footie songs that we can sing along to. Thanks lads.

    perhaps rhebel songs would be more your scene?

    No thanks...get enough of that shite from the neds at my school! :angry2:

    I take it.... you go to a Tim School? <_<

    Douglas Academy......lots of Rangers and celtic fans and other teams. Quite a good school but a few neds unfortunately do attend.

  23. Me and my brother only really know the words to Follow Follow when we go to Ibrox. Anybody got any good websites where we can learn the lyrics to other Rangers football songs. I don't mean any of the daft religious stuff or Irish stuff as we don't bother with all that...just good footie songs that we can sing along to. Thanks lads.

    perhaps rhebel songs would be more your scene?

    No thanks...get enough of that shite from the neds at my school! :angry2:

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