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Posts posted by Captain_Black

  1. Sadly yes. There are plenty of bears - most of whom seem to have made a home here on RM - who seem to think there is some massive conspiracy - no doubt involving Opus Dei, the Vatican, the Knights of St Columba and any wing of that morally-questionable faith. Throw in the Beeb, Peter Lawell, Alex Salmond, HMRC, the 'mhedia' generally etc etc.

    Unfortunately this has induced a laager-type mentality where we circle the wagons to repel all boarders bent on damaging the club - be they real or imaginary.

    We've always known about a strong strain of paranoia amongst elements of Celtic's support but sadly I think we are surpassing them with all the talk of banning and boycotts.

    What we need is for the off-field antics to cease and the club to get on a sound financial footing. Then we and the meeja can concentrate on the football - and adding to our unsurpassed haul of trophies.

  2. Apart from not addressing Ally's interview issue just about everything Jackson says is correct.

    The Record, like all other non-digital outlets, would much prefer good relations with us and Celtic - for obvious readership issues. However, as our benighted Club has been and still is THE BIG STORY for the past couple of years it is inevitable that the media spotlight is on us.

    All the calls for bans and boycotts serve no purpose - ffs some of you guys would do credit to the Stasi! Jackson is a Bear with a keyboard doing his job - as was his boss Traynor before him. Having met JT on more than one occasion I can say categorically that prior to taking up his current post he was no fan of us ... or them as it happens.

    Traynor sees this job as providing for his retirement but I suspect - like that professional liar Charlie Mann (whilst at Hearts) he will not long survive the


  3. Interesting to see that - following Media House being showing the door - Rangers appointed Keith Bishop Associates as PR consultants - on a reported £130k a year over 5 years.

    Let's hope KBA do a better job than the thoroughly-unpleasant Jack Irvine who appears to have caused more harm to the Rangers' cause than good, When the PR itself - rather than the message - becomes the story it's time to jettison your PR gurus.

    Slightly disconcerting, however, to see that KBA's website contains inaccurate/outdated info about the club - with some sloppy grammar.


  4. Ahmad and Green are self-serving, venal, bassas. Whereas, the Real Rangers Men are ......

    Ahmad and Green are pissing themselves all the way to the bank. They buy the club for a song (very, very cheaply said Green..BDO no doubt noting), design and agree contracts to enrich themselves massively. Then threaten to go to court to get Rangers to honour them. FFS..talk about gerrymandering for vast personal gain. These guys have balls of steel and necks to match. Our once great club is lying in the gutter with these fucking parasites putting their steel-capped DMs into our guts. Desperate stuff and heartbreaking to observe.

  5. <p>Ahmad and Green are self-serving, venal, bassas. Whereas, the Real Rangers Men are ......

    Ahmad and Green are pissing themselves all the way to the bank. They buy the club for a song (very, very cheaply said Green..BDO no doubt noting), design and agree contracts to enrich themselves massively. Then threaten to go to court to get Rangers to honour them. FFS..talk about gerrymandering for vast personal gain. These guys have balls of steel and necks to match. Our once great club is lying in the gutter with these fucking parasites putting their steel-capped DMs into our guts. Desperate stuff and heartbreaking to observe.

  6. Having looked at this site before deciding to join I know there are many fellow Bears who find this pathetic obsession with child abuse a total embarrassment. Guys like those above clearly have no scintilla of sympathy or compassion for the victims of sexual abuse. The main thing is ragging those taigs over at Torbett Towers...or some other similar, vile, diatribe. None of my friends who also follow Rangers do this..but then again I choose my friends carefully....having no truck with - or time for - such ignorant and moronic attitudes. You are an embarrassment to the Club you purport to follow...and I have supported for well over 40 years.

  7. .Yes but I didn't go around stepping on peoples toes .Your no chum of mine.Your an apology for a bear IMO

    You do know the purpose of an internet forum don't you? You know - discussion, debate, controversy, opinion etc. Fair enough my views are not to your taste - but life would be much duller if we all sang from the same songbook dontcha think? P.S. I see you haven't replied yet to my response in another thread about media bias - I'm thinking you re-read what you posted and discretely left the field of battle - slightly blushing. Prove me wrong - go on!

  8. Like all secondary schools in Angus (outside of Dundee) Arbroath High School is non-denom. Posts about which religion (if indeed they follow any) someone is is an embarrassment - like when the Tims claimed bias against them and, sadly, when Walter referred to the (Irish-sounding) surname of a linesman a few years back. This bigoted pish should be consigned to history!

  9. It would not be the same and you know that .In 1994 the beggars received nothing but support .Bit like Hearts are getting at the moment Yes the coverage was intense but it was railroaded by certain media outlets at the time for their ultimate betterment .Snyde for example had a portocabin outside their ground .Do you think these rodent lovers would dare do that at Ibrox ?? Delacunt ,Keevins at Ibrox .Someone would bomb the place .No we get negative press consistently and none of it is for the benefit of our support .I hear the the same pish from the haters all the time when discussing Hearts fans ."They have been brilliant " .No fans could be more supportive " .Strange how we hardly hear a jot about how fantastic our support have been .Except of course from our own club and a few possibly in the media .

    Holy crappola man - that's some strange logic you posit! So basically you are saying that when the story was all about the Tims Radio Clyde placed a portacabin outside Celtic Park - presumably to facilitate interviews/provide shelter for their journos - yet if a media outlet tried to do that at Ibrox now it would get bombed. FFS that is most ludicrous assertion I've just about ever read on here - and there have been many before you. Ok - so following your warped logic - if that is what happened don't you think that - if it were proven that it was our fans that did it - the resultant negative publicity would be justified? Please go and lie down and collect your thoughts before responding!

  10. Oleg - usually like your stuff but do you really expect the domestic media to ignore the biggest sporting/business story in years? It would be exactly the same if it were the Tims in the state we are - with different power blocks ripping the club apart. I remember well the headlines prior the The Bunnet bailing them out hours before the bank foreclosed. Put simply it is ALL ABOUT THE RANGERS because of what's happened to us and what's - sadly - still to come. All the average fan can do is hope that when the blood and snotters is over there will still be a club for us to follow. We can't blame the media for our situation - that's SDM and Craig Whyte's burden.

  11. Green said he caught Rangers-itis. Well if that rapacious, grasping asset-stripper has any lingering fondness for us he (and his consortium) should agree to sell his shares at a more market-driven price. He'll still make a buck and we'll see the back of one of the most harmful, malevolent, individuals ever to have been involved in our once-great Club. As for the future I think we need to come to terms - however difficult it may be - that Celtic will dominate us and Scottish football for the next decade. King has many flaws but I genuinely believe he has the best interests of the Club at heart - and also fear that his siren voice about a future administration is all but inevitable. This is all SDM's fault. Pure fucking shambles. :anguish:

  12. Dude is absolutely correct - trading shares is a gamble and there is no guarantee that a profit will always be made. Green saw Rangers as an asset to sweated (and stripped) and he is 100% committed to the cause --- of Charles Green Esq. The problem is that he's - and he's not alone - messing with a football club loved by millions - who care passionately about its long-term wellbeing. He is a carpet-bagging arriviste who continues to fuck us about.

  13. Please provide proof of asset stripping before making these type of remarks. If you don't then you are just as bad as the media and Tims with your scare mongering.

    I don't expect to see a reply to this with any proof what so ever, as with previous reply I have made to these fly by night posters.

    Watch and see my suspicious chum. Alas, we are rudderless at the moment - trying to make safe haven while the storm clouds gather. it's desperate to observe and, as a fan, be part of. Who the fuck truly knows what the denouement will be - or when.
  14. Green and his cohorts are asset-strippers - of that there is no doubt. McColl is a successful capitalist who does not want - or need - a vanity project in his business portfolio. He is well aware of SDM's catastrophic mismanagement of our club (which he got away with for so many years because of a pliant fan base (because the trophies rolled in) and cowed board of directors) and does not want to get personally involved. By his actions he hopes to be a catalyst for change - but is linking up with the old-guard a positive or retrograde step? Time will tell.

  15. This situation is going to put back our recovery by years. By all accounts we will run out of cash before season's end and yet all of these bassas care about is themselves and the dosh they can leech from us.

    btw ..1st Jan..your footer message is a disgrace..you shame our great club with your vile, violent bigotry.

  16. Sorry chaps..can't seem to quote from my Windows 'phone.

    Simplythebest ... You're wrong mate. The thread title merely stated that the baby had been born...no indication that only positive comments were encouraged.

    Julesscotia..good try. You score high in the tenuous-link stakes!

    1st Jan...you appear a decent reasonable fellow, albeit with dictatorial tendencies. Me, I much prefer honest debate and reasoned argument. And we say the Tims have closed minds ... Sheesh!

  17. So ..what rule did I miss saying that to be a Bluenose you have to slavishly fawn over the Monarchy?

    Wanting me banned for expressing a view shared by many fellow-bears...bit fascist methinks!

    By the way, arsehole had an 'e' in it... do try harder when you use the Queen's English!

    Bears' Den?

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