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Posts posted by Deadpool

  1. Well I am off to bed,

    Protestant work ethic and all that. you may or may not know about that.

    If you can give me as many reasons as you can why a RM should play LB instead of RM then let me know and I will consider your arguement.

    Let me know also why you think a striker is better at RM than an actual RM.

    Don't strain yourself too much though.

    That last post is why your a cunt think on!

  2. Now you are just being silly and some would think you are deliberately trying to start an arguement with a fellow Rangers fan.

    Versatility is great, It is brilliant. superb, magic.

    It allows players to fill in when their team mates are injured, get sent off or are suspended. It can often have an adverse affect on the veratile player as he sometimes does not have a recognised position and this can lead to him starting most games on the bench.

    Yes, I do think a striker should be played as a striker and not at Right or Left midfield.

    my reasoning is simple.

    1. Right midfielders can generally play the position better, thats why they are wide midfielders.

    2. Strikers thrive on confidence and scoring goals, they may not score as many playing wide and this may affect their confidence.

    3. The most important thing for a striker is sharpness and instinct and reacting in the box, Playing wide will mean he may lose some of this sharpness as he is asked to defend more and spends less time in the box. I know from experience.

    Agree with this post completely and was exactly my original post when your options are limited versatility is essential

  3. You also appear to be having problems with the use of capital letters. It never really suited your arguement because you don't really have one.

    You seem to think that playing players out of position is best practice, I disagree.

    Please show me where I contradicted myself, You struggled to answer the 1st time

    I didn't struggle i've given up trying to debate with you because you refuse to consider others opinions. I do have a point you on the other hand have none really you think a striker should be played as a striker well done whilst refusing to see the benefit of versatilty.

  4. Its hard to debate with someone who continually makes stupid statements and then ignores requests for examples of such statements.

    to sum up our interaction.

    I think it is bad practice to continually play numerous players out of position when you have players who play that position on the bench.

    and because of that view you think I am an idiot and a cunt.

    You on the other hand, think that players should be played out of position whenever possible and you don't really have any stats or data to back that up.

    You sound very much like an idiot and I would not call you a cunt because after you leave puberty you might realise that Cunts are actually useful

    I at no point called you a cunt because of your opinion your not wrong you have the right to your opinion, if you don't understand the problem i have with you then maybe you shouldn't be debating with grown ups. I must admit though i'm a bit confused with the last comment you made there are you saying that you'd like me to fuck you!

  5. And you sound like a spotty little bet wetting Man Utd fan who is trolling through Rangers sites because he has pished his red devil jammies

    WRONG! I hate man utd with a passion i just used an example that suited my argument you should try it some time. What happened to your civiliased debate philoshopy or is this another example of you contradicting yourself.

  6. I haven't a clue what you are on about, and I don't really understand what your point is, Unlike yourself I will refrain from abuse as it I prefer to debate civily with fellow Rangers fans.

    I do not watch or support Man Utd so I can't comment or debate if Valencia ever played RB or not, I assume there was a very good reason.

    Wayne Rooney has played LM for Everton and also for England. He is not and never will be an out and out striker.

    If Carrick played at Centre back then I can only assume that Ferdinand was injured and maybe the reserve was struggling with injury too. who knows ?

    Try and grasp this,, My point is simple, Would Carrick have played CB if Ferdinand and Vidic were fit ?

    Would Ferdinand and Vidic be on the bench whilst Carrick played CB ?

    Where exactly do I "keep contradicting yourself whilst backing it up with deluded self absorbed false statements"

    Pray tell

    You've got some pretty soft skin if you think thats abuse, but read your own posts and tell me hand on heart that you don't sound like a "CUNT"

  7. Mitchell played RB that day because Argyriou was injured, Heggarty had just had an operation and Faure was protecting the back 4 in a new system Ally was playing.

    I think Mitchell may have been the only alternative.

    I do struggle to understand why a manager would play a striker at RM when he has 2 RMs on the bench and more sitting in the stand.

    What is it you struggle to understand about this ?

    Since you mentioned SAF earlier.

    Man Utd play the same system from under 14s - reserves- 1st team.

    If a 1st team player is injured and there is no replacement in the 1st team squad, The reserve steps in and plays in the same system.

    If the reserve is injured then the under 19 player steps in and plays the same system.

    in an ideal world that is how things work.

    Then why on earth did Valencia play RB, Rooney LM, Jones and smalling in midfield, Carrick has played CB i could go on, What i don't understand is how you can keep contradicting yourself whilst backing it up with deluded self absorbed false statements but thats just me..

  8. I have no problem with Mitchell playing right back to fill in for injuries and suspensions, RMs are probably the best suited to that position as they are often involved in play on that side of the pitch and they can also switch with the RB as he overlaps.

    I know he is a RM because I was in the Thornton Suite the day he won MOTM against Clyde, He was interviewed after the match by Andy Cameron and he stated "he was naturally a Right midfielder and he prefers to play further up the pitch"

    I have heard that he plans to target the RB position as he sees that as the best way of making the 1st team, due to it being a problem position.

    That might change with the signing of Foster

    So you are strongly against players playing out of position apart from when it's right midfielders playing at right back and when your in the suite when they receive their MOTM award (tu)

  9. Lol. Where do you start with that ? 1. Ally is not SAF. 2. Haven't seen Valencia start matches at RB. 3. Lets get this straight. You think playing players out of position is better than playing them in their favoured position ?

    i'm sorry i can't speak to you anymore your an idiot

  10. So in your opinion playing players out of position is better than playing players in their correct position.

    No wonder Mancini got sacked, If only he had played Yaya Toure at RB and Tevez at Left midfield.

    Maybe we actually got to the UEFA cup final because we had 2 exceptional centre halves and we defended really well as a team.

    You're right no wonder sir Alex stepped down, rooney and jones in midfield, Valencia at right back what did he ever achieve oh wait...

  11. Neil Alexander can play LB too, but does not mean he is any good at it.

    Mitchell was decent at RB and actually got MOTM against Clyde, but he was no where near as effective at LB,

    He got caught out trying to shift the ball onto his right side on more than 1 occasion.

    He was not as strong in the tackle and he gave away a number of fouls, It is not easy to tackle with your weaker foot because it is not as strong and your timing can be off.

    The lad is a right midfielder who excels going forward, here is a novel idea,,,,,,,,,

    Why don't we just play players in their correct position, especially youngsters, Let them build their confidence playing where they are comfortable.

    Off the top of my head,

    Rangers players who were played out of position on at least 1 occasion last year.













    We got to a uefa cup final playing players out of position, making the best of what we have players versatility during that run got us to a final as well as bringing us three titles in a row

  12. When the accounts are published we will know for certain one way or another. If we are outspending our income then yes.

    We'll definetly be overspending our income on keeping a stadium the size of ibrox and a training complex like murray park running in the 2nd division

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