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Posts posted by jaffa1975

  1. About 5 year's ago my Workplace was in very bad shape and at one point looked as if we were headed for liquidation, we had a lot of investor's coming and going... One of the investor's were none other than Craig Whyte, the upshot of the meeting was the man came across as an arrogant arsehole who liked to talk a good game. My workplace had a company look into the man's background as they do with all new company's and investor's.... my workplace were told not to go near this man with a bargepole. Now this story mite come across as a load of bullshit, all i can say is i swear as a fellow Ranger that it is 100% the truth. When it first came out that Craig Whyte was the person taking over at Ranger's my director told me that the guy was bad news, but like so many other's i chose to turn a blind eye. How wrong we were.

  2. There was a photoshopped diouf pic doing the rounds a wee while ago, no sure if it was on here or ff, anyone got a copy of it? the one where he is gobbing at the celtic fans, in the photo he is wearing a gers top. :uk: thanks

  3. Not in till Sunday but all of them including my boss support those bastards.

    Plus wearing green on my uniform makes me ill at times like this...

    Il end up smashing someone

    Maybe come sunday things may have died down a bit, today was terrible, i could have quite easly got into a scrap and lost ma job, not felt like that in a long time.

  4. Usually you get a bit of banter and stuff flying from both sides, but today was unreal, just a real nasty undertone, its the first time that i have had to take myself away from them cos i wanted to kick there fucking teeth in.

    Anyone the same? :angry:

  5. I had to put up with a guy in work saying that all day. My reply was "If there was no contact why was Forster holding his head" :sherlock:

    Ive had a cunt at work saying this to me as well, wish i had said the same to him, just laughed at him :rolleyes:

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