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Posts posted by Ruffiooooo

  1. 17 minutes ago, Harveydp said:

    Learned from the experience of your father making me suck him off when I was a younger man.

    Apple doesn't fall far from the tree you horrible cunt.

    My father made you suck him off? Apart from the fact he was built like the side of a fiver and strong winds would have knocked him over.....No means no, you wanted to do it. Take it easy Dyson.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Thermopylae said:

    We just don't seem proud anymore although that is  endemic in society these days because we increasingly seem to value everything that isn't ours. So far as the tim players go stein did used to say he would always take the prod first because it would stop us getting him although after the complete shambles of o'halloran you really do begin to wonder if some of them are worth the effort   

    Out of curiosity what position do you play bud?

  3. Does he work with them?

    Hope he's rediscovered the righteous path and views sellic as a wee dirty part of his career. :)

    He was an ambassador of sorts, I don't know if that's still the case. It was a few years ago but he was always at any fundraiser.

    I doubt there's any other way to view that part of his career bud lol

  4. Hamed namouchi, Gregory vignal, bojan djordjic, Dan eggan, egil ostenstad, Maurice ross, pipo maniero

    All piss poor players until the ebt have them the power to win leagues, change helicopters directions and force other teams to beat the taigs

    Take that back about oor Gregory, he didn't need an EBT, Rab Douglas did.

    From 1 min on.

  5. As much as I rate the lad, I don't think he's done enough to warrant the praise heaped on him by some in this forum, he has got a great talent that has yet to be fully reached but his inability to complete even half a full season in each of the last 3 seasons for one reason or another has to be a concern. Hopefully he will put that behind him as I'd love to see him progress into the footballer he could possibly be, wether that be at Rangers or somewhere else.

    I agree with you to an extent. The thing that annoys me most about his transfer now is the fact that our manager signed him. Now he's signing players for us and we're excited about watching them develop under him. He must have thought he could do more with LM too.

  6. Celebrating defeat yet again? Fuck that.

    Bagged, cheeri fucking o and don't come fucking back!.

    No more guzzling from the trough.

    PM must have thought he was Billy big baws organising that shameful event.

    Shameful event, really? I read it as putting on a function, maybe a meal and a thanks for your efforts? Did it not say in the rag that ran with the SNUBBED headline that the players got in their cars and left so even if they had attended I doubt it would have been for a piss up. But don't let that get in the way of taking another dig at Billy big baws :)

  7. My favourite is the 1992/93 top but as I was only 6 at the time can't see me fitting into that. It's a great idea though and if everyone turns out it would perhaps show Sports Direct the market they could have if they re-negotiate the retail deal.

    Tumsh, my first full strip was the away kit that season. I'll be having a gander to see if I can pick it up in a large for St. Midden.

  8. No prob guys, thought it was a bit "unbelievable" and only had one head phone in, there was a time I'd have stopped whatever I was doing to listen to anything regarding our Club. Now I just wait for it to be spoken, printed, praised/abused and wait for the next cycle. Cheers for the replies.

  9. I'm not pro or against anyone investing. If this is true AND if it is seen through then apart from the money that DK (20 or 30m) that he said he would put in to boost us (I think it's needed in all departments too). I myself won't say that he isn't X,Y, or Z rich and should pump in donating every year. I would hope for an initial boost but could cope with all and only the clubs profits being put into the club so we didn't get left in the lurch again. Fantasist maybe....just wish Rangers were never run for personal financial gain.

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