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And another thing...

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Posts posted by And another thing...

  1. So let me just summarise - you through your own ignorance come on here waffling and accusing people of "scaremongering" and "English threats".

    When it is pointed out to you it is neither scaremongering nor English threats, but is in fact rooted in EU legislation you wish to suggest we are stuck at "name calling " ???

    Oh dear.

    Guess you didn't read the links.
  2. Aye but it sounds like youve been smoking everybody's....

    I've almost

    Aye but it sounds like youve been smoking everybody's....

    I rarely touch it anymore, although it's tempting when I go out for a walk and you can smell it growing. In a couple of months the air will be thick with the scent. Reminds me of India :pipe: .

    I prefer malt whisky in my old age.

  3. No, I regard someone who makes assumptions about a group of people based on some ill conceived notion as not very bright.

    Or someone who refuses to answer simple questions despite the same courtesy being afforded to them.

    Or someone who makes guesses on future policy (which doesn't line up with that set out in the white paper incidentally) while ignoring what is a long standing policy of a governmental department.

    Or someone....fuck it. I just don't think you're very bright. I also think you're not a Rangers fan. Nor are you in California (unless you mean California, Falkirk)

    If you read the link I just posted you'll see your own "brightness" has been called into question.
  4. We will be foreign state therefore excluded from building warships for the MOD. So, I'll ask again. How does the MOD benefit from having a foreign state build it's warship?

    "the Royal Navy HAS in fact commissioned warships from abroad, most notably Canada and the US, during the World Wars."


    Sorry about the title they use - they apologize for it too - but it has some answers to your question that you don't seem to know about.

  5. Not as fucking dense as you .I live , work and pay my taxes to the U.K government , my pension and standard of life may or may not be affected by the outcome of the vote , I personally don't want to take the risk . But there you sit an expat who may or may not return to this country telling me how great an independent Scotland will be . You are the typical yes voter ( without a vote ) that thinks you can keep all the good bits and discard the rest .

    Once more just for you we would become a foreign country and would lose all MOD contracts to the English yards you must be thick if you think the English are going to throw jobs our way

    Don't believe anything I say, ffs, listen to the economics professors who actually know what they fuck they're talking about. Or don't.
  6. Hows the answers to my 8 questions coming along?

    I find my time better used to searching online for economics professor's opinions on Independence as I believe what they say. I do not believe politicians, whether they're for or against independence. So far the economists I've found seem inclined to favour independence. Check out some of my links above. Even a Nobel Prize winning economist says Scotland will be in better shape if independent.

    But I don't think anyone here will follow these links as most of them made their mind up when they became Rangers supporters.

  7. In what ways does it benefit the MOD to build warships in a foreign state?

    The special relationship between England and Scotland will still be there. We will still be unified if GB comes under threat. You seem to think England will erect another Hadrian's Wall. I don't think that much will actually change.
  8. Are you still butting into a subject that has fuck all to do with you

    It's a fact that no foreign country has ever built a Royal Navy ship why would that change if independence happens ?

    How dense are you? I'm Scottish so it has everything to do with me. Just cause I currently live abroad doesn't mean I don't care what happens in my country.

    It benefits the MOD to use Scotland for their warships. If it didn't they would go elsewhere. It's more Project Fear "You'll lose all the jobs!!!" Bullshit.

    Have the No people told you how many new jobs would be created? No, of course not.

  9. Scaremongering ?


    I told you a while back if you are not aware of the issues then at least do us the honour of availing yourself of them.


    (a) Its not "scaremongering" nor

    (b) Is it "English threats".

    Though your allegation as at (b) really tells us all we need to know about you.

    No Thanks

    The express link is exactly scaremongering. They "may" have to take jobs south. It "could" happen. Classic Project Fear.

    As I posted earlier, the Nobel Prize winning economist has called out the No campaign for their fear and bluffing regarding moving jobs out of Scotland and not allowing Scotland to use sterling. But keep reading the Unionist papers; you don't want your blinkers to come off.

    Also, as I said earlier, I like to get my information from economists as they're going to be honest, not politicians and biased newspapers.

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