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The Tavernator

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Posts posted by The Tavernator

  1. 55 minutes ago, bombaybadboy08 said:


    We've received numerous reports regarding you acting like a cathol*c and abusing real Rangers fans. 

    This will not be tolerated on RangersMedia so unless you have anything negative to say about Scotland, kilts, the SNP or cathol*cs then I'd strongly advise you to stay out of the thread.


    There are many on here who think you have to hate everyone and everything to be a real Rangers supporter. So I guess I'm not a real Rangers supporter. If that's a banable offense then do your job.

  2. 2 hours ago, A.T.G said:

    You see the amount of tweets made by SNP party members and elected representatives relating to us being called H*** and the sympathy of the IRA.

    It baffles me it really does how any of our fans can support this party when they have shown a complete disregard for values and principles that are dear to our support.

    Because the values and principles that are dear to our support are based on fucking ignorant uneducated bigoted jobby droppers.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Bristoe1872 said:

    Sorry but that is mince. The snazis said that simply to try and secure more votes but you can guarentee that in the event of Scotland becoming independent they would waste no time in holding a vote on getting rid of the monarchy. Ffs the racists won't even display the union flag in Bute house but have no qualms with German or Welsh flags etc. All accademic anyway as there will be no second once in a generation vote on independence.

    Bollocks beyond belief, I know many independence voters who want to keep the queen, actually don't know any who want rid of her, maybe just the most vile fans of other teams.

  4. Just now, K.A.I said:

    Exactly - just one of many telling the truth. 

    Thanks for having my cyber back tho. Love virtual hawners.

    Isn't it like 5:45 on Saturday morning in Scotland? You're either an eejit, bad work hours, or in another country. Or just bananas.

    Anyway, it's near midnight in Nebraska, I'm aff.

  5. 3 hours ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

    Oxford English dictionary

    dogs bark, but the caravans move on



    People (on RM) may make a fuss, but it won't change the situation.

    Exactly, no matter how much certain 'fans' yell, the club keeps moving forward. What's your point?

  6. 1 hour ago, Real Ranger said:

    KAI in negative post shocker.

    Last season the final whistle would hardly have blown and you couldn't wait to get on here to tell us how bad things were as if we needed reminding. You seem to thrive on it.

    Why pick on KAI? He's only one of about 50 Jobby droppers.

  7. 1 minute ago, NeoGeo7 said:

    I feel like we'd be better off without press conferences at the moment.

    We need to screw the nut and stop with the sound bytes. I get what he is saying and apparently mourinho used the same saying a few years back but it's just more ammunition against him and he really needs to just focus on getting the results first.

    It's ammunition for dogs and Pedro doesn't give a woof what the dogs think.

  8. 1 minute ago, K.A.I said:

    All you do is moan about people on here yet you still post faux outrage at everything anyone says against your duff hero Pedro why don't you do everycunt a favour and just log out and spare us 

    I can't, I'm programmed to respond to the jobby droppers.

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