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Posts posted by JamesRFC__

  1. A 3-4-3 relies to much on the wing-backs. Giving Tav and Wallace even MORE attacking freedom is a horrible thought. Not got a decent final ball in them. 

    Our failings come mainly from the wingers. They're all fucking shite. Including the one's from last season. We're effectively 2 players down and rely far too much on going through the middle. It's easy to defend. And a midfield consisting of Jack, Rossiter and Kranjcar does not exude goals. It's honestly imperative to our season that Pena and Dorrans are going to provide goals and attacking runs for us if our wingers stay as they are. 

    If they don't then it'll be a carbon copy of last year.

  2. It'll be the main reason we fail this season. I've said before that you can get away with an average defence and midfield with a quality striker and 2 direct wingers that cause the opposition problems in our league. The jury is still out on the quality striker but Dalcio and Candeias will not get us the goals/assists that we desperately need this year.

    To be honest though even if we did have a decent front line we'd probably still get embarrassed with our clown of a manager overseeing things.   

  3. Should be sacked before the fucking clown even leaves the changing room.

    There are no words for that. A team of part-timers pumped us out in the first round. 

    His shitey wee Dalcio and that other shite winger can fuck off as well. 

  4. Just now, stevemac said:

    Just because they've not been great for us doesn't mean they wouldn't easily find teams down south to take them on. Crooks did a good job for Scunthorpe and windass would do a good job down south as well. Even 750k each, we will still have made a decent turn on that, considering the pair cost us around 250k iirc.


    Might easily find a club and might very well do a good job but no club in league 1 is paying 1.5 million for each mate :tu:

  5. 1 minute ago, stevemac said:

    Windass and crooks would make it in league one no bother. 3 mil for the combined two,

    Waghorn and kiernan the same, maybe 2.5 for those two.

    Halliday, Forrester and MOH 1.5mil (500k each is realistic imo)

    We seem to downplay the player values a lot, when you just have to look at some of the deals other teams have had for players of lesser quality. 


    1.5 million each for Windass and Crooks :lol:

  6. Not his biggest fan by any means and definitely someone who offers more poor performances than good one's but in our current situation I think it's a massive mistake.

    I think of our outgoings and incomings as like a conveyor belt. The utter dross like Senderos and O'Halloran absolutely must leave and the best of a bad bunch like McKay then replace them on the bench while we add actual quality to the starting 11. McKay represents that medium between a quality winger and an O'Halloran at the moment. 

    Saying that though I'd be very surprised if we actually have told him to find a new club. Getting rid of him effectively means we'll need to recruit two new left wingers. The recruitment is hard enough already but that's making it even more difficult. 

    A 2 year contract extension would do me. Not because I want him here but so we don't lose him for peanuts which would be a disgrace quite frankly. 

  7. 6 hours ago, JCDBigBear said:

    Nothing to laugh at there at all.  The guy has put out poor team selections in poor formations.  You picked on only part of my post by ignoring the rest which lost a considerable part of the context.  I can see for myself as can everyone else where poor players AND poor tactics have been our downfall.  

    Nah it's generally hilarious how you think there's a better starting 11 or better formations to play with that Pedro hasn't tried. There was absolutely no context lost regarding your opinion on players/formations either. Including the bit about feel good factors for example wouldn't of changed what it meant. I'm curious as to who you feel should be brought in to replace players in these poor team selections? Or what formations this team can play that'll suddenly improve them as footballers? 

  8. 1 hour ago, docspiderman said:

    From his first match it was obvious he has no idea how to organise a team,no idea about tactics, shambolic was how I described that game and it has got progressively worse.

    Midfield is non existent, players do not press the opposition and look as if they have no idea what they are supposed to do. Defending set pieces is abysmal, passing has become guesswork, there is no shape but most importantly there is little effort and no pride shown apart from a couple of players.

    This looks like a return to the dark days of the early eighties but no silver lining is on the horizon.

    Top six next season looks to be a forlorn hope with this conman as coach.

    Midfield has always been non-existent. I heard him from the Sandy Jardine stand at one point tonight screaming to press and not one player done a thing. Defending set pieces has always been abysmal, even in the championship. Their passing was always guesswork when they strayed away from safe 5 yard sideways passes. There was never pride or effort shown from the very start of the season.

    Hasn't really got progressively worse has it? Just stayed consistently the same. 

  9. 1 hour ago, JCDBigBear said:

    I am surprised at the number of people who have accepted such shocking displays and the most humiliating result certainly in my time of watching Rangers under Caixinha's tenure..    Normally under a new manager the club gets a feelgood bounce but we have gone the opposite direction.  Part of that is certainly down to what I consider to be poor team selections and poor tactics.  If that is a precursor for next season, no matter who we sign, then I fear the worst for another dismal year.  I am seriously worried about not only who he signs but how sets out the team.

    Sorry but had a laugh at that. Any team he puts out would be a poor team selection. There's not one player that's sat on bench deserving to be in the starting 11 and barely anybody in the starting 11 actually good enough to make the bench. It's literally the definition of a lose/lose situation. Regarding tactics we've prioritized possession and prioritized a more direct style.. both have failed and that says more to me about the players than the tactics.  

  10. 7 minutes ago, The Godfather said:

    And when he inevitably fucks it up that's another year wasted for us.

    Managers don't need a window to show they have what it takes btw. The better ones come in and show they can turn things around and get the best out of mediocre players. Has that happened? Has Pedro shown he can change our fortunes when we are up against it? Or do we need some SPFL lower table dross and a Mexican nobody to see what's staring us in the face? Am I writing him off? Of course I am because I've seen enough of him and previous managers to know he doesn't have what it takes to succeed at this club.

    We don't have the time to gamble on giving under performing dross 'windows' but we have no choice because we are skint and in the hands of lying crook bastard. 

    Calling these players "mediocre" is a compliment to them quite frankly. It's not as if he walked in to an under-performing side which had a poor manager.. He walked into a side that were never going to reach anywhere close to a Rangers level even if you gave them decades. He's came in, made them work harder, gave them less time off and has been upfront with the players as to who is not good enough to wear the shirt. I'm struggling to see what more he could've actually done behind the scenes to at least see some short-term/long-term improvement? What did this guy generally have going for him with regards to our club when he walked in? A large budget? Nope. A decent side? Nope. A side who albeit weren't good enough but gave 100% on the pitch anyway? Nope. He had and still has absolutely fuck all to work with and that won't change until he at least gets new players in during the summer. 

    When Warburton was manager I could sit with a list of things that needed to change between games. With Pedro I can't think of much if anything. What difference will any change that can possibly be made make? You could've started Halliday, Waghorn, Holt or anybody else tonight and the performance would still have been the same along with every other shite performance since he's been here. The squad is full of rotten players who contribute absolutely nothing and have no tactical nous. Pedro even said as much that they didn't follow instructions. Not because they refused but because they simply are not good enough to improve beyond "pass ball to team-mate" "kick ball in goal" and they're STILL shite at doing that. No manager in the market that's available to us would get the best out that team (my opinion of course). And nobody is kicking them on to becoming 20 goal a season strikers or flamboyant midfielders. I just think it's an absolute shame that attention is being directed off those utterly utterly fucking pathetic wanks that wear our strip and on to a man who has had zero to work with since day one. 

    If I'm wrong though I'll 100% hold my hands up and say everybody calling for his head was right. If we're not pummeling teams within the first 5 games next season with his players then I'll be right along with you. However for now, while these players I generally fucking despise are still with our club, I'll be backing him and hoping the man succeeds to getting us back to the top of football in this country.

    Agree with your last part though. Fuck Dave King. 

  11. 2 hours ago, With Heart and Hand said:

    Fuck Waghorn, fucking shite player, hope he recieves a bad injury so we dont have to see him play again, the manager is a wank for even starting him

    Fuck up. Wishing a bad injury on one of your own players is fucking shocking regardless how shite a footballer he may be. Sort yourself out fuck sake. 

  12. Best of luck to the wee lad. It's on him now how far he goes in the game. Will it be in Chelsea's first team? Unless their policy changes in the next 3 years then I doubt it. Who knows though, hopefully he goes on to surprise us (and make us more money). 

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