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Posts posted by Tontospal

  1. I'm lost. People seem to be totally ignoring the point that we should not be trying to maintain and justify actions which in today's world are seen as offensive. It was 'ok' to sing a song once and now it's not. The SNP are not the cause of all this. The world has moved on. We should try to support our football team and let go of the ingrained attitudes which have made the West of Scotland so depressing.

    In summary, It's football, support Rangers and don't hate people whose beliefs differ a wee bit. It's OK to really dislike other teams and their fans especially those who caused us harm for their own ends but we need to get real.

    These songs are a part of the history of our club and support whether you or the mock offended like it or not.

    I for one are glad we have the 'religious' aspect to our football as without it we would never have become the club we are or enjoyed the greatest rivalry in British football.

    Without the hatred and bigotry Scottish football would have resembled the League of Ireland and anyone who doesn't enjoy the atmosphere when we play the scum, regardless of the poisonous background, is quite simply lying.

    Whilst we have religious fanatics committing the most heinous crimes imaginable in the name of their beliefs the focus of the Scottish Government is on the lyrics of songs. That's right words - which may upset but harm noone - and are a direct result of the divided Scottish society that not one politician has the courage or conviction to address.

    Yet again the separatist education system is the elephant in the room which is ignored whilst the easy target, football fans, is pursued and persecuted for the square root of sfa.

  2. That's fair comment if your dealing with reasonable intelligent supporters of the other clubs

    Reasonably intelligent supporters of other clubs who did nothing to help our club, which in turn did not help their club or Scottish football.

    We have no friends in Scottish football and that's fine with me.

  3. A country wide boycott would get the message across better imo seeing every stadium in Scotland empty one weekend would surely get noticed,plus as others have said it would avoid mingling with bheasts

    With the odd exception Scottish grounds are empty every week. Nobody would notice if fans boycotted.

  4. With the news coming out today that the Gestapo are looking to go all 1984 on football fans,IF a mass protest was staged at Hampden by fans of all the big clubs in Scotland,would you go along?

    Now don't get me wrong,ordinarily I wouldn't have anything to do with the beasts or the rest of them,but I honestly think something has to be done about these cunts at the SNP/Police Scotland and the SFA.

    Lets make no mistake about it though we did not start all this shite,but we're sure as shit getting the worst end of it now.

    Protest with arsehole fans of all the clubs that wanted us dead?

    Great idea. That should give them a chance to test their facial recognition scheme.

    Fuck the rest of Scottish football. Rangers stand alone as we always have.

    I'm not against a protest by out fans but do it at a match at Ibrox.

  5. They had facial and body recognition for Griffiths yet he got away with it.

    This is another example of lazy and cowardly policing and has the prospect of civil law suits written all over it.

    The most ironic thing is that the behaviour of football fans in Scotland is nowhere near the biggest social issue facing the country.

    A 21 year old was murdered at the weekend only a few years after his mother and cousin/uncle

    were also killed. This is real crime and people getting offended with singing is only taking police resources away from investigating such incidents.

  6. I expect money to be made available in the summer in order that we can have a go at the scum from day 1 next season.

    I watched I Believe in Miracles the other day and what Clough achieved taking Forest from the English second division to English and 2 time European Champions was a far greater task than knocking the scum off their perch.

    I do not expect us to win the title next season. I hope we do but I expect us to do everything we can to win it

  7. Some interesting views and the jury is still out for me.

    I think he's a good shot stopper but that he is small and slight for a top class keeper.

    Yes I know he is 6'1 and that Goram and Klos are only 5'11 but he is not in their class.

    Next season will be a far greater test every week and it will be interesting to read opinion this time next year

  8. Rae old man thats puts his mouth into gear before it connects to his brain well whats left of it. No CCTV seen it No Steward seen and apparently not one morton fan has phone that has the capability of taking pictures or video, strange dont you think. As I said else where there was plenty of tims in that section that travelled with morton fans and for me its a non story. I spoke to a few morton fans that where at the game they seen nothing so its a strange one or its the tims at it again. travelling from a well known gourock pub that house septic fans and morton fans.

    I agree about Rae and whilst he should be taken to task for his comments in the programme, their programme is probably read by hundreds as opposed to the thousands who will have read the Sun yesterday.

    It is just another example of añ anti-Rangers myth, or more to the point - made up lies to paint the club in a bad light, that has grown arms and legs to the situation where it is reported as fact in a national newspaper.

    That's before you consider that the lies were told to somehow balance out an article criticising the scum's support.

    When we were getting it all across the media for singing at the Hibs match I don't recall one article comparing their songbook to ours.

    That cunt Provan even had to bring up the attack where the fan hit the shit at Tyne castle for some reason.

  9. I know what you're saying but surely if Morton, have indeed, printed these lies in their home match day programme then they should be taken to task as well?

    This is apparently what he wrote:

    Writing in his programme notes for the match with Raith, he said: “Regrettably we were unable to hold onto our lead when Rangers equalised with five or six minutes of the match remaining.

    "" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

    “It was still a wonderful day, one which I am sure will be fondly remembered for a long, long time. Our match with Rangers was the first match at Ibrox this season that Rangers did not win.

    “Regrettably, some Rangers fans were not at all pleased and resorted to pelting the Morton fans with coins, pies, Bovril, and even golf balls.

    “In addition, a Buckfast bottle was hurled into the Morton section which missed a young Morton fan by inches. That was a sad end to an exciting match.”

    Douglas Rae should certainly be taken to task for this nonsense.

    If he can't back it up then he should be charged by the SFA with bringing the game in to disrepute and sued by Rangers for libel.

  10. Despite the thoughts of most on here about Scottish journos, anyone will have had to run that by the club if they were going to print it (if only even for any comment). That it's not been reported as a 'news' item but slipped in as opinion makes me think there's even less to it. A search for "bottle" and "Ibrox" on Twitter only brought up one person who tweeted, third hand, about it that weekend.

    So you think the club have sanctioned this as they don't think it is a big deal?

    If someone from the club has had prior knowledge of this and hasn't prevented it being printed they should be removed.

  11. I doubt it has been left unchallenged otherwise it would've been picked up elsewhere and ran with.

    If this is the case and the Sun has broken ranks then there must be consequences and severe ones at that.

    Unless they can provide evidence, including a supporting statement from Police Scotland, they should be takeñ to task and this should be a watershed moment for the club and our relationship with the press.

    The Sun should be boycotted by us in the same way that it is on Merseyside. They have form for lying and branding supports.

    The Board should issue a statement tomorrow as should all the mouthpiece individuals and fan groups.

    Provan is an ex scum player who has always shown his dislike of Rangers and this time he has gone too far.

    He was actually cute the way he turned an article criticising the scum followers in to one where he accused us of a worse and more dangerous crime. The insinuation being that flares were not thrown at individuals whereas missiles (coins, golf balls and a bottle) were aimed at Morton fans.

  12. Apparently the Morton chairman reported it to The club stating bottle nearly hit a child. I have been told it was also reported in Mortons next home programme. It was all over fb however our fans state it never happened.

    And the club allowed this to go unchallenged?

    What's to say Morton fans reading the programme or believing the unsubstantiated tales are suitably outraged that they take 'revenge' on an innocent bear next week?

    Nevermind photo evidence a steward or policeman surely would have picked up/seen the bottle.

    Similarly the golf balls would also provide tangible evidence to back up their story.

  13. No loss. The lad flattered to deceive and was all tricks with little end product.

    At times we needed 2 balls, one for him and one for the rest of the team.

    I will be very surprised if he gets in to the Spurs first team.

  14. Already done.

    Well done.

    This should be a line in the sand.

    His article states that fans are staying away and that parents would be crazy to take their wife/kids to games because of hooligan fans and then prints an outrageous lie that some will believe and may stop them attending or taking their wife/kids.

    I have no issue with the reporting of anything about the fans/club as long as it is factual and can be backed up. If it is made up then it is unforgivable.

    Remember this cunt Provan regularly commentates on the English Premiership and make no mistake this gives him credibility and anything negative he says about carries weight and could have adverse consequences for the club.

  15. Davie Provan wrote an article in today's paper having a go at the scum fans. He balanced it up by saying that recently Morton supporters found themselves sheltering from coins and golf balls thrown from the upper stand at Ibrox and that one young Ton fan was narrowly missed by a Buckfast bottle and that there was every chance he could have been killed with a bit of bad luck.

    This is the first I've heard of anything happening at that match and I wasn't aware of any incidents whilst at the match.

    If this happened I'm amazed that it's not been all over the various media outlets.

    If this never happened he MUST be challenged by the club and fans groups with the rag he writes for banned for at least the rest of the season.

    I'm aware that we are a soft target for the media but if this is made up or hearsay the club and fans groups must take action and sue him and his paper for libel.

  16. As others have said the odds are ridiculous for that bet and it is hard to believe that 12 guys took them without thinking it was too good to be true.

    If the original price was 7/2 then a winning bet would get 350% of your stake as winnings. That is the only way I could understand the mistake but 350% is a big difference from 350/1.

    I don't think you have any chance of getting anything better than 4/1 but the one thing they don't like is bad publicity, any bad publicity.

    Where did the initial price come from and why did she phone her boss for clarification?

    Good luck with your efforts.

  17. St Johnstone.

    Yip and Kilmarnock should provide a tougher test than Dumbarton Cowdenbeath or Livingston.

    People mouthing of now are just asking for humiliation.

    Wait until the end of the season and then make comments that can be backed up by cold hard facts.

    We are in the middle of a good run against weak opposition just now but it wasn't too long ago our form was poor.

    I would like to see us beat Kilmarnock and then draw Hearts or the scum at home for the quarter final to see how good we are and which players have it in big games.

    We are a good Championship side but our record against premier sides is played 1 lost 1. If we are as good as some think then we should have a chance of winning the cup or at least getting to the semis or final.

    I will be delighted to go all the way in the cup but it is very much hope as opposed to expectation at this stage.

    Warburton is doing a good job but this is only stage 1 and you have to walk before you can run.

  18. If Warburton is successful with us I think he will end up back in England after a few years (if not sooner) and I think Neilson will be a real candidate for us.

    What he has done in 2 seasons at Hearts is incredible given where they were, and I know some will roll eyes here, but he has done what that Arsehole McCoist couldn't with a fraction of the resources and much less experience.

  19. Purely for entertainment value I would say we're better than Advocaat's brand of football. Obviously not in terms of overall player quality but for entertainment, Warbuton's brand just shades it. Can't wait to see how Warbuton has us playing when inevitably we get higher quality players in years to come.

    I hope I am wrong but I doubt we will ever see football or footballers as we did under Advocaat's first two years.

    The football this season has been good and is a world away from that under the twin trumpets of mccoist and mcdowell but I think some need a reality check.

    The current side is playing in a poor league and the real tests for Warburton and the players are still to come.

    The reality is we still need at least half a dozen players for next season.

    I'm enjoying this season as much as the next fan but let's not get carried away.

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