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Posts posted by Blueminawful

  1. a gee up! andrei that is a woeful post. i didnt say i want them exterminated but fuck that would be great. im no talking about there tv rights or whatever. im talking about why you hate them? i cant believe people are so understanding of them! there peadophile harbingers and terrorist supporters. they dont even want to stay silent for a minutes silence! hence why in scotland we now have a minutes applause. anyway fuck this id rather be wae like minded bears. this forum has some right bangers on it.

    Oh btw this declan was at the game on sunday so please refrain from classing me as that creed.

    :lol::lol: I wis kidding yeh oan!!!

  2. Right guys following on from the protestant and history type threads. Why in all honesty do you hate celtic?? Is it football related, religion, there fans or a mix of the lot?

    For me its everything they stand for. They go into a pr overdrive and come out with the biggest lot of shite ever heard. I hate them as they are them. they are the total opposite of everything i believe in. They are terrorist supporting scum, who have the media twisted round there fingers. I will be honest enough to admit and no doubt some on here will criticise me but i hate them as there f****n bastards. thats my honest assesment what about you.........................

    Jog on Declan!! (tu)

  3. The conduct of certain posters in this thread is shocking.

    You have all been told about giving it the sniff sniff treatment, especially when it coems to new posters.

    If you have any concerns about any members then don't take it upon yourself to be judge, jury and executioner.

    PM a mod/admin.

    Aye yer right, was out of order!!

    Sorry Ianw.......and Neil (tu)

  4. How can anyone call Walter Smith a bad manager? Walter Smith is one of the most successful managers Rangers have ever had. Fact.

    As for Kris Boyd, he would never have been in the frame to start in this match, but probably would have been on the bench. Any player showing dissent in any way needs to be dealt with and Boyd has a record of showing dissent. All the good managers have done the same, Sir Alex Ferguson has shown many a star player the door, because no-one is bigger than the team. If these stories about Boyd getting a new arsehole torn are true, it may be the end of the matter, but he wont start on Sunday no matter what. If the stories are true, he will be missing from the bench as well. Honestly, I wish he had Wee Nacho's attitude, he would be a terrific asset to the club, but that is all he is, an asset. I hope he is in the squad.

    Walter Smith is one of the most successful managers Rangers have ever had. Fact.


    he's also the manager that f*cked up ten in a row and can't manage to field a team to win the league, when the other team in the title-race is rank as f*ck.

    Agreed, he's mediocre at best!!!

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