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come on the gers

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Posts posted by come on the gers

  1. I think the point being made by djgazbcm is that the new owner(s) should be putting The Rangers first -- all the time -- and property development second. At least totally separate and be as focused on the Football side as any other commercial ventures.

    I agree with this. The Rangers are a Football club... Just so happens we need to open up other ventures to pay the bills as it were. But any new ownership must have the best interests of the club first and foremost, and not turning some land into another Tesco.

    Both can coexist.

    But, what if the development side of things IS in the best interests of the club? Thats the way I see it anyway. We, Rangers, NEED to generate more income streams, especially if we want to be getting up to the level that I think ALL fans want? We just cant do it on the income we get now, so,it is vitally important that we look at things like this in order to thrive.

    I agree 'outlaw', while I have no idea if Ellis is the real deal or not I see no problem with using the outside ground to help the club, providing that is what he wants to do.

  2. It really is getting beyond a joke, the bile that’s coming out of Parkhead these days. The whole world’s against them, nobody gives them a break, if only they were treated properly as they should be then they would win every football match they play. Everyone knows they’re the greatest club in the world with the greatest players but the bias shown by referees, the media, the masons, etc, etc, etc conspires to work against them. Now we’ve got Billy McNeil spouting crap about 50 years of decisions in old firm matches going Rangers way. What an idiot this man is. Unfortunately one of the daily rags gives him a platform to come out with this rubbish and this feeds the paranoia. The great unwashed will be reading that and thinking, he’s right you know, we haven’t had a decent referee in an old firm game for 50 years.

    A couple of obvious points. How did they ever manage to win so many domestic titles and cups in the last 50 years ? The dodgy refs haven’t been doing a very good job, have they ? When they got their nine in a row, did they never get a dodgy decision during that run ? Every team could list decisions that haven’t gone their way but to then claim there’s a conspiracy against them is infantile in the extreme.

    It seems to me it’s all to do with the old brain washing from youth approach. As the Jesuits famously realised long before the Nazis did, “ give me the child and I’ll give you the man “. It’s a sad unfortunate truth that Catholics in Scotland, particularly in the West, are encouraged to believe from a very early age that those nasty Protestants make life difficult for them. Separate Schools help fuel this nonsense and help keep the “faithful” clinging to the “faith”. Throw in some watery eyed nonsense about mythical old Ireland, land of saints and scholars, and how the legacy of Britain in Ireland has left them downtrodden and subjected, and the chip on the shoulder grows ever heavier and ever more righteous. No wonder they see conspiracies at every corner. Of course it suits the Celtic board to fan the flames of this nonsense. After all it’s not that they are just not good enough on the pitch is it ? No, it could never be that, it must therefore be someone else’s fault.

    Mowbray’s now spouting more rubbish about inconsistencies by the referee.

    To pick up on a couple of them. Firstly, I don’t understand why Edu’s first goal was disallowed. When Miller was going for the ball N’Guemo was going in with his boot high. It looks to me as if Miller is putting his hands up to protect his face and indeed is looking away when the ball strikes his hand. How can that be a deliberate handball ? For Mowbray to compare it with Kamara’s is stupid, there is no comparison, two quite separate incidents, one bookable, one clearly not and in my opinion not even a foul.

    On the Brown sending off, having watched it again several times on TV, from the angle the referee sees it from it looks like a head butt into Lafferty’s chest by Brown. The referee has a split second to make his decision. With the benefit of slow motion and different TV angles it doesn’t look so bad and looks to be a harsh red. Happens all the time, however. Unless you allow TV replays referees will always make decisions on what they see and act immediately on it.

    To talk about the number of fouls Boogie committed. From my memory he certainly committed a lot fewer than N’Guemo yet was booked for his first one whereas N’Guemo wasn’t booked until much later in the game.

    Also why are they not commenting on the un -sportsman like behaviour of Kamara. The game is stopped when we are in possession on the halfway line so one of their players can be treated for an injury. Kamara then gives it back to us by booting it into a position from where they can pressure us by making us take a throw in near our own goal line. No comment from Mr Mowbray about that ?

    I am constantly reminded of the very laudable principle of sporting integrity as spouted continuously by Peter Lowell when they were making us play a ridiculous number of games in an unreasonable timetable in order to make it easy for themselves to snatch the Championship from us. Sporting integrity seems to have a very limited meaning to Celtic, their Board and their employees. Sporting integrity means give us every advantage you can and if we don‘t get it we’ll scream that we’re the victims of injustice.

    Great post, please e-mail it to all the media people you can. I know most will ignore it but someone might run with some of your points.

  3. I do think your idea needs to be taken seriously, but it will have to be organised from a central point by people who we can trust. If that happens I would put in what I could. Good luck if you can take this forward in any way. (tu)

    We need Admin. on here to work with Admin. on FF and every other Rangers forum to get this off the ground as a matter of urgency.

    Let's stop looking to others and take matters into our own hands. We can do this, it's all about being positive and pulling together.

    Maybe the people who are organising the protest on Sunday would be a good place to go with this idea.

  4. can understand the sentiment here

    basically there is no one gonna come in and save us by the look of things so if every Gers fan gave something it could help

    Exactly, we're all in this together, we all have a part to play. The common denominator in all of this is our love of Rangers and ultimately it's up to us, all of us, to do whatever we can to save the club.


  5. :lol::lol:

    Did someone say something funny?......Sorry, must have missed it.

    The £2k is to go where.......exactly?

    I thought that was obvious...... to reduce the debt and get the bank out of Ibrox. We have to start somewhere and it's my opinion that the very existence of our club rests with us, the fans.

    If we all pull in the same direction we can do it, it's all about togetherness and doing all you can no matter how small it may seem.

    I do think your idea needs to be taken seriously, but it will have to be organised from a central point by people who we can trust. If that happens I would put in what I could. Good luck if you can take this forward in any way. (tu)

  6. as a first post over here

    so do I

    hopefully people realise that those of us pushing this aren`t doing it as FF members , RM members , RST members or RSA members ( apologies to anyone I`ve forgot )

    we are doing this as fans of The Rangers FC who are genuinely concerned about the way things are going .

    Its shouldn`t be an attack on any single person , we call on those who are believed to have put together a consortium to speak out as well

    division won`t help , and this is merely my opinion

    I'm sure everyone is aware of that mate.

    IMO, the inference of division is one that is often exaggerated anyway. Yes, there may be a few vocal members of various sites who choose to lose focus on occasion but, in general, the allegation of inter-site battles is a red herring.


    This tread is full of hope as far as I am concerned, with people rallying behind the statement. Let's hope it continues Frankie because while we the fans of our great club might have different views on how to save it, our aim of a well run financially secure club must surely all be the same.

  7. At this stage Gordon would like to invite suggestions for any banners people want to see used. This is not a protest by individuals, it is a protest by as many as feel compelled to join. With that in mind he thinks it is only sensible to allow suggestions and work from that. Please be aware that banners are by their nature limited in size so longer phrases may not be possible. Punchy catchphrases or questions would be ideal. Thank you again for your time.







    or more tongue in cheek - not advocating these:



    Some great ideas there BOSS. (tu)

  8. I think bears have to read the statement, debate it by all means, and decide to either back it or not.

    We are the club after all, we are the supporters, merchandise buyers, season ticket holders and shareholders all rolled into one, and we are being denied the decency of the truth about the situation, and are being completely blanked by the very same people who, in around 8-10 weeks time, will send out a letter asking us for another financial commitment to the club for next season.

    I dont think it is the wrong thing to do to try to put together a polite, short list of initial questions that, if answered honestly, will put to bed a lot of the rumours, half-truths and lies being spread around about the state of the club we all pay for every season.

    What we cannot allow to happen is for the current news black-out to continue. It is having a real impact on the supporters, and how this has not transpired to the team and their results is a managerial miracle for which we must be thankful. Similar speculation at other clubs has seen them in almost terminal decline, with relegation, not the treble, the buzz-words.

    I am pleased to see this being debated in a positive light on all forums this morning, and generally being supported now that the actual statement has been published. I hope that the majority of bears will be able to see that there is no alterior motive in this, no ego-trip or any fans group trying to out-do another, just the search for factual information and for the club to tell us the truth about what is going on at OUR club.

    I cant see anything wrong with that, and I hope bears in attendance on Sunday will at least applaud when the banners are put up and show their support that way.

    I agree with all of the above, I think the statement is very good and it is time that we the fans were treated with some repect, the time to make ourselves heard has arrived.

  9. come on the gers, stop being gay FFS :D

    If the protest isn't as organized as you'd like it to be then write to Iniesta and say so and perhaps offer ideas, there is time to get all issues ironed out before the date.

    First of all I ain't f*****g gay, but I will take that as a joke. :rolleyes:

    If you had read the small number of posts I have made you will see I am one of the few that SUPPORTS taking some kind of action so I assume you and I are on the same side ?

    I never jump into things without knowing the facts and I might well contact 'Iniesta' for more information if it does not appear here before. Also it was me who said before you that there is plenty of time before a week on Sunday to sort things out. :P

  10. I will probably need someone like 'Frankie' to give this his blessing before I will take part, but we are more than a week away so plenty of time yet. (tu)

    With respect, I don't think anyone needs my blessing to make up their mind on the pros and cons of the protest and whether to support it.

    Every bear is more than capable of making up their own mind - especially someone as learned as your good self! ;)

    To be clear though: I support the idea of a protest in principle, but - like you - need more information before I can commit to supporting it properly. I don't think that is unreasonable - just rightfully cautious.

    I will indeed in the end make up my own mind Frankie, what I mean by 'your blessing' is that I have respect for your posts and I know you have good contacts that I do not have and what you decide will help me in making my decision. Keep up the goog work. (tu)

  11. Iniesta you're wasting valuable time on here mate.

    Not at all. There's plenty of genuine interest and support on here.

    I agree, many people like myself who rarely post will be waiting to see more information on what is planned before backing the Sunday 14th protest, but apart from about 4 or 5 members on here who are against doing anything (and I respect their opinions even if they are diffenent from my owen, which is that the time for somthing to be done by the fans is fast approaching) I think many more will be reading with interest. I will probably need someone like 'Frankie' to give this his blessing before I will take part, but we are more than a week away so plenty of time yet. (tu)

  12. If the consortium want to speak to people they should instead of drip feeding info to the Herald group and a MB. Who is that going to get anyone on side, it's alienating people more than anything else.

    There is much truth in this.

    The way the potential purchasers appear to be behaving does them few favours. There is an irony insofar as the calls for clarity from Muir/LBG are rather much louder than the calls for clarity from the 'consortium'.

    I wrote an article the other week calling for the consortium to come out of hiding.

    While this protest thread may mention the bank per se, it was posted more to show there are many parties at fault for their communication.

    The only constant and credible fact that I can see is that our manager seems hugely worried about our club's future and finds it prudent to raise it every so often. That, along with people I trust (and some I don't even know but have no reason to disbelieve given their record on inside info) saying the same things, makes me worried enough to suggest we need to apply pressure to said parties.


    I know little about who the consortium are but agree they need to show themselves to the ordinory Rangers fan if they want us to back them, I also feel that any protest should be aimed at the lack of information coming from the borad as much as Lloyds. When all is said and done it is the fans who make a club not the directors/owners. What I do believe after reading the posts on this subject is that we need to try and come together as a support and not let the situation get worse because we think 'something will happen' without us the fans making a stand. "We are the people", so let's remind the bank, the board and anyone wanting to buy us that we the fans are ready to make a stand to rescue the club we all love and support.

  13. I have read this far to find one person who like me voted yes (under the right circumstances) to post, all the other posts are from people who voted no. I am not sure if it is solely the bank we need to protest against, it is the fact that no real information is avaiable to us fans who very soon will be asked to pay in my case £500.00 + for my season ticket. I very much want and no doubt will re-new my ticket but if our club is still in this uncertain state by May then I will have to give it some consideration.

    One of the points raised by many posters is that they cannot work with one group or another, can I just say I would work with Lucifer himself if it ment saving our club and being able to once again be able to buy a player and be in a safe financial state, surely our great club means more to us than petty disagreements between supporter groups.

    I have never as far as I can remember protested against anything, but saving Rangers Football Club would be one time I would give it serious consideration.

    Great post mate... :praise:

    Thanks Frankie, it is not often I come out of the woodwork and post :lol: but this is the future of our club that is at stake. :(

  14. If the situation is as bad as i suspect it may be then yes i'd join a protest, right now we don't know enough and we need some clarity.

    Sadly i don't think our fans will stick together on this. (i'm not doing it if anyone from FF's there blah blah blah) All our fans groups and froums need to stick together otherwise any protest would just be laughed at.

    I have read this far to find one person who like me voted yes (under the right circumstances) to post, all the other posts are from people who voted no. I am not sure if it is solely the bank we need to protest against, it is the fact that no real information is avaiable to us fans who very soon will be asked to pay in my case £500.00 + for my season ticket. I very much want and no doubt will re-new my ticket but if our club is still in this uncertain state by May then I will have to give it some consideration.

    One of the points raised by many posters is that they cannot work with one group or another, can I just say I would work with Lucifer himself if it ment saving our club and being able to once again be able to buy a player and be in a safe financial state, surely our great club means more to us than petty disagreements between supporter groups.

    I have never as far as I can remember protested against anything, but saving Rangers Football Club would be one time I would give it serious consideration.

  15. I might as well ask seeing as I don't really know much about subjects like this. Does the offer of 60p in the pound mean that they can't afford to offer more or because they're trying to get the best deal possible?

    I'm assuming by your :power_of_anguish: that it's more likely the former but I thought I'd ask anyway.

    Rangers are solvent. They have agreed a business plan with the bank that requires the borrowing to reduce by £1m per year. The bank in the meantime receive interest. Rangers have so far been able to adhere to the business plan without selling major assets like Davis, Bougie, McGregor, Boyd, or Murray Park. A league win this year with the subsequent CL money will stabalise the position further. So there seems little risk that the bank won't receive all their money, albeit eventually. Furthermore, I see no evidence of the fabled 60p in the pound deals for comparable, solvent businesses and the bank is certainly not going to want to set a precedent among football clubs.

    Also, if a deal of less than full repayment is done with the bank, does anyone believe that Liewell wouldn't try to attack us under SPL Rule A6.8, with particular reference to the definition of "Insolvency Event"? Whether he would succeed I'd need to defer to the lawyers. I'd like to think that prospective purchasers have already taken advice on this matter; but I hae ma doots.

    Finally, there has been much speculation of the bank's price being the amount of the debt and that gets you the shares as well. Bottom line is that none of us know that for sure. Do you think that SDM would not then fight for a price for his shares also? Every day that passes is another day that SDM/MIH/PPG's position may improve. Will SDM survive? Who knows. Could SDM survive? It's possible.

    Taking all that into account I am surprised that any prospective bidders can have any reason for believing an offer of 60p in the pound would even be taken seriously by the bank. The unseemly, behind-the-scenes games that some prospective bidders are playing with OUR club are a disgrace. I sense that there are many more than just me wishing to see either the colour of their money, or the back of their Bentley as they drive off into the sunset, and leave us in peace until we win the league.

    Many thanks for that BOSS, it helps us non-financial minded people to read the views of someone who is. (tu)

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