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Posts posted by montyplums

  1. In the media circles it is now trendy to hate all things Rangers!

    Something has to be done - it is constant attack attack attack... yet do we hear our chairman or chief exec stand up against these so called journos?

    As usual it's the dignified silence.

    Also NBM your right it is always one way with them - run by tims for tims!

  2. Dont rate him that much - no better the AMcG!

    Although from what I hear he is Rangers daft!! (although we should sign players based on ability!!)

    The one we should sign although probably be too expensive is Scott Carson from Liverpool (on loan at the moment with Charlton) he is a good shot stopper, can catch a cross ball and can also kick.

    There you go!

  3. Totally agree with everything you've written here!

    And Burke is a complete joke - the fact he got a new deal astounds me - too wee and totally ineffective!

    It was like going a man down when he came on.

    Murray has also been poor the last few games.

    The less said about Gavin Rae the better.

    But we'll be back (hopefully)!!


  4. [qu

    if diving is cheating then the whole football league in every country must be corrupt

    if there is contact that obscures you from continuing your path of play then you have a right to go down

    Straight from the mouth of Andy Walker!

    Celtic have been long associated with cheating (or diving)

    ie Sutton, Petrov and Larrson! so the Scottish league has been corrupt for ages (more corrupt each year that Celtic win the league)


  5. delighted celtic are out. they had no energy in ET after chasing the ball the whole game especially lennon :lol:

    we matched milan on the day (tu)

    and the re is no shame whatsoever in getting knocked out of europe by AC Milan

    your defence matched the AC attack for 90 minutes but their midfield was superior.

    people were expecting celtic to roll over and let milan get an easy ride to the next stage, that never happened, we shut them out for 180 minutes and played with our hearts on our sleves.

    if it was the rangers team out there every single one of you will be prasing your team

    2 stonewall penaltys not given, need i say more

    not blue tinted specs or anything but I don't think the second claim was a penalty. I thought it was a fair challenge and a dive.

    i have seen them given may-a-times and especialy for the italian teams

    I've also seen them denied several times.

    Mostly for Irish teams though :craphead:


    just because tackles like that have been given before doesn't mean that they were stonewall penalties. first one was a definate though.

    in fairness the first penalty claim was hard to see, something i never noticed toill the replay, 2nd one should have been a penalty in my opinion.

    These things even themselves out!

    ie. Nackeredmotors 'dive' to win a penalty against Copenhagen which won you the game - stop greetin about whether it was or wasn't a penalty - you were only there through cheating (diving) in the first place!

  6. All we are looking for is a 'fair crack of the whip' with the press.

    You dont have to be checking every report with a fine tooth comb to see that there is a media bias against us - it is glaringly obvious!!!

    selective journalism at it's best!!! (or worse)

    Spitting image had it bang on when they used to have the pigs in the press hats!!!

    Rant over!!

    I feel much better - back to work now..... :D

  7. On Reporting Scotland last night, Alison Douglas finished her sports bulletin with the breaking news that the Scottish journalists' bus had a bottle thrown at it as it entered the stadium periphery.

    Strange how the story hasn't been followed through by their website or any of the newspapers this morning (other than one sentence by Keek Jackson).

    Anyone else remember the furore when something similar happened with us in Villareal last year? Any difference in the reporting of the two incidents or am I just being a paranoid bigot again?

    What!! The Greatest fans In The World!! You must be mistaken!!! How dare the BBC report on a negative story line involving everybody's favourite team!!!

    Ah the Scottish Mhedia 'We wont report it and pretend it didn't happen and it will just go away!'

    Where as if it was those big bad sectetrian Rangers fans then its 10 pages at the front and five at the back!

    BOOOOOOOO to the Scottish press!!!! :angry:

  8. Stuart Dougal.


    i dont think there is a decent ref in Scotland since Hugh Dallas chucked it!

    I'm sure Dougal was the ref that told one of our players (maybe Konterman) tae 'eff off'!

    Good sounds like hes a Rangers fan then :Animation44:

    When you think about it, it probably was good advice!!! :rolleyes:

  9. .....at Breezeblock Boulevard!

    Not just for pride, but to protect our 21 points SPL highest margin record of a few years ago. Also a lift for the supporters to have some bragging rights albeit on a temporary basis, whilst serving notice for a stronger Rangers next season - C'mon the Gers!

    Here here!!!

    It would be superb to get a result on Sunday as they think that nobody has the right to beat them especially at the Tattie Dome!

    Mon The Gers!!!!

  10. I think we might just surprise a few people and give the beggars a doin.

    You're quite right to be optamistic!!

    - Why not?

    This could be a very good week - AC winning on Wed, Rangers winning on Thursday and winning at the piggery on Sunday!!!

    Here's hoping!!

    and my lottery ticket coming up!!.......that's me day dreaming i work now!


  11. I was thinking about Fernando Ricksen last night and i wanted to share some opinions on him i thought that he only really had one great season - when he was off the drink and the captain of the team in 2004/2005 but before and since i thought he was one of the most overrated players we had his old firm debut is a prime example when he was taken off after 20 minutes cos Bobby Petta ran rings arounds him.

    I thought he could have been a great player for us - he showed it in glimpses ie the freekicks against the sheep but I think it was the right decision to let him go as he was a dafty! I dont know if you've seen the fight he had the other week with one of his own team.

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