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Posts posted by Emerson

  1. Apart from his lack of basic goal scoring ability, passing, control, positioning sense, his serious lack of respect for his team mates, his fans, and the desire to cheat against fellow professionals, Lafferty is the epitome of what is 'Rangers Class'.

    Sure, Miller can play and score against anyone in the World, at both International level and domestic, and will always run himself into the ground, unselfishly doing the work for others, but can we say he is 'Rangers Class' like our boy Kyle?

  2. (tu)

    My family are brought up properly.

    Between this today, the boozegate pish, being in the NOTW every weekend and giggling during a minutes silence for one of our own, McGregor has shown his lack of class time and time again.

    He's a clown.

    Hard to argue with that.

  3. apparently

    Where'd that come from?

    Maybe it's appropriate. I'm just trying to think about it.

    I guess that was actually the last time we bought a genuine European candidate. Or the last time we spent some money.

    Its as though we got Davis and Mendes for a couple of scratch cards.

  4. I must admit, my biggest concern is what happens when we get no pot of gold ie CL money, how will the club cope? I think we have 3 maybe 4 players of significant resale value, and they could be gone within 2 years with no sign of re-investment in the team. But until we eliminate the debt, CL money is vital to our income. I wonder what standard of team we will be left with that can do without CL money, and service a debt at the same time. Id be interested if anyone had our average income minus any Euro income.

  5. gives his all

    gives 100%

    never hides

    does a job

    will play anywhere

    cant say im surprised by the defence of him

    every person who accepts big lee in our team says the same shite, is that what our level is now, guys who will give 100%? is that it? doh:anguish:

    oh how the mighty have fallen

    how about a bit of ambition, standards and expectation or has Murray beaten that out of us all?


    You dont win prizes with ambition. Celtic did that last year by splashing out £1.5m and 65k a week, look what that got them. How do you quantify ambition? Just for everyone to say I want us to sign Gerrard gains nothing! I expect us to win the league, and more times than not, we have. Standards, despite our lack of money we have maintained the Rangers way and found success. God are you EVER happy?

    no but you do by being better and demanding more

    gerrard has fuck all to do with this, thats not ambition, thats unrealistic bile

    our standards have dropped so much, you just have to look at our club and team, finances or not, standards cost nothing and ours have slipped way below the accepted level for Rangers FC

    im a very hard man to please, guess my standards and expectations are we bit above the average Rangers fan


    Aye you are the Original Super fan. Im guessing you were brought up on the 9IAR team and thought that was the norm and always had been. Trust me it wasnt. In fact was it not by showing the ambition to chase the 9IAR and European dream that got us into this 'mess'. Our standards have only dropped from what they were from 86 onwards, Super fans like yourself would have bitten anyones hand off to be in the position we are in now,pre 86. It seems until we win every game in the league, the European Cup, The Eurovision Song contest and Crufts, you will never be happy, so I would suggest give it up, because it is NEVER going to happen.

    ding ding ding

    wrong, wrong and wrong again

    9IAR has nothing to do with our financial position now doh

    What about my other comment (Chasing the Euro dream)?

  6. I know a guy, not really friendly, but to speak to, and he went the other way. Was a Celtic fan now its Rangers this, Rangers that goes to the marches and everything. But the thing is he totally denies he ever supported them. Gets really punchy about it. While Im glad he made the jump, you have to question someones principles that can do that.

  7. Its definately a double edged sword. He knows what team he wants, so he tries to get them up to speed. But its not as if the teams changed much since last year so its fair to assume they all know what they are doing. But if the kids are being brought in this year, he has missed the boat in integrating them into the side.

    But as you say, we could have the team going hell bent for leather from the off, and we would all be happy with that, bearing in mind 'they' will have a whole team to gel at the same time.

  8. Lee mcculloch was a fucking nightmare in the CL last season, breaking up play is one thing he didn't do, he was meant to protect the back four yet every team could pass straight through us with ease. There's some people on here who love walter too much to admit he's picking someone because he's his mate and not for his footballing ability which, in truth, is a disgrace.

    I think you will find some people are prepared to admit that Walter knows more about managing Rangers than they do....

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