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Posts posted by wertp72

  1. (Oh and just for the record she is protestant and we have been maried for 22 years now)

    And you criticise the Daily Record for non-stories? :D

    I fail to see any relevance of your wife's religion or how long you have been married to the thread.

    It is not a front page story really and I would be complaining as well if shoe was on other foot.

    Wait a minute, it was on other foot..............quite a lot of times infact.

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander......

  2. I think the idea of an English day is to appreciate all the English players that have played for us.

    It's not a "I am an English/British supporter thing, just a thanks to England for some of the players we have had play for us through the years.

    And wouldn't it be wonderful to wave english flags on the cup final just to annoy the fook out of salmond.........and all the other racisit bigots who hate England.

  3. I notice in the DR report that a Celtic spokesman says that Celtic will not tolerate sectarian behaviour at Parkhead and that this clown will never be inside Parkhead again.

    This banner was in support of the IRA and didn,t Reid, Liewell, Spiers, Keevins etc,. tell us that Celtics songs/banners etc,. are political. Are they now admitting that support for the IRA is sectarian??

    In that case Celtic no longer have the opportunity to play the "political" card ever again. I wonder if Spiers, Keevins etc, will start a witchunt against sectarianism at Celtic. Can we look forward to a Spiers special on Celtics "sectarian shame".

    Or maybe Keevins will liken Parkhead to a Nuremburg rally.

    Quite a few have picked up on this. It's political/sectarian.

    Shooting themselves in the foot again.

    Personally, I hate all this tit for tat crap and believe in fans singing what they want. I may not like theirs but all this is just a joke and arresting/hounding/whatever people for singing a song or waving a flag is a joke when there are far more serious crimes going on in Scotland.

    They can produce an extra 1000 cops for the day but,

    where are these cops when a child has been murderd, or anyone murdered.

    Where are these cops when someone house is being burgled, or property being damaged.

    Where are they when youths are battling in the streets and knifing each other?

    Where are they when scum are dealing drugs to your son, daughter, or whoever?

  4. There was a big fuss about it per the usual eejits in the papers

    who are the MO"R"E.

    But they lost that argument. :D

    If I remember right though, Rangers said they would not bring

    out that colour type strip again as it was a one off for the dutch contingent.

    Even though, apart from the home top, it was the best selling away top they ever produced.

  5. why cant someone sing

    no pope of rome

    if your protesting against the roman church whats wrong with singing it

    i say we should all be singing it if its our beliefs

    There's a time and a place and I dare say avoiding more potential aggro on old firm day is what the police want to make their jobs easier and also to save taxpayers money. Much as I agree we are moving more and more into a police state, doing stuff like this just gives plod the excuse they want to come down on folk like the proverbial ton of bricks. Why sing about them when Saturday was about us going top of the league? Surely we hear enough about those fuckers as it is without having to sing about them as well. Just my opinion though.

    How can they be saving taxpayers money when they put an extra 1000 police on duty.

    I think tax payers should complain to police for wasting money on time and energy arresting people for singing songs.

    Jesus wept

  6. Jesus wept....what a pitiful excuse for a media we have in this country.

    I'm prepared to stand up to be counted on this: it has fuck all to do with Gordon Strachan and I think this is a disgrace.

    I do argree with you that it has nothing to do with strapon but do you think the mindless idiot's that follow the scumbags would say the same if it was something similar with Walter Smith???

    Some how I don't think so. At least for a change we aren't the only ones who are being shown up as bigots and should milk it for all it's worth!

    Don't understand why they are running a negative celtic story as I thought the media in this country only did that about Rangers.

    If it tarnishes the good name of the RAts then I couldn't give a damn about strapons connection. there is an association, an by all accounts, that has always been enough for reporters when it came to Rangers.

    What's good for the goose......... and they sarted all this pash. So lets stick it right back in their scrawny little sh.it faces.

    Take the relative of john fleck. What had that story got to do with john fleck? Never mind, it's only rangers bashing, it's ok.!!!!!!!!!!

    Her sister posts links to IRA rebel pash on her bebo site and there are plenty of pics on other forums taken from the sites before they made them private.


    this is "aarons" bebo but it is now private and by the looks of all his "spots" he sure enjoys a bit of weed or some substance that brings out ugly spots around the mouth. They are not plukes!



    The girlfriends bebo Now private.

    Kayleigh (sister) as you can see hasn't made her bebo private & is also keen on a bit of a chucky your mars bar.


  7. The guy is a fud and everyone knows it. Even the ta.igs know it.

    Hands up, Rangers fans did sing some songs but not as

    loud as the ta.igs with their songs about terrorists.

    Get the tatties oot yer ears queersie and get a life.

    Forgot: His comment about uefa..........uefa want f all to do woth it.

    I got an e mail saying it is up to the spl/sfa. Not them.

    So he can stop his uefa threats

  8. The RST have gone all quiet since having meetings with the minted one arranged.

    I was a member and never got an answer to my questions either.

    When asked what would you like the RST to bring to a meeting if you are unable to attend.

    I put a question forward. It was never brought up.

    I debated with Frankie over it and at the time he was an RST defendist.

    He sounded like you Cooper. Defending the undefendable.

    Nice to know he finally woke up to the carry on of the bedfellows in the RST and FF.

    Like people say, we are bears, there should be open debates without the threats. And the false accusations that get banded about. Members should get answers to questions without the sweep sweep attitude like the T****.

    VB stand by their beliefs in what is going on within the media and the sleekit underhandedness of Scotland turning into a republic of ireland.

    I am a rangers fan and we are all bears. There is no united support when individuals/groups slate each other and take the fans for puppets for their own gains.

    Lets get along and support each other causes. Not see who can do better. Some VB guys should be in the RST and show how to defend the fans and the club.

    But we all know that an individual gets worried at other sites getting more popular than his and does what he can to stop the mention of said forums site getting on his site. I know, I have been there, seen it, done it, wore the T-shirt.

    If any rangers support have a good idea and there is a strong support to go along with it, then lets get together and get organised. Not get divided.

    Lets support Rangers as a unit, fight the good fight, and go from strength to strength.

    There is always room for debate and a look without blue tinted glasses on without the need for silly in fighting.

  9. 2exsi92.jpg

    not a great display but it was something.

    Not a great picture more like.... that was taking as folk were putting down the card. Participation was far better than that photo would suggest.

    Excuse me, I only took the picture as I saw it. I waited a few moments waiting for more people holding up the cards.

    If you look at my album site you will see I was trying to take pictures of the teams running out onto the pitch so I may have missed the full display which I reckon must have lasted for all of 10 seconds between my pics of the players coming onto the pitch and me taking this picture.

    I was not saying it was not a great display because of the pic I took.

    Like someone said before, it would have looked better in the middle of the Copland as opposed to the corner.

    I was not criticising the display itself, just the lack of interest from the fans who couldn't be bothered holding the cards up for long.

  10. I am not good at writing reviews but here's what I thought.

    For £25.00 it was money well spent.

    Good meal, piping hot which I like. And not too much either.

    Scott did well in keeping the evening going along nicely. (Did he get a pint eventually?)

    I guess he got a bit annoyed at two individuals who were being a pain

    and embarassing themselves.

    No need to name them, they will know who they were.

    Scott was not there to deal with people who can't handle their drink.

    Apart from that, it was an excellent night out and raised a lot of money for Malawi charity.

    The card trick guy was a nice touch as well.

    My man showed him a card trick which he wanted to learn to add to his repertoir.

    Told him my man was a mason and wouldn't tell him. ;)

    There were a lot of generous people in tonight which can be agreed with the amount of money that was raised, so

    a well earned raise of the glass for the people who bid so generously.

    Jeff Winters and Donald Findlay were superb. No wonder they are always wanted to speak at functions like this.

    Especially Donald. The tears were rolling down my face with laughter. Stomach was still sore today from all the laughing.

    I would gladly go along to one of these nights again. Everyone went out to have a good time and I don't think many will disagree that they did not enjoy it.

    Well done to all concerned in organising it.

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