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Posts posted by Ibroxin83

  1. regardless of what happens as long as the club has our badge and our history i would support us.

    If we went down the swany and were no longer, and as if by magic a new club was born in our shape even if it was in some shitey country no-one had heard of then i would support it.

    a bit far fetched i know but

    its not about the where or when but what our club is..

    No Surrender I am Rangers till I die......................................

  2. It's just disabled the theme.

    If you look through the settings it might have a computer optimization bit and a theme area. If you can't find that programs like that usually come with a restore changes button.

    unfortunately this is not the case, have not got a clue what has happened. I have tried system restore too but no luck.

  3. Hi folks,

    just installed what i was told was the best tool to manage vista on the planet.

    done all the usual clean ups, registry fix, etc etc. Only now my laptop looks like windows 95.

    anyone got any idea's as too what i have done or even better how to fix it.

  4. the bird top second left, my mate pumped her, she was at some doo, hes in the army pipe band that was no long ago in the charts, what they called, onyhoo said she hungry for it

    It's not them Red Hot Chilli Pipers that i hear on Scottish TV every day, is it?

    ayr thats them mate

    No its not its the Scots DG pipe band i know him too his name's Andy

  5. Last night, and indeed this entire CL campaign have really shown us up both tactically and ability wise. We don't have anyone in that team capable of beating a player. No-one can pass/cross/do anything of note with a ball. I think we created one chance last night. I've never seen a Rangers team with so little technical ability. It's funny because in pre-season at the emirates tournament and against Man City we actually looked pretty good. We actually played decent pass-and-move football. What the hell has gone wrong?

    I just don't understand why these guys can't pass and move, or even control a ball. It's truly baffling.

    It's really wierd. It goes against everything I was taught in P7 PE. :craphead:

    This is partially the managers and coaches fault,.

    When you watch other sides play football even other SPL teams they ALL play the easy ball, this combined with clear direction should be a no brainer. Most of the problem our team has is no-one makes a move to allow the player with the ball to do this.

    I have played against teams with better players if you keep it simple they cant get the ball therefor cant do any damage.

  6. A level of courage that will never be seen again.

    Bless them all !!

    fortunately for us that this level of courage is ongoing every day in the blistering heat of the desert,

    hope our boys and girls come home safely and the ones who are already gone will be remembered by the whole country.

    Jon RIP mate :rip: you are sadly missed

  7. as a serving member of HM Forces and having lost some very good friends in the past few years over in the sandy country. I find this shocking to say least there are hundreds of Celtic supporters withing the forces and they would not condone this behavior.

    I can understand why Sky have turned off the mics. everyone knows every team has a bad away support for one reason or another and Sky probably knew what would happen so they done what they done.

    if people on here feel that going to the media and complaining to someone will change anything then they should write to the papers, Celtic or whoever they feel will listen.

    this will only bring rage and disgust throughout the nation but will not solve a thing.

    I personally believe that instead of dragging this up through the media and rubbing salt into the wounds of those who have been affected it should not be pushed to the front of any papers etc.

    it seems that some people on here will do anything to bring Celtic into a bad light which in itself is no bad thing but to use remembrance day to do this is just as bad as what they have done.

  8. mostly good points, but what about the dugout?

    in nearly every game i have watched over the past few seasons the opposition manager is on the touchline guiding his players and giving instructions while our numpty's just sit there and watch, its like they have free tickets to the game and no more.

    when john fleck came on last night big lee was signalling to the bench to find out what was going on with the formation.

    that in itself tells a story that the management has no clue what they are doing.


  9. players staying or going is the last thing on my mind right now if they all need to go so we have a club to watch next season then so be it.

    i am absolutley flabergasted at how things have got so bad so quick it was ony a few years ago we had very little debt.

  10. TBH if Mac stays as no 1 and starts the season then that just sends him a message of "no matter what i do i will be no1" not really the attitude we are looking for especially from someone who already has a bad attitude.

    Neil was brought in as no2 but has been very good between the sticks Mac is still a very good keeper thank god i'm not the manager.

  11. wife's got one there really good phones but battery life is a bit of a let down and every now and again turn themselves off.

    stll well worth the money i paid 300 quid for hers just over a year ago.

  12. from the two links i would still go with the lenovo. Although the description isnt great with the acer the lenovo has a bigger hard drive and more memory and lighter. The processor may be slightly better in the acer but not by much.


  13. hi folks,

    my laptop got broken a while ago and i claimed from my insurance, anyway they offered me one but it had vista on it and i refused and they offered me a choice of three with XP.

    i dont know much about the laptops and was hoping some advice would send me in the right direction.

    the choices are

    1. lenovo n500

    2.acer 5630

    3.HP 5735s

    the lenovo has a higher spec but i have never heard of them before and there is not much too chose from the other 2.

    here is a link to where all 3 can be looked at together.


    Thanks in advance.

  14. after reading the reports in the above links it proves that the people running our club have no idea how to manage money, it doesn't matter that to us the fans the ins and outs if we are getting a fair deal but when you look at the finances of the scum to have to wonder WTF they are doing.

    this is the same as 2 people who earn roughly the same but one being able to have the nice car and go on nice holidays as opposed to the other one who pisses his money against the wall and living like a tramp, we seem to be the latter.

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